Chapter 134
Ji Lingfeng is about to petrify. Is this guy really stuck and wants a woman to be devoted to her?
But it's good, at least it shows that this kid is not cold-blooded and heartless, at least he likes women, if he gets married, he may become warmer.

Otherwise, he thinks that his EQ is too low, and he will always make people hate him, and if he gets hurt a few times, his EQ may become higher.

"Well, come out to get together when you have time, and I will teach you then."

He Nanjie thinks Mr. Ji is charming and charming, and there are many women who are obsessed with her, but he is too picky, so none of them tempted him.

"Okay, hang up."

He Nanjie extinguished the cigarette, and he went into the bathroom. After taking a shower, he was refreshed. He glanced at the pajamas in the bathroom. There were cartoon patterns, a blue fat man, and he frowned. Why the hell did he buy this? Kind of childish pajamas.

But thinking that she said it was a couple's model, that's not bad, so she didn't care if it matched her identity.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs, seeing Gu Yuyu playing with the children, she smiled happily.

And the two children also liked to play with her. He stood aside and looked at the woman with a warm face.It's really different from her before, when she was a wayward child with a bad temper.

But now she is a kind mother.The whole body exudes warmth, which is completely different from her usual cold appearance. At this time, she is very warm, with a special beauty shining through.

Mu Yun came over and bumped his arm.

"Doesn't she know the baby is yours?"

She had just chatted with Gu Yuyu, she said that the child belonged to her ex-husband, he had passed away for many years, so the two children had no father, and she felt sorry for the children.

He Nanjie looked at her deeper, did she really regret it?
He didn't seem to notice it, but even if he regretted it, it was too late.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mu Yun said, "Son, what's the matter with you and Encounter? If there is any knot in your heart? It must be untied, the child is innocent."

He Nanjie sneered, the relationship between him and her was not a misunderstanding, but an injury.It was she who hurt him and killed him.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about these things. Anyway, the child is mine, and it is your grandson."

This is an affirmative answer, so the mother can feel at ease.

But he couldn't explain the reasons, so he kept silent.

Mu Yun nodded, she couldn't care about her feelings anymore, she just hoped that Jie'er would cherish the woman who gave birth to him.

"Meet, take the children to wash their hands, you can have dinner."

Gu Yuyu sat in the ball pool and responded.

"Okay, right now."

She got up and waved to the two little guys.

"Little night, little girl, it's almost time to play, it's time for dinner, go wash your hands!"

The way she talked to them in a soft voice made He Nanjie a little jealous, so she was full of enthusiasm only when facing the two children.It seems that except for these two children, she is cold to everyone.

He Nanjie just watched the big one and the young one go to the bathroom, and then the two little guys came out first, and when Xiao Xiaoye passed by him, he squinted at him.

"You look so ugly and childish in such clothes."

After speaking, he raised his lips and smiled, resembling someone.

He Nanjie watched him walk towards the restaurant without haste, looked down at his pajamas, he also felt very childish.

Gu Yumet came over at this moment, and she raised her hand to tie up her hair, revealing her delicate face.

He Nanjie walked towards her suddenly, she was only focused on tying her hair, so she bumped into his arms.


She let out a soft cry and raised her eyes to stare at him. Why did this man suddenly appear without making a sound?Doesn't he know how hard his chest is?It's disgusting.

He Nanjie stretched out his hand to help her rub her forehead, and looked at her with slightly deep eyes.

"Stay tonight, this is an order."
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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