Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 142 Who is he?

Chapter 142 Who is he?
Gu Yuyu frowned and replied to him.

"I didn't ask him to buy it for me."

She thinks maybe Xi Cheng really likes He Nanjie?Even if he spends money, I feel sorry for him.

Gu Yuyu suddenly felt that the opposite sex is only for reproduction, and the same sex is true love.

Between Xicheng and He Nanjie, he really felt it.

However, He Nanjie cast his gaze over, with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"It's for you, you should understand what I mean by now, huh?"

Gu Yuyu couldn't help but glanced at Xi Cheng, the guy's eyes were indeed burning with anger, and she replied helplessly.

"It's too precious, it's not suitable for me, you should give it to someone who really loves you."

She gestured to Xi Cheng with her gaze, and He Nanjie narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his slender hand, and pinched her chin with long, bony fingers.

"Gu Yumet, listen carefully, Xi Cheng and I are friends, good brothers, not what you think, remember?"

This girl always looked at him and Xiaocheng with that kind of eyes, which made him very unhappy.

He really wants to fuck her tonight and let her know if he likes men?

Gu Yumet was hurt by being pinched by him, and his gaze was quite scary, and his bright red lips were angry.

"Understood, let go."

Seeing her angry look, He Nanjie was really a beauty of ice and snow, so he couldn't help but kissed her on the lips, then let go, sat up straight, and continued to watch the auction below.

Gu Yumet blushed a little, this guy is like this sometimes, he wants to kiss her from time to time.

And when he kissed her just now, she felt a few cold eyes, which made her back feel cold.

She cast her gaze, and saw Xi Cheng's hateful eyes, and the two half-smiling eyes of the masked man not far away.

He was the one who snapped the ring with He Nanjie just now. At this moment, he met her eyes with a little frivolity, which made her uncomfortable, so she withdrew her gaze.

Ji Lingfeng took a picture of a blue and white porcelain vase, and it was only then that Gu Yumet discovered that this Mr. Ji likes to collect antiques, no wonder he invited He Nanjie and the others to come together.

At the end of the auction, the organizer will hand over the auction item to the other party after receiving the money.

Zukang took care of the rest of the matter, and he took Gu Yuyu upstairs to rest, while Ji Lingfeng liked antiques and was still chatting with some players. Just for company.

He Nanjie touched Gu Yuyu with a wine glass, "Do you want to watch the fireworks?"

He remembered that this girl liked to watch it the most, so she stayed by his side in those two years, and every year on her birthday, she would put it on for her all night.

At that time, she would always be so happy that she would cry. In fact, thinking about it now, maybe she was really moved, and she cried because she didn't love him, right?

When Gu Yumet heard this, he looked at him much deeper.

Some pictures appeared in her mind, and she took a light breath.

"Okay, I'll go to the bathroom first."

She took a few steps back, then walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing the sadness in her eyes, He Nanjie squinted and smiled wickedly.

"He will make her think of the past a little bit, and then let her fall a little bit, and make her fall in love with him."

Gu Yu met went to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water to wake himself up. No matter how much they looked like Ye Siheng, they were neither, not him.

When she came out of the bathroom and walked towards He Nanjie, a waiter walked towards her.

"Miss, this gentleman asked me to give it to you."

Gu Yuyu took the red rose and looked over. The masked man squinted at her and smiled, then nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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