Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 121 Calculation

Chapter 121 Calculation
Gu Qingye looked at the man who shook off her hand and walked forward, her face darkened suddenly.

"Mu, why are you doing this to me?"

She is not as good as Gu Yumet, she is not as good-looking, and she is not as capable, but she loves him more than Gu Yumet.

She was so sad and sad to be rejected by her husband like this.

But she held back her tears and straightened her face.She must do a good job of flirting, and show Bai Mu to see if she can do it.

Gu Qingye went downstairs and found that Nie Qiu was at home, and Bai Mu was talking to him, maybe Bai Mu also thought it was strange that he came so early.

"Nie Qiu, I told you before that there are risks in cooperating with her."

Nie Qiu's hair was disheveled, and his suit was the same as yesterday's. He probably didn't come home all night last night, so he must have been playing outside.

"Mu, how can your wife pretend to be someone else? It's all over now. My company will be shut down. You have to make her responsible for this."

Although Nie Qiu's company is not a big company?But after all, there is also a company that supports hundreds of people and thousands of people. In the past, small and big troubles allowed him to live a prosperous life. This time, he felt that the company might be doomed.

After such a fuss, who would buy Bright Color International in the future?

Bai Mu sat gracefully on the sofa, took a sip of the coffee on the coffee table.

"I can't control this matter, you talk to her."

Nie Chou was powerless with his indifferent attitude.

He decided to ask the lion to open his mouth and ask Gu Qingye for more money. This dead woman has caused him a lot of trouble this time.

Gu Qingye walked up to the two of them, then sat down, she straightened her back and smiled at them.

"Mr. Nie, is it so early today?"

Nie Qiu looked at her as if nothing was wrong, and her heart was really big enough.

"Sister-in-law, you are not real YJ. Now that YJ has sued our company, the company may be shut down. Consumers say that we sell fake and shoddy goods, you are making a big joke."

Gu Qingye was still aloof just now, but when he heard his look, his face turned pale.

"How is it possible? I have information on all of YJ's works, and you have seen it too! I am only YJ, and someone else is pretending to be me?"

She was slightly nervous, pinching the hem of her skirt with both hands, and looked at him with a cold face.

Nie Qiu chuckled, "You went to steal YJ's things and were caught by someone's surveillance, and you're still quibbling here, I was really killed by you."

Gu Qingye was speechless, her eyes became extremely cold.

She had clearly seen it, but Gu Yufeng's home did not have surveillance cameras installed, so how could she have video?

"It must have been made by others, I am the real YJ."

Bai Mu couldn't listen anymore, "Xiaoye, just admit it honestly. What's going on outside? Go online and check it out yourself."

It's a good thing she didn't say that she is the wife of President Bai's, otherwise, Bai's stock might plummet.

Gu Qingye took the phone, just in time to see Gu Yumet being interviewed by various media, and clarified the fact that she is YJ.And she took out Unforgettable, and three other perfumes that were launched yesterday.

"Gu met you, you bitch."

She thought she was doing very well at first, but she didn't expect that Gu Yumet set a trick for her to sneak in.

Now people outside know how to tell the authenticity of YJ perfume, she is really pissed off.

She cast her eyes on Bai Mu, "Honey, can you pay for my breach of contract?"

She has to pay Bright Color International [-] million, she doesn't have that much money.

Bai Mu chuckled, "Sell me your shares, and I'll give you money."

(End of this chapter)

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