Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 140 The Mysterious Reception

Chapter 140 The Mysterious Reception

Ji Lingfeng couldn't help sighing, "Wow! This is the rhythm that will amaze the audience!"

And Xi Cheng's eyes were full of astonishment. After hearing Ji Lingfeng's praise, he withdrew his gaze and snorted coldly.

"She's a goblin."

Looking like that, what is it if it’s not a fairy?
And He Nanjie looked at her, walked upstairs to his side, he said coldly.

"Why did you choose this one?"

The tube top style, beautiful shoulder line, and sexy collarbone are all on display, he is not happy!

Gu Yumet frowned, "My aunt picked this for me. If you don't like it, I'll change it."

It's really not easy to be his girlfriend. This man is too domineering. He even has to choose what she wears?

But Ji Lingfeng said, "No need to change it, it's so beautiful, let's go."

He Nanjie took off his suit jacket, put it on her shoulders, and walked out with his arms around her.

"Put on my coat tonight, I don't want other men to see your beauty."

With a caveat, and a tangy sour taste.Gu Yumet looked sideways at his tense jaw, did he really regard her as his woman?
There was a gleam of light in her eyes, his domineering right now was Ye Siheng's domineering, and there was a smile on the corner of her lips, a sweet smile.

The four of them parked on the parking lot. Gu Yuyu got out of the car, and He Nanjie put her hand in his arms, and the two walked forward.There are people checking the invitation letter at the door, and a full body check is also required.

Gu Yuyu asked suspiciously, "What kind of reception is this?"

She felt that something was wrong. The investigation was so strict, could it be that she was afraid that people would make trouble?

Heranjie's thin lips were slightly raised, and her eyes were raised to look at her.

"With me here, you don't have to be afraid."

Gu Yumet drew her gaze back, thinking about it, she should be safe with him, at least she felt that this man liked her now.

Xi Cheng walked beside them, his faint voice came.

"Don't trust men too much, maybe you will be sold."

Xi Cheng's words made her whole body tremble slightly, this man doesn't know why he hates her so much?He hates her every time he sees her, and now he says this kind of thing again, he must be trying to scare her on purpose.

Ji Lingfeng smiled when he heard Xi Cheng's words.

"Oh, Cheng, don't be afraid to meet her, her little face is turning pale."

The three of them sang together, as if they were going to sell her.

However, she would not believe Xi Cheng's words, that guy was trying to scare her on purpose.

After several checkpoints, they entered the banquet hall of the hotel.

The hall was much more normal. Gu Yumet had been wearing that black handmade suit, which matched her skirt quite well.

He Nanjie took a catalog of today's auction items, and he leaned towards Gu Encounter's ear.

"See if you like it?"

It was only then that Gu Yumet realized that this reception was an antique auction. She felt that it was not a formal auction because it was so mysterious.

It was the first time for her to participate in this kind of auction, and she thought it was an eye-opener.

Gu Yuyu took the booklet and flipped through it casually, and Xi Cheng took He Nanjie to meet a friend. She looked at the three of them and seemed to know the people here very well, no wonder the three of them came together.

Gu Yuyu looked it over and found that every auction item was sold at a very high price, and most people couldn't afford it.Even she couldn't bear it, so she glanced at the guests in the hall again, all of them were definitely of the Jia level.

Suddenly she saw a profile face, her eyes slightly closed.

Ye Siheng?
So she dropped the booklet and ran after it.
Seeking tickets, starting to update four chapters today——
(End of this chapter)

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