Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 125 Do you dare to come out and meet?

Chapter 125 Dare to come out and meet?

Gu Yuyu looked in the direction of his finger, and when she saw Gu Qingye's video, she frowned.

"Uncle Li, they hurt you?"

Uncle Li nodded, looking at his anxious look, he seemed to want to say something else?But because his tongue was cut, his hands and feet were useless, even if he wanted to write it down, it was very difficult.

He couldn't tell Gu Yumet a single word at all. Fortunately, the picture of Gu Qingye appeared on TV today, so he had the opportunity to tell Gu Yuyu who the person who killed him was.
Gu Encounter's face darkened a lot, and there was a gleam of coldness in his eyes.

She slowly looked at Uncle Li, "Uncle Li, where is my dad, did they kill him too?"

Uncle Li nodded, then shook his head again.

Gu Yuyu knew that he was not sure, maybe he had some important evidence in his hand, that's why they treated him like this and imprisoned him for more than seven years.

What happened that year?Why is daddy dead?Everyone said that Ye Siheng was the one who killed him.She believed it at the time, so she didn't ask Ye Siheng about it until he died.

Now she is shocked, is everything just a trap?Or is there some other hidden secret?Let her become someone else's sword to kill that man?

The more she thought about it, the worse her mood became, and her heart hurt badly.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, those emotions were suppressed.

"Uncle Li, you can rest easy and recuperate, and I will avenge you."

And she wanted to find out, how did his father die?

Seeing her like that, Uncle Li couldn't bear it, and felt sorry for her to bear this.

She got up, "Uncle Li, I'm leaving, I'll come to see you again tomorrow."

When Gu Yu came out of the ward, he happened to meet Xi Cheng, and he gave her a cold look.

"Gu Yumet, I didn't expect you to be a famous YJ, but someone dared to buy your perfume? I really admire the courage of those people."

Gu Encounter was already in a bad mood, she turned her eyes slightly, and then bumped into him when she passed by him, causing him to take a few steps back.

She snorted coldly, then walked towards the elevator.

Seeing that she didn't fight back, Xi Cheng was not used to it, but he saw sadness from her eyes, could it be that he was really hit by him?
A trace of unbearableness slipped through the bottom of his heart, but soon he returned to indifference.

Even if Gu Yumet died, he deserved it, so he wouldn't bear her. He would definitely avenge his elder brother.

After leaving the hospital, Gu Encounter's cell phone rang. She took out the cell phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar call. She hesitated for a while before answering the call.


"Gu Yumet, you have hurt me so badly, do you dare to come out and meet me?"

Gu Qingye's sharp voice sounded provocative.

Gu Yuyu was looking for her, but she came to her automatically.

"Okay, here's the address."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and looked at the sky outside.Thinking of Gu Qingye and her mother, did they appear just for the sake of the Gu family's property?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. At the beginning, she didn't think much about it at all. She thought that Dad should find another suitable person for the rest of his life. She always supported him.

That's why the mother and daughter were allowed to enter the house. Could it be that he and his father were wrong?
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She glanced at the address sent by Gu Qingye, she turned on the navigation, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward quickly.

Arriving at the address sent by Gu Qingye, Gu Yuyu saw that it was a villa in the suburbs. She was never at ease with that girl, so she asked bodyguards to follow her.

What if there is an emergency?She let the bodyguards in.

(End of this chapter)

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