Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 149 He's Really Strange

Chapter 149 He's Really Strange

Gu Yuyu felt that Mr. He's mood fluctuated a bit, and he was so indifferent to his mother.

Xiao Xiaoya pursed her lips, "Mum, he likes you, so doesn't he like Yaya?"

She was really sad when she treated the little girl like that just now.

Xiao Xiaoye also took her hand, "If he doesn't like you, you just don't like him."

Mu Yun also felt a little strange, Jie'er never brought her emotions home, what happened today?
She turned around and explained with a smile.

"He's not very happy today. I scolded him before, so don't worry about it!"

Xiao Xiaoya's eyes lit up, "Oh, it turned out that Grandma Yun scolded him, no wonder he was unhappy."

Mu Yun didn't actually scold him. Judging from the fact that he came home early, something might have happened to him?He never comes home that early, her son is a total workaholic.

She has to talk to him in the evening, otherwise she really doesn't know what's wrong with him?
Xiaoye was playing with the Rubik's Cube, and he focused on the Rubik's Cube again, while Xiaoxiaoya followed Gu Yuyu.

"Mum, we'll go home after dinner, Yaya is homesick."

They lived at He's house yesterday, and they were taken here again today. Although the two little guys love to play, they will still miss each other.

Gu met with a smile, "Well, Mommy knows."

The little girl found the ring on Gu Yuyu's hand and stared at it with big eyes.

"Mommy, this ring is so beautiful!"

Gu Yuyu moved her hand to her eyes, when did he put it on for her last night?She really forgot.

When she recalled, her eyes lit up slightly, and a picture flashed in her mind.

Seeing that she was holding him tightly, she kept muttering.

"I miss you so much, I really miss you so much!"

She shook her head and quickly withdrew her gaze.She didn't want to think about what happened last night anymore, the more she thought about it, the more she felt ashamed.

Xiao Xiaoya touched the diamond ring with her fingers, and then glanced at Xiao Xiaoye.

"But brother said, he will buy you more beautiful ones."

Xiao Xiaoye came over and took her hand. That beautiful and slender finger paired with this diamond ring that glowed with a faint cold light was really beautiful!
A smile flashed across his eyes, and then those eyes locked on her.

"Give it back to him, I will buy it for you, you can only marry me."

Needless to say, he knew who gave this ring.

Gu Yuyu couldn't help laughing, she hugged Xiaoye into her arms, and rubbed her face against him.

"I know, Mommy knows."

He Nanjie came down from the stairs. He didn't change his clothes, he was still wearing the dark blue suit.His eyes became deeper and deeper, and when he looked at them, he carried a cold breath.

Mu Yun was chatting with Gu Yuyu, and they were talking about the two children.Hearing footsteps, she looked up.

"Jie'er, why didn't you take a shower? Didn't change your clothes, are you going out later?"

He Nanjie looked at Gu Yuyu coldly, "I'll send them back later."

Mu Yun nodded knowingly, and then said to the two children.

"I really hope you can stay at grandma's house all the time. I feel lonely in such a big house without you here."

The two little guys looked over, and the little girl slid off the sofa and ran to Mu Yun's side.

"Grandma Yun, you can also come to our house! My brother and I both like our house. Although it's not as big as here, it's still very beautiful!"

Mu Yun smiled, "Is this an invitation? Grandma will visit you when she has time."

He Nanjie said suddenly, "Can we eat?"

There was a hint of impatience in the cold voice.
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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