Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 183 He Looks Like Ye Siheng

Chapter 183 He Looks Like Ye Siheng
Gu Yuyu wanted to make sure if he was Ye Siheng, so of course he agreed.

"Okay, what time is it?"

Abandoned son's indifferent voice came, "I'll pick you up from the studio, come right over."

"it is good."

Gu Yumet hung up the phone and checked the time. He should arrive in an hour.

She finished her work just as he arrived.

There is her own lounge here, so all kinds of clothes are prepared.

She picked out a red tube top dress, and every time she saw him, she would choose clothes of this color on purpose.

I just want to see his reaction, although it disappoints her every time.

But she still didn't give up, hoping that he was Ye Siheng, and that he was still alive.

After changing her clothes, she stood in front of the full-length mirror and put on lipstick, which was the same red color as her clothes.

A smile flashed across Gu Encounter's eyes, hoping that tonight will go well.

She really wanted to know if he was Ye Siheng, she was very anxious.

Her secretary came in, "Sister YJ, someone who looks like Mr. He is looking for you."

This is the first time he has appeared in front of her employees, and it is also the first time he has decided to appear in front of the public.

He no longer hides and hides, he wants to face the man directly.

Gu Yuen turned around, feeling a little surprised.

"He came in?"

She could actually feel that he didn't want others to know him and see him.

Gu Yumet also felt the same way, after all, he was too similar to Mr. He.

Especially now that Mr. He is in the headlines every day, he is the number one hero in Liangcheng.

It made everyone know him, and the original low-key completely disappeared.

Now he is high-profile and scary, Gu Yuyu doesn't want to know his recent situation, he will be able to understand it clearly by accident.

"He's sitting in your office. He looks like Mr. He."

In fact, if you look carefully, there is still a difference between the two, no matter in temperament or appearance, it can be seen that he is not Mr. He.

Gu Yuyu raised her hand to straighten her big brown curly hair, then turned around and walked out.

Seeing that handsome man sitting on the sofa, he looked a little stern.

Seeing her, his eyes seemed to have light.

He stood up suddenly, and because of his height, Gu Yumet instantly felt that he was a lot shorter.

"Gu met."

He called her, and there was a slight change in the bottom of his eyes, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes.

No matter when you see this woman?They are all stunningly beautiful.

At this time, she was like a red rose, gorgeous but not tacky.

Only she can control this color so amazingly!
Gu Yuyu smiled faintly, the kind of smile with a little flame in the cold.

"long time no see!"

Her voice is clear and light, and her spirit is generous, which makes people very comfortable.

The abandoned son nodded slightly, "Thank you for being my female companion."

"It's an honour!"

Both of them were a little strange, and what Abandoned Son was thinking in his heart was whether she would be sad later.

Today is a birthday party hosted by He Nanjie for his little girlfriend.

The reason why Gu Encounter did this was because he wanted to know if he was Ye Siheng.

Both of them had their own thoughts, so they became more careful and polite.

The two of them didn't speak a word along the way, and Gu Yu met looked sideways at him as he was driving, which really seemed to be the case.

Especially the way he held a cigarette in one hand and frowned, smoking like Ye Siheng.

There was a slight change in her gaze, and there was an indelible passion in her eyes.

She raised her hand to touch his face.

Just then the car stopped, "Here we are."

He turned his head and smiled faintly, Ye Siheng's kind of smile.

(End of this chapter)

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