The Republic is so violent

Chapter 195 Materials Cited in This Book

Chapter 195 Materials Cited in This Book

1. (US) Wei Muting: "Sun Yat-sen: A Patriot with Unpaid Aspirations", New Star Publishing House, 2006 edition
2. (Japanese) Tetsujiro Sato: "Yuan Shikai", Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005 edition
3. Huang Yanpei: "The Facts of the 1961 Revolution I Experienced Personally", June 6 Edition
4. Cheng Qian: "Reminiscences before and after the Revolution of 1961", [-] edition
5. Shen Junru: Miscellaneous Memories of the Revolution of 1961, [-] Edition
6. Li Liejun: "I Was During the Revolution of [-]"

7. Zhou Zhenlin: Miscellaneous Memories of the Restoration Meeting, 1961 Edition
8. Li Shucheng: "Mr. Huang Keqiang's Revolutionary Activities Before and after Xinhai", 1961 edition
9. Li Liuru: "A Brief History of the Wuchang Revolutionary Movement", published in Yan'an "Liberation Daily" on October 1942, 10

10. "The Personal Experience of the Revolution of 2001": China Literature and History Publishing House, July 7 Edition
11. "Wu Yuzhang Collected Works": Chongqing Publishing House

12. "Hu Hanmin's Autobiography": Originally published in Taiwan's "Biography Literature" No.14 Volume [-] Issue

13. Zhou Zhenlin: "On Huang Xing, Hua Xinghui and Sun Huang's Relationship after the Revolution of [-]"

14. Sun Ke: "Reminiscences of the Revolution of the Founding Father and Mr. Huang Keqiang": Originally published in the first issue of Taiwan's "Hunan Documents", December 1966, 12

15. Ji Hengji: "The Facts of the Chinese Revolution": Shanghai Sanmin Company Edition in 1911
16. Xiong Bingkun: "Overview of the 1957 First Uprising Project Battalion Disaster", originally published in the first series of "Memoirs of the [-] First Uprising", Hunan People's Publishing House in [-]
17. Yan Youfu: "Memories of the Recovery of Hunan in [-]"

18. Zhang Peng: "Recalling the Revolution of [-] in Shaanxi"

19. Nan Guixin: Memories Before and After the Revolution of 2, Volume [-] of "Shanxi Literature and History Materials"

20. Wang Guanjun: "My Personal Experience in Yunnan in [-]"

21. Peng Chengwan: "Jiangxi Recovery and the Political Situation after Recovery", 1962 Edition
22. Huang Jizhou: "A Brief Account of the Guizhou Revolution of [-]"

23. Xu Sen, Chen Bingzhi: "The Moling Uprising of the Ninth Town and the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Allied Forces' Recovery of Nanjing"

24. Ge Jingen: "The Revolution of 1961 in Zhejiang", September 9 Edition
25. Li Renren: "Memories of Tongmenghui's Activities in Guilin and Pingle and Guangxi's Declaration of Independence"

26. An Wensheng: "Before and After the Restoration of Anqing"

27. Liu Tong: "Memories of the Restoration of Fujian"

28. Mo Xiong: "Guangdong New Army in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Revolution of [-]"

29. Sun Danlin: "The History of the Shandong Revolution of [-]"

30. Shanghai Political Consultative Conference Cultural and Historical Materials Research Committee: "Before and After the Restoration of Shanghai in [-]"

31. Zhang Peng: "Memories of the Revolution of [-] in Henan"

32. Wang Baozhen: "A Brief Introduction to the Luanzhou Uprising and the Northern Revolutionary Movement"

33. Ning Wu: "A Brief Introduction to the Revolution of [-] in Northeast China"

34. Wu Jinglian: "Personal Experience of Organizing the Nanjing Provisional Government"

35. Ren Hongjun: "Records of Nanjing Provisional Government and Others"

36. Guo Hanzhang: "The Record of the Nanjing Interim President's Experience in March"

37. Zhang Zhonghe: "North-South Negotiations and the Documentary of Personal Experience"

38. Liu Jianqiang: The Biography of Tan Yankai, Kyushu Publishing House, 2011 Edition
39. Edited by Chen Xing: "The Era of the Early Republic of China", Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010 Edition

40. Edited by Li Zhenguang: Warlords of the Republic of China, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010 Edition
41. Feng Tianyu, He Juefei: History of the First Wuchang Uprising of 2006, Wuhan University Press, [-] edition
42. Ma Mingde: "The Revolution of 13 and Zhao Fengchang", "Modern China" No.[-] Series.

43. Wu Xiangxiang: "Biography of People in the Republic of China" Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2009 edition.

44. Wu Yuzhang: "The Revolution of 1961", People's Publishing House, [-] Edition
45. Chen Guoan: "The First Xinhai War of Yiyang and Xia", Hubei People's Publishing House, 2006 edition
46. ​​Hou Jie, Jiang Hailong: "Li Yuanhong", Hebei Education Press, 2006 edition
47. Yuan Shuyi et al.: "New History of Modern China" (Volume 2007) People's Publishing House, [-] Edition
48. Li Xin, Sun Sibai editor-in-chief: "Republic of China Character Files", Yuanfang Publishing House, 2005 edition
49. Li Li, Xia Chao: "The Great Hero Chiang Kai-shek", Jincheng Publishing House, 1994 edition
50. Tang Degang: "Yuan Shi Reigns", Guangxi Normal University Press, 2004 edition
51. (Qing) Bu Xiaosheng: "History of Foreign Countries in the East", China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, 1998 edition
52. Newspapers and periodicals (1911~1914):

Shanghai "Declaration"

Shanghai Minli Daily

Tianjin "Ta Kung Pao"

Fengtian "Shengjing Times"

"China Express"

The Times

"New York Times"

Time Magazine

The Republic of China and China in the 20th Century, St. John's University

Book information:

1. (English) Jonathan?Fenby: The Biography of Chiang Kai-shek, January 2011 Edition
2. (US) Hallett?Aban: "Republic of China Interview War", July 2008 Edition
3. (Japanese) Sato Kohiko: "The Origin and Movement of the Boxers", April 2007 Edition
4. (US) Columbia University Press: "Dictionary of Biography of the Republic of China"

5. (US) Wei Muting: "Sun Yat-sen: A Patriot with Unpaid Aspirations", New Star Publishing House, 2006 edition
6. (Japanese) Tetsujiro Sato: "Yuan Shikai", Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House, 2005 edition
7. (Japanese) Munekata Kotaro: "Xin Ren's Diary?Political Party Associations in China in 2007", Zhonghua Book Company, June 6 Edition
8. Edited by Duan Yunzhang and Shen Xiaomin: Chronicle of Sun Wen and Chen Jiongming's Historical Events: Guangdong People's Publishing House, October 2003 Edition
9. Zhang Mingjin, Liu Liqin: "The Warlords of the 20 Factions in the History of the Republic of China", PLA Press, March 2008
10. Su Quanyou: "The Complete Biography of Zhang Zongchang", April 2007 Edition
11. Liu Songkun: "Anecdotes of Liyuan", Beijing Yanshan Publishing House, December 1998 edition
12. Wu Huan: "Zhuge Zhao Fengchang in the Republic of China", Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing, September 2010 edition
13. Sima Gongyi: "The Strange Case of the Republic of China", Mass Publishing House, July 1997 edition
14. Wu Liyang: "China 1911", Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House, January 2011 edition
15. Wang Xuean: "Records of the Revolution of 2011" Baihua Literature and Art Publishing, January 1 Edition
16. Huang Yanpei: "The Facts of the 1961 Revolution I Experienced Personally", June 6 Edition
17. Cheng Qian: "Reminiscences before and after the Revolution of 1961", [-] edition
18. Shen Junru: Miscellaneous Memories of the Revolution of 1961, [-] Edition
19. Li Liejun: "I Was During the Revolution of [-]"

20. Zhou Zhenlin: Miscellaneous Memories of the Restoration Meeting, 1961 Edition
21. Li Shucheng: "Mr. Huang Keqiang's Revolutionary Activities Before and after Xinhai", 1961 edition
22. Li Liuru: "A Brief History of the Wuchang Revolutionary Movement", published in Yan'an "Liberation Daily" on October 1942, 10

23. "The Personal Experience of the Revolution of 2001", China Literature and History Publishing House, July 7 edition
24. "Wu Yuzhang's Collected Works", Chongqing Publishing House

25. "Hu Hanmin's Autobiography", originally published in Taiwan's "Biography Literature" No.14 Volume [-]

26. Zhou Zhenlin: "On Huang Xing, Hua Xinghui and Sun Huang's Relationship after the Revolution of [-]"

27. Sun Ke: "Reminiscences of the Revolution of the Founding Father and Mr. Huang Keqiang", originally published in the first issue of Taiwan's "Hunan Documents", December 1966, 12

28. Ji Hengji: "The Facts of the Chinese Revolution", Shanghai Sanmin Company, 1911 edition
29. Xiong Bingkun: "Overview of the 1957 First Uprising Project Battalion Disaster", originally published in the first series of "Memoirs of the [-] First Uprising", Hunan People's Publishing House, [-] edition
30. Yan Youfu: "Memories of the Recovery of Hunan in [-]"

31. Zhang Peng: "Recalling the Revolution of [-] in Shaanxi"

32. Nan Guixin: Memories Before and After the Revolution of 2, Volume [-] of "Shanxi Literature and History Materials"

33. Wang Guanjun: "My Personal Experience in Yunnan in [-]"

34. Peng Chengwan: "Jiangxi Recovery and the Political Situation after Recovery", 1962 Edition
35. Huang Jizhou: "A Brief Account of the Guizhou Revolution of [-]"

36. Xu Sen, Chen Bingzhi: "The Moling Uprising of the Ninth Town and the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Allied Forces' Recovery of Nanjing"

37. Ge Jingen: "The Revolution of 1961 in Zhejiang", September 9 Edition
38. Li Renren: "Memories of Tongmenghui's Activities in Guilin and Pingle and Guangxi's Declaration of Independence"

39. An Wensheng: "Before and After the Restoration of Anqing"

40. Liu Tong: "Memories of the Restoration of Fujian"

41. Mo Xiong: "Guangdong New Army in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Revolution of [-]"

42. Sun Danlin: "The History of the Shandong Revolution of [-]"

43. Shanghai Political Consultative Conference Cultural and Historical Materials Research Committee: "Before and After the Restoration of Shanghai in [-]"

44. Zhang Peng: "Memories of the Revolution of [-] in Henan"

45. Wang Baozhen: "A Brief Introduction to the Luanzhou Uprising and the Northern Revolutionary Movement"

46. Ning Wu: "A Brief Introduction to the Revolution of [-] in Northeast China"

47. Wu Jinglian: "Personal Experience of Organizing the Nanjing Provisional Government"

48. Ren Hongjun: "Records of Nanjing Provisional Government and Others"

49. Guo Hanzhang: "The Record of the Nanjing Interim President's Experience in March"

50. Zhang Zhonghe: "North-South Negotiations and the Documentary of Personal Experience"

51. Liu Jianqiang: "The Biography of Tan Yankai", Kyushu Publishing House, 2011 Edition
52. Edited by Chen Xing: "The Era of the Early Republic of China", Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010 edition

53. Edited by Li Zhenguang: Warlords of the Republic of China, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010 edition
54. Feng Tianyu and He Juefei: History of the First Wuchang Uprising of 2006, Wuhan University Press, [-] edition
55. Ma Mingde: "The Revolution of 13 and Zhao Fengchang", "Modern China" No.[-] Series

56. Wu Xiangxiang: "Biography of People in the Republic of China", Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2009 edition
57. Wu Yuzhang: "The Revolution of 1961", People's Publishing House, [-] Edition
58. Chen Guoan: "The First Xinhai War of Yiyang and Xia", Hubei People's Publishing House, 2006 edition
59. Hou Jie, Jiang Hailong: "Li Yuanhong", Hebei Education Press, 2006 edition
60. Yuan Shuyi et al: "A New History of Modern China" (Volume 2007), People's Publishing House, [-] Edition
61. Edited by Li Xin and Sun Sibai: "Republic of China Figure Files", Yuanfang Publishing House, 2005 edition
62. Li Li, Xia Chao: "The Great Hero Chiang Kai-shek", Jincheng Publishing House, 1994 edition
63. Tang Degang: "Yuan Shi Reigns", Guangxi Normal University Press, 2004 edition
64. (Qing) Bu Xiaosheng: "History of Foreign Countries in the East", China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, 1998 edition
65. Liu Bingrong: "The War to Protect the Nation", China Society Publishing House, April 2010 Edition
66. Zhou Jianxin, Hao Ruiting: Lessons from Major Events in China Over the Century (Military Volume), Party Building Readings Publishing House, August 2002
67. Zhang Shesheng: "Out of Print Yuan Shikai", Wenhui Publishing House, August 2010 Edition
68. Zhonghua Book Company: "General Li Liejun's Autobiography", "Li Liejun's Travel Notes", June 2007 Edition
69. Liu Yijiang: "Critical Biography of Yuan Shikai" (Part 2004, Part 6), Economic Daily Publishing House, June [-] Edition
70. Edited by Gu Min: "Toutiao Toutiao China's Founding Words", Current Affairs Publishing House, November 2005 Edition
71. Jiang Kefu: "Military History of the Republic of China" (Volume I), Chongqing Press, November 2009 edition
72. Cao Rulin: Memories of Cao Rulin's Life, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, January 2009 edition
73. Gao Zongwu: Memoirs of Gao Zongwu, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, January 2009 edition
74. Wang Qisheng: "Revolution and Counter-revolution", Social Science Literature Publishing House, January 2010 edition
75. Tao Xisheng: "Trends and Bits", Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, January 2009 edition
(End of this chapter)

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