Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 150 You Are Special To Him

Chapter 150 You Are Special To Him
Mu Yun frowned and looked at her son. This kid is really weird today. He has such a bad temper, which frightened the two babies. They will ignore him from now on. See if he is in a hurry?
"You and Yumet go to eat first, and I will take the children to wash their hands."

Gu Yumet wanted to say that she took the children to wash their hands, but Mrs. He had already led the two children to the bathroom.

He Nanjie stared at Mu Yun's back with a pair of eyes, and there was a touch of sadness in his deep eyes.

Gu Yumet walked over, "Master He, let's go to the restaurant first."

She suddenly realized that she seemed to be the master, so she walked past him with her head down, deciding that it was better not to talk too much, otherwise he would definitely think that he had given her a ring and she would become the mistress of the He family.

He Nanjie suddenly grabbed her hand, causing her to stop and meet his gaze.

He stared at the ring with his eyes, and then a smile curved his mouth.

"Gu Yumet, it looks like you like him very much?"

Gu Yumet thought she was talking about the ring, her eyes swept over the ring, and then she took it off.

"Don't like it, so can I return it to you?"

She held the ring and smiled at him, cold and distant.

He Nanjie said coldly, "Wear it."

Two cold words popped out from between his lips, and then he entered the restaurant.

Gu Yumet felt that this man was really different.If it wasn't for his face like He Nanjie's, she would have thought it was a replacement.

Maybe she didn't know him well, maybe he was just that kind of person, with unpredictable temperament.

When she entered the restaurant, she saw that there was a lot of food on the table, almost all of which were liked by the two children, and the rest were liked by her and He Nanjie.

I have to say that Mrs. He is very careful in observing this aspect, and she can know other people's preferences just by meeting her a few times.

It's also possible that He Nanjie told her this, but Gu Yumet still felt very moved.

He Nanjie picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of each dish. Seeing that he seemed to be trying the dishes, Gu Yumet couldn't help but tease him.

"Isn't it the first time Mr. He has eaten Mrs. He's cooking?"

This look is clearly like eating for the first time.

However, He Nanjie put down his chopsticks and got up.

"I'll wait for you in the car, you come out after eating."

He got up coldly, without the slightest nostalgia, nor did he feel that something was wrong, just like a guest, he just left under Gu Encounter's bewildered gaze.

Mrs. He and the others met him at the door and asked a question.

"Son, don't you want to eat?"

He didn't answer, but walked straight to the door.

The two little guys entered the restaurant, Xiaoye was very gentle, holding up the chopsticks to eat the food in the bowl gracefully.

Xiaoxiaoya started directly, and Gu Yumet stared at her.

"Yaya, I want a lady!"

Xiao Xiaoya pursed her mouth, "Oh!"

Mrs. He smiled, "It's okay, the little girl is still a child, it's okay to learn when she grows up."

Gu Yuyu held vegetables for Mrs. He, "Is Mr. He not in a good mood today?"

It's really rude for him to leave alone when the family eats together.

She felt that he was different from the Mr. He she usually knew. After all, she had known his conduct for more than two months.

Weren't we all fine when we parted this morning?So she's a little weird, maybe something really happened?
Mrs. He shook her head, "He has never done this before, you can ask him later, Jie'er is like this, no matter what happens, he won't tell me, he wants to be special to you, he might listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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