Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 290 Little Girlfriend

Chapter 290 Little Girlfriend
Ji Lingfeng played the game with his mobile phone, and replied lightly.

"you go first."

Hernanjie's thin lips curled up slightly, thinking that he might not be able to participate.

How could he have the face to look like that?
So I decided to give Xiao Xiaoya a reward, so that he could easily take advantage of this meeting.

He Nanjie was sitting in the meeting room, and the secretary followed him, he suddenly remembered.

"Let someone pay attention to my office. The little lady is still sleeping. She might be scared when she wakes up."

The secretary nodded slightly, "I'm going to let people watch."

He Nanjie picked up the contract and looked at it. The share point of the cooperation with Ji Lingfeng Company has not been negotiated yet, and the budget has only just been released, so today I am going to talk about the profit ratio of the two companies.

If Ji Lingfeng doesn't come, then He Nanjie can ask for more.

So I feel that Xiaoxiaoya helped him a lot today, she really deserves to be the daughter of He Nanjie, who is talented and smart.

But at this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and a man wearing sunglasses and a black mask walked in.

He was wearing a neat suit, which seemed a bit awkward with this equipment.

And the hair is a bit messy, making it look more mysterious.

Ji Lingfeng's assistant Zhang Cheng called him, "Mr. Ji, here is the budget."

He Nanjie kept staring at him, and he didn't make a sound until he sat down.

"It's time for a meeting."

He Nanjie's face darkened a few degrees, so he asked.

"Isn't Ji Gongzi's outfit hot? And you don't need to wear sunglasses indoors, or are you playing cool?"

The title of son is a special name for He Nanjie and Ji Lingfeng in Liangcheng's upper class, which shows their identity and status.

Ji Lingfeng knew that this guy wanted to embarrass him deliberately, so he smiled lightly.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have been allergic recently, and I have a lot of rashes on my face, so please forgive me."

Everyone in the conference room looked at him like a monster, and after hearing this, some people spoke up one after another.

"It's okay, it's normal to be sick."

"Mr. Ji has become like this and still came to the meeting. He is really dedicated."

He Nanjie said with a cold face: "Since you are sick, you don't need to have a meeting. Go to the hospital."

Ji Lingfeng's eyes met his, and the two were fighting in the air.

"Thank you Mr. He for your understanding, but today's meeting is important, so I don't need to rest, let's start the meeting!"

It was clear at a glance that Jie wanted to increase the commission point, and if he didn't go out, his people could only be slaughtered by him, so he had to participate even if he died.


When Xiao Xiaoya woke up and saw that she was in a strange room, she was so frightened that she almost cried.

She called out, "Boyfriend."

Hearing her voice, the secretary walked in.

"Miss, are you awake?"

The little girl saw that it was a beautiful young lady, she blinked her big eyes.

"Who are you? Where is my boyfriend?"

The secretary knew that the boyfriend she was referring to was Mr. He, so she couldn't help laughing. It was really like Sister Jiang said, she was the president's little girlfriend.

"He's in a meeting, are you going to get up? There's something delicious outside, my sister will accompany you to eat."

Xiao Xiaoya nodded, "Why don't you take me to my brother."

Since her boyfriend is in a meeting, it's boring for her to be here alone. Let's go and play with my brother for a while, and then see what he looks like when he's working?
The secretary took her to the investment department, and saw that the cubicle was full of people, and they were all staring at the computer.

Xiao Xiaoya searched again, but didn't see him, so she said suspiciously.

"Where's my brother?"

The secretary asked the colleagues inside, and they said she was in the manager's office.

"Miss, he's in the manager's office, let's go there."

When the secretary pushed open the office door, she saw Xiaoye sitting calmly in front of the computer, staring at the screen with a pair of dark eyes.

Zukang and the manager of the investment department stood aside, looking at each other from time to time, and then raised their hands to wipe the sweat from their foreheads, both of them seemed embarrassed.
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(End of this chapter)

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