Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 361 The Laughing Stock

Chapter 361 The Laughing Stock (2)
After Yuan Hao finished speaking, he went out without waiting for Huanhuan to react. Huanhuan knew that she was still in the first three months of pregnancy, so she had to be careful, but it would be good for anyone. Her newly married husband was going out for a drink. Who would?

After seeing Yuan Hao leave, Huanhuan's tears flowed down, is she going to spend her whole life like this?Luxurious presidential suite, but one person looks so bleak, Huanhuan suddenly remembered what she said on the phone call of a stranger, "You still have a chance to regret it now." Regret, she doesn't know, but what she knows is that at this time she There is no chance to regret it anymore, once it starts, no matter what the result is, he can only persevere, happiness or not, everything is her own decision.

Looking at the big bed in the room, it was covered with rose petals, but Huanhuan looked so dazzling now, after a glance, Huanhuan closed the door and sat on the sofa, she hoped that Yuan Hao I can come back later, twelve o'clock, one o'clock, two o'clock... Slowly Huanhuan fell asleep unconsciously, but unfortunately, he never got the person he was waiting for. Huan smiled ironically, all of this was chosen by him, and he deserved it.

The next day, Huanhuan woke up on the sofa, but she still didn't see Yuan Hao. Looking at the time, Huanhuan found that it was past seven o'clock, and it was time to go home. Huanhuan picked up the phone and was She wanted to call Yuan Hao, but her hands stopped again. At this moment, she was afraid.

Huanhuan didn't know what to do, so she could only wait for Yuanhao in the room. Fortunately, some snacks had been prepared in the room, so Huanhuan wouldn't wait hungry. Time passed slowly, and she never thought about it. , It turns out that when you are anxiously waiting for someone, time is so sad.

It was very late, Yuan Hao woke up with a splitting headache, Yuan Hao thought that he was in a bad mood last night, so he went to the bar downstairs to drink a little, but he felt more sober the more he drank, he didn't know how long he had been here , he just wanted to go back to the hotel, did he come back before he knew it?

Yuan Hao opened his eyes, and saw the naked body lying beside him. The first time he opened his eyes, he felt Huanhuan, but when he looked again, he felt something wrong. Yuan Hao rubbed his eyes, but the girl was behind her back. Facing him, he couldn't see clearly at all, the only thing he knew was that this girl was definitely not Huanhuan.

When Yuan Hao saw the girl sleeping soundly and was about to get dressed to leave, the door of the room was opened suddenly, and a large number of reporters came out at once. When Yuan Hao was standing naked and was about to get dressed, the reporters came in at the same time. Just right, Yuan Hao could only go back under the quilt and use the quilt to cover his body.

Maybe it was because the reporter was too noisy, the girl opened her eyes, and when she saw the reporter, she yelled out. This is because the reporter also recognized that the actor in this scene is Yuan Hao, and the heroine is the actor's ex-fiancee Yan Xin, for a while everyone didn't know which song this was called.

Yan Xin was scared, Yan Xin saw Yuan Hao's engagement yesterday, she was in a bad mood, so after returning to Yan's house, she secretly drove out to drink, she remembered seeing Yuan Hao at the bar, she didn't dare to go up to say hello, She can only vent all her dissatisfaction and discomfort with alcohol, and she will not remember anything about it afterwards.

"Why are you here?" Yan Xin said tremblingly, and immediately retracted her head under the quilt, but the reporter in front took the photo according to the evidence, and trying to cover it up has no effect.

"You let them go out, go out..." Yan Xin said again and again in the quilt, but there was a factor of madness in her tone. These days, Yan Xin was too depressed.

At the two people's engagement banquet, Yan Xin was already agitated, but the current situation made her even more afraid to face it. She chose to avoid a series of things that happened in the Yan family recently, but now something like this happened Yan Xin really didn't have the ability to face the matter, she didn't know what to do.

"You don't have to go out quickly." Yuan Hao said after hearing Yan Xin's continuous words of "going out".

But it was so easy for the reporter to give up on this exclusive news. They came over early in the morning and finally mustered up the courage to pry open the door. It was so easy to give up. Maybe it was because they waited too long to come in together Some people don't even have the memory of the reporter who opened the door. The first element of being a reporter is news, and other means don't matter.

"Mr. Yuan, may I ask why you abandoned your lovely wife and took a room here with Ms. Yan Xin yesterday? Is Ms. Yan Xin your true love?"

"Mr. Yuan, it is rumored that you were married with a son, right?"

"Is it because your wife used the child to force you to marry with the child?"

"Mr. Yuan, since you like Ms. Yan Xin, why did you contact the marriage contract in the first place?"

"May I ask Mr. Yuan why he came out to meet his ex-fiancée on the first night of their wedding."

Waiting for a series of sharp and newsy questions, Yuan Hao has no choice but to call the hotel security, hoping to drive the reporter out, but the hotel security is very fast, and soon the security Dare to go out, but Yuan Zhijie and his wife also came after hearing the news. Of course, Yan Zhenglin also came to inquire. Yan Yu has been taken away by Song Yi, and Yan Zhenglin is now Yan Xin's guardian.

After the reporter left the room, Yuan Hao could clearly feel the trembling of Yan Xin's body hidden under the quilt. Yuan Hao immediately put on his clothes. He didn't know why he acted like that yesterday, he just remembered that he was in When he was in a daze, he planned to go back to the hotel, but he really didn't remember what happened afterwards.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes." Yuan Hao said with a trace of disgust.

Yuan Hao was puzzled, could it be that Yan Xin was designing him, but the Yan Xin he knew had always been pure and kind, even though the incident happened and after the two broke up their marriage, Yuan Hao was also very thankful later, after all, Yan Zhenglin was no longer The Yan family is now the head of the family.

After Yuan Hao put on his clothes and turned his back, Yan Xin began to put on the clothes slowly, but her hands were still trembling, and the hickey mark on her neck indicated that it was the mark left by the two of them after their love yesterday.

Yan Xin was frightened, she didn't know why such a thing happened.

"What happened last night." Yuan Hao said coldly.

"I don't know... I just drank at the bar, and I don't remember what happened afterwards." Yan Xin stammered.

The two of them had just finished getting dressed when Yuan Zhijie and Madam Yuan arrived in a hurry. Huanhuan also got the news immediately and walked down from the top floor. Just after seeing the news that went viral on the Internet, Huanhuan fell continuously while walking. Now Huanhuan just feels pain all over her body, but it is not as good as her heartache.

After the doorbell rang, Yuan Hao opened the door. The moment he opened the door, Yuan Zhijie saw Yuan Hao and slapped Yuan Hao's face with a slap. His face immediately became angry with the five red finger marks. Who is Mrs. Yuan? Let distressed, but said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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