Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 122 The Man She Likes

Chapter 122 The Man She Likes
Gu Qingye was stunned for a moment, in fact, her most valuable thing is the stock, selling it to the man she loves, and paying off the debt, it can be considered the best of both worlds.

She was thinking about agreeing.

Zhang Lanjing came out of the restaurant and said coldly.

"Qingye, mom will help you pay for it. The shares are left by your father and cannot be sold."

Hearing the voice of his mother-in-law, Bai Mu knew that she was an extremely smart woman, and it would be difficult to buy back the shares in her hands, so even if he wanted to divorce Gu Qingye, he couldn't leave because of that share.

Gu Qingye glanced at his mother, "Mom, it costs [-] million, it's too much, I'll solve it myself."

In just a few days, I thought I had made a small fortune, but now I lost so much, how annoying!

Zhang Lan said calmly: "Mom will pay you, but in the future, don't sign any contracts randomly, you know?"

After she finished speaking, she turned and went into the restaurant, and then came out with Tiantian.

"I'll send Tiantian to school, and Xiaoye will stay at home today, don't go anywhere."

Gu Qingye hummed softly, lowered his head, sulking alone.

Seeing that the money had been secured, Nie Chou finally felt relieved.

"Well, sister-in-law, Mu, I'm leaving first, remember to deposit the money into my account, I have to go to the lawsuit, the company has a lot of trouble."

Nie Qiu left, and Gu Qingye sat next to Bai Mu.

"Husband, can we not do this? Can you go back to your room and sleep? I will listen to you from now on."

Bai Mu glanced at her with complicated emotions.

"Are you really willing to listen to me and not to your mother?"

If it wasn't for Gu Qingye's mother who has been by their side these years, he would have gotten those shares back long ago, so he wouldn't have to ask Gu Qingye.

Every year, Gu Qingye would attend the shareholders' meeting. The shares of his husband and wife are the highest in the whole company, so he can sit on the position of president.

Without Gu Qingye's part, his position as CEO would be suspended.

"I listen to you, as long as you love me, I will listen to you in everything."

A smile flashed in Bai Mu's eyes, "Well, I love you, stay at home obediently from now on, don't do these things anymore, you understand?"

When Bai Mu said that she loved her, her eyes were full of surprise.

"Really? Husband."

She put her lips together with Bai Mu's, followed by a French kiss.

Gu Qingye felt that she was so happy, when it was over, she leaned in his arms.

"Husband, I will be obedient in the future."

Bai Mu raised his lips coldly, a dark color flashed between his brows, extremely cold.


He Nanjie was sitting in the office, looking at the radiant woman on the screen, facing the reporters' questions, she was calm and calm, with a strong aura.She answered every question perfectly, which drew applause from the audience.

That self-willed little girl has really grown up, and now she is not only a mother, but also an excellent perfumer.

Her aura like a queen made her even more dazzling.

He Nanjie just stared at the computer screen, looking at the woman's shining appearance.

He suddenly wanted to hide her, so that he could watch her alone.

Suddenly a reporter asked a bold question, "YJ, what kind of boy do you like?"

Everyone exclaimed, thinking that this question is absolutely perfect. What kind of man would such a perfect woman like?
Gu Yuen smiled awkwardly, she didn't want to answer, but Wei Yanyi winked at her from the side, meaning to answer.

She could only smile, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

"Tall, handsome, powerful yet gentle..."

(End of this chapter)

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