Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 160 Arriving in Country M for the First Time

Chapter 160 Arriving in Country M for the First Time (4)
"Well, let's go later, girl, let's go to rest first." Sun Zhenyao said.

"Okay." After Yan Xi replied, he returned to his room, washed up a little, adjusted the alarm clock on his phone, and fell asleep on the bed. When he was in a daze, Yan Xi thought, jet lag is really difficult to adjust , and soon fell asleep.

Knowing the alarm clock, he remembered Yan Xi and woke up. After washing up a bit, he went to the living room. This time, Yan Xi was the last person to get up. When he came to the living room, Sun Qingya and Cheng Lin were already sitting in the living room. Sun Qingya found an American drama watching.

"Xiao Xi, have you rested yet?" Sun Zhenyao asked when he saw Yan Xi approaching.

"Well, rest well." Yan Xi replied with a smile.

"Let's go." Sun Zhenyao said.

Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, as if she was waiting for her to be alone, and seeing that she had to adjust her jet lag quickly, the group set off for Peterrug.

When I came to the restaurant, although the decoration was not particularly luxurious, it was already full of people, and I came directly to the pre-booked location, and the four of them sat down directly. Peter Ruger's Steakhouse is located in Brooklyn, New York, and was founded in 1887. , is a steak specialty shop with a history of 125 years, and it is also recognized as the best traditional steakhouse in the Big Apple New York. Although it is not in the lively downtown Manhattan, the advanced wooden decoration and chandeliers make this family-run restaurant , for 28 consecutive years, it has been rated as the No.1 steakhouse in New York by Cha's restaurant survey.

Yan Xi didn't like Rumaoyinxue and directly ordered a 7-mature steak. The portion was big but the taste was good. Yan Xi couldn't bear to waste the meal and felt that he had eaten too much. He couldn't help but run two laps. Leaning on the chair contentedly, like the expression of a greedy cat who is full.

"Would you like to go shopping in New York at night?" Sun Zhenyao suggested. The portion of this steak is huge. He was also very happy to see Yan Xi's arrival, and he was a little full by accident, so he suggested.

"I'm going." Sun Qingya put away her lazy expression and immediately recovered. She wanted to go shopping during the day, but she wasted her time on sleep, so she must not come back at night.

"I agree." Yan Xi said, indeed he was a bit full from eating, and most of them were meat, walking around was considered a way to digest food, Yan Xi agreed and Cheng Lin nodded.

Although Cheng Lin was trained in China, it was his first time to go abroad. He readily agreed. In the afternoon, he witnessed the prosperity of New York. It turns out that the other half of the world still has such a way of life.

"Then please suggest if there is any place you want to go." Sun Zhenyao asked.

Sun Qingya was immediately confused about Sun Zhenyao's question. She was not familiar with New York, and she really didn't know where it ended. As for Cheng Lin, he wanted to visit many places, but he couldn't compete with Yan Xi. He didn't speak, so the right to choose where to go fell directly on Yan Xi's head.

"Then how about going to Fifth Avenue." Yan Xi said, Fifth Avenue is an important north-south artery in Manhattan, New York City, USA, starting from Washington Square Park in the south and ending at 138th Street in the north.Because Fifth Avenue is located in the center of Manhattan Island, the east-west streets on Manhattan Island are sometimes called East-West with this street as the boundary.

"Okay, Fifth Avenue at night is beautiful and brightly lit. When I first came to New York, I went directly to Fifth Avenue at night, which shocked the world too much." Sun Zhenyao said nostalgicly, It seems to have returned to the youthful era when I just came to New York.

"Okay, let's go if you agree." Yan Xi said.

When you come to the fifth avenue, you will be greeted by bright lights. The lights between the buildings tell stories of each other. The fifth generation at night is already full of people coming and going. Those who just got off work, those who bought luxury goods again, and so on.

Fifth Avenue was just an empty farmland at the beginning of the 19th century. After expansion, it gradually became a high-end residential area in New York and a place where celebrities, gentlemen and gentry gathered, and high-end shopping stores also began to appear.After entering the 20th century, Fifth Avenue has become a place where skyscrapers "compete for height." Among them, the Empire State Building completed in 1931 is the tallest building.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the growth of Fifth Avenue has built the prosperity of New York. From the initial open space to the world-famous financial center, it is also an active place for world funds. The financial center of the Rockefeller family is also located on Fifth Avenue. Its The development also witnessed the development history of Fifth Avenue.

But he is not only synonymous with finance, but also a collection center of luxury goods in the world, and almost all conceivable commodities can be found here.Rich goods, complete brands, high-end and high-quality have become the characteristics of Fifth Avenue in the United States, and the operation of brands has become a prominent feature of Fifth Avenue, which is very expensive.

"Girl, how do you feel?" Sun Zhenyao looked at Yan Xi and asked.

Yan Xi is no stranger to this place. She has been here before, and more than once, and it has not changed much from the memory of later generations. Looking at the endless flow of people, some are happy and some are disappointed. This place is not just a positive place for wealth. , is also a positive aspect of status and power.

"That's right, it's bustling, but how many people will lose their eyes by the bustling." Yan Xi said.

It is prosperous and sad at the same time. She witnesses miracles one after another, but also tragedies one after another. Some people become rich once, and some lose their wealth because of it.

"Girl's views are different. Yes, many people only see the prosperity, but they don't see the scars behind the prosperity." Sun Zhenyao said.

Over the years in New York, it's not surprising that he has his own insights into the city, but what he didn't expect was that Yan Xi would also have such a deep insight into the city.

People often only see the surface of things easily, but can't see the inside of things. At the beginning, he was also attracted by the prosperity here. After many years, the old self has already made some achievements, but when he has achieved again, he has more worries Now, the work is getting more and more busy. If it wasn't for Yan Xi's return this time, he wouldn't have this moment of leisure time. Everything can't go back to the past.

"It's only because of the different expressions on everyone's faces that I have such an opinion." Yan Xi said.

"Xiaoxi, let's take a photo to remember, this place is so beautiful." Sun Qingya said.

"Okay, let's go together." Yan Xi said, so he asked strangers on the road to help take pictures. People in New York are very enthusiastic, and Yan Xi was very willing to help just as soon as he said it.

"Girl, why don't you go shopping." Sun Zhenyao asked while walking on Central Street.

"No need, let's go back early for a stroll." Yan Xi said.

No matter in the previous life or in the present life, luxury goods are not Yan Xi’s favorite, neither is the city. Yan Xi has long been a luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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