Chapter 179 Love
Gu met himself poured another cup, and then drank it. He really liked this kind of sweet flower brew.

Soaking in hot springs, drinking flower wine, looking at the stars, and accompanied by a man who looks exactly like Ye Siheng, she felt that this moment was wonderful.

"She has flower fields, and I often come here to find inspiration, so I got acquainted with her."

She is usually a loner, and she doesn't like to make friends, because she had to hide herself in the past, so making friends is also afraid of risks.

He Nanjie stared at her with a pair of eyes, watching her drinking the flower wine cup by cup, but he didn't take it seriously.

Because this wine has no alcohol content, it will not get drunk, so drink it as a drink.

After Gu Encounter drank a few cups, he found that his face was a little hot, no, no, it seemed that his whole body was not feeling well.

So he took a look at the flower brew, didn't dare to touch it again, and went ashore, took the bathrobe and put it on, wanting to stand in the cool wind and blow it.

He Nanjie saw that something was wrong with her, his small face was as pink as an apple, he stood up suddenly, and walked towards her.

Gu Yuyu was facing away from him, opening the bathrobe to let the wind blow in.

He Nanjie pulled her around, and then stroked her forehead with his big hand.

"Do you have a fever?"

This look is really wrong.Her beautiful eyes blinked and blinked, with a little moisture, making them more and more lovely.

A smile suddenly appeared on Gu Yuyu's beautiful little face, it was a sweet smile that was different from her usual one.

"Ye, Si, Heng..."

Her voice was soft and soft, with a hint of coquettishness, and her gaze on him became more and more affectionate.

Heranjie's eyes darkened a lot. Her appearance should be due to drinking too much wine.

"I'm He Nanjie."

He replied to her coldly, as long as he doesn't have a fever.

Gu Yuyu shook his head, "No, you are Ye Siheng, you see that is our star constellation, you said it represents our love!"

She leaned in his arms, her eyes were a little blurred, and she rubbed her head against him.

And He Nanjie's expression changed a little, love?
Is there love between them?

Just as he was thinking this, Gu Yumet's little hand touched his face.

"Ye, you seem to have lost weight, but you are getting more and more handsome."

Her voice was soft and soft, with a hint of a smile, then she stood on tiptoe, held his face in her hands, and kissed his lips.

There was a strange warmth in her heart, she really missed him, and she felt sick when she thought of him.

He Nanjie was still a little angry at first, but when her lips touched her, all his emotions were instantly shattered.


The next day, when Gu Yuyu woke up, her head was still a little dizzy, she suddenly thought of the flower brew from last night, isn't that wine?Why is she so uncomfortable?Where does the whole body hurt?

When she tried to open her eyes, she sat up in fright, and she and He Nanjie...

Anger welled up all of a sudden, and she kicked He Nanjie who was sleeping soundly under the bed.

A certain man fell awake, touched his head that hit the corner of the bed, and hummed softly.

Then the pillow and quilt were smashed on his head.

"He Nanjie, I hate you..."

Gu Yumet took the bathrobe and put it on, clenching her fists in anger.What happened last night?She drank too much, that's why she took him for Ye Siheng, and that must be the case.

He Nanjie stood up, and when he saw her frizzy appearance, he raised his lips and gave a wicked smile.

"Gu Yumet, why are you crazy? Last night, you took the initiative."

(End of this chapter)

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