Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 135 Mutual Use

Chapter 135 Mutual Use
After hearing what he said, Gu Yumet also heard the tone of an order, so he didn't have to say it out loud.

"Master He, this is not good, we have our own home, we will go back after dinner."

He Nanjie frowned, so he could only make demands on today's affairs.

"Did I help you today, or what do you think the consequences will be?"

Under his reminder, Gu Yumet also remembered what happened during the day, thinking of what the mother and daughter did to her, a dark look flashed in her eyes.

Originally, she and him were using each other, she needed his identity, and he needed her name.

"What does Mr. He mean, as long as we stay tonight, we will repay today's favor?"

If so, then everything is easy to say.

She was really afraid that she would owe him all the time, and she would not be able to pay it back in the end.

Gu Yuyu looked at the face that was the same as Ye Siheng's, and whispered to himself in his heart.

"We originally had this kind of relationship, using each other."

He Nanjie's eyes darkened a lot. This heartless woman would only agree to it if she threatened her. He was really sad.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, don't rub it anymore." She said softly.

In fact, sometimes his kindness to her is unconscious, like just hearing her crying pain, he would stretch out his hand to rub her.

Some things are used to doing things, and you can't change them even if you want to change them.

Gu Yuyu withdrew from between his hands, and then answered him in a icy voice.

"We can stay tonight, but I'll have to ask the babies!"

He Nanjie didn't speak, turned around and walked to the restaurant, and took her hand by the way.

Gu Yuyu looked at the place where he was holding her hand. His hand was very cold, and she was inexplicably depressed at this moment. She didn't know why?
When he held her, the boredom seemed to ease a lot, so she didn't withdraw her hand and let him hold her.

She walked behind him, looking at the back of his handsome head, there was a sweet ripple in her heart.

It was a strange feeling, sometimes she couldn't tell the difference, did she like being with him, or didn't she?
The atmosphere of the dinner was very good, and the two children ate very happily. Mu Yun knew the children's preferences very well, and the dishes they cooked were all their favorites.

The little girl ate so much that her mouth was greasy, she gnawed on the chicken wings, and then said to Xiaoye.

"Brother, you have to eat like me, it tastes good."

Xiao Xiaoye is very gentle when eating, chews slowly, and looks good when eating.Comparing the two siblings like this, it doesn't feel like a family.

But Gu Encounter would not tell this secret. Xiao Xiaoya brought her and Xiao Xiaoye too much joy, and he really treated her as his daughter.

Xiao Xiaoye held vegetables for the little girl, "It's fine for my sister to eat well."

After holding the dishes, he took the napkin and wiped her mouth, while the little girl stretched out her face and asked him to wipe her mouth carefully.There was a sweet smile on her face, and the eyes that looked at Xiao Xiaoye were full of warmth.

Looking at this scene, Mu Yun was a little moved.

"Xiao Xiaoye is really a heart-warming brother who takes good care of my sister."

Gu Yuyu returned to her, "Xiao Xiaoye sometimes takes care of me, he is quite sensible."

After dinner, Mu Yun took the two children to take a bath, she said to them before leaving.

"Leave the children to me, you just need to have a good relationship."

After she finished speaking, she frowned, of course it was directed at her son.

When Xiao Xiaoye got up, she looked at He Nanjie coldly, and then said to Gu Encounter.

"Take care of yourself, don't let others bully you, and don't make me worry."

(End of this chapter)

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