Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 362 The Laughing Stock

Chapter 362 The Laughing Stock (3)
After Yuan Zhijie entered, he immediately closed the door, and angrily got on the sofa.

"Let me ask you, what's going on." Yuan Zhijie said.

"Dad, I don't know. I just came downstairs to drink some wine, and I don't remember what happened after that." Yuan Zhijie said.

"How did I tell you when I left? You... I'm so mad." Yuan Zhijie said, feeling the burning pain in his chest, Mrs. Yuan immediately patted Yuan Zhijie's chest, Mrs. Yuan She has always been a full-time housewife, and she focuses on Yuan Zhijie in everything. At this time, she came out and stood aside, unable to intervene at all.

Huanhuan stood aside, only feeling that her body was light and light, but she tried her best not to let herself fall down. This is her newlywed husband. In the future life, will there be love between them?
The scene was silent for a while, Yuan Zhijie had nothing to say, and was waiting for Yan Zhenglin's arrival. Although Yan Zhenglin was different from the past, he was from the Yan family after all, and it was inconvenient for him to say more about Yan Xin, so Yan Xin could only shrink back alone. In one corner, she didn't know, really didn't know what was going on.

Soon, Yan Zhenglin also rushed over. The reporters at the door didn't open at all, instead they gathered more and more. If it wasn't for the security guards when Yan Zhenglin came in, he wouldn't be able to squeeze in. If it wasn't for the current situation, Yan Zhenglin didn't even want to come .

Recently, Yan Zhenglin felt as if he was living in a whirlpool, why couldn't he jump out, instead, he moved more and more sinking, so Yan Zhenglin has been doing nothing recently, because he paid off the gambling debt to Song Yi, and he paid it when he divorced Song Yi has a sum of money, and now that Yan Zhenglin is packing up the flow, he has no way to buy the stock completely, and Yan's stock has also risen a lot. Seeing that Yan's is becoming more and more stable now, Yan Zhenglin himself is already a ray of worry hair.

"Yan Xin, what's going on." Yan Zhenglin said angrily.

Yan Xin had always been Yan Zhenglin's pride, but now such things happened one after another. Yan Zhenglin remembered the jealous look on Yan Xin's face at the engagement banquet yesterday, thinking that everything was done by Yan Xin.

It has to be said that Yan Zhenglin is not worthy of being a human being at all. At some point, he still doubted his daughter at the first moment.

"Dad, I don't know, I really don't know..." Yan Xin repeated intermittently. She just wanted to vent herself, and she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Yan Xin originally thought that Yuan Hao would be her lover, but remembering Yuan Hao's sarcastic remarks to her just now, and now even her father doubts her, Yan Xin didn't know what to do next.

"President Yuan, what's going on." Yan Zhenglin asked Yuan Zhijie, after all, Yuan Zhijie arrived early.

"Mr. Yan, we don't know what's going on, or call the manager of the hotel to ask for clarification." Yuan Zhijie said.

Now Yuan Zhijie is not afraid of Yan Zhenglin at all. Yan Zhenglin no longer has the Yan family, and now it is only the Yan family. Hao's reputation, to protect the Yuan family's reputation.

"Okay." Yan Zhenglin said.

The matter Yan Zhenglin received was too strange, and it was exactly what he meant to figure it out. The door was blocked by reporters. It would probably be difficult to get out if he didn't figure it out, and if he didn't figure it out today, he might not have a chance in the future. The Yan family can't be framed The crimes of the Yuan family.

Soon the manager of the hotel walked in tremblingly. Of course he knew what had happened in the hotel. He wished so much that he would ask for leave today so that he would not have to face such a thing. Unfortunately, anyone can make an afterthought.

"You are the manager of the hotel." Yuan Zhijie asked.

"Mr. Yuan, hello, I'm Chen Yu, the manager of the hotel." Chen Yu said.

"Who opened this room yesterday." Yuan Zhijie said.

"This room is opened by Ms. Yan Xin, but not Ms. Yan Xin herself. Ms. Yan Xin was drunk at the bar yesterday. The bar staff saw that Ms. Yan Xin was an acquaintance, so they helped Ms. Yan Xin come over and open the room." Chen Yu said.

Chen Yu can only tell the truth, although Shangjing knows that Yan Zhenglin has lost power, but now the head of the Yan family is the Yan family, even if they are separated, Yan Xi is also named Yan after all.

"Really, did someone send Ms. Yan Xin to her room?" Yuan Zhijie continued to ask, what he just said was very unfavorable to Yuan Hao.

"That's right. The lady at the front desk said yesterday that the waiter at the bar kept telling Ms. Yan Xin to send her back to her room before leaving." Chen Yu said.

"Why are you so sure." Yuan Zhijie asked, after all, Chen Yu's testimony was too certain, and it couldn't help but make people doubt.

"Some people in the bar next to them are often drunk and will be sent back to our hotel by the bar attendant, and every time there is a separate boarding, some guests will choose to come to check out the next day after they are drunk." Chen Yu said .

However, this kind of service is only for regular customers, so don’t worry about repaying the debt. After all, the cheapest room in a five-star hotel costs thousands of yuan, which is not something that ordinary employees can spend. This is the central area, and you can spend it in nearby bars. Most of the customers are rich, so they have such services.

"Show me the surveillance video." Yuan Zhijie said.

Yuan Zhijie didn't believe that things could be such a coincidence, and now such a testimony is completely unfavorable to Yuan Hao, when Huanhuan heard this, cold sweat broke out on his head, and the sweat flowed down his head.

Huanhuan thought that everything would be fine after she married Yuan Hao, but she never expected that such a thing would happen. Could it be that this is the marriage she wanted?She always thought that she could be happy, because she loves money, but she has love for Yuan Hao, otherwise she wouldn't be marrying Yuan Hao on the cusp of this crisis, she thought she could be very happy, and she could slowly leave Yuan Hao behind Heart, but she is not willing to give up.

"The monitoring on this floor is broken, but you can adjust the monitoring of the elevator to you." Chen Yu said, thinking, if he knew it, he would have repaired the monitoring earlier, otherwise such a thing would not have happened.

"Call over the waiter who opened the bar yesterday." Yuan Zhijie said.

Yuan Hao could do such a thing, Yuan Zhijie didn't believe it at all, he knew that Yuan Hao was a fool, but Yuan Hao also knew how to measure, he would definitely not get involved with the Yan family at this time.

"Yuan Zhijie, what do you mean? Are you suspecting that my daughter designed all of this?" Yan Zhenglin said.

At the beginning, Yan Zhenglin resisted asking Yuan Zhijie to ask, but the more Yuan Zhijie asked, the more outrageous it became. Although Yan Zhenglin wanted to calm things down, he was not without a bottom line, and he absolutely couldn't bear such a reputation at this time.

"I just want someone to come over and ask what happened last night. I don't believe in such a coincidence." Yuan Zhijie said without giving in.

(End of this chapter)

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