Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 184 You Liar

Chapter 184 You Liar

Gu Yuyu was completely stunned, today she felt that she really looked like Ye Siheng!

Whether it's the way he drives, the way he smokes, and his smile just now.

She seemed to have engraved all these in her heart, but now it was completely displayed in front of her, and Gu Yumet's heart trembled violently.

The abandoned son saw that she hadn't recovered, but he knew very well in his heart that all his performances today were based on that diary.

It should be her diary. From the content in it, it can be seen that he really cares about that man.And the bits and pieces of their together are very beautiful to her, and there is joy and happiness in her words.

It was completely different from the Gu Encounter he had seen, so he had suspected before that he might have been tricked by that woman.

But at this time, seeing her absent-minded look, he believed that the writer was undoubtedly her.

"Gu met you, we're here."

He repeated it again, and Gu Yuyu suddenly came back to his senses.


She opened the car door and got out of the car. She saw a very beautiful villa, and all kinds of luxury cars were parked at the door.

The abandoned son came over, stretched out his arm, and motioned for her to take it.

Gu Yuyu gave him a deep look, then took his arm.She has begun to feel restless, is he really Ye?

As she walked into the villa, she still secretly glanced at her from time to time.

He acted calmly like nothing happened?Gu Yumet felt that he probably didn't feel anything.

Does he really not remember her?

She frowned, really puzzled, she had to find a way to get him to take off his clothes later.

Gu Yumet now only recognizes that mole, and only that mole can convince her that he is Ye Siheng.

After she was absent-minded for a while, the two of them had already walked up the steps of the villa.

Gu Yuyu saw that the interior was beautifully decorated, with dreamy dolls everywhere, and a girly pink color.Gu Yuyu felt that this was not an ordinary reception or party, it looked like a girl's birthday.

"Whose birthday is it today?"

She raised her beautiful eyes to look at him and asked a question.

Does the abandoned son have no expression on his face?Faintly spit out a hmm.

Gu Encounter didn't think too much about it. It might be his friend's girlfriend's birthday, so he asked him to bring his girlfriend to attend.

Entering the hall, there are quite a lot of guests, and the decoration inside is even more beautiful, as if you are in a fairy tale world.

The abandoned child raised his eyes and took a look. Today's protagonist hasn't appeared yet, and he will see their performance later.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, he didn't care about anyone, he just wanted to mess up their world.

"Let's go get something to eat."

Abandoned son offered to propose, but Gu Yumet had no objection, and walked with him to the dining area.


In a study room on the second floor, He Nanjie held a glass of red wine in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot.It looked like he didn't sleep well last night, he was not in a good mood at this time, and he looked coldly at the night outside the window.

Ji Lingfeng leaned on the sofa, looked at the man who was not in a good mood, and sighed softly.

"Jie, why do I feel that no matter how many women you find, you are still unhappy!"

However, it seems to be more unhappy than in the past.

He Nanjie glanced at him coldly, "You said, as long as there are other women around me, I will forget her, but I miss her more and more, and her appearance becomes more and more obvious in my mind , becoming more and more lingering.”

(End of this chapter)

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