The Republic is so violent

Chapter 37 The Forbidden City Candid Filming Case

Chapter 37 The Forbidden City Candid Filming Case (2)
Sun Wen: You are really stupid. Is there anyone who asks for money like that?Give them the Yunnan Mining patent...

If Mr. Qiu or Mr. Bi Weng take the [-] yuan, they will be rewarded with ten years of mining rights and patents in the whole province of Yunnan.

I don't know whether the brothers Bi Weng and Qiu Jun got the patent rights of the Yunnan mining camp, but one thing is for sure, the revolutionary army just didn't get the money.

Only retreat.

(6) Talent wholesale
Sun Wen's fundraising was inexhaustibly difficult, and it was all the expatriates who scraped together three or two yuan. One time, they got 1000 and 25 yuan, which is a lot, and it can't be compared with Liang Qichao's [-] yuan.

To make matters worse, Sun Wenshan tried to sell revolutionary bonds, but the bonds had already expired. Not only could he not repay, but he also asked shareholders to invest more, which is a bit like the Chinese stock market. How can you be happy?So this fundraising matter is getting more and more difficult.

Since they couldn't get any money, Sun Wen had an idea, made a plan, issued a letter of commission, appointed Huang Xing as the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan Revolutionary Army, and sent Huang Xing to Yunnan to take over Huang Mingtang's command.

Talent is the most valuable, if you give me Huang Xing, why is it worth one hundred and eighty thousand?
It is estimated that Sun Wen thought so at the time.

Huang Xing rushed there excitedly, but Huang Mingtang was not happy in his heart. He had agreed in advance to let him be the number one, and the official worshiped the governor. He never thought that this would create a commander-in-chief, and he would suddenly become the second in command. Lao Huang felt emotional in his heart.

Huang Xing didn't care so much, he just urged the teacher to advance.Huang Mingtang made a joke, deliberately gave Huang Xing 100 people, and asked Huang Xing to lead the team.Huang Xing immediately led the 100 people to move forward, barely enough to travel, when he heard a row of gunshots behind him, Huang Xing hurriedly turned his head and found that the 100 people were all sitting on the ground and did not leave.

To put it bluntly, Huang Xing's mouth was worn out, and all the soldiers got up listlessly, and followed Huang Xing slowly, step by step. As they walked, Huang Xing turned his head and found that the soldiers behind him were gone. Turning his head back, he found that the soldier who was walking in front just now was gone...

All escaped.

Comments from later generations: Huang Xing's military ability is indeed a bit insufficient. He probably has the same ability as a security chief. This is why Guo Renzhang is always unconvinced. At least Guo Renzhang's military ability is much stronger than Huang Xing's.

The soldiers had all fled, and Huang Xing was meaningless to go any further, so he had no choice but to return to Hekou and ask Wang Heshun what was going on.Wang Heshun explained that the problem still lies in the lack of soldiers and ammunition, and this battle cannot be fought.Huang Xing wanted to mobilize elite troops, lead them himself, and defeat Mengzi first.

So Huang Xing ordered all the soldiers to assemble, all the soldiers listened, looked at Huang Xing, and went back to sleep with their arms dangling, no one listened to Huang Xing alone.

Huang Xing was furious, thinking that the combat effectiveness of this army was too poor, it would be fine if he didn't obey, if I could find my old army... So Huang Xing returned to Vietnam Old Street on the other side of the estuary, trying to recruit his own troops.Unexpectedly, he was arrested by the French police as soon as he walked into the old street. The French governor in Vietnam ordered: sell that Japanese to the wholesale price.

Huang Xing was escorted onto the boat, and after inquiring, he learned that Liu Yongde and five revolutionaries were also sold to Singapore by the French during the previous battle between Wang and Shunfang, but they sold them at retail prices.

They are all sellers. Last time five people paid the retail price, now it's Huang Xing's turn to pay the wholesale price. Isn't this nonsense?

Huang Xing's lungs exploded with anger!

There is a division of religion, Huang Xing is angry, and the old streets are on fire, and the French will eventually pay a heavy price for their shameful behavior.

(7) The Revolutionary Army fought against the French soldiers

After Huang Xing left, the revolutionary army stationed at the mouth of the river was attacked by the Qing army and couldn't resist. In the end, the remaining [-] soldiers had to retreat into Vietnam and entered the territory of Taiyuan Prefecture in Vietnam.

At this time, the annoying Frenchman came again and asked the revolutionary army to disarm, but was flatly rejected by the revolutionary army.

The French soldiers were in a hurry, stepped forward and forcibly disarmed, but were held down by the revolutionary army and severely beaten.

It was impossible to disarm, and more French soldiers came. However, the revolutionary army here has 600 people. escape.

The revolutionary army was indeed not afraid of the French, mainly because the number of French soldiers was too small, only two or three hundred in total, and the combat effectiveness of the French-trained Vietnamese army was too poor, and their weapons were also outdated. Of course, the revolutionary army did not take them seriously.

The French fired angrily.

The revolutionary army fired excitedly.

To and fro, a French soldier suddenly slipped and fell down for no reason.The Frenchman was horrified, thinking he was killed by the revolutionary army, and immediately leveled his gun: bang bang bang...

The revolutionary army unceremoniously raised their guns to fight back: bang bang bang...

This is good, the revolutionary army and the French soldiers fought.

The French came to help, and all the revolutionaries also came to help, and the flames of war expanded rapidly. From Zuozhou in Taiyuan Prefecture in the east to Baosheng Old Street in the west, all of them became war zones.Bullets flew everywhere, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and Vietnam was in chaos.

The Qing soldiers on the opposite side were overjoyed, so they lay on the border line to act as cheerleaders: beat, beat, beat him to death, bastard...

The French governor-general in Vietnam was in a hurry, and hurriedly looked for Sun Wen, but where could he find it?If Sun Wen cannot be found, there will be no way to resolve this war. The revolutionary army has a lot of guns and guns, and the revolutionaries continue to bring in ammunition and supplies. Look at this stance, is it possible to liberate Vietnam?

Three months later, Sun Wen was still not found, and the battle between the revolutionary army and the French soldiers became more and more intense, and the original war zone had now become a no-man's land.At this time, the French governor in Vietnam came to his senses. That fellow Sun Wen didn’t want you to find him at all. Sun Wen was expelled out of the country, so Sun Wen was very unhappy.

I had no choice but to go to Liang Zhengli, the leader of the local overseas Chinese, and begged Liang Zhengli to intervene.

So Liang Zhengli came out to be a peacemaker. After running around for more than a month, he finally reached an agreement.

The conditions on the French side are very simple-the revolutionary army is all disarmed.

What about the conditions of the revolutionary army?

I don’t know—but the disarmed revolutionary army was put on a boat and sent away to cross the border. Sun Wen came back and lived comfortably in his house at No. 61 Gambet Street, and the French never mentioned it again. The matter of deporting him...

It’s just that the [-] revolutionary troops were miserable. They were sent to Singapore by the French. The British in Singapore didn’t want them, so they sent them back. People handcuffed all these six hundred people with lofty ideals, dragged them ashore and put them in prison.

After that, it was a big rescue. A lawyer was hired as a guarantee, and all six hundred people with lofty ideals were bailed out.

The next issue is the employment of [-] patriots. A Zhongxing stone factory was specially set up for them. Some of them transformed into quarry workers, and the rest were sent to Penang, Kuala Lumpur, and Perakun Island. Some went to mines for mining, and some went to farms to work in agriculture. In short, they all successfully integrated into the mainstream life of society.

According to the statistics of the Battle of Hekou, Wang Heshun deserved the most credit. In order to show his appreciation, Sun Wen sincerely sent Wang Heshun to No. 61 Gambet Street and treated him as a national scholar.

At this time, it was already August 1908, and it was the eve of the great China falling into fission. There were different religions:

The Tongmenghui split for the second time, the assassination group reappeared, Yuan Shikai broke his foot, and the old Cixi died... The most lively comedy was finally staged.

(8) Sun Wen's three big killers

It is said that since Sun Fengbo was defeated in the last league meeting, Sun Wen was very angry, and the consequences were very serious.

Sun Wen adopted three major methods to deal with Zhang Binglin and others.

One trick: cut off its food and grass.Sun Wen cut off the financial support for Minbao, which was written by Zhang Binglin, and never gave Zhang Binglin a penny. Zhang Binglin was so hungry that he ate food everywhere, and often he could only eat a piece of wheat cake a day.Zhang Binglin begged bitterly, begging Sun Wen not to do this, he stuttered anyway, but Sun Wen just pretended not to hear...

...Sometimes there is no reply, or it is said that Nanyang is exhausted and has no money, and sometimes it is held back with false words, saying that it should bring five or six thousand pieces of gold to the east (to help each other), and when it is due, it will be decorated with other words. Only three hundred silver dollars...

Two tricks: start all over again.In fact, Sun Wen did not intend to bring Zhang Binglin, Tao Chengzhang and others to play at this time. No more, set up another "Chinese Revolutionary Party".

By the autumn of 1908, the branch of the Nanyang Tongmenghui had become the headquarters of the Tongmenghui in the actual sense. The local alliance associations had to report matters to Hu Hanmin of the Nanyang branch. No one responded to Zhang Binglin and Tao Chengzhang.

Three tricks: no way out.This move is the most ruthless. Sun Wen had already given up "Min Bao" before, and let Zhang Binglin hold on with his hungry belly. When Zhang Binglin was almost hungry, Sun Wen suddenly resumed investing in "Min Bao". Just as he was about to be overjoyed, he was surprised to see that his chief editor had been revoked, and this newspaper belonged to the handsome young man Wang Jingwei.

One can imagine how sad and indignant Zhang Binglin was.

But the one who was even more angry was Tao Chengzhang.

At the beginning, Tao Chengzhang saw that Zhang Binglin was shaking with hunger, and the "Minbao" could no longer hold on, so he gritted his teeth and left Tokyo to Nanyang to collect donations, but was stopped by Sun Wen and his supporters along the way, saying: Nanyang comrades are very few , and mostly non-capitalists.It is suggested that Tao Chengzhang go back to Tokyo to change money.

Tao Chengzhang was in a hurry, found Sun Wen, and explained that he was here for Qiu Jin's inter-provincial uprising, and he needed at least 5 yuan. Sun Wen immediately took off the watch on his wrist: That's all, is it worth [-] yuan?
Sun Yat-sen searched everywhere and couldn't raise money, so he took out his watch and other things and asked to change the money to save the urgent need.

Sun Wen took off his watch on the spot. His supporters thought this was the most sincere attitude, but in Tao Chengzhang's view, it was just teasing him.

From then on, Tao Chengzhang never mentioned the word Tongmenghui.

Restoration will come out of the rivers and lakes again, and Tao Chengzhang goes to Nanyang alone.

But I don’t want to. Overseas Chinese in Nanyang have only heard of the Tongmenghui, and they don’t know what the Guangfuhui does. After listening to Tao Chengzhang’s talk, they know that the two families are originally a family, so they don’t actively donate money. What’s even more annoying is that some He offered to donate on the spot, but he only held up a sign and didn't take the money. He said it well in person, but when Tao Chengzhang went to get the money, he couldn't find anyone anymore...

Tao Chengzhang finally realized that it was not easy to get money, so he put away his pride, went to Sun Wen again, and begged Sun Wen to open a letter of introduction so that he could collect money from various places.

Sun Wen flatly refused.

Tao Chengzhang was furious.

Then the article "Sun Wen's Guilt" was published, which set off a bloody storm of factional struggles in the Tongmenghui.

"Sun Wen's Crime" is the biggest disturbance in the League. This article claims: Xinnanshan's bamboo, the book is endless; Three counts, four counts of crimes against the entire reputation...

In short very serious.

At the critical point, Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, who had not been seen for many years, also rushed out to join in the fun and published an article to repair Sun Wen:

In Sun Wen's accent, is there a drop of patriotic blood, is there a little bit of patriotic tears in his eyes, is there any patriotic thoughts in his heart, but the catchphrase is not enough!
Totally messed up.

First of all, Sun Wen abandoned the League and formed the Chinese Revolutionary Party. The branch of the Nanyang League responded positively and changed their names to the Chinese Revolutionary Party. But this new name is not recognized by the common people...

It just so happened that Zhang Binglin and Tao Chengzhang were also a little confused. Sun Wen of the Tongmenghui was no longer there, so hurry up and catch him, but they didn't.

The shell of the Tongmenghui was thrown out on the street, but was picked up by the Nanyang branch of the Chinese Revolutionary Party when no one was looking. So the Chinese Revolutionary Party went public through a backdoor, and the Tongmenghui was restored again, still with Sun Wen as its prime minister.

(9) Deadly Railway
The Tongmenghui was overwhelmed and fell into confusion, while in Beijing, Yuan Shikai's luck seemed to have come to an end.

Empress Dowager Cixi suddenly turned her face on Yuan Shikai.

In the words, there is no longer the previous kind of reliance, on the contrary, the suspicion is getting stronger, and the murderous intent is looming.

Moreover, this change was a sudden change within a day, without even the slightest warning before.

The cause of the incident should be the Jiangsu-Zhejiang railway case. The railway case is an extremely weird political dispute, which implies the blurred distinction and cognition of Chinese society and politics. Yuan Shikai almost lost his head precisely because of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang railway case, and because of the Sichuan It is interesting to say that the railway case reached the pinnacle of power.

The success or failure of the railway, the failure of the railway, the railway, the road to success or failure, the terrible railway!
Speaking of railways, I have to mention the Boxers. In the early days, the Boxers hated railways the most. The simple working people got angry when they saw the trains that were running so fast. Why do you say you are running so fast when you have nothing to do?The train is still running so fast while lying on its stomach, so what if it has to stand up?Therefore, the Boxers threw themselves into the cause of demolishing the railway with full enthusiasm, and when the demolition was in full swing, the Devils of the Eight Kingdoms came, and the Boxers were disbanded from then on.

Since then, the Chinese have finally discovered that railways are not useless, at least... they can help leaders at all levels earn a lot of money.

So officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang took active actions, calling on the people to donate money and materials, and actively subscribed for railway bonds... After a vigorous round, the leaders took the money and left, disappearing into the vast sea of ​​people. There are a few patriotic overseas Chinese, but there is no shadow of the railway.

Just because there is no trace of the railway, the new leader came to office, and when he got off the train, he squeaked and continued to call on the people to donate money and materials, and actively subscribed for railway bonds... Then the leader disappeared again, and the number of patriotic overseas Chinese in Nanyang remained the same. sustainable growth.

A new leader has taken office, and he is still a blah blah blah, calling on the masses to donate money and materials, and to subscribe for railway bonds...but this time the masses have learned their lesson, and it is a bit more difficult to get the money out.But no matter how tightly the masses hold their money bags, they can't help but the leaders think about you every day... Soon, the leaders introduced a modern management system. The owner of the bank disappeared suddenly, or closed down, and the masses were dumbfounded again, so they had to sell their children and daughters to collect money to go to Beijing to petition...

There was no trace of the railway, and the rate of people jumping into wells and rivers remained high, and crowds of petitioners surrounded the Forbidden City every day. The Empress Dowager Cixi ordered Yuan Shikai to resolve this matter.

One or two railways is really a piece of cake for Yuan Shikai, but he has nine jobs at this time, and he is so busy every day that he can't spare the capable people under him, and they are all spread on other projects.

So Yuan Shikai said, for this matter, you should go to foreign countries to find some experts and give them the right to operate the railway. Foreigners have banks as guarantees. Even if you encounter a liar, the bank will return the money to you...

As soon as Yuan Shikai said this, his brother was nailed to the pillar of shame in history by a guy!

He even gave the railway to foreigners!

Big traitor!
The leaders at all levels were all furious. When they climbed up and called out, the crowd was furious. When the people who were carrying their children to petition heard about this, they immediately threw the children down and joined the ranks of condemning the traitor Yuan Shikai without hesitation. This traitor, Not killing is not enough to anger the people! ...

The League Association, which had been in a mess within itself, noticed the excitement here, and stepped in excitedly, and published an article in the Shenzhou Daily in the name of "Tokyo Contributions", comparing Yuan Shikai to Zhao Gao and Dong Zhuo in history. , Cao Cao, Yang Guozhong, Cai Jing, Qin Hui, Jia Sidao, Yan Song and other treacherous officials...

All of a sudden, there was a surge of wind and clouds, and the people all over the country set off an upsurge of struggle to expose and criticize the traitor Yuan Shikai.

Outraged by all, Lao Yuan was dumbfounded, and went back to the Jinluan shop to lie at the feet of the Empress Dowager Cixi, waiting for repairs.

Empress Dowager Cixi said:
Give Yuan Shikai the Buddha of Infinite Life, two golden Buddhas, four Ruyi handles of Chinese jade, eight rolls of yarn in the inner library, eight rolls of river silk, a python garment, two bottles of imperial wine, two pairs of Shuanglong tribute wax, and two calligraphy characters of "Fu Shou" , the amount of life is two hanging.

(10) History of Daqing Tofu Company

Now is the time to unravel the mystery.

Yuan Shikai is not greedy, does not take too much, and does not take a penny from the public, but he insists on spending more money than he can spend. Where did he get the money?

It turned out that Yuan Shikai worked hard to "work hard" and figured out the basic laws of modern business, so he secretly opened many companies and made a lot of money for himself.

Yuan Shikai has a famous saying: You don't have to be an official, but you have to do business.

Probably because starting a company is too lucrative. Kang Youwei saved the Qing Emperor Company and earned 100 million yuan, which is a ready-made example.

And Yuan Shikai started a company with more tricks than Kang Youwei. For example, this tofu company is something that even Kang Youwei would not dare to think of.

The origin of the idea of ​​the tofu company originated from the water supply company in the Qing Dynasty.

Suddenly one day, the Empress Dowager Cixi called Yuan Shikai into the palace and asked, "What should I do if there is a sudden fire in Beijing?"
Yuan Shikai suggested that if there is a fire, it should be poured with water... Listening to this suggestion, he obviously hasn't figured out what the Empress Dowager Cixi means.

Sure enough, Empress Dowager Cixi's worry was: If there was a fire in Beijing, where would I get so much water?
Only then did Yuan Shikai understand that Empress Dowager Cixi meant to let him learn Western methods to introduce tap water to Beijing, but why didn't Empress Dowager Cixi say so clearly?
It's very simple, tap water is something from the West, and Chinese people hate Western things the most. Anyone who introduces Western methods can turn barbarians into summer, and is 100% a big traitor, so the person who introduces tap water must also suffer from officials. The people scolded.The Empress Dowager Cixi used to push all the work of being scolded to Li Hongzhang, but now, Yuan Shikai has assumed the work of being scolded.

(End of this chapter)

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