Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 178 She still remembers

Chapter 178 She still remembers
Only then did Gu Yumet realize what he was doing?After glancing at the bodyguards on the bank and Zukang who looked surprised, she bent down and squatted down.

In fact, not much was exposed, and the water was still quite deep.

She glanced at the place where he held her hand and asked a question.

"Really believe?"

She meant that he was not allowed to check the surveillance, and He Nanjie naturally knew it, but became more and more suspicious.

"Zukang, there is no need to check, you all retreat to the door."

Zukang's eyes that stared like light bulbs betrayed his psychology at this time.

The young master was scolded and scolded, but he didn't get angry, and was so gentle that he didn't want to investigate.

As he walked out, he had an idea silently in his heart.Even if you offend the young master in the future, you can't offend Ms. Gu.

The yard was finally quiet, and He Nanjie called her.

"Meet me, come here and let me hug you."

Gu Yuyu wanted to hit someone, what was he trying to do?Want to take advantage of her again?

"Master He, I don't have that kind of hobby, and it's too hot for the two of us to be together, so let's stay far away."

She suddenly discovered that He Nanjie usually looked cold, but he was like a hooligan in front of her, very bad.

Mr. He moved to her side and hugged her forcefully in his arms. Gu Yumet felt very uncomfortable, but the guy didn't let go.

"He Nanjie, I said I don't like this."

Wearing too little clothes and being so close, she was afraid of his retaliation.

He Nanjie pointed to the sky, "The starry sky is beautiful!"

Gu Yuyu followed his fingers and looked up to the sky, and found that the star that belonged to her and Ye Siheng had appeared, and a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.

"Meet the constellation of stars."

She spit out these four words softly, and He Nanjie could hear them clearly.

A smile flashed in his eyes, she still remembered.

The two looked at the sky like this, with smiles on the corners of their mouths, as if they were recalling the past.

At this time, the door of the courtyard was swiped open again, with a beep, and then Zukang walked in.

"Master, the boss here is here."

When Gu Yuyu saw Yun Feifei, he quickly sat in He Nanjie's arms and retreated, and she called her.

"Feifei, I really like the room you prepared for me, and the hot spring is also pretty good."

Yun Feifei came over, she could clearly see the scene of the two hugging each other just now.

She smiled wickedly, and took a jug of wine from the waiter's plate behind her.

"This is the flower wine I brewed myself. It's beautifying and beautifying, and it tastes good. You two can have a good taste."

When Gu Yuyu took it, he could smell a faint scent of roses, which was stronger than the one in the yard, with a hint of sweetness.

"thank you boss!"

Gu Yuen smiled faintly, and Yun Feifei looked at He Nanjie again, thinking why does this man look better the more he looks?Hope her wine helps you both.

"Yeah, I have to deliver wine to other people, so I won't bother you, it's fun, and I will join you more in the future."

"Of course, we will come here often in the future, right Mr. He, remember to bring your friends."

As long as a person like He Nanjie speaks out, he will definitely bring in a lot of customers.


He hummed indifferently, but for Mr. He, this was quite a way of saving face.

Yun Feifei left, the courtyard door was closed again, Gu Yuyu poured a cup of flower wine and put it on his side.

She poured herself a cup and took a sip, with a faint smile on her face, she should think it was delicious.

He Nanjie picked it up and drank it in one gulp, feeling that it tasted really good.

"You have a good relationship with her?"

He asked softly, usually she doesn't have any friends?It's rare to see her come to cheer on friends.

(End of this chapter)

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