Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 120 Retiring to the position of a good friend

Chapter 120 Returning to the position of a good friend
When Gu Yuyu came downstairs, she smiled faintly.

"Yanyi, why are you so early today? Let's have breakfast together. Sister Mei cooks porridge every day. You must like it."

Wei Yanyi is not restrained, even if he and Yuyu can't become lovers, he will be her best friend.


When the two entered the restaurant, Sister Mei had already removed all the children's food, and now the food on the table was for Gu Encounter. When she saw Wei Yanyi, she called him.

"Master Wei, do you still drink porridge as usual?"

Wei Yan nodded slightly, "Sister Mei, please."

Gu Yuyu was drinking porridge when Wei Yanyi suddenly spoke.

"This morning, the major media broke the news that the perfume launched by Liangse yesterday was a fake. Many consumers who felt cheated after making comparisons went to the door of Liangse's company and demanded compensation from them."

After hearing this, Gu Yu met, took the phone and opened it, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Count them to know the goods."

Gu Yuyu used to think that many people liked YJ's perfume because they really loved her, but after yesterday she felt that it was not true love.

Seeing such news now, she feels that there are still true fans in it, at least they can tell if it is something written by her, so she is in a very good mood.

In fact, she didn't know that the people who really understood her were not her fans, but the man who bullied her last night.

Wei Yan raised his eyes and looked at her deeply, she was still so beautiful and charming, it was amazing.

"Meet, are you ready to face the media?"

She was unwilling to show her face before, so YJ became a mysterious identity.That's why Gu Qingye took advantage of the loopholes, fortunately everything is under their control.

Let her stand in front of the public this time, I wonder if she is ready for this?

Gu Yumet was drinking porridge, his eyes were slightly raised, and he looked at him.

"Well, it's done."

Seeing Gu Yuyu's confident look, it seemed that the whole body was radiating golden sunshine, which became more and more dazzling.

He couldn't take his eyes off. From the first time he saw her, he had a special feeling for her, but she kept rejecting him all these years, and they only maintained a relationship of friends.

Now seeing her become another man's woman, my heart hurts.

However, as long as she lives well, as a friend, he can only silently bless her.

When men face He Nanjie, they will feel inferior for no reason, and Wei Yanyi is no exception.


Gu Qingye was immersed in sweet dreams all night. When she woke up, she looked at her mobile phone. There were two hundred missed calls.

But she didn't click to open it, she washed up first, and dressed herself up beautifully, before she could meet those spotlights.

She wore a golden mermaid dress, which she ordered to wear at the birthday party before, but for today's celebration party, she had to appear as the most beautiful woman, so she took it out and put it on.

She put on a delicate makeup, then put on crystal high-heeled shoes, took her handbag and walked out of the bedroom.

Bai Mu also just woke up, when he opened the door, he happened to see Gu Qingye coming out, she gave him a wink.


She walked quickly to his side, hugged her arm, and pressed it against his body.

Bai Mu frowned and looked at her, then said coldly.

"It turns out that you are in the name of meeting, no wonder I feel surprised, so you still don't know anything?"

Contemptuous, disdainful tone.
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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