Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 114 Gifts

Chapter 114 Gifts
He Nanjie frowned and took a puff of cigarette, "I'm not interested in YJ, and I didn't watch their press conference."

After finishing speaking, he continued to work on him. Ji Lingfeng saw that he was really not interested, so he just asked a question.

"Then I'm leaving. If I have time, I will ask Xi Cheng to get together."

It feels like this kid has rarely seen him since he had a girlfriend. He is a single nobleman, and suddenly he feels a little lonely.

He Nanjie hummed lightly, and didn't even give him a look.

In the afternoon, he got off work on time, and took out the perfume he had been obsessed with from the drawer, a smile flashed in his eyes, she should like it.

Most women would be happy when they received a gift, and he felt that Gu Encounter was the same.

She was by his side in those years, and she was very happy when he gave her gifts.

He walked out of the office, Zukang and the others were already waiting there, so he followed.

"Master, do you want to go back? Or go to the dinner, I'll let them arrange a car."

A group of people followed him to the elevator, he said softly.

"I'll just drive by myself. I don't need anyone to follow me to Miss Gu's house."

Zukang was not at ease, "Master, let us see you off."

He Nanjie didn't say any more, and coldly stretched out his long fingers with sharp bones and pressed the door closing button, separating Zukang and the others from the elevator.

He drove back to Gu Yuyu's house, and the person who opened the door was Sister Mei, who was very enthusiastic.

"Young Master He, you are back."

He Nanjie nodded slightly, "Have they all returned?"

Naturally, he was referring to the child and Gu Encounter, as if he already regarded this place as his home.

Sister Mei replied, "I met two children in the study room playing in the living room. I'll ask them to eat."

He Nanjie came in and saw two children playing in the living room, Xiao Xiaoya was holding a doll, while Xiao Xiaoye was reading a picture book, as if he was telling a story to Xiao Xiaoya.

"I'll call you to meet, and you take the children to wash their hands."

He went upstairs without disturbing the two children.

He knocked on the door of the study, and Gu Yuyu's voice sounded.

"Come in."

She thought it was for the children, so she was very casual.

He Nanjie pushed the door open and walked in, seeing her sitting at the desk, wondering what she was doing?Seems to be in a bad mood.

"Gu met, it's time to eat."

He strode up to her and put the bottle of perfume on the table.

Gu Yuyu was working on something for the press conference the day after tomorrow, and when she saw the bottle of perfume that suddenly appeared, she was in a bad mood and suddenly became a little angry.

"He Nanjie, what is this?"

He Nanjie looked at her with raised eyebrows, knowing that she would like it very much.

"A gift for you, YJ's latest product."

Gu Yuyu held it in her hand and looked at the packaging. It was obvious that it came off the assembly line and was completely different from her handmade ones.Did no one find out?
Angry, very angry.

He Nanjie saw her looking at it over and over in his hand, thinking she liked it very much, so he said softly.

"Kiss me if you like."

A certain person is begging for a reward, but he doesn't know that he is begging for a beating.

Gu Yuyu directly threw the bottle of water back to him, and He Nanjie caught it and asked inexplicably.

"You can throw it away if you don't like it, why lose your temper?"

Gu Yuyu glared at him, and the more he looked at it, the more unpleasant it became, so he stood up and pushed him out of the door.

He Nanjie felt her strength and anger, and became more and more puzzled.

"Gu Yumet, if you have something to say, you can speak well."

Gu Yuyu pushed him out of the door and said something coldly.


The door was closed heavily by her, and He Nanjie looked at the closed door with a dark expression.

"She won't like you, so please leave our house."

A crunchy child's voice sounded, and Xiaoye looked at him coldly with her hands folded on her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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