Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 141 Another Person Who Looks Like Ye Siheng

Chapter 141 Another Person Who Looks Like Ye Siheng

Gu Yuyu ran to the figure he had just seen, but he didn't see anyone, but that person looked very similar to Ye Siheng and He Nanjie.

He was wearing a sky blue suit, so she was sure it wasn't He Nanjie, another person who looked like Ye Siheng?

She stood in the hall and looked around, hoping to see clearly, is he Ye Siheng?
Gu Encounter has always been ill. As long as she sees someone who looks like Yesiheng, she will chase after him. She really hopes that he can come back from the dead, but she thinks it is impossible.

Just like He Nanjie, who looks exactly like Ye Siheng, but she knows he is not him.

Now seeing someone like him again, her heart was disturbed again.

Just when she was not emotionally stable, a long arm took her into his arms.

"What are you looking for?"

He Nanjie's deep and pleasant voice rang in his ears, Gu Yumet fixed his eyes on his face, and warned himself.

"Just like him, he's not, he's dead, he's dead."

Her face became pale and she looked very bad.He Nanjie hugged her a little tighter, and locked her with deep eyes.

"What's the matter? We won't sell you, I can't bear it."

After speaking, he kissed her on the forehead and let her lean on his shoulder.

Gu Yumet closed her eyes and calmed herself down. With someone like him by her side, why should she be disturbed by other people?

Xi Cheng came over, "Gu Yumet, what kind of tricks are you playing?"

Seeing He Nanjie caring so much made him worry even more. This girl is the most kind to others, and the more he sees Jie like this, the more he is afraid that he will go the way of big brother.

Gu Yuyu retreated from He Nanjie's arms, "I'm fine, I just felt a little uncomfortable just now, the auction has started, let's all go there."

He Nanjie saw that her expression was still not good, but the girl insisted on pretending to be calm. He took her by the hand and led her to the auction hall.

Ji Lingfeng waved to them, "Jie, this way."

He Nanjie took her to sit next to Ji Lingfeng, and he whispered: "Start right away, the ring you want is the third lot."

I just happened to meet today, and that ring is called Eternal Me, which was given to his beloved woman by a nobleman in the last century, meaning to give himself to her.

Ji Lingfeng felt that Jie could just take a photo and give it to Gu Yuyu, which could be regarded as another kind of confession.

Otherwise, this guy's emotional intelligence is too low, and people will always misunderstand that his true feelings are not true.

Gu Yuyu sat there, a little numb, the scene just now was still in her mind and couldn't get rid of it.

And the auction officially started. Every item in this auction starts from 1000 million yuan, so it is a sky-high price for Gu Yumet, and she is not interested.

And no matter how precious those things were, they were meaningless to her.

When the man beside her held up the sign, she turned her head to look at him, sure enough he didn't come in vain.

The host calls out his number and then quotes the price.

"88 million was offered on the 500th, is there anyone who wants to increase the price?"

At this moment, there was a man in a sky-blue suit on the other side. He was wearing a black mask, and his face could not be seen clearly. He suddenly raised the sign and said in a low voice.


Everyone present exclaimed, after all, the value of this ring is not worth so much money, Ji Lingfeng reminded him.

"More than it's worth, not worth it."

Ji Lingfeng and the others are all businessmen, so they never trade at a loss.

But He Nanjie didn't care about these, he had to get it if he wanted to give it away.After several rounds of bidding by the two, the ring was called for 8000 million, and finally He Nanjie took the photo.

Xi Cheng said coldly: "Gu Yuyu, you have let another man spend money on you, a goblin is a goblin."

(End of this chapter)

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