The Republic is so violent

Chapter 3 The international turmoil caused by sibling love

Chapter 3 The international turmoil caused by sibling love (3)
Dozens of cronies hurried forward, surrounded Yuan Shikai and fled outside the camp.

Yuan Shikai's battalion has only 200 people, but Huang Shilin has a regular Qing battalion with more than 500 people. If there is a group fight, two of them will beat you and one of them. How fast can you run or how fast can you run...

Before he could run a few steps, he heard the loud shouts. Huang Shilin led more than 500 people and rushed over. In an instant, Yuan Shikai's small camp was smashed to pieces, and the soldiers in the camp were beaten to the ground. The flying dog jumped and fled in embarrassment.

Realizing that Yuan Shikai had already fled away, Huang Shilin was furious, and immediately led people to chase him: Yuan Shikai, you little bastard, if I don’t kill you today, I will be raised by your sister... Bang bang bang, Huang Shilin shot , the lead bullet passed close to Yuan Shikai's ear, but Yuan Shikai fled even faster without looking back.

Yuan Shikai risked his life and went crazy, Huang Shilin chased after him, the two rushed into the camp of the commander Wu Changqing with two whizzing sounds.

With a plop, Yuan Shikai fell headfirst into Wu Changqing's military tent with his face and feet on his face: Commander, that Huang Shilin rebelled...

Wu Changqing was sitting sleepy on a chair, but he only made a gesture after hearing Yuan Shikai's words. Yuan Shikai turned his head in panic, and saw the military tent blowing with the wind, and the sound of Huang Shilin's footsteps approaching quickly.

Wu Changqing made another gesture to signal Yuan Shikai to enter the inner room. Yuan Shikai couldn't save face and acted reluctantly.Wu Changqing's face sank, Yuan Shikai stomped his feet, and obediently hid in.

Huang Shilin walked in with great strides, and kowtowed to the Commander.

It was clear that he was chasing and killing Yuan Shikai, but the grievance in Huang Shilin's heart reached its peak. At this time, not only was he choking on his words, but even the corners of his eyes were filled with tears.

What is the plot of soldiers who bleed and die?
He, Huang Shilin, even sold his wealth and life to the Qing Dynasty, just to grab a beautiful woman to comfort him, but the wicked Yuan Shikai even deprived people of this fun, how could Huang Shilin not feel wronged?
He didn't have to say these words.

Wu Changqing didn't need to listen.

So the two of them didn't say a word, just sat there motionless, and after a short time, they heard loud snoring in the room. It turned out that Wu Changqing was old and couldn't bear to sit, and fell asleep after a little carelessness.

Seeing that Wu Changqing was fast asleep, Huang Shilin stood up on tiptoe, and was about to go to the inner room, but suddenly heard Wu Changqing snort baldly, Huang Shilin sat down hurriedly, pretending that nothing had happened.

After a while, seeing Wu Changqing's snoring became more and more stable, Huang Shilin stood up again on tiptoe, but Wu Changqing snorted suddenly again, which made Huang Shilin sweat coldly.

After several times like this, Huang Shilin clearly saw Wu Changqing sleeping soundly, but when he stood up, he heard Wu Changqing making various strange movements, which made Huang Shilin break out in cold sweat.

Huang Shilin outside was tortured miserably, and Yuan Shikai hiding inside was even more pitiful. It's really uncomfortable to feel that such a powerful enemy is outside and his life hangs by a thread.

When the two people one mile and one away were tortured so weakly and listlessly, Wu Changqing snored a long rhythm, and then woke up faintly: Old Huang?

Huang Shilin: The bid is here.

Wu Changqing: Help me up, let's go for a walk...

Huang Shilin hastily stepped forward to help Wu Changqing, then glared bitterly at the door of the inner room, and reluctantly helped Wu Changqing out.

(11) Compassion does not hold soldiers

Wu Changqing asked Huang Shilin to support him, walked forward, walked forward until he reached Masanbu, Incheon, and then stopped.

From then on, Huang Shilin's 500 members stayed in Mashanbu, and never saw Yuan Shikai again.

The problem of discord between the generals of the Qingying Department is considered to be resolved.

This is called the art of governing the army!

Besides this trick, who has any better way?

Huang Shilin, the only battalion officer, was transferred to Mashanbu, and Wu Changqing had no one to use, so Yuan Shikai rose to the top and was promoted to battalion management. With 500 people under his command, he was on an equal footing with Huang Shilin.

In other words, in this life-and-death confrontation between Yuan Shikai and Huang Shilin, Yuan Shikai was considered victorious.

His fox party members cheered happily, shouting and jumping up and down one by one.

Yuan Shikai's groom jumped out of the stable, tore open his chest, and threw a ball of thatch into the sky.Unexpectedly, with excessive force, a group of colorful objects was also thrown to a high place.

The ball stretched freely in the air, unfolded, and just landed on Yuan Shikai's fat head.

What smells like milk?Yuan Shikai pulled off the things on his head in surprise, and was stunned: This is a woman's close-fitting... obscene clothes...

Hehehe, the groom came over coyly, and stretched out his hand to get back the woman's obscene clothes, but Yuan Shikai shrank back: Why do you have this thing on your body?
The groom's face changed drastically in an instant, and he could not speak clearly.

Yuan Shikai didn't hesitate at all, and immediately waved his hand:
The military discipline is like a mountain, and there is no relatives, show off to everyone with me!

In an instant, a bloody head was presented, and the township party members around Yuan Shikai were all shocked, and never dared to violate military discipline again.

(12) Do not allow the world to see whiteheads
Huang Shilin went to Mashanfu, and continued to lead his brothers to rob men and women and make a fortune, but Wu Changqing had no one to wait on him, so Yuan Shikai often went to Wu Changqing's camp to "discuss military and political matters".

Speaking of this old man Wu, he was also a general when he was young. He ran a regiment and practiced at the time of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and later became a general in Li Hongzhang's Huai army. As the saying goes, since ancient times, famous generals are like beauties. Wu Changqing's military career has been tossing all his life, and it is very likely that he has caused "sports injuries" to his body. Since he arrived in North Korea, he has suffered from lethargy. arrow", now the old man eats a lot and pulls a lot, except for sleeping, he is squatting in a latrine, in short, he is very pitiful.

On this day, Yuan Shikai came to serve Old Man Wu again: Commander, I have an idea...

Wu Changqing: What do you think?
Yuan Shikai: Sir Commander, from the point of view of your subordinates, although we have a large army in the Celestial Dynasty, we lack a unified dispatch. Why don't we hand over the two battalions of soldiers from Masanbu to the subordinates for training together? What does the Commander think?

Wu Changqing: Snoring, snorting, snorting...

Yuan Shikai: ...This old man, he fell asleep when he heard what he didn't like to hear, really good at it...

Wu Changqing fell asleep for half an hour before he opened his eyes in a daze: I'm so hungry... Pass the order, I want to eat...

Yuan Shikai jumped up hastily: Your Excellency wants to eat, why don't you hurry up?
Only a few soldiers poked their heads in from outside the tent, but no cook came up with the steaming food. At this moment, Wu Changqing's stomach gave out a thunderous roar, which showed that the old man was really hungry. Yuan Shikai panicked and ran away Go to the kitchen in the back and ask the cook to bring the food up quickly.

But the kitchen at the back was quiet, the stove was cold and the cup was empty, and no one was there. Yuan Shikai was suspicious, where did the cook go?Why don't you wait nearby?

So he looked around, searched and searched, and suddenly saw a hole that was sloping down from the side. Yuan Shikai was shocked. Could it be that some monster came out of this hole and took the cook away?

Yuan Shikai became nervous. Holding the short gun in his hand, he led several foxes into the cave step by step.

This cave is deep and narrow, the sides of the cave walls glow with a terrifying faint phosphorescence, and the heavy earthy smell reveals the heavy pressure, suffocating people so hard to breathe.

What's so scary about the cave?

Hold your breath and go to the bottom of the cave, you will be greeted by a thick and strange fragrance, and then you will see a red eye, flickering on and off in the darkness, staring at the person who came in.

Yuan Shikai took courage, took a closer look, and saw that the strange eye was nothing more than an opium gun, and the cook was lying on all fours on the fluffy animal skin, holding a delicate opium gun, and was comfortably smoking opium.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Shikai was furious immediately, and strode over: "Bold, you are neglecting military affairs, neglecting the commanding adults' meals, and even blatantly violating military orders, how dare you smoke opium."

At this time, the cook was so absorbed that his mind was wandering, his limbs were lazy, and when he heard Yuan Shikai's voice, he waved his hands impatiently: "Xiao Kaizi, don't make you want to have a bite too?"
Yuan Shikai's face was dark: As a soldier, he smoked opium, and he was executed according to the order. Come, drag me out!

The soldiers behind him rushed up, grabbed the cook's ankle, and dragged him out of the hole. The cook was shocked and screamed: "Help, Lord Commander, help me, little Kaizi is crazy..."

Hearing the cook's screams, Wu Changqing hurried over: Yuan Shikai, what are you doing, please let me go quickly.

Yuan Shikai: I report to Commander, this person smokes opium, he should be executed according to the law.

Wu Changqing: I killed your mother, he is my cook, not a soldier.

Yuan Shikai: But his name is on the roster of soldiers...

Wu Changqing: Just kidding, people cook for you, so you can't give them some money to support the family?If you don't put his name on the roster of soldiers, you, Yuan Shikai, will pay this money?

Yuan Shikai: But Commander, at this time the cook has already obeyed the law...

Wu Changqing: What?How dare you...

Yuan Shikai is really daring, there is nothing in this world that he dare not do.In just a few or two sentences, the cook's bloody head was already presented.

Wu Changqing was suddenly dumbfounded: Yuan Shikai, I knew you had no good intentions, you deliberately starved my old man to death, didn't you?My poor cook... woo woo...


Just when Wu Changqing was pissed off by Yuan Shikai, the French suddenly came out from the back of the earth. They armed with advanced Mauser guns and rushed to Vietnam, ruthlessly bullying the Qing Empire.

Wars broke out frequently on the southern border, and the Qing Empire fell into panic.

The imperial court hastily issued an order that the former Dengzhou old man Wu Changqing hurriedly took half of his troops back to Dengzhou, leaving only 1500 people in North Korea...

So Wu Changqing hurried back to Dengzhou with 1500 Qing soldiers to station, and the remaining 1500 people were handed over to Yuan Shikai to lead.

The year was 1884, and it was an unforgettable winter for the German Mu Linde.

Mu Linde, known as Lao Mu, was a foreign worker hired by the Qing Empire with a high salary. The Qing Empire hired him to manage the taxation work of the Korean Special Zone, which can be regarded as a golden collar.Gold-collared old Mu likes to attend state banquets the most. The attendees are all ministers from various countries, such as British Minister Zhu Erdian, American Minister Ford, and Russian Minister Weber and so on.Keep in touch with these big bosses, so that you can have a way out when you change jobs in the future.

On that day, Lao Mu received an invitation from Hong Yingzhi, the general manager of North Korea’s post office, to attend the inauguration ceremony of the post building. Lao Mu went there excitedly, and when he got there, he invited friends and chatted happily. As soon as Lao Mu turned his head, he saw a man covered in blood suddenly rushing in front of him: Lao Mu, save me!

Mu Linde was shocked: who are you?

The blood man hissed: I am Lao Min, Lao Mu, please save my life...

This person covered in sword wounds is surprisingly Min Yongyi, a figure in the real power faction of North Korea.

Mu Linde hurriedly asked: Old Min, what happened?
Min Yongyi: It's too late to say, Lao Mu quickly take me to escape...

While talking, I saw a group of soldiers with knives rushing in from outside the door, and they came to kill Min Yongyi. Mu turned out to be a blond, blue-eyed foreigner, so he was taken aback, pretending to be nonchalant, and dispersed one after another.

Mu Linde was also frightened, and hurriedly stood up and left the wrong place. Min Yongyi held onto his lapel tightly, and the two left the reception in a hurry, followed by a large group of unknown killers.

Although the origin of the killer is unknown, Mu Linde is a high-level manager after all, and he knows that the killer behind him must be sent by Hong Yingzhi, the postmaster.Hong Yingzhi is currently the leader of the Kaihua faction in North Korea and China, and he is an iron buddy with the newly appointed Japanese Minister to South Korea Takeso Shinichiro.However, Min Yongyi, who was almost killed at the banquet, was the leader of the big trouble faction, advocating the continuation of the continued unification of the Korean Special Zone and China, and opposing splitting.

Whether it was Min Yongyi who killed Hong Yingzhi or Hong Yingzhi who killed Min Yongyi, it was normal, and Mu Linde would not be surprised.

However, Hong Yingzhi chose to kill people during the reception, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Mu Linde took the terrified Min Yongyi back to his residence, and hurriedly asked someone to go to the customs to find someone.

The man came, he was a mighty big man, he held two German fine-made short guns, and stood in front of the door with a fierce expression on his face. No one escaped.

With the protection of this big man, Min Yongyi recovered from the extreme panic, lay on Mu Linde's bed, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The big man stood guard outside Mu Linde's door all night, without even blinking his eyes.When it was almost dawn, I heard heavy footsteps in the distance, approaching quickly. The big man stared at him and shouted angrily: "Stop coming, or you will be killed!"

The footsteps did not stop, and Yuan Shikai's surprised face appeared in the darkness: I am Yuan Shikai, I am here to find Min Yongyi, who are you?

The big man was full of energy and replied: "It is Tang Shaoyi, a laid-off employee of the customs!"
Tang Shaoyi: The first prime minister of the Republic of China in the future, he can't wait to appear.

Tang Shaoyi was one of the first batch of overseas students sent by the Qing Empire. He was an authentic sea turtle. He was capable of both literary and military skills. Being a county magistrate will be the most hot news in the Republic of China in the future.

Why did Tang Shaoyi, the turtle, quit the position of prime minister and become a county magistrate?
This complicated question will be explained later, but now, he hastily asked Yuan Shikai to go in and ask what happened to Min Yongyi.

Yuan Shikai: Old Min, where are all the pro-China ministers under you?I went to look for them at their homes, and their family members said that they had entered the palace according to the king's starry night, but no one came back.I found the Japanese embassy, ​​but the gate of the Japanese embassy was closed and empty, and more than 400 Japanese soldiers were all missing. Do you know where they all hid?

Min Yongyi: I don't know anything, I just know someone is going to kill me...

(14) The bomb in the palace

It wasn't until dawn that Yuan Shikai figured out where the 400 missing Japanese soldiers had gone.

They are in the palace at this time.

It turned out that the last time there was trouble because of the sister-brother relationship between Concubine Min and King Li Xi, dozens of Japanese businessmen were killed, and the compensation was agreed afterwards, and because the regent Li Gang should be taken away by Yuan Shikai, the Japanese could not let it go. Unable to swallow this breath, he finally couldn't help himself last night.

First, Hong Yingzhi, the leader of the pro-Japanese faction, and others suddenly slashed at Min Yongyi at the reception, and then rushed into the palace in the chaos, forcing King Li Xi to issue an edict, begging the Japanese soldiers to enter the palace for "protection", Li Xi was forced to do so, and Japan However, Shinichiro Takezo, the Minister in South Korea, stated that he would respect South Korea's sovereignty and never interfere in South Korea's internal affairs, and categorically rejected the king's request.

After the refusal, Hong Yingzhi forced the king Li Xi to ask again, and was rejected again by Takezo Jinichiro. When the king begged for the third time, Taketojinichiro reluctantly brought 400 Japanese soldiers Entered the palace and controlled Li Xi in their hands.

Then the Japanese forced Li Xichuan's pro-China ministers to enter the palace, and they killed one by one. Six consecutive pro-China ministers were killed that night, so Yuan Shikai couldn't find them anywhere.

After learning about this incident, the Qing officials Ma Xiangbo, Wu Zhaoyou, Zhang Guangqian and others stationed in North Korea were in a panic. They sent Yuan Shikai an urgent message and ordered Yuan Shikai to send a telegram to the court for instructions.

But Yuan Shikai said: Our radio station is located in Masanbu, and it will take at least ten days to come and go, and then wait for the court to hold a meeting to discuss it, and wait for the news to come back.In case the Japanese force the King of Han to issue an edict during this period of time, it will be unfavorable to my Qing Dynasty, and it will be too late by then.

Ma Xiangbo said: "Although Xiao Yuan is young and doesn't understand shit, what he said makes sense. Then, let's continue the meeting and discuss it carefully. What should we do...

Yuan Shikai: You discuss it first, and I will come as soon as I go... He went out and led the Qing soldiers straight to the palace with a murderous look.

Rites first and soldiers later, a Qing soldier was ordered to send a letter to Takete Shinichiro.

Taketo Shinichiro hadn't opened the letter yet, but gunshots rang out outside.

Who fired first?

The Japanese said: When the Qing soldiers entered the army, they first killed dozens of Han soldiers, and then joined our army.

Yuan Shikai said: "As soon as our army entered the gate of the palace, the Japanese soldiers fired guns to meet them, and the battle lasted for a while.

More than 100 years have passed since this lawsuit, and so far, the two sides still have their own opinions.But no matter what, the two sides fought fiercely anyway.

Bullets were flying all over the sky, and the sound of gunfire was deafening. The new North Korean army guarding the palace first helped the Japanese soldiers fight the Qing army, and later found out that the man who broke into the palace was Yuan Shikai, who was their idol, and the Korean army immediately turned their guns. , And helped the idol fight the Japanese soldiers, and instantly crushed the Japanese soldiers in a solitary building, under the dense bullets, the Japanese soldiers could not lift their heads.

Yuan Shikai took the lead, facing the bullets and leading the Qing soldiers to charge the Gulou, intending to end the battle quickly.Just as he was charging, there was a loud noise in his ear, and he felt a gust of wind rushing towards him. Yuan Shikai, who was terrified, was suddenly thrown into the air, and when he fell, he fell and gnawed on the mud. .

The earth-shattering explosion stunned all the Qing soldiers.

Yuan Shikai said angrily: The Japanese were vicious, and they lay down the landmines in advance. The soldiers accidentally touched the mine lines, killed two people, and destroyed nine palaces.

(End of this chapter)

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