Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 126 How Did My Dad Die?

Chapter 126 How Did My Dad Die?

Gu Yumet stopped the car and walked towards the villa. There were bodyguards guarding the door, but they didn't stop her when they saw her.

She knew that Gu Qingye might have confessed this a long time ago, so she walked in without asking.

In the living room, Gu Qingye was sitting there, drinking coffee elegantly.

Hearing the sound of high heels, she slowly cast her gaze over, and the moment she saw Gu Yuyu, her eyes flashed fiercely.

"You finally came."

Gu Yuyu walked towards her and sat down opposite her coldly.

"Gu Qingye, what do you want to say? Please hurry up."

She looked at Gu Qingye with deep hatred, how could she and her mother be so cruel?Make Uncle Li look like that.

Thinking of this, she clenched her hands tightly, feeling an urge to let her taste what Uncle Li had suffered.

Gu Qingye clasped his hands together and looked at her coldly.

"Gu Encounter, you are so despicable that you set me up to get me into a trap. Do you know how much I paid to get in? And now people on the Internet are scolding me, saying that I am a vicious sister brought by a vicious stepmother. Dare to go out."

Gu Yuyu knew that she was nothing more than scolding her. Apart from showing off, this girl could only growl.

"Is that still my fault?"

Gu Yuyu asked her back, a trace of sarcasm flashed across her face.

Gu Qingye immediately got angry, "Gu Yumet, don't be too complacent."

Thinking that Gu Yuyu never fought against them in the past, so what if she is arrogant now?It's not like you have to rely on yourself to support yourself and your children, how hard it is.

And she married the man Gu Yumet wanted to marry the most, and they also got Gu Yumet's father's inheritance.

It seems that all good luck is in her and her mother's hands. She has to wait and see how long she can be proud?
Gu Yuyu sneered, "Am I proud to have a half-money relationship with you?"

She looked around, this girl brought a lot of bodyguards, did she want to use them to deal with her?
However, she is not afraid at all.Then stimulate her, it's better to piss her off.

"Gu Qingye, have you and your mother done anything against your conscience? Have you ever imprisoned others?"

Gu Yuyu didn't ask directly, but Gu Qingye, an idiot, stopped calling himself.

"Did Li Bing go to your place?"

After asking, she realized that she had slipped her mouth, so she quickly changed the subject.

"You go, my [-] million will be fed to the dogs."

The hatred in Gu Encounter's eyes grew stronger, "You finally admitted it."

She got up suddenly, went to grab Gu Qingye's neck, her eyes locked on her coldly.

"You mother and daughter are really cruel. I want you to experience what Uncle Li has suffered."

Gu Yuyu took out a knife and pointed it at her face.

"If this face is blurred, will Bai Mu still like you?"

She sneered, "I think Bai Mu might not like it anymore."

"Gu Yumet, if you dare, let me go."

Gu Qingye was scared, Bai Mu didn't like her in the first place, and he didn't know if he really loved her when he suddenly treated her well, anyway, she loved Bai Mu very much.

If this face is ruined, he won't even look at her more.

Gu Yumet patted her face with a knife, "If you don't want to ruin your face, just answer me honestly, how did my dad die?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingye's face changed drastically, and his eyes widened.But soon she calmed down and spoke word by word.

"Of course it was Ye Siheng who killed him. When Da and Gu were competitors, they fought for that batch of goods, so something happened to Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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