The Republic is so violent

Chapter 2 The international turmoil caused by sibling love

Chapter 2 The international turmoil caused by sibling love (2)
The next day, Yuan Shikai came to Shen Shunze's mansion again. Shen Shunze hurried out to greet her, and the maid came out to serve tea again. Yuan Shikai pretended to be surprised when he saw her for the first time, and said: "Mr. Shen is so lucky to be so smart." I don’t dare to think about serving maidservants like those of us who come from the barracks...

When Shen Shunze heard it, what?Yuan Shikai actually wanted the most beautiful and wisest maid in his family. Wouldn't that kill him?But when I think about it again, even though I am a "right minister", I am nothing more than an administrative official in the "Korean Special Zone", while Yuan Shikai was sent by the Qing Dynasty. Enduring the pain, he laughed: If Brother Yuan is interested, this girl will be given to Brother Yuan, and it is also a blessing for this girl to be by Brother Yuan's side...

Yuan Shikai repeatedly said that he didn't dare to be, he didn't dare to be, so he accepted this clever maid honestly and bluntly.

Historical Records: "When something happened after her death, she was often sent to Shen's mansion to investigate. Yuan Zhi obtained the secrets of the Han Palace, and there were many unexpected ones. In fact, this woman was the most powerful."

From this matter, it seems that Yuan Shikai is really a born leader. An ordinary maidservant suddenly becomes an excellent female spy in his hands. This kind of art of manipulating people is probably the result of his good luck in his life. Biggest reason.

Proving that Yuan Shikai is a heartthrob is by no means just an isolated case.

According to the narration of Yuan Shikai's daughter Yuan Jingxue: When Yuan Shikai was a teenager, he was wild and flirtatious, and when he heard the name of Shen Shi, a famous prostitute from Suzhou, he rushed to ask to see him. In order to fall in love, she immediately set up a banquet for Yuan Shikai. During the banquet, she persuaded Yuan Shikai with gentle words, and persuaded Yuan Shikai to go to the army to serve the country and make contributions. For this reason, she did not hesitate to give all the gold and silver she had accumulated to Yuan Shikai as money.And she herself redeemed herself from now on, and stayed behind closed doors, only waiting for the day when Yuan Shikai became famous and came to marry her.

At the time of parting, Yuan Shikai and Ms. Shen were reluctant to part with each other, crying with each other.A few years later, Yuan Shikai really made his fortune, so he broke through his iron shoes and looked for Miss Shen everywhere. Finally, he found Miss Shen in Shanghai, and married Miss Shen back home as promised.

The combination of these two incidents proves that although Yuan Shikai looks ugly, he is obsessed with women.As for why women like a man like him, others can't figure it out.

Women like Yuan Shikai, but men have no appetite for him, especially Li Gangying, the regent of North Korea, who wished he could eat Yuan Shikai.

(5) Chief Designer of the Republic of China in the future
The sister-brother relationship between Concubine Min and brother Li Xi triggered a large-scale mutiny, the Japanese embassy in North Korea was destroyed, many Japanese businessmen were killed, and two squadrons of 400 Japanese soldiers were excited. To kill and run to North Korea, you must raise a teacher to question the crime.

At the same time, in Dengzhou, Wu Changqing, the commander of Dengzhou, received an order for him to lead 3000 Qing troops to the "North Korea Special Zone".

As soon as the order arrived, Wu Changqing's barracks suddenly became lively.

One after another sedan chairs came in an endless stream, the feathers on their heads were brighter than each other, and the official streets were higher than each other. Even some Beijing officials appeared in Wu Changqing's celebration camp.

Every time an official came, Wu Changqing had to go out reluctantly.

Every time an official was sent away, Wu Changqing smashed several utensils or furniture.

When each official left, he had to take one or two battalion officers with him.These battalion officials are all the sons of eunuchs, and their family sent them to Wu Changqing's military camp for gold-plated training. Now that the Qing camp is really going to fight, these people should leave quickly, so as not to be beaten to death or scared to death in time.

There were fewer and fewer battalion officers in the battalion office, and Wu Changqing was very worried, worried that when the time came for the expedition, all the battalion officers in the battalion office would be lost.

What are you afraid of, why are you here, seven days before the march, Wu Changqing went to the battalion affairs office to check the situation, and it turned out that none of the battalion officers had disappeared.

It is wrong to say that even one battalion officer disappeared. In fact, Huang Shilin was the only battalion officer left in Qingying.This Huang Shilin has followed Wu Changqing for many years and is Wu Changqing's first confidant, so anyone can escape. Only this Huang Shilin is embarrassed to escape, so he had to accompany Wu Boss to North Korea to be stabbed.

Besides Huang Shilin, there were two other people under Wu Changqing's account.

One is Lang Zhang Jian, the number one scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. Although he is full of knowledge, the future management structure of the Republic of China was calculated by this old rotten scholar hiding in his house. This is a history that most people don't know. Secret.

Zhang Jian, the chief designer of the Republic of China in the future, served as tutor and accountant beside Wu Changqing.

In addition to Zhang Jian, the chief designer of the Republic of China in the future, Yuan Shikai is another person who is still staying in Qingying.Now Yuan Shikai is working as a "assistant" in Wu Changqing's barracks, which means doing a little favor and doing some chores.

In short, Yuan Shikai has not yet made a name for himself at this time, and he has nothing to offer, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it.

So Wu Changqing boarded the ship with his men and hurried to Masanbu, Incheon.After two days and two nights of tossing and tossing on the way, they finally arrived in North Korea, so Wu Changqing hastily ordered: Lao Huang, take people off the boat and go to the Royal Palace in Seoul quickly, and don’t let the Japanese take the lead...

Battalion officer Huang Shilin: Commander, it’s pitch dark outside, the enemy’s situation on the shore is unclear, and the soldiers are seasick and vomiting, and their feet are unstable. If we forcefully land at this time, in case of being ambushed by the Japanese... Marking the loss of soldiers will make it a small matter. Without the prestige of commanding adults, this is incredible.

Wu Changqing: Huang Shilin, you want to piss me off...Yuan Shikai, what's the matter with you now?

Yuan Shikai: Report to the commander, the humble job is so idle now...

Wu Changqing: That's just right, take people off the boat quickly and go to the Royal Palace in Seoul quickly, don't let the Japanese take the lead...

So Yuan Shikai immediately took his friends and 200 battalion soldiers, got off the boat in a hurry, and ran all the way towards Seoul. Come on, 400 Japanese soldiers from two squadrons have also arrived.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there were Qing soldiers guarding the gate of the Korean royal palace. The leader of the Japanese soldiers, Hanafang Yizhi, was so angry that if he forced his way into the palace again at this time, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the Qing Dynasty. Hanafang Yizhi could not afford it. For this responsibility, his only solution is to enter the palace alone, and take responsibility with "righteousness" to seek justice for the Japanese merchants who were hacked to death in the incident of sibling love.

(6) How much is a Japanese worth?

So Huafang Yizhi entered the palace angrily, and asked to see the regent Li Gangying.

This mutiny resulted in the killing of many Japanese businessmen and the destruction of the Japanese embassy in South Korea. Therefore, morally, North Korea is at the wrong side, and North Korea’s national power cannot be compared with that of Japan. A fine game was brought back to the table for his country.

The two sides agreed:

Article 50: North Korea pays [-] yuan in compensation to compensate for the loss of life and property of Japanese nationals caused by the military chaos;
Article 400: North Korea allows Japan to set up two squadrons of [-] garrison troops stationed in North Korea to protect the Japanese embassy in South Korea...

With these two agreements, it can be said that the Japanese took a big advantage, and Yoshika Hanafura was finally able to explain to his country and citizens, so he left the palace contentedly and went back to the barracks.

But he never thought that when Yuan Shikai arrived in Seoul, he sent people to investigate the cause of the military disturbance. After learning that the military disturbance was instigated by the regent Li Gangying, Yuan Shikai secretly sent people to target the regent.The results of negotiations between Li Gangying and Huafang Yizhi were all overheard by Yuan Shikai.

Hearing that Li Gang should pay the Japanese 50 yuan, Yuan Shikai immediately became angry:

The few Japanese who died, even the belt and bone weighed only a few hundred catties, how could it be worth the price?
What kind of diplomatic negotiation is this? This is pure transnational reselling of human flesh!

no!Yuan Shikai made up his mind that he must mess up this business.

(7) I am the master of my territory
Li Gang agreed to Huafang Yizhi's business because those Japanese were killed by North Korean rebels after all, and it is reasonable to pay a small amount of money to settle the matter.In addition, he was in a hurry to send Hua Fangyi away as soon as possible, so that he could go to the Qing army camp to meet Wu Changqing and show off his Chinese calligraphy.

But Li Gang should not know that Concubine Min, the daughter-in-law who fled to the Qingzhong Road, had already secretly written a letter to the court, asking the court to fulfill her sister-brother relationship with Li Xi, and quickly get this annoying old man to China. There are so many in China. The ancient books are enough for the old man to be happy, why do they have to get involved in their young people's life circle?

I am the master of my territory - that's all Concubine Min asked of the Qing court.

The imperial court was still undecided about Concubine Min's request for a while, but now that Yuan Shikai got involved, the situation changed immediately.

But he said that Li Gang should come to Wu Changqing's camp, and immediately had a written conversation with Wu Changqing.

Li Gangying's Chinese characters are good, but he can't speak Chinese, so he splashed ink and strokes: The general came from afar, hard work is not easy.

Wu Changqing looked up at Li Gangying's handwriting, knowing that his handwriting was not as good as others', and felt ashamed: How dare, how dare.

Li Gang should see that Wu Changqing's handwriting is not as good as his, and he is even more energetic: the general is too modest...

Wu Changqing wrote: Your Excellency has worked hard to govern North Korea.

Li Gang should see that there is an opportunity to take advantage of, and hurriedly showed off: the reason for the white hair is three thousand feet, which is a worry.

Wu Changqing frowned: Your Excellency is a kind father and a filial son, the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful, so what is there to worry about?

Li Gangying was so happy that he almost cried, and hastily splashed ink: I ask you how much you can worry, it is just a river of spring water flowing eastward...

Wu Changqing: Teenagers don't know what it means to be sad, they fall in love with the upper floors, they fall in love with the upper floors, and they express their sorrows in order to write new words.

Li Gangying: Now that I know the feeling of sorrow all over the place, I want to say it, but I want to say it, but I say it's a cool autumn.

I was writing happily, when suddenly the door curtain rolled up, and Yuan Shikai, the assistant, pressed his sword in one hand, and strode up, staring at Li Gangying with a pair of angry eyes.

Li Gangying was startled, and turned back hastily, but none of his subordinates saw him. At this time, those people had already been drunk by Yuan Shikai's cronies... No matter how stupid Li Gangying was, he knew that something was wrong at this time, so he hurriedly wrote:

The general wants to travel in Yunmeng?
It means, Wu Changqing, do you want to follow the story of Liu Bang's parade in Yunmeng and lure Han Xin to capture me?

Wu Changqing's old face suddenly turned red with pain.

To be honest, this Li Gang is loyal to the Qing Dynasty, and he has no credit but hard work to deal with the pro-Japanese faction of the whole family alone, so Wu Changqing can't do it.

But Yuan Shikai didn't care about that much. With a wave of his hand, a group of cronies rushed in. He couldn't help but lift up Li Gangying, who was yelling loudly, and stuffed him into a sedan chair. He held him down and didn't allow him to move. , When the car curtain is opened again, Tianjin is already outside.

After that, Li Gangying was put under house arrest in Baoding Mansion, and he could still read and write every day, but Li Gangying felt depressed, so don't mention it.

Li Gangying was stolen by Yuan Shikai, but the Japanese ambassador to Korea, Yoshihisa Hanabou, thought that he had won 50 yuan in compensation for Japan, which was enough to deal with the country, but Li Gangying suddenly disappeared, and the deal was naturally lost Don't count.The Japanese archipelago was furious, and everyone scolded Hanafo Yoshito as a Japanese traitor and betrayed Japan's national interests. Hanafo Yoshito said it clearly. It is said that this person went back to his hometown in Japan to find a hot spring in grief and indignation. A beautiful girl took a bubble bath together, and then cut open her belly with a knife...

Lured and captured Li Gangying, messed up the business that he had already negotiated, and forced a kind-hearted flower house to cut his own belly. This guy Yuan Shikai is really too much.

Fortunately, his retribution was imminent.

(8) Quickly grab money and grab women
Wherever soldiers come, they will commit crimes, and children and old people will be deceived.

Steal money, steal women!

Get more money!Grab the young woman!

Grab a lot of money!Grab the most beautiful woman!
As soon as he entered Seoul, Huang Shilin, the commander of Qingying Biao, issued these three orders to his subordinates.

Huang Shilin's confidant, Huang Kan, led all the soldiers screaming strangely, and rushed to the streets of Seoul carrying sacks of chips, smashing any stalls they saw, no matter if it was silver or copper coins, just stuff them into the sacks, seeing that the silver and copper coins were about to disappear. The sack was full, but Huang Kan suddenly slammed and poured out all the money in the sack.

Found a woman!
Young and beautiful woman!
Seeing the young girl, the brothers no longer cared about grabbing money, let out a strange cry of excitement, and rushed towards the woman on the road.

The woman on the road was terrified, let out a long scream, turned around and ran.

But how to escape?He had already been caught by a brother with a standard dog-eat-shit action, leaping forward recklessly, grabbing a woman's ankle, and throwing the woman to the ground.

Huang Kan rushed over, took a sack and put it on the woman's head, and then put a lock on it, so skillfully, he was about to put the woman in the sack and bring her back to the barracks, but he suddenly grabbed the sack and let go of the woman. woman.

Younger, prettier women found!
So many young and beautiful women!
Huang Kan was so excited that he almost didn't cry.

This time, don’t be in a hurry to grab the most beautiful girl carefully... Finally, I found the most beautiful girl, wearing a traditional long skirt, with a beautiful appearance and a charming fragrance. Huang Kan has never seen such a beautiful girl in his life , She was walking out of a house, as if she was about to go out, when she suddenly saw a group of soldiers outside the door staring at her with protruding eyes and mouths dripping with saliva.

The girl was startled, she didn't know well, and was about to close the door again in a hurry, but suddenly heard a strange cry, bang, the wooden door had been smashed into pieces by the brothers, and the girl was smashed by countless strange hands. Press down to the ground.

Stimulate!What a fucking thrill!

Hey... we soldiers are just different...

Let go, let go!Huang Kan was in a hurry, and shouted: This most beautiful woman must be kept for Huang Biaotong, whoever of you dares to move, you are not afraid that Huang Biaotong will chop off your hand!

The brothers withdrew their hands with a swipe.

The girl cried and got up and wanted to escape. Huang Kan rushed up, stopped in front of her, and said gently: Don't be afraid, girl, we are the army of the heavenly dynasty, the teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and the teacher of civilization. Anyone who commits a crime is bound to commit a crime, and even the old and the young are deceived... Alas!Before he finished speaking, the young girl bit Huang Kan's hand, causing him to scream in pain.

Pushing Huang Kan away, the young girl fled to her home. Huang Kan showed his might and performed eighteen martial arts, pounced, blocked, hugged, hugged, intercepted, gnawed, blocked, and blocked. In an instant, he saw his nose blue and face swollen, There were bloodstains all over his body, especially on his face, one deep and one shallow. They were all bloodstains pointed out by a woman's fingernails, and the bones could be seen deep.

Even though the beautiful girl is fierce and ruthless, but Huang Kan is a brave man who has been on the battlefield after all. I saw that he was not in a hurry, unhurried, glanced at the young girl's position, and rolled his eyes. Shut up, he leaped fiercely into the air, and hugged the young girl tightly in his arms.

Hahaha, Huang Kan touched the girl with his eyes closed, and couldn't help admiring: "Girl, you really have a thick back and a thick chest, especially the two thighs, which are short and thick... It seems wrong, who knows?" The girl looks so weird?
In astonishment, Huang Kan opened his eyes to take a look, and couldn't help being stunned.

The young girl he wanted to capture was standing in the distance and sobbing, but the person in Huang Kan's arms was a big man with a big head and a thick neck—it was Yuan Shikai.

With a clang, Yuan Shikai had drawn his long knife out of its sheath and pressed it against Huang Kan's throat.

You violated military discipline and bullied weak girls, according to military law, beheaded!

(9) Give me back the woman

Yuan Shikai took his [-] men and horses, cleared the rebels along the way, and wobbled back to his barracks.

Entering the military tent, the subordinate brought water to wash his face. Yuan Shikai was about to wash his hands, but suddenly there was a loud bang, and the basin of water had already been splashed on his face.

what happened?

Yuan Shikai hurriedly wiped his face, and finally saw clearly the black muzzle of a gun in front of him.

Huang Shilin's fire-breathing eyes were staring at him intently.

Huang Shilin came here because he wanted Yuan Shikai's life!
Born in the army and killing people like hemp, Huang Shilin didn't put Yuan Shikai in his eyes at all. He never thought that Yuan Shikai would be so bold and reckless, killing his entourage without authorization and taking away his woman. What face does Huang Shilin have in this world?

Looking at Yuan Shikai's surprised face, Huang Shilin sneered, and was about to pull the trigger, but heard a clattering sound behind him, at least a dozen of cold iron guns were pressed against his back and head.

Huang Shilin's heart trembled, and then he suddenly remembered something.

This guy Yuan Shikai is different from normal people in every way.Under normal circumstances, those who work in the military camp to earn food are all desperate paupers, but Yuan Shikai is a son of a family, never short of money, and wherever he goes, he is followed by dozens of cronies.

Now those who are pointing firecrackers at Huang Shilin in the back are those gangsters who came out of their hometown together with Yuan Shikai. These guys are only obeying Yuan Shikai's orders. Huang Shilin was obsessed with the fact that even the ruler of North Korea dared to kidnap him. He actually forgot this point. I am afraid that not only will he not be able to kill Yuan Shikai today, but even his own life will be in danger.

At that moment, Huang Shilin's heart turned like electricity, and he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Brother Yuan is indeed a hero, I'm just trying to show Brother Yuan's courage, hahaha, Brother Yuan actually likes that chick, it's reasonable, as the so-called heroic beauty , Complement each other, I, Huang, should give up my favorite, I should give up my favorite, hahaha... He laughed and walked backwards out of Yuan Shikai's military tent.

After walking to a safe enough distance, Huang Shilin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and suddenly ran wildly.

He ran back to his barracks in one breath, and when he came back again, he had already led the whole battalion of 500 people, and killed Yuan Shikai's tent like a wolf.

(10) Escape from Seoul
Seeing that Huang Shilin was running away, Yuan Shikai shouted urgently: Run away, Huang Shilin will definitely not give up if he goes here, and will definitely bring people to smash the camp...

(End of this chapter)

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