The Republic is so violent

Chapter 36 The Forbidden City Candid Filming Case

Chapter 36 The Forbidden City Candid Filming Case (1)
(1) The Barren Hills Comes in Pink
When Wang Heshun found Sun Wen, he was reprimanded... Chi Xiangji wrote a poem to him and said that he was "rebuked by a friend..." But who is this friend, and why should he blame Wang Heshun? But he kept his mouth shut and didn't confide a word.

The reason for not disclosing it is that it is too dangerous. There are a lot of spies here in Hanoi. Sun Wen just sent people to persuade Yi Shilong, the chief instructor of the Guangxi frontier defense commander, and Chen Xiaofeng, a close friend of the Longzhou Department, to join the revolution. The Qing court hung it on the flagpole.

The wind is rumbling, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

Li Youqing, chieftain of Pingxiang, had hundreds of Youyong under his command and was willing to follow Sun Wen, so Sun Wen sent Wang Heshun, who was full of dust, to hurry to Li Youqing's place to command the battle.Wang Heshun went away excitedly, but it was also strange, Li Youqing and his subordinates You Yong saw that Wang Heshun was not pleasing to their eyes, so they drove Wang Heshun back.

Sun Wen was amazed and sent Huang Mingtang to go again, but Li Youqing fell in love with Huang Mingtang inexplicably at first sight and was willing to be restrained.So Huang Mingtang was quickly promoted to the position of Governor of Nanguan of the Chinese National Army!
Dudu Huang and Li Youqing aggressively commanded 80 Youyong soldiers and forty guns—the two men shared one gun and captured the three forts of Zhennan, Zhenzhong and Zhenbei in one go.There are a total of 30 guards in the three forts, with an average of about [-] for each fort.

The guard named Huang Ruixing was captured.

Everyone asked him to go anyway and join the revolution, but Huang Ruixing flatly refused.

If you refuse, just refuse. Without you, Huang Ruixing, everyone will play the same, so Huang Ruixing was given travel expenses to let him go home.

Then Sun Wen led the brigade to rush there.

This is the first time for Sun Wen to visit the front line in person—since the front line is on the border this time, it is easy to escape and hide, so this time Sun Wen must visit in person. If you miss this opportunity, it will be hard to say in the future.

Those who arrived at the front line of the battlefield at the same time as Sun Wen were: Huang Xing, Hu Hanmin, Hu Yisheng, Lu Zhonglin, Zhang Yishu from the Tongmenghui, Chi Xiangji from the Black Dragon Society, and Di Shi from the Freemasonry. It is really shocking for Sun Wen to bring about a world revolution in such a small place.

Discover the cannon!

It was found that the cannon was normal, but Sun Wen became excited. He asked everyone to stand aside and watch, and let him play with the cannon with the French officer himself.

This cannon is relatively primitive, and it was built together with the fort. It stands to reason that if Sun Wen fired the cannon, the shells should hit Vietnam——point the cannon on the border fort at your own country, what fool would do this Dry?

But things are so strange, some people insisted that Sun Wen hit the Qing army's camp with a cannonball, and the Qing soldiers cried for their fathers and mothers.

The person who said this was a barefoot woman chopping wood, but she had a beautiful face, expressive eyebrows, and white and tender feet, as if she had gone out barefoot for the first time in her life... At this time, the revolutionary party gathered in Zhennan Pass, Shooting and shouting, the people in the four towns and five miles can run as far as they can, but this strange woman is carrying a fancy little bamboo cage, and she cuts the firewood with her head down. He entered the camp of the Revolutionary Party and was chopped down in front of Sun Wen.

Then the woman suddenly raised her head: Excuse me, is this Dr. Sun Yat-sen?
Sun Wen is overjoyed, indeed many foreigners call him Dr. Sun Yat-sen, but since doctor and doctor are the same word in English, the fans of the League will deliberately translate it into Dr. Sun Yat-sen for the sake of publicity. Suddenly meeting a bosom friend, one can imagine how excited Sun Wen was.

I was entrusted with sending a letter to Mr.

said the strange woman.

(2) Legend of the Wild Goose in Night Rain
Seeing the letter handed over by the mysterious woman, Sun Wen couldn't help being stunned: How could it be him?
Who is he?
Speaking of writing letters and Sun Wen, he is really famous.

As early as the Jiawu period, the green forest road on the Sino-Vietnamese border could be said to be the site of the Three Points Meeting. Although there were only more than 20 people in this Jianghu hall, everyone came and went, flying over the eaves and walls, with bare hands, coming and going without a shadow Without a trace, she eats scented food, sleeps when she sees a beautiful woman, and is famous all over the world.

Later, Tang Jingsong, a small official from the imperial court, went to the three o'clock meeting in person and paid a visit to Lu Yasong, the leader of the meeting. The first president of China fought against Japanese soldiers.Not long after, Taiwan fell, and three o'clock will reappear in the rivers and lakes, still active in the old territory in Guangxi.It's just that at this time, the brothers are all dressed in black, with double rows of coded buttons, and two bastard boxes.

At this time, the Guangxi Frontier Defense Supervision Office was named Su Yuanchun—in Yuan Shikai’s small station in the early years, Zhang Xun, the most careless, ate under Su Yuanchun—Su Yuanchun sent someone to find Lu Yasong at the three o’clock meeting, It is recommended that Xiaolu recruit security, and in the future, he can use a knife and a gun to fight for his wife and seal.Lu Yasong was overjoyed, and immediately led the three o'clock congregation brothers to fly over the walls, and ran to Su Yuanchun's bedside at midnight to be recruited. He changed his name to Lu Rongting, and patiently waited for the day when his yin wife sealed off his son.

This Lu Rongting is a rare military general. Since he was recruited, his official position has soared. First he was a small assistant, and then he was a leader. Commanded.

Now the territory that Sun Wen captured is precisely the place that Lu Rongting is in charge of, so Lu Rongting wrote a letter:
...Although Rong Ting now lives on the salary of the Qing Dynasty, he also commanded the soldiers in the past and fought against the Qing soldiers, as everyone knows.Rong Tingqian had bad luck, so he had to bow down temporarily to wait for the opportunity.This heart is so small, I still pray for forgiveness!At the beginning of Rong Ting's suspicion that the public and others had acted rashly this time, and seeing the fierce artillery fire this morning, he knew that there was a generation of heroes, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, who planned for the public and others, and no one admired them.

Look, the shell really hit Lu Rongting's barracks, this is the sure evidence!

However, this letter seemed to be addressed to Huang Mingtang or chieftain Li Youqing, but Sun Wen insisted on reading it, who would dare not let the boss read it?
Continue reading the letter:

...Rong Ting currently has more than [-] people, who can be put under his command at any time for driving.If you are hired by Yaohe, please give a confirmation, so that you can know where you are going.If tomorrow, [-] Qing troops will come from Pingxiang, and [-] Qing troops will come from Longzhou the next day.The matter is urgent, please be self-reliant.

Lu Rongting's letter is too bizarre.

He actually thought of asking Sun Wen to issue a certificate for the soldiers who surrendered from him. How can such a certificate be issued?Could it still be written as: Here are two soldiers with intact arms and legs, armed with a gun, come to our department to participate in the revolution, and I will inform your department to know that it is hoped that it is a load... This is too much nonsense, right?
And he also said that a Qing army brigade is about to arrive, is this true or false?
After reading this letter, Sun Wen stood up and told Huang Mingtang and Li Youqing: No matter what, they must stick to the Zhennanguan Fort, at least five days.

Sun Wen himself returned to Hanoi to see if he could get some money to pay the rebels.

(3) Why are you stimulated?
This time the Revolutionary Party is really going to make a fortune.

The French bankers came to Hanoi, whether they were sent by the Freemasons, I don't know, but the money was large enough to scare people to death.

2000 yuan!

Of course it’s not free, this is called collecting revolutionary military debt on behalf of others.

When it comes to raising revolutionary military bonds, Sun Dapao once had a brilliant idea. He printed a large number of bonds with a face value of 1000 yuan, but sold them for only 250 yuan. People will get the face value of the principal and interest, but this [-] plan does not seem to be so successful. Once there are a bunch of debt collectors behind them, it will become difficult to issue new bonds.

According to statistics, Sun Wen, a wandering revolutionary, spent 16 years and 10 years raising tens of thousands of yuan by himself—and Kang Youwei got millions of dollars in one year, and Liang Qichao made money in just a few days. 25. In comparison, Sun Wen's ability to make money is indeed a little bit worse.

This time, a big French banker came to help, so the situation should get better, right?
But it still doesn't work, the French guy asked Sun Wen to take Longzhou first, then he is willing to pay 5 yuan in his own name, and if he can take Nanning together, he can add another [-] yuan.

But there is no money, and the collapse of the revolutionary army is only a matter of three or two days. What are you talking about taking Nanning, Longzhou?
But it's not about the Frenchies.

This time, the fundraising of the revolutionary army debt is done in this way.

What should I do if I didn't get any of them?

How about Huang Mingtang and the others?

There was a cry!
There were not many casualties, but Huang Mingtang was too deeply stimulated.

Qing soldiers were indeed as Lu Rongting said, [-] soldiers came from Pingxiang, and [-] soldiers came from Longzhou.This is what Lu Rongting told everyone in the letter. He didn't lie, so this matter is not exciting to everyone.

It was Lu Rongting who irritated everyone. This guy, he and his soldiers rushed forward like crazy, killing everyone, as if he had a blood feud with the Revolutionary Party for [-] lifetimes. run away.What does Lao Lu mean by doing this?

Everyone couldn't understand, so I was deeply stimulated.

After asking again, I finally figured it out.

It turned out that Lu Rongting and his group were so cruel to the Revolutionary Party because they wanted to come over and join the revolution.

Since you want to come over, why do you have to beat so hard?
Because they want Sun Wen to see their worth clearly.

Now the Revolutionaries know that these guys are worth a fortune.

There are 4000 people in Lu Rongting's department. They sent negotiators to No. 61 Gambida Street, Hanoi to meet Mr. Sun and demand negotiations.

Sun Wen cordially met with Lu Rongting's negotiators.And ask: If you can win Longzhou, each soldier who surrenders can get a reward of [-] yuan.If there is no military exploits, then each person is no more than ten yuan.

The other party felt that ten yuan per person was too little, so they continued to bargain. In the end, the two parties agreed that for every soldier from Lu Rongting's side, Sun Wen had to pay 30 yuan as a reward... But when the two parties signed the contract, Sun Wenmeng Woke up:
There are 4000 soldiers under Lu Rongting's command, and now these brothers all want to come over to get money. Based on 30 yuan per person, it is 12 yuan!
At that time, Sun Wen was on fire. If he had the 12 yuan, he would even buy the Forbidden City. With a huge sum of 12 yuan, he would buy 4000 people to come and order a Mao. Maybe these guys would flee back after ordering Mao...

Stop talking, stop talking!
If you love revolution, you will make revolution, and if you don't make revolution, you will have your life killed. What is there to talk about?

(4) Don't play with me anymore

The negotiations broke down, and the patriotic soldiers of Lu Rongting's department were very angry that they had nowhere to serve the country, so they bullied Huang Mingtang with all their strength, and beat Huang Mingtang until he couldn't stand and ran around.

Huang Mingtang got angry and withdrew into Vietnam. Are you capable of chasing him?Come and join us in the revolution!
Afraid of causing international disputes, Lu Rongting stood on the border and gritted his teeth, not daring to chase after him.

Then the brothers rested in Vietnam for a full three months and set off again.

We all know that Old Lu is too powerful and dare not provoke him. Now everyone is following Wang Heshun. Hundreds of Wang Heshun's poor brothers are still hiding in the [-] mountains. Waiting for the opportunity to join forces with Huang Mingtang, it is enough to do a lot one game.

It's not right to say follow Wang Heshun, this time the leader is Huang Xing.

Huang Xing finally made his move.

Now the task of fundraising is mainly in charge of Wang Jingwei. This young man was born with red lips and white teeth. Compared with the money-making genius, it is still not an order of magnitude.

But in any case, the brothers did change the shotguns this time. Although there were only 200 people, there were more than 120 box cannons, and the bullets were even more abundant.Therefore, the Revolutionary Party is confident, unfurls the flag of the blue sky and white sun, sings revolutionary songs, and moves forward. Our team is marching toward the Dongxing Township with great strides.

This Dongxing is the place where the blue sky and white sun flag was hoisted for the first time. The Qing soldiers in this station were rewarded by the imperial court for their meritorious service in "recovery". At present, the army cadres are on the way to the national labor model tour to report lectures, and there are only a few cooking squads in Dongxing station guy is feeding the pigs.Seeing such a strangely shaped team approaching with murderous intent, all the cooks in the cooking team were horrified, and each of them fled with a pig in their arms.

Take down Dongxing, and hoist the blue sky and white sun flag for the second time.

Then they marched towards Xiaofeng, and met the Qing army led by Guan led by Yang to block the way. The two sides fought and the Qing army was defeated.

Continue to move forward, the Yang Guandai came again, and after fierce fighting, the Yang Guandai collapsed again.

Still advancing, they heard fierce gunshots in front of them and fought into a group. The revolutionary army hurried forward, only to find that the Yang Guandai was fighting with Guo Renzhang's troops in full swing.

This is how the same thing?Could it be that the Guo scumbag found out with his conscience, realized his lost way, and joined the revolution?

Sending someone to inquire, it is not the same thing at all.It turned out that the fellow Guo Renzhang came to suppress the revolution again. On the way, he met Yang Guandai who was beaten by the revolutionary army. Yang Guandai waved kindly, and was caught off guard on the spot.

Guo Renzhang has a strange temper, seeing that Yang Guandai dared to beat him, he immediately turned his back on him, drove his troops forward, wiped out all Yang Guandai, and then exchanged fire with the revolutionary army.

Seeing Guo Renzhang, Huang Xing was so angry that his eyes turned black, and he immediately called out: "Come on, send me an emissary to scold Guo Renzhang severely..."

The envoy went and met Guo Renzhang: Guo scum, you traitor, Ge Laozi, the son of a bitch, threw away your old mother and mother, your mother, your grandma, that bear... speaks [-] kinds of dialects in the whole country, and is strict Guo Renzhang was reprimanded for the numerous crimes committed against the revolutionary army.

Guo Renzhang was also very wronged. He had told Huang Xing a long time ago: As long as it is an upright revolution, Guo Renzhang will definitely participate, but seeing the current state of the revolutionary army...

The implication of Guo Renzhang's words is that the revolutionary army is very dishonest now, and the number is too small... Damn, it is because there are too few people that they call you Guo Renzhang to come over to gather the number. If there are too many people, there will be one Guo Renzhang Zhang?
The envoy couldn't scold Guo Renzhang, so he had to settle for the next best thing. He asked Guo Renzhang to fulfill his promise and send guns and ammunition to the revolutionary army, but Guo Renzhang agreed without hesitation.

Then Guo Renzhang really sent a batch of guns and ammunition to the place according to the time and place instructed by the revolutionary army, and patiently waited for the revolutionary army to send people to pick them up.

Huang Xing did indeed send someone to fetch it, but for some reason, the person he sent went the wrong way, and he just couldn't get the weapon.

Huang Xing was furious, and sent someone to severely reprimand Guo Renzhang.

Guo Renzhang was really wronged, so he had to send someone to send another weapon, but this time Huang Xing still didn't receive it.

Poor old Guo sent weapons at least five times. Huang Xing was also surprised. The people he sent went the wrong way every time. In the midst of this extreme depression, there was a sudden burst of gunfire. The revolutionary army general Guo Renzhang A small force of them was killed.

Now Guo Renzhang is on fire: Have you played enough?Am I that funny?I said Huang Xing, stop playing with me, okay...

Huang Xing and Guo Renzhang officially entered the state of war.

(5) Revolution enters the big auction
Everything is most afraid of being true.

As soon as Guo Renzhang got serious, Huang Xing couldn't stand it anymore.

Retreat, disband, come back after a while...

I will come back next time, but it will be more than a month apart—the Battle of Qinlian Shangsi was March 1908, 3, this time it is called the Battle of Hekou, and the time is April 27, 1908, but somehow it happened, Lao Wang Wang Heshun became more and more unpromising, and his names kept moving to the back row. This time, the "Commander of the Southern Army of the Chinese National Army" Huang Mingtang led the team. Guess who is in second place?
Guan Renfu!
It is the one who spent all the funds for Dongxing Yiqi last time.

After all the money was spent, Laoguan still ranked second, which shows that he has the ability.

But Wang Heshun struggled desperately, but now he is ranked behind Guan Renfu. It is not clear how he messed up. Anyway, we only know that on a dark night where you can't see your fingers, the three elder brothers led the Zhennan Pass. The more than 100 people who participated in the battle walked through the old streets of Vietnam and entered the border with high spirits.

There are 200 railway workers here to respond, and the brothers in the police station have all participated in the revolution, and then the two guards from the Qing Army patrol battalion came.

Three mountains gather righteousness, soldiers are strong and horses are strong.

Wang Zhenbang, the commander of the Qing army and that army, sent an envoy to strongly demand revolution, so he sent the Tongmenghui Huang Huating with a guard to surrender.Not long after the news came, as soon as Huang Huating arrived, he was beheaded by Wang Zhenbang together with the guards.

Unreasonable, the revolutionary army was furious and marched forward. Wang Zhenbang jumped up and down and ordered the Qing army to resist with all his strength, but he didn't want his subordinates to have a guard Xiong Tong. , Wang Zhenbang died, and the revolutionary army won a big victory, and the team quickly expanded to more than 1000 people.

Moving forward, Qing soldiers came to seek refuge in an endless stream, and the number of revolutionary troops surged to 3000.

At this time, Hu Hanmin was sitting in Henan, waiting for the good news that the revolutionary army had captured Kunming, but he only received the financial report from the revolutionary army.

The report is as follows:

Each soldier of the Revolutionary Army needs 3000 cents a day for food. There are [-] soldiers in the army, and the daily expenditure on food exceeds [-] yuan.

Hu Hanmin didn’t allocate a penny here, and it all depended on the revolutionary army to figure it out. At present, it has figured out [-] yuan. The money:

Award 2000 yuan to Xiong Tong, the warrior who killed Wang Zhenbang.

The bonus for other fighters is [-] yuan.

Total expenditure: [-] yuan.

Loss: thirteen hundred yuan.

Hu Hanmin's Hanoi headquarters only has [-] yuan, and he has ordered people to send all of it to Guan Renfu's right-hand army—let's say it, Lao Guan is his own, so he can understand it.

Hu Hanmin telegraphed Sun Wen in Hanoi: Give the money, give the money, as long as one hundred thousand is enough, please...

If you get [-] gold, half of it will be used for food first, and half of it will be used as a supplement for ammunition, then the army will be as powerful as a broken bamboo, and there will be no worries about attacking cities and conquering land.

Sun Wen called back: Go find a man named Bi Weng, and another man named Lu Qiujie to ask for money.

Hu Hanmin: I've been there, but they said there was no money...

(End of this chapter)

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