The Republic is so violent

Chapter 18 Martial arts company fight

Chapter 18 Martial arts company fight (2)
Liu Dao was overjoyed.

(5) One dragon, two tigers will meet three mountains
After receiving Liu Daoyi's report, Huang Zhen was overjoyed when he learned that Ma Fuyi, the elder brother's association, was willing to serve the country and avenge his country even though he was in the Jianghu.

Huang Zhen decided that he would pay a visit to the old leader in person and gather together for righteousness.

The Ge Laohui is a big combination of Jianghu, the old leader stomps his feet, and the Jianghu will set off three feet of waves, so Huaxinghui must also send enough talents.

To go to a general or a lieutenant general, you have to give the old leader enough face.

Admiral Huang Zhen and Lieutenant General Liu Kuiyi were mutually awarded military ranks by the two brothers.

Put on the night clothes - black short jacket, the oversized headgear that is indispensable for people in the world, the kind that can cover the face tightly, the advanced spike shoes, the midnight action, stealing the wind but not the snow, braving the heavy snow Walking on the mountain road, I walked the mountain road all night, and walked more than 30 miles.

Tea shop garden mine.

Brothers from the elder brother's association had long been on the road, then they crossed a dangerous steep wall and descended into an abandoned mine shaft. They got in from one end, and then came out from the other end. They saw a bright light in front of them. Admiral Huang Zhen and Lieutenant General Liu Kui Suddenly his face changed.

Three fierce and fierce men stood in front of them with their arms folded.

The three leaders of the Gelaohui: Xie Shouqi, You Desheng, and Xiao Guisheng.

Three major leaders: What kind of tea do brothers eat?

Admiral Huang Zhen: Eat black tea (red refers to Hongmen, which means that everyone is a family).

The Big Three: Where do they come from?
Admiral Huang Zhen: Come from the mountains (meaning come from the mountain hall).

The three leading heads: Where is Mr. going?
Admiral Huang Zhen: Going home by water (meaning they are all our own people).

The three leaders: where is your brother's house?

Admiral Huang Zhen: Exit the head of the township (Xiang).


Hearing Huang Zhen's hidden words to Gelaohui, the three leaders were shocked, and hurriedly moved out of the way.

Admiral Huang and Lieutenant General Liu stepped forward, and saw a very hidden cave in front of them, a person walked out of the cave, with square forehead and sharp eyes, it was Ma Fuyi, the old leader of Gelaohui.

Seeing the arrival of two generals from Huaxing Company, Ma Fuyi was overjoyed and hurriedly invited the guests into the cave.

Xie Shouqi, You Desheng, and Xiao Guisheng, the three leading elder brothers, followed and caught an unlucky big rooster from the hole and slaughtered it on the spot. The chicken blood dripped into a bowl and saved it for the old leader and the two generals to pay homage to each other. , this chicken was stripped of its hair, buried naked in a snow pit, then tamped it with soil, added charcoal on it, and lit a fire. After a while, the fragrance wafted and scattered in all directions.

Three cups of 20-year-old wine, a steaming chicken, Ma Fuyi, Huang Zhen and Liu Kui swore to heaven and earth, sworn brothers, not asking to be born on the same day in the same year, but to die at the same time in the same year...then the three sat on the ground Sitting on the animal skin, they looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Brothers in life and death, if one family doesn't talk about two families, then let's do it!

Overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, hacked to death these two bastards, Cixi and Guangxu!
What kind of cut?

In this regard, Huang Zhen has long been confident.

To overthrow the Qing Dynasty, everyone's military rank is not high enough, and they have to be promoted.

So Huang Zhen was promoted from general to general, Liu Kuiyi was promoted from lieutenant general to deputy commander, and Lao Longtou also served as a deputy commander. Later, he would be reissued the rank of major general, otherwise Lao Longtou would be too embarrassing.

The time is set for November 11th, which is a very special day—the day of Empress Dowager Cixi's 16th birthday.

On Cixi’s birthday, hundreds of officials pay pilgrimage, and officials in Beijing go to worship. Officials from all over the country have to find a place to kowtow. Officials in Hunan are used to kowtow in the Changsha Imperial Palace. On that day, all officials will be there...

As long as a bomb is planted under the worship mat where all the officials kneel down in advance, when the time comes... there will be a bang!
Hearing Huang Zhen's plan, the old leader was overjoyed, and even called for a clever plan. This kind of clever plan cannot be imagined by non-educated people.

Then everyone continued to discuss that once all the officials in Changsha were bombed to death, the old leader would order Xie Shouqi, You Desheng and Xiao Guisheng to lead [-] brothers and elder brothers to take Changsha by force. in their hands...

Huang Zhen was so excited that he could not help but chant a poem: "Get married with a glass of wine, drive Hu and others to cut chickens."

(6) The secret that caused a sensation in the world
After returning from Ma Fuyi's place, Huang Zhen woke up a little bit.

Something is wrong, the plan is a good plan, there seems to be something quite right...

By the way, it's money!
There are 5 brothers in Ma Fuyi. Even if these brothers insist on high style and follow you without eating or drinking, but [-] people need [-] guns, and each person needs [-] rounds of bullets for one shot. ...

Where can I get so many weapons?

Is it possible that this time, the brothers of the Gelaohui will be the same as last time, carrying a hoe and a wooden stick?

Inappropriate, greatly inappropriate.

Then sell the house and land, and raise money.

Huang Zhen and Liu Kuiyi sold almost all of their ancestral property.

The two generals went around looking for intermediaries to sell real estate, while Chen Tianhua and Song Jiaoren, the business backbones of Huaxing Company, had already started running around to implement the implementation.

Li Xiehe sneaked into Baoqing and contacted the local green forest tyrants.

Tao Xingzhang sneaked into Fujian and Zhejiang and contacted the local rivers and lakes brothers.

In fact, people like Huang Zhen are the "Huangzi team" mentioned earlier—that is, elite figures in the Volunteer Army of Resisting Russia. A non-governmental educational association: the Military National Education Association. The current head of the association is Cai Yuanpei, editor of the Imperial Academy of the Qing Dynasty. Although Lao Cai is a literati, he is bloody. He changed the name of the General National Education Association again, calling it assassination group.

This assassination group is very powerful, at least bigger than the Huaxing Society. Just mentioning the two characters in the assassination group is enough to shake the world. Qiu Jin is chasing and killing Yang Du, the most unlucky man in China, and has not yet returned to China, so the old leader Ma Fuyi is playing the leading role here.

It is said that since Huang Zhen left, the old leader Ma Fuyi sat in the hall every day waiting for Huaxing Company to award him the title. He said that he would be awarded a major general. The mouth was full of black crowd, all brothers who came to congratulate Ma Fuyi.

Waited, waited, waited, waited until the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, when Huang Zhen suddenly remembered this matter, so he sent lieutenant general Liu Kuiyi and key staff Chen Tianhua to escort twenty long guns, forty short guns, and forty horses. He secretly sneaked into Liuyang and conferred the title on the old leader.

The rank of major general is not a trivial matter. The elder brother's association attaches great importance to this, and chose the most populous cattle and horse trading market to open a hall to pay homage to the alliance.

Liu Kuiyi and Chen Tianhua walked into the dark sea of ​​people, and they felt dizzy immediately... There were a lot of people, at least tens of thousands of people, it seemed that all the people in Hunan had crowded here...

The people are so nice and lively, so Liu Kui took the stage in public and officially announced that the old leader Ma Fuyi was awarded the rank of major general. After that, the three armies worked together to drive out the Tartars and restore China.The old leader accepted it, and then asked Lieutenant General Liu Kui to say a few words to the brothers.

Liu Kui pushed Chen Tianhua to speak, because Chen Tianhua's literary talents are not inferior to his ideological mentor Zou Rong.

So Chen Tianhua walked onto the stage slowly, everyone was shocked when they saw it.

It's all because Chen Tianhua was born out of phase, with a big face full of marijuana spots, so although he is talented, he seldom shows his face in public. At this moment, he looked down at the crowd, and while his heart was surging, his thoughts immediately flowed like a spring:

Even if he is afraid of him, the guns are like a forest, and the bullets are like rain?
Even if he is afraid that he will have broad generals and strong soldiers?
Even if he is a tyrannical government with heavy constraints?
Even if he is a net of the sky, he is arrogant everywhere?
A sleeping lion, wakes up in a dream, roars to the sky,
All the beasts startled, the dragon and the snake ran away, and the demons fled and hid.

Change the treaty, restore the regime, completely independent,

Scholars join the army

Avenge shame, expel foreigners, and restore my crown.

At that time, Qi shouted, Long live China,

It's me, the Great Citizen, who frowned.

My boy, I have nothing good to say, I can advise you,
I wish you all to think carefully about this sentence.

Dividing up beans is compelling,
The same kind of sinking drama is sad,

Taixi Shenzhou is gone now,
Advise you to wake up and not to wander.

The Huns survived
What is home!

This is the famous "Menghuihui" by Chen Tianhua, a man of lofty ideals, expressed in the style of Suzhou Tanci, which is well-known to women and children, and it is deafening to send feedback.

After the speech, amidst the excited applause of tens of thousands of spectators, Chen Tianhua jumped off the stage and asked Liu Kuiyi: General Liu, what shall we do next?
Liu Kui replied, "Run, run as fast as you can, run as far as you can run... If the award of a military rank makes such a big noise, then the Qing court is not stupid to be fast, I am afraid they have already prepared the cell for us up...

(7) Get rid of retired veteran cadres

The matter is not confidential, the Qing government made a big arrest and issued a document of arrest at sea. The old leader Ma Fuyi went to Guangxi to take refuge temporarily to avoid the limelight.After it was safe, the more the old leader thought about it, the more it was a pity. Huang Zhen's plan was so good. With a bang, all the officials in Hunan were blown up to pieces. What a perfect plan... Then send brothers to contact Huang Zhen, but there is no one in the world. With such a person, he should have changed his name and surname. If he was caught by the Qing court, there must be news.

change name?

That's a good idea.

So the old leader changed his name to Chen Youheng, and returned to Huxiang excitedly.

Finally got in touch with Admiral Huang Zhen again, it turned out that Huaxing Company fled to Shanghai in partnership.

The Huaxing Society is a small church, although there are many talents, the number of people is pitifully small. All the brothers in the society are combined, and they are not as many as the leaders of the Ge Laohui. Therefore, if they run away, the court will not catch them.

Knowing that the imperial court would issue a sea arrest document, in order to avoid being hunted by the imperial court, Huang Zhen simply changed his name. From then on, he no longer called Huang Zhen, but changed his name to Huang Xing!
Huang Xing!

A generation of great men in the Chinese republic revolution has now been born.

Huang Xing was born, and the old dragon head was sitting in Hongjiang, repeatedly urging Huang Xing, hurry up with weapons, hurry up with weapons... Now there is nothing lacking here, except weapons. What a good plan, we must make a name for ourselves.

All is well and the plan is still in the process of being executed.

Huang Xing, Liu Kuiyi, Chen Tianhua, and one named Zhang Ji excitedly moved into Liu Kuiyi's apartment in Yuqingli, Xinzha Road, Shanghai, and continued to riot.

I heard that they came to Shanghai, and many guests came to visit, including Wu Chunyang, Guo Renzhang, my classmates when I was in Japan, and Wan Fuhua, a volunteer from Anhui who ran the single gang.

But this Wan Fuhua, ever since he read Zou Rong's Revolutionary Army, he was determined to save the country, so he looked everywhere for gangsters to join him, but it was strange, that gangster figure was met by others as soon as he went out, and when it was Wan Fuhua's turn He searched and searched, but couldn't find any, which made Wan Fuhua really depressed.

This time, Wan Fuhua finally found a way and found Huang Xing here.

A group of brothers from the Huaxing Society met Wan Fuhua cordially, and exchanged revolutionary ideas’s not fair, it’s not fair, China is the most unjust...Throw your head, violently, hate Manchurians with you, love with your public enemy Xinjue Luo galloped in the hail of bullets, brought the dead back to life, turned his life back to life, escaped from the 33th floor of hell, and ascended to [-] heavens...

After such an exchange, Wan Fuhua, a Zhijiao patriot, was full of enthusiasm and blood, and immediately jumped up to report: All the brothers of Haojiao learned that the former governor Wang Zhichun ate French dishes at Yipinxiang every day, and we cooked him. right...

Huang Xing and the others were taken aback. The former governor?Which former governor?I didn't bother to ask about the details for a while, but just persuaded the passionate man, Wan Fuhua, to take a long-term view...a long-term plan...

Look at this Wan Fuhua, there are tens of thousands of brothers waiting to revolt, but he wants to kill a retired veteran cadre of the Qing Dynasty, isn't that bullshit!

So ignore it.

But Wan Fuhua didn't know that Huang Xing and the others were going to do something earth-shattering. He only knew that there was a ready-made retired governor over there, but everyone didn't kill him. What a pity...

It's not fair, it's not fair, the matter in front of me is too unfair... In a hurry, Wan Fuhua rolled his eyes, and suddenly saw a brother who was more careless:
Zhang Ji!

He suddenly had a plan in his mind.

(8) Assassination of Yipinxiang
So Wan Fuhua immediately asked Zhang Ji humbly for advice, saying that Zhang Ji is an extraordinary big shot, the money-making genius Kang Youwei has Er Liang under him, martial arts master Liang Tiejun, and master of thinking Liang Qichao, Liang Qichao seems to fly whenever he sees Zhang Ji Running for his life, Zhang Ji ran for his life as if he was flying when he saw Liang Tiejun... In short, in terms of skill alone, although Zhang Ji was not Liang Tiejun's opponent, beating Liang Qichao violently was his specialty...

Existing textbooks say that Kang Youwei’s Royalist Party had a big debate with the Revolutionary Party, and the result was that the Royalist Party was defeated and the Revolutionary Party was victorious... But this statement is not accurate. The actual situation is that the Revolutionary Party Adding it all together, it can't compete with the royalist Liang Qichao's pen. Just look at how difficult it is for the Revolutionary Party to get some money, but the Royalist Party has never had any financial troubles.

So what exactly did the Revolutionary Party rely on to defeat the Royalist Party?

It relied on Zhang Ji, a spicy revolutionary. There are four major thugs in the revolutionary party, and Zhang Ji ranks first.

Zhang Ji's weapon was a thick jujube stick, but when he heard that the royalist party was raising funds again, Zhang Ji brandished the jujube stick and led some generals to kill them.Liang Qichao fought hard with a wolf's pen. Although the article was a matter of ages, he couldn't help but see the blood when the jujube stick fell, and the wheel was skinned. Naturally, he was not an opponent, and it was inevitable to flee.

Wan Fuhua is not Liang Qichao, so Zhang Ji naturally will not fight Wan Fuhua, but call him brothers, and the friendship is getting closer... Seeing that the situation is almost the same, Wan Fuhua begged Zhang Ji to show him a short gun. He really wanted to revolutionize , Throwing your head, violent your brain, galloping in the hail of bullets with your public enemy Aixinjueluo... But Wan Fuhua has never even seen a pistol, how can he gallop like this?

Zhang Ji showed the pistol to Wan Fuhua.

Wan Fuhua took a pistol and looked left, right, and looked, he disappeared even with the gun...

At this time, he was already holding a gun, and rushed to Yipinxiang angrily.

Speaking of which, Yipinxiang, whose full name is Yipinxiang British and French Restaurant, is the favorite important office place for leaders at all levels. Since Wang Zhichun took the post of imperial governor, he has eaten here every now and then.It is said that one day when Wang Zhichun was eating happily, he suddenly saw a young man in a suit walking towards him with a murderous look on his face. When he got close, he saw the young man suddenly stretched out his hand, and in his hand was a shaped iron object. Looking at Wang Zhichun, a strange sound came out of his mouth...

This young man is Wan Fuhua, a revolutionary.

The foreign object in his hand was the missing pistol of the unlucky Zhang Ji.

Why did Wan Fuhua not pull the trigger, but made a popping sound from his mouth?
Don't ask Wan Fuhua about this, he is more confused than anyone else.

Wan Fuhua is just a hot-blooded young man. Today is the first time in his life that he has touched a pistol. He thought that the pistol would burst into flames as long as he moved his finger, but he didn't know that there was something else on the pistol There is a device called the "shutdown button" - it is actually a safety. If you don't open the stop button, the pistol will be in a shutdown state. No matter how you pull it, you will not be able to fire bullets.

Wan Fuhua didn't understand this reasoning, so he aimed a pistol at Wang Zhichun's head, and then buckled, but nothing happened, so Wan Fuhua had no choice but to make a popping sound to show that he was playing for real.

This Wang Zhichun turned out to be the governor of Guangxi. In his early years, he was a hero under Li Hongzhang, the pioneer of the Westernization Movement. It was comforting himself, when he was comforting, he suddenly saw a young man holding an iron object and gesticulating at him non-stop, Wang Zhichun was very surprised, he called his attendants to drag the young man away.

The attendant snatched the gun from Wan Fuhua's hand, and found that it was a real guy, so he called the police, and the police rushed to arrest Wan Fuhua.

Wan Fuhua failed to kill Wang Zhichun, the governor of Guangxi, which opened the prelude to the assassination of iron-blooded soldiers.

This is the first incident, but it has nothing to do with the party members, after all Wan Fuhua is just running a single gang.

(9) Actively report the revolutionary party
Wan Fuhua was arrested by the police station, and Huang Xing and others were furious, so they sent Zhang Shizhao to visit the prison.

Speaking of Zhang Shizhao, he is the chief writer of Su Bao, and he is supposed to be the key person in the case of Su Bao, but for some reason, when the Concession Bureau of Industry and Commerce arrested people, he signed a lot of summons and arrested many people who had nothing to do with the case. Unrelated people, both Zou Rong and Zhang Binglin were imprisoned, but Zhang Shizhao was ignored.

The Bureau of the Ministry of Industry ignored Zhang Shizhao, and the court seemed to have forgotten about the rebel, so after Zhang Binglin and Zou Rong were imprisoned, Zhang Shizhao was still lonely, wandering around the streets of Shanghai alone.

This time he wandered all the way into the prison of the patrol room, and seeing Wan Fuhua, he exhorted:

Now that you are in prison, you must be very careful, and you must not be tricked by the Qing court.We're working hard, hiring lawyers, trying to get you out.

Then Zhang Shizhao bid farewell to Zhishi Wan Fuhua, went out of the police station, and went to discuss with Huang Xing. There was a lot of darkness behind him, followed by a large number of spies from the police station. Who didn't know that he was the chief editor of Su Bao?Putting a long line to catch big fish, this month's salary and bonuses all depend on the honest and kind Zhang Shizhao.

Zhang Shizhao strode on Xinzha Road, and a large number of spies behind him followed suit.

Zhang Shizhao entered Yu Qingli's secret agency and closed the door behind his back. All the spies hurried forward and stood in front of the door for a group photo.

In the next two days, under the close surveillance of spies, the Huaxing Society was nervously planning the Xianghu Uprising...

Two days of not doing anything, the patrol room was thinking that it would be best to catch them all in one go, but after two days of staring, the patrol room got a little angry, probably because the Huaxing Club has caught up with the big shop of horses and horses, and the people in the world come and go like crucian carp, you come and go , He goes and you come, the most irritating thing is the person who goes, the one who goes to Japan is the closest, and the one who goes to Germany is the farthest. The poor spies follow them in different ways, and they are so tired that they want to cry like a donkey...

Forget it, stop playing with them, just arrest them all!
Late night action!

Break in!

In the small room, there were more than a dozen people on the Datong bunk.

Huang Xing and Guo Renzhang lived in a hut, because Guo Renzhang knew about military affairs, so they lived in the same room to facilitate communication, but they were arrested together by police.

They all stood up, verified their identities, and the police lined up all the brothers. After checking carefully, they were all tenants. The landlord Liu Kui was followed by a large group of spies, and his whereabouts were unknown at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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