The Republic is so violent

Chapter 197 Chronology of events in this book

Chapter 197 Chronology of events in this book (2)
August 8: Japan and Germany fought in Qingdao, and the Chinese government declared strict neutrality.

August 8: Japan issues an ultimatum to Germany, handing over Jiaozhou Bay to Japan.

September 9: 2 British and Japanese allied troops landed in Longkou, Shandong.

October 10: The headquarters of the model regiment was established in Beihai, headed by Yuan Shikai.

October 10: Army Chief Duan Qirui found a bomb on his desk, and Duan Qirui ordered it to be kept secret.But Japanese newspapers still reported the incident and claimed that Yuan Shikai had planted the bomb.

October 10: Ryohei Uchida of the Black Dragon Association of Japan submitted the "Opinion Letter on Resolving the Issue of Counterparties" to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, claiming to support the Revolutionary Party, with the purpose of disintegrating the Yuan government.

November 11: Japan captures Qingdao, calling it a military plan against Germany, not an invasion of Chinese territory.

December 12: Sun Wen explained why fingerprints are required to join the Chinese Revolutionary Party, calling it an anti-counterfeiting mark.

December 12: Yuan Shikai worshiped heaven at the Temple of Heaven.


January: Liang Qichao was invited to meet Yuan Keding in Xiaotangshan.China sent a note to Japan, requesting the withdrawal of troops stationed in Qingdao, but Japan refused to do so.

January 1, 18 pm: Japanese Minister to China, Hiki Masaki, asked Yuan Shikai to meet at Huairen Hall, handed over the "3 Articles" in person, and demanded that the Chinese side must satisfy them all.

January 1: Hikimashi, the Japanese ambassador to China, met with Chinese Foreign Minister Sun Baoqi and handed over the documents in person. Sun Baoqi made criticisms one by one.Masaki Hiki said, "Mr. Gui is so clear about the content, it will be easier to negotiate."When Yuan Shikai heard about it, he scolded Sun Baoqi for being stupid.

January 1: Foreign Minister Sun Baoqi was dismissed and Lu Zhengxiang was appointed as Foreign Minister.

February 2: Sun Wen and Chen Qimei signed the "Sino-Japanese Covenant" or "Eleven Articles" with Japan Manchurian Railway Co., Ltd., because the conditions were more favorable to Japan than "5 Articles", which caused riots in the Chinese Revolutionary Party.

February 2: Thousands of Chinese students studying in Tokyo gathered to protest "Article 11".

February 2: Yuan Shikai appointed Chen Huanhui to handle Sichuan military affairs.

February 2th: Chen Jiongming and Huang Xing communicated by telegram, advocating the suspension of the revolution and unanimously speaking to the outside world.

February 2: Sun Wen accused Chen Jiongming of being jealous of the Jianghu Society.

March 3: The Chinese Revolutionary Party denies supporting overseas students against "Article 1".

March 3: Through his old friend Inuyang Takeshi, Sun Wen transferred his "Eleven Points" to Koike Chozo, Director of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, promising to give Japan more favorable benefits than the "14 Articles".

March 3: Yuan Shikai personally inscribed "Excellent Talent" and presented it to Yang Du.

March 3: Liang Qichao moved into the Tianjin Concession.

April: Yang Du published "On the Salvation of the Nation by the Monarch Constitution".

May: The Ministry of the Army proposes a salary increase, and Yuan Shikai criticizes: If you are a little popular, you can't do it.Zhang Taiyan's eldest daughter and her husband Gong Baoquan went to Beijing to visit her father. Suddenly, she was hanged in the main house one day, and Qianliang Hutong became a haunted house.

May 5: Duan Qirui complained of illness and was replaced by Wang Shizhen.

May 5: Sun Wen denied that the Chinese Revolutionary Party had signed the "Eleven Points" with Japan.

5 p.m., May 7: Japan issues an ultimatum to China, with 3 hours to reply.

May 5: Yuan Shikai convened a meeting of the heads of various agencies, crying.

May 5: The "Republic of China" land, sea and air command office was established, with Cai E, Chen Huan and others serving as clerks.The Yuan government compromised with Japan.

May 5: Sun Wen sent a letter to Japanese Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu, promising to give Japan more favorable conditions than "Article 11", but the Okuma cabinet ignored it.

May 5: The Yuan government signed a secret treaty with Japan.

May 5: Duan Qirui resigns as Chief of the Army.

June 6: Liang Qichao and Feng Guozhang went to Beijing to test Yuan Shikai.

July: Professor Goodnow from the United States returns to China again, and once again advocates the restoration of the monarchy.Generals from all provinces came to Beijing to report on their duties. Except for Fengtian General Zhang Xiluan, they all demanded the restoration of the monarchy.

July 7: Party members bombed Long Jiguang, Guangdong, killing 17 guards, and Long Jiguang was injured in the leg.

August 8: "Asia Daily" published an article "Republic and Monarchism" by American Goodnow.

August 8: Party members attempted to assassinate Zheng Rucheng, the guardian of Shanghai, but failed.

August 8: The Preparatory Committee was established.Duan Qirui was removed from the post of Army Chief.

August 8th: General Tang Xiangming of Hunan Province handed over the "Admonition Form".

August 8: The Preparatory Committee issued a declaration for the second time, reaffirming that the national public opinion is in favor of a constitutional monarchy.

September: Yan Xiu and Yan Fansun entered Beijing, persuaded Yuan Shikai not to restore the monarchy, and expelled Yuan Keding.

September 9: People living in Beijing from various provinces organized citizen groups and petitioned the Senate separately, demanding the realization of the monarchy.

September 9: Japanese Prime Minister Shigenobu Okuma delivered a public speech, calling Yuan Shikai a great man.

September 9: All Suzheng Shi of the Suzheng Office petitioned to ban the Preparatory Committee, and Yuan Shikai stated that he would not interfere with academic freedom.

September 9: Senate sends second petition
September 9th: National Petition Federation, listed in Anfu Hutong.

September 9: The Senate proposed to convene a National Assembly to vote on changing the state system.

October: Huang Xing sent a letter to Sun Wen, expressing his willingness to serve in the battle against Yuan.

October 10: Yuan Shikai talks with British Minister Zhu Erdian.

October 10: Troopers entered Cai E's private house in Mianmian Hutong, angering Cai E.

October 10: Sun Wen and Soong Ching Ling signed a marriage contract in Japan.

October 10: Japan, together with Britain and Russia, issued a warning to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded verbally three times in a row, but failed to satisfy the Japanese side, so it promised to suspend the imperial system within this year.

November 11th: Party member Chen Qimei used a five-way ambush and 10 assassination squads to attack the Shanghai town guard Zheng Rucheng in the embassy area. Zheng Rucheng was finally killed by the assassins Wang Xiaofeng and Wang Mingsan.

November 11: Cai E sneaked into Japan by ship.

November 11: The national vote was completed as scheduled. 20 representatives of public opinion all supported the constitutional monarchy system and unanimously elected Yuan Shikai as the emperor of the Chinese Empire.

December 12th: A large number of Japanese naval reservists, led by party member Chen Qimei, attacked the "Zhaohe" warship, which was known as the Songhu Uprising in history.

December 12: The Acting Legislative Yuan held the National Congress to vote on the national system, unanimously in favor of a constitutional monarchy, and twice submitted a table to persuade it.

December 12: Yuan Shikai announced his acceptance of the title of emperor.

December 12: Yuan Shikai received congratulations from all officials at Ju Ren Tang.Issued an order prohibiting opposition to the monarchy.

December 12: Li Yuanhong refused to accept the title of Prince Wuyi.Japan united with the five countries and issued another warning.

December 12: The Qing Dynasty declared its position that all my royal family strongly agree with it and support Yuan Shikai's proclaiming himself emperor.

December 12: Party member Li Liejun entered Yunnan.

December 12: Cai E secretly arrived in Kunming.The Grand Ceremony Preparatory Office was established.

December 12: 21 knighted.

December 12: Guangxi Lu Rong Tingzi Lu Yuxun returned to Guangxi and was poisoned in Hankou.Huang Xing called Lu Rongting, urging him to rise up against Yuan.

December 12: Cai E, in the name of General Tang Jiyao and Ren Kecheng, sent a telegram to Yuan Shikai to persuade him to abolish the imperial system.

On the evening of December 12th, 24th: Wang Fuyi, a native of Japan, held a press conference to announce the Yunnan Uprising.

December 12: Yunnan declares independence.

December 12: The next year is announced as the first year of Hongxian.


January 1: Yuan Shikai sent Zhou Ziqi as a special envoy to celebrate the coronation ceremony of Emperor Taisho.

January 1: Cao Kun was ordered to lead troops to conquer Sichuan.

January 1: The Liu Yunfeng Department of the Yunnan National Defense Army and the Sichuan Chen Huan and Wu Xiangzhen Departments met fire for the first time.

January 1: Japan rejects Chinese special envoy Zhou Ziqi's visit to Japan.

January 1: The assassination of Yuan Shikai broke out by Yuan Budong, chief inspector of the Jingshi Police Department, and Ju Keming, the chief guard of the Xinhua Palace, but Yuan Shikai was not held accountable.

January 1: The Japanese cabinet decides not to recognize Yuan Shikai's monarchy, citing the Yunnan Uprising as an excuse.

January 1: Yuan Shikai ordered the army to attack the Southwest National Defense Army.Cai E's Dian army passed through Guizhou and urged Liu Xianshi to respond.

January 1: Guizhou received Yuan Shikai's allocation of 27 yuan, and immediately declared independence.

January 1: Liu Yunfeng of the National Defense Army defeated Beiyang Feng Guozhang.

January 1: Wang Wenhua of the Qianhu National Army sneaked into Hunan and fought without declaring it.

February 2: Beiyang Zhang Jingyao defeated Dong Hongxun's Department of the National Defense Army.Zhang Jingyao of Beiyang fought fiercely with his sworn brother, Liu Yunfeng of the national defense army, and fought for three days, killing and injuring thousands of people.

February 2: Zhu Zhixin, a member of the Communist Party, densely forested Xie Niu and attacked Guangzhou without success.

February 2: Beiyang Tang Tianxi rebelled and attacked Ma Jizeng, the sixth town at night. Ma Jizeng committed suicide in grief and indignation.

February 2: Sun Wen received a subsidy of 20 yen from Japanese chaebol Kuhara Funosuke.

February 2: Yuan Shikai issued an order to delay his ascension to the throne.

February 2: The Chinese Revolutionary Party, with the Japanese Kayano Nagatomo as an advisor, issued a circular accusing Yuan Shikai of using the Japanese as an advisor.

March 3: The Japanese spy network lurking in China was activated and escorted Liang Qichao to Guangxi.

March 3: Beiyang Feng Yuxiang regained the Syrian government.

March 3: Cai E conquered Luzhou.

March 3: Party member Zhu Zhixin stormed the warship "Zhaohe" with the small steamer "Yonggu", but failed.

March 3th: The National Defense Army was expelled from Luzhou and fled to Hengjiang.

March 3: The Japanese cabinet passed a resolution to establish hegemony in China and overthrow the rule of Yuan.The Japanese government recognized the National Defense Army as a belligerent group.

March 3: Feng Guozhang cancels his vacation.

March 3: Lu Rongting of Guangxi surrounded Long Jinguang's Ministry and captured Long Jinguang's father and son.

March 3: Guangxi declares independence.

March 3: Feng Guozhang joined forces with Li Chun from Jiangxi, Jin Yunpeng from Shandong, Zhu Rui from Zhejiang and Tang Xiangming from Hunan to oppose the imperial system in the name of five generals electrifying.

March 3: Tang Hualong from Hubei called Yuan Shikai to ask him to abdicate.

March 3: Yuan Shikai announced the abolition of the imperial system.

March 3: Announced the abolition of Hong Xian's reign.

March 3: The Senate meets to accept government documents, abolish the monarchy, and restore the Republic of China.

April 4: Guangdong declares independence.

April 4: Zhejiang Tong Baoxuan attacked General Zhu Rui, Zhu Rui fled, so Qu Yingguang declared independence in the name of patrol envoy and commander-in-chief.

April 4: Yuan Shikai publicized Qu Yingguang's secret telegram in Zhejiang, and Qu Yingguang was almost killed.

April 4: The troop carrier "Xinyu" sank in the Wenzhou ocean, and 20 Beiyang soldiers were buried in the seabed.

April 4: Feng Guozhang asks Yuan Shikai to abdicate.

May 5: Cen Chunxuan and Liang Qichao established the headquarters of the Guangdong-Guangdong Defense Army.Sun Wen arrived in Shanghai.

May 5: Dian, Guizhou, Guangxi, and Guangdong provinces established the National Defense Army Military Affairs Council.

May 5: Shaanxi Chen Shufan expelled Lu Jianzhang and declared independence.

May 5: Feng Guozhang convened a meeting of the non-independent provinces in Nanjing.Party member Chen Qimei was assassinated.Shaanxi Chen Shufan declared independence.

May 5: Chen Huan declares Sichuan independent and disassociates himself from the Yuan family.

May 5: The Japanese army left Qingdao, with Juzheng as the commander-in-chief, and Wu Dazhou, a Shandong bandit, declared independence in Zhoucun, named Shandong National Defense Army.

June 6th: Yuan Shikai died. On that day, there was a great chaos in Beijing, and hundreds of officials fled.

June 6: Li Yuanhong took office as President.

June 6th: Guangdong Li Liejun and Long Jiguang fought in Shaoguan.

July 7: Li Yuanhong issued an order to punish the culprit of the imperial system in the name of the President. Due to the popularity of intercession, only a few small people were used to make up for the crime.

(End of this chapter)

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