Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 161 Arriving in Country M for the First Time

Chapter 161 Arriving in Country M for the First Time (5)
Regarding the future, Yan Xi didn't have too many thoughts other than revenge. She knew that money was indispensable but she didn't miss it. Now, living a simple life is Yan Xi's most extravagant wish, but it is also the most extravagant.

"Okay, let's go back early after shopping around." Sun Zhenyao said.

After strolling casually, the group felt that they were going back. The prosperity of New York could no longer attract Yan Xi's attention. Sun Zhenyao nodded inwardly at Yan Xi's performance. Such a girl is very rare now. In Sun Zhenyao's opinion, Yan Xi Sometimes it is too desireless, people don't know what she is thinking.

Yan Xi has no desires or desires for others. Yan Xi has always relied on her own hands to fulfill her own desires. Power and wealth are not her ultimate goals after all. Once reborn, Yan Xi will not lose herself in these aspects .

After returning to the apartment, Cheng Lin looked at various materials on the Internet, and Sun Qingya was watching a sci-fi movie, didn't she forget to put some snacks in her mouth.

Yan Xi sat on the chair by the window, looking at the bright lights outside, there is not much difference between day and night here.

"Girl, try the lemon tea." Sun Zhenyao put the tea on the table in front of Yan Xi and said.

"How does Uncle Sun know?" Yan Xi picked up the cup on the table and asked.

"When you were in Beijing, you always drank lemon tea, and Lao Zheng also called yesterday to tell you whether the lemon tea made by Maria suits your taste." Sun Zhenyao said, Maria is One of Sun Zhenyao's servants is about 50 to [-] years old, and he is very enthusiastic.

When Yan Xi heard Sun Zhenyao's words, his heart warmed. He didn't know what Master was doing now. It was already morning in the capital, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It's different from what I make myself, but it's delicious." Yan Xi said after taking a sip.

"Girl, Tianyu is doing well now, and has opened two branches. When you come to Country M, do you want to develop any business?" Sun Zhenyao asked.

From earlier on, Sun Zhenyao knew that Yan Xi would not be content with mediocrity, and he also believed in Yan Xi's investment vision.

"It doesn't matter that Tianyu's branches haven't opened yet. As for what I want to develop, I haven't planned yet. I have witnessed the prosperity today, but I have no way to start." Yan Xi said.

There will always be unknown sadness behind the prosperity, and now there is no suitable agent, Yan Xi can't make a decision for a while.

"Yeah, when Yaohui was established, I was also confused, but after seeing the essence of things clearly, I won't be confused anymore." Sun Zhenyao said.

"Yes, but how many people see the world through things." Yan Xi said while holding a teacup and looking out of the window, his eyes were far and long, and Sun Zhenyao couldn't see through Yan Xi's inner thoughts.

"Girl, it's not that I know your age, I really think you have experienced vicissitudes, as if you have witnessed endless years." Sun Zhenyao said.

"No, it's just that I suddenly felt a little emotional. It's just like what Master said, I read too many books." Yan Xi said with a smile.

Recalling that when Wang Lei taught him how to cook, he realized that he had seen a lot of dishes, which made Wang Lei feel that he had no sense of accomplishment and could only help.

"Girl, where do you want to go tomorrow?" Sun Zhenyao asked.

"I don't know, let's talk about it tomorrow." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, rest early." Sun Zhenyao said.

"Okay, Uncle Sun should take a rest too." Yan Xi said, looking behind him, he found that Sun Qingya and Cheng Lin were no longer in the living room, and probably went to rest, and then looked at the time and found that it was already past 12 o'clock Yes, it seems that I chatted with Sun Zhenyao for too long just now.

In the early morning of the next day, Sun Zhenyao took a call and said to Yan Xi: "Girl, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you today."

"It's okay, Uncle Sun, you can be busy, we can arrange it ourselves." Yan Xi said, presumably the company has something to do.

"Well, I'm leaving first, Mr. Cheng, this is the car key, please take the girl and Miss Qingya around today." Sun Zhenyao handed the car key to Yan Xi and said.

"Okay, Mr. Sun, you can take care of the company's affairs at ease." Cheng Lin said.

During the day, Yan Xi did not go out with Cheng Lin and Sun Qingya. New York is not a mystery to Yan Xi. Instead, she wanted to watch more news from the past few days at home. The problem with Uncle Sun’s company may be related to the recent stock market. , and Yan Xi also wanted to see if he could take the opportunity to enter the market.

Long before leaving Huaxia, Yan Xi asked Lan Lan to prepare a sum of money for herself. Although the sum was not much for a Wall Street tycoon, it was good to take the opportunity to earn some income, and she did not make a trip to New York.

Cheng Lin and Sun Qingya didn't come back at noon, only Yan Xi and Maria were left at home. In the afternoon, Yan Xi made some pastries for afternoon tea, which was well received by Maria, and the two began to chat up.

At dinner, Yan Xi directly cooked a table of Chinese cuisine, firstly to respond to Sun Zhenyao's hospitality, and secondly because he prefers Chinese food over Western food.

"Wow, it smells so good." Sun Qingya opened the door and asked about the fragrance on the table.

"Qingya, come back, how are you doing?" Yan Xi asked.

"We went to many places, including Central Park, Daduhui Art Museum, Broadway, and we went to Chinatown at noon. I didn't expect to see Chinese food when I came back. I am very happy." Sun Qingya saw the food on the table. Cai said.

Maria is an out-and-out native of country M, and she doesn't understand Chinese except for greetings, and she can't hear what Sun Qingya is saying.

"Okay, you and Uncle Cheng go wash up first, and we'll have dinner when Uncle Sun comes back." Yan Xi said, staying at home all day, Yan Xi didn't feel bored at all.

"Maria, when does Uncle Sun usually get off work?" Yan Xi asked after looking at the time.

"Mr. is usually off work at this time. Maybe there are still things to attend. Ellen, do you want to have dinner first?" Maria said, wanting to get along today, Maria is already used to calling Yan Xi Ellen .

"Should I call and ask?" Yan Xi asked, after all, he was not very familiar with Sun Zhenyao's office situation, so calling directly was a bit too abrupt.

"Okay, I'll call." Maria said.

After finishing speaking, he walked to the phone and called Sun Zhenyao, then turned to Yan Xi and said, "Sir, he said that today might be a little later, Ellen doesn't have to wait for him."

"Oh, well, let's save some food for him." Yan Xi thought for a while and said.

I didn't see Sun Zhenyao answering the apartment until very late. Yan Xi thought that the company's affairs were very serious, so he didn't bother him. Judging from the information on the Internet, there was not much change. It seems that this time the commotion was caused by others It can be suppressed, Yan Xi dated Cheng Lin to help find information, but what he got was that this time it was caused by an internal change in a certain family, but the Internet indicated that it was only a guess at the moment, and the specific situation was unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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