Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 291 The Mysterious Child

Chapter 291 The Mysterious Child

The secretary was completely stunned. Assistant Zu is usually rather cold, and the manager of the investment department is also a formidable character who treats everyone coldly.

Now I see that they are all serving the little boy, serving him water graciously, and asking him if he wants to lower the air conditioner a few degrees.

And that cold little guy kept staring at the screen, and replied coldly to them.

"No, it's cold enough."

But Zukang and the manager of the investment department felt that it was so hot that they were sweating all over their faces, which seemed to be the reason for their nervousness.

After all, this sum of money is not a small amount, [-] million, if he is really compensated, he will be fine, but they should be fired.

The secretary stared at the straight figure, who are these two children?Didn't you say he was the president's relative?Why does she look like his son and daughter?

For that little boy, she actually had a heart of admiration.

Xiao Xiaoya called him, "Brother, you are so handsome!"

Then Xiao Xiaoya's devilish laughter sounded, and the three people inside all cast their gazes.

When Xiao Xiaoye saw her, there was a hint of warmth on that cold face.

"Sister, come here."

Xiaoxiaoya sat beside him, and the two of them looked at the computer screen with wide eyes open.After watching for a while, the little girl was tired and sighed softly.

"Brother, what's so good about this?"

Zukang and the manager on the side thought to themselves, it's all money!Of course it looks good, you little girl will never understand.

Seeing that she was bored, Xiaoye reached out and stroked her head.

"This is the money my brother invested today, and I'm watching it make money!"

Speaking of money, Xiao Xiaoya suddenly remembered the 500 yuan in her bag.

She opened the packet and took out the money inside.

"Brother, this is the money I earned today, all for you."

Xiao Xiaoya looked at him happily, with a sincere expression on her face.

And the three adults next to me felt so heartwarming watching this scene, the relationship between the brother and sister is really good!
Xiao Xiaoye looked at the five coins, "You earned it?"

He was surprised that she actually earned 500 yuan.

"Well, I serve my boyfriend and he pays. By the way, Uncle Ji still misses me by 88."

Thinking of this, she stuffed the money into Xiao Xiaoye's hand.

"I'll go to him to get the money, you take it well, it's the money to buy the ring."

After finishing speaking, the little short leg ran towards the door, and the three of them looked at her in bewilderment as she ran away, and Zukang called out.

"Xiao Yang, don't chase me yet."

It was only then that the secretary came to his senses, "Oh, Zute helped me to chase after it."

After the little girl came out, she forgot how to get there, but luckily the secretary came out with her.

"Sister, do you know Uncle Ji?"

The secretary thought for a while, "Ji Lingfeng?"

"It's him, do you know where he is?"

The secretary nodded, "He's having a meeting with the president. It's in the conference room. We can't go there."

Xiao Xiaoya is a little anxious, but she also understands that she can't go to the meeting place.

"Okay, let's go back to the office and wait for him."

An hour and a half later, Ji Lingfeng and He Nanjie entered the office, and they started fighting as soon as they entered the door.

"He Nanjie, you are going too far. You even cheated when you agreed to five or five."

Ji Lingfeng swung his fist, but He Nanjie grabbed him and pressed him against the door.

"You said it yourself, blame me now? Do you have the face?"

Ji Lingfeng was really going to be pissed off by him, if he hadn't threatened to tear off his mask and sunglasses, he wouldn't have agreed, this wily man is really bad.

He Nanjie let go of him, "Hey, you are a single dog, why do you earn so much money, let me earn more, I want to raise a wife and children, it will cost a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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