The Republic is so violent

Chapter 17 Martial arts company fight

Chapter 17 Martial arts company fight (1)
(1) Juvenile Mentor
In 1903 AD, Great China was very lively.

Chen Shaobai acted like a fool, and dismissed Cen Chunxuan, an important official of the court, from his post as a figure in the world.

Sun Wen made 36 oaths, 21 punishments and 10 punishments, joined the Hongmen in Honolulu, and was named a red stick.Afterwards, the Hongmen brothers went bankrupt, and Sun Wen even sold the chief rudder to raise funds for riots.But because of the death of the trinity of eminent monk Puhang, Wuxuan and Jianghu hero Bi Yongnian, Sun Wen no longer has the capital to command the martial arts, and in terms of financing, he can't compare with Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, two money-making geniuses, so At this time, Sun Wen can be said to have returned to the low ebb of his career.

In the concession in Shanghai, Datong Bookstore secretly published "Revolutionary Army" by 19-year-old Zou Rong.

As soon as this book came out, it was earth-shattering. The Qing court commented: This book is rebellious, and it has never existed since ancient times.

This book completely transformed the foreign students sent by Yuan Shikai into the revolutionary party, and also transformed all the farsighted officials in the country into constitutionalists, and the young Zou Rong also created a brand new text in this book Style - Slogan style, this style is still used today.

Zou Rong said:
Sweep away the autocratic regimes of thousands of years, get rid of the slave nature of thousands of years, exterminate 500 million Manchurians who are strangely capped by Mao, wash away the great shame of 260 years of cruelty, and make mainland China clean Soil, the descendants of the Yellow Emperor are all Washington, and they have the purpose of bringing the dead back to life, returning to life, going out of eighteen hells, ascending to 33 heavens, lush, vast, supreme, unique, and great. The purpose is called "revolution".Towering!Revolution too!Royal!Revolution too!

Then Zou Rong shouted loudly:

Throwing your head, violent your brain, galloping in the hail of bullets with your feud against the Manchurians, and your public enemy Aixinjue Luoshi!
Zou Rong's prescription for China's future is: kill all the Manchurians, and China will have hope.

The first to advocate full row and revolution.

From then on, Zou Rong resolved the theoretical obstacles that lay in the way of the Chinese revolution, pointed out a clear path for China's subsequent development, and in fact became the spiritual leader and ideological mentor of the revolutionaries. The sound of rumbling guns and guns all proceeded under Zou Rong's clear thought of killing.

Zou Rong is not a pawn of the revolutionary army, not a revolutionary general, he is the spiritual mentor of a generation.

Because he pointed out who China's enemy is, and gave the revolutionaries the legitimacy of their violent actions.

So, what is the difference between Zou Rong's revolutionary thought and Sun Wen's?

If we want to know about Sun Wen’s thought and his people, we can get a thorough understanding by just saying one thing:
At the beginning of the founding of the Republic of China, Sun Wen met Yuan Shikai and persuaded Yuan Shikai to train millions of elite troops to strengthen the country. However, the task Sun Wen arranged for himself was to build a 20-mile railway for China.

At that time, Yuan Shikai looked at Sun Wen in a daze, turned his head and whispered into the ears of the people around him:
Sun Cannon!
This is the historical fact why Sun Wen was also called "Sun Dapao", probably because Sun Wen knew nothing about actual government affairs, and his words had no borders. The operating mileage of the railway is less than 50 kilometers. Sun Wen's goal is too far away from reality, which is why Yuan Shikai, who is proficient in government affairs, looks down upon him.

Yuan Shikai didn't know that what Sun Wen really wanted to talk about was the construction of a 360 million-kilometer railway, but someone around him reminded him not to talk too far, and not to boast too much. But it's troublesome.So when Sun Yuan met, Sun Wen endured the pain and changed the 360 million kilometers he wanted to say into 20 miles.

But 20 miles has already become Sun Dapao. If he really said 360 million kilometers, then Sun Wenke would become Sun Missile.

In fact, Sun Wen is not only ignorant of government affairs, but also has no achievements in theoretical construction. His personal interests are mainly focused on metaphysics. He is extremely disgusted with capitalism. Civilization and happiness are always controlled by a few people, so this unequal world is created."He also accused the capitalist system of being "clumsy" - see page 228 of the first volume of "The Complete Works of Sun Yat-sen".

Of course, Sun Wen’s point of view is not wrong, but it can be seen that he will definitely not like the coming era of the Republic of China—the era of the Republic of China is destined to be a period of personal struggle, and the divide between the rich and the poor is a long-term problem facing mankind—so Sun Wen Wen Cai subverts the laws of democracy, turns to seek personal worship, and goes to the violent line.

In the process of the republican revolution, Sun Wen's role and contribution were not decisive, but because he created China's first violent group, the Kuomintang, and then the state power fell into the hands of this violent group, and Sun Wen was promoted by the Kuomintang Being the "Father of the Nation" created the shining halo on the head of this idealist.

It is conceivable how difficult it is for a person who does not like the Republic of China to establish the Republic of China.

Sun Wen didn’t care what the future of the Republic of China should be like. He just hoped to build a country with equal wealth. According to a report in the Shenzhou Daily in 1912, Sun Wen even wanted to establish a special socialist special zone on Dongsha Island. He runs it exclusively by himself.

This idealist has gone too far. He has already entered the era of socialism. He doesn't care about building any theory to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Hurry up and get money. Buying guns and cannons will cost you money. On the green forest road, just crackling and hitting, what theory is needed for this?
As long as there is action, but no theory, this makes Sun Wen's image blurred in the hearts of the people at that time.Who knew what socialism was in those days?Everyone only saw Sun Wen jumping around, murdering and setting fire, this must be Jiang Yang's thief.

It was precisely because of Zou Rong's theoretical creation that the Sun family transformed from a notorious red-bearded bandit into a revolutionary leader.

(2) It's all the thief's fault
Compared with the thinker Zou Rong, Sun Wen has always been a figure in the world.

For example, the Xingzhong Society founded by Sun Wen is nothing more than a Jianghu combination with the same nature as the Gelaohui and the Triad Society under the Hongmen. Even the oaths of the Old Tongmenghui since then are pure green forest style:
On that day, I made an oath to expel the Tartars, restore China, establish the Republic of China, equalize land rights, and be faithful and loyal.If there is this alliance, the gods will kill it!

This old alliance was the first alliance founded by Sun Wen, and later he created a new alliance.Sun Wen is the best at breaking up formed Jianghu combinations and establishing new ones.Therefore, Sun Wen’s revolutionary process was a process of constantly creating new organizations. He created many organizations with complicated names, such as the Xingzhong Association, the Chinese Assassin Group, the Chinese Revolutionary Army, the Xinghan Association, and the Tongmenghui...etc.

This old alliance was established by Sun Wen after reading Zou Rong's "Revolutionary Army", and he immediately organized the people around him.However, the oath of this organization——if there is an alliance, the gods will kill it—is an out-and-out tone of the rivers and lakes, which is far from the real essence of the revolution!
In fact, Zou Rong’s prescriptions are not fundamentally different from those of the Reform Party, Kang Youwei, and the Boxers. They all attribute China’s problems to a certain person, a few people, or at most a certain group of people, and think that these people should be killed. Light, all problems are solved.

But Zou Rong's thoughts were even more ruthless. Kang Youwei was at best killing the Empress Dowager Cixi, but in his case, he wanted to completely kill the Manchurians, so undermining the unity of the nation, one can imagine how angry the court was.

Then a major case of "Su Bao" happened, and the imperial court sent people to the concession to lodge a strong protest, so Zou Rong was arrested and tried, and fought in court with Gu Bai, a lawyer hired by the Qing government with a high salary:
Cooper: Defendant, the book "Revolutionary Army", but you wrote it?
Zou Rong: You are talking about this matter... I am also wondering. I used to read books from Western countries and wrote something casually, and I didn’t care about throwing it in the suitcase. But a few days ago when I came to Shanghai, I was on the main road It's strange to see someone peddling this book. Who printed it?Must have made a lot of money...

Cooper: Then you remember what was written in the book?
Zou Rong: I forgot what I was writing a long time ago. I am busy writing "Equal Wealth". The book "Revolutionary Army" has long been lost. The books on the market have nothing to do with me. When I go to Tokyo, Japan, I need to trouble you to help me look into this matter... It is best to recover the manuscript fee.

Cooper: You, you, you... Since you know that "Revolutionary Army" has made serious political mistakes, why don't you throw it away?Since this book has been pirated and sold, why don't you come forward to stop it?

Zou Rong: Please, I'm just a young man who has lost his footing. I'm neither a police officer nor a Shanghai county. Even if I want to stop it, how can I have such a great ability?

Cooper: ...So are you opposed to the correct leadership of the court?

Zou Rong: How could it be? How could I oppose the imperial court? If I opposed the imperial court, why should I write "Equalization of the Rich and the Poor", right?
Cooper: You...I...maybe?
Zou Rong: Because he read various books in various Western countries, he wrote the book "Revolutionary Army" and put the manuscript in his luggage. In April and May this year, he asked for leave to come to Shanghai, and saw a newspaper seller holding the book "Revolutionary Army" for sale on the road. , I haven't checked who printed it, and I don't know the price of the book.

Cooper: Do you still remember the meaning in the book?
Zou Rong: No.Now, I intend to rewrite the book "Equalization of the Rich and the Poor", so that people in the world will not be rich or poor, so that the previous book "Revolutionary Army" has been abandoned and ignored.The ones sold in the market have been stolen, and they will have to be investigated when they arrive in Tokyo.

Cooper: Knowing that the book "Revolutionary Army" is not good, why not discard it?Since it has been stolen and sold, why not publish it and ban it?
Zou Rong: It is not a house patrol, nor is it a county in Shanghai. There is no such force that can prohibit people from collecting and selling books.

Cooper: When you wrote this book, did you have ulterior motives?

Zou Rong: No.Now I always want to write "Equalization of the Rich and the Poor" in my mind.

Zou Rong actually belittled himself to the "Revolutionary Army", did not shout slogans as the public expected, and died heroically, which made the public extremely disappointed.

Fortunately, Zhang Binglin, one of the members of the Zhang Yuan Congress, was considered a treason by the court because he wrote a preface to the book "Revolutionary Army" and even accused the Qing emperor of "carrying clowns and not distinguishing beans and wheat". Zhang Binglin and Zou Rong were taken to the court of the Ministry of Industry.

However, Zhang Binglin is a master of Chinese studies in the world, so he has the capital to be a madman.He explained: The meaning of the the meaning of the child... This action made the Qing court dumbfounded, and completely reversed the decadent atmosphere brought about by Zou Rong's self-deprecation.

However, people have overlooked one important thing. Zou Rong's self-deprecation is because the completion of the earth-shattering great idea of ​​"Revolutionary Army" has already exhausted the boy's physical strength, spirit and will.

Although he is still alive, the exhaustion of physical strength and energy has made him close to the situation where the oil is dry and the lamp is extinguished.

Once in hell, when will the demon atmosphere be swept away.

Last night I dreamed of reviving the revolutionary army with you.

Two years later—on February 1905, 2, Zou Rongyu died in prison.

(3) Gelaohui reappears
The young Zou Rong overdrawn his life and guided the Chinese revolution in the right direction. His thoughts, like the golden sunshine, shone on the rivers and lakes and martial arts, bringing new hope to the brothers in the green forest.

Speaking of hope, the most bleak thing in this regard is the Lianghu Ge Laohui, the old leader and four-legged pig Wang Xiufang responded to Kang Youwei's call and enthusiastically raised troops to serve the king, and ended up taking his own life.Nuo Da's hall lost Wang Xiufang, and suddenly the group had no leader and fell into a low ebb. Even the brothers in the hall couldn't survive, and they jumped to join other rivers and lakes groups...

At this time, fortunately, Ma Fuyi, the most prestigious elder brother in the Gelaohui, opened the hall to release votes and recruited disciples and disciples. Brothers from all over the world came to vote one after another, and the Gelaohui gradually improved.

The more brothers there are, the more troubles there will be. The most troublesome thing is that some brothers always go to the wrong kang and sleep with the wrong woman...but they say that Ma Fuyi has a Ma Longbiao under him, and he is even close to Ma Fuyi. Born with red lips and white teeth, a jade tree facing the wind, face like thin powder, skin like creamy fat... In short, she is too beautiful.

There is a beautiful brother in the hall, normal, such a big combination of rivers and lakes, why is there no weirdo?The problem is that Ma Longbiao is pretty if you are beautiful, but he happened to get involved with a beautiful woman. It should be normal to have a relationship with a woman, but that beautiful woman is the wife of another brother in the gang...

Trouble came, Ma Longbiao went to the wrong kang and slept with the wrong woman.

This is called wearing red shoes in the gang, which is a felony!
His wife was put to sleep by Ma Longbiao, and the brother felt that he had suffered a great loss, so he cried and complained to the old leader Ma Fuyi.

After Ma Fuyi confirmed the truth, he opened Ma Longbiao's incense hall.

The Fragrance Hall of the Gelaohui was a frightening event. That day, the leaders of each family lined up on both sides, and Ma Fuyi stood in the middle, and shouted in a long voice:
It's not that I'm stupid with the language,
Big brother will make you not free.

The brothers in the fourth row violated the order,

Dig your own hole and jump.

The fourth row brother violated the order,

Take a knife and plagiarize yourself.

Ninety old youngest violated the order,
The four red sticks will never give up.

Five cousins, please raise your account,
I'm passing the order down now.


The leaders of all the families shouted at each other in unison, and the brothers outside the cousin changed their colors when they heard it.

The defendant and the plaintiff both went to court.

First, the plaintiff brother cried: Ma Longbiao relied on his beauty, so he bullied others, wore red shoes, and caught his wife sleeping indiscriminately...

Defendant Ma Longbiao admitted that this matter was true. Although the matter was caused by that girl's eyebrows and eyebrows several times, but in the end he was the one who was sorry for his brothers...

That being the case, Ma Fuyi immediately issued an order that Ma Longbiao, as a member of the gang, who wore red shoes and slept with his brother's wife, should be executed according to gang rules, thinking of Ma Longbiao who had made great contributions to the prosperity of the gang , authorized him to throw himself into the river, to save his life...

Although the leading brothers of the family knew the result, they still couldn't bear it, so they all pleaded for Ma Longbiao.


Without complaint or regret, Ma Longbiao went out to find a small river with flowing water, and plunged into it...

After this incident, another brother surnamed Dai broke the gang rules. Ma Fuyi opened the incense hall again on a starry night.

Then, with tears in his eyes, Ma Fuyi personally sent Brother Dai to Hejian, where he had his own laparotomy. On the way, he passed by a dangerous pass in the mountains. Brother Dai turned his head and said to the old dragon:
Brother, be careful, when you come back, you will be alone, don't fall...

Orders are prohibited, and everything is obeyed.

Unwilling to break the law, seeing death as home, the name of the old dragon head Ma Fuyi instantly shocked the world, so Liu Daoyi, a brother of the Huaxing Society, brought a secret letter, begging to see the old dragon head.

(4) Wulin opened a new company

The old leader Ma Fuyi had never heard of the name of the Huaxing Association. He called Liu Daoyi in and asked him in detail. Only then did he find out that the Huaxing Association was founded by a few students who had recently returned from studying in Japan. The leader of the association was Huang Zhen. , the rest are Song Jiaoren, Chen Tianhua, Zhang Shizhao, Liu Kuiyi and others... Tell Liu Daoyi that this Huaxing Club was established on the day when the students celebrated Huang Zhen's 29th birthday.

Liu Daoyi said that although their Huaxinghui is a newly established Jianghu combination, it has introduced a modern enterprise management system, which is completely different from the old leader, Gelaohui.

What is the difference?

Liu Daoyi said: The name of Huaxinghui means the rise of China... Besides, Huaxinghui is also a corporate company, also called Huaxing Company. The company is currently raising shares, and the old leader Ma Fuyi is welcome to invest in it...

Even if the old leader is used to the turmoil in the Jianghu, he was also confused by Liu Daoyi's narration. Although the Huaxing Club is a small group, it is a Jianghu organization after all, but it does not open incense halls, and no brothers wear red shoes. Other people's wife's bed... Then what will everyone do in Huaxing?

Drive out the Tartars and restore China!
The old leader Ma Fuyi didn't understand even more. You expelled your family's Tartars and restored your family's China. Why did you come to our hall?

Do you need to ask, whether it is to drive out the Tartars or restore China, they all need manpower, and the Huaxing Society is good at writing poems and essays. This job... Ma Fuyi has a hundred thousand All of you!

Therefore, Huang Zhen, the head of the Huaxing Society and the general manager of Huaxing Company, in order to unite the Jianghu brothers and help charity, is currently preparing a brand new big gang called the Tongqiuhui. Huang Zhen himself is the general of the association. He just returned from Japan Liu Kuiyi, as the post of lieutenant general, is currently vacant for the post of major general, does the old leader have any intentions?
The old leader blinked again and again, Major General... This sounds much more majestic than the old leader.

Let's talk again, Ma Fuyi said.

Seeing that the old leader was not very interested, Liu Daoyi became impatient, and hurried forward to persuade him: "Old leader, it's not fair, it's not fair, China is the most unfair... Throw your head, violently kill you, feud with you Manchurians, and your public enemy Aixinjue Luo galloped in the hail of bullets, brought the dead back to life, turned his life back to life, escaped from the 33th floor of hell, and ascended to [-] heavens... He recited Zou Rong's "Revolutionary Army" on the spot.

The old leader Ma Fuyi was shocked, only to realize that this Huaxing Club is extraordinary, everyone is a star of Wenqu, and everyone has the ability to manipulate the world, so he can't help putting aside his contempt and listening to Liu Daoyi.

Liu Daoyi: Is Brother Ma following the legacy of the Hongmen and taking on the responsibility of destroying the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty?Or open a mountain, pay homage to the church, collect some party members, get some money, put a straw mark on the head, and sell the head?Or gather strength to make the officers and soldiers exhausted, what can I do, and then be recruited by the court to make a new life as a slave of the Qing Dynasty?

Veteran leader Ma Fuyi: Of course I want to...

Liu Daoyi: Old leader, listen to me, for today’s plan, the first is to strengthen oneself, please look at our China today, is it still a country?The reason is that it was all done by the Manchus, so he must be killed?The second is in the hearts of the Manchurians, who think that we are his domestic slaves, and they would rather give the country to foreigners than return it to the original masters.The ancients had a good saying, 'If you are not of my race, your heart must be different', therefore, a racial revolution must be carried out...

The old leader Ma Fuyi stood up, pushed the golden mountain to Liu Dao, and bowed down to the jade pillar: My brother Laohui, since the old leader Wang Xiufang was killed by the Manchurians, all the brothers have been thinking of revenge every day... If Huaxinghui is useful In a place where there are tens of thousands of members of the Gelaohui, all of them obey their orders.

(End of this chapter)

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