The Republic is so violent

Chapter 50 The Gravedigger Zhang Zhidong

Chapter 50 The Gravedigger Zhang Zhidong (2)
But such a high-quality army will inevitably be very slow to cultivate, and it doesn’t matter if it is slow, but the terrible thing is that the openness of people’s wisdom is incompatible with the interests of the empire. It is all the private property of the Aixinjueluo family, and all the talents are among the servants of the Aixinjueluo family.However, the humanistic basis of modern Western science is the concept of democracy and freedom. Every time the Qing Empire cultivates a talent, it is tantamount to pushing itself into the grave.

So the coffin that the empire built for itself is called Minzhi.

Blocking the wisdom of the people, the empire can only wait for death.Let go of the wisdom of the people, the empire is courting death.This is the way the Qing Empire must die. On the way of death, no one can stop them.

(6) Li Huangpi, a black pot professional

If the people's wisdom is enlightened, the empire must die, but in whose hands it will die in the end, this is an interesting historical suspense.But Zhang Zhidong rushed over in a hurry and nailed four copper nails into the military system of the late Qing Dynasty in one go, which made this suspense suddenly clear.

Zhang Zhidong was the first copper nail nailed into the coffin in the late Qing Dynasty, and he was a living person.

Li Yuanhong.

The name Li Yuanhong is not unfamiliar at all. He is a native of Hubei, a farming and studying family, and his name is Huangpi.He was once positioned as a villain who "usurped the fruits of the [-] Revolution", but if Li Yuanhong knew that his descendants judged him in this way, he would definitely cry out for injustice, so is he injustice?

Westerners say: A person's character is a person's destiny. If this statement is placed on Li Yuanhong's head, it is completely consistent.Looking closely at Li Yuanhong, he is kind, loyal, kind to others, and stupid. This kind of character is destined to be a scapegoat in the era of the Republic of China when power was scrambling for profit.

Li Yuanhong's first black pot is well-known in history: the pot of Jiawu.

It is said that Li Yuanhong was originally from a farming and studying family. Because the imperial court established a new military system and set up free schools for poor children to study, Li Yuanhong entered Beiyang Academy. After graduating with excellent grades, he was assigned to the Guangjia of the Guangzhou Navy. The name is small.Logically speaking, Li Yuanhong was in the Guangzhou navy, and the Sino-Japanese naval battle that was about to break out was the Japanese navy versus the Beiyang navy, and Li Yuanhong should not be allowed to take the blame.But it happened that the Guangjia was ordered to be given to Beiyang for support, and when it arrived there, it was just in time for the outbreak of the sea war, so Beiyang ordered: so who, that Guangjia, don’t go back, first come to participate in the naval battle, and then go home for dinner after the battle Not too late.

So Li Yuanhong went to the battlefield in a daze. When the two armies confronted each other and the two sides exchanged firepower, the Beiyang Navy lined up their warships and let the Guangjia attract the artillery fire from the Japanese warships. When the fire broke out, I immediately ordered the boat to leave. We will not mix in this battle.

Guangjia left without a fight, fled to Dalian waters but hit a rock.So Wu Zhirong, the officer in charge, ordered: "Who, Li Yuanhong, the general manager, I order you to guard the warship. The ship is full of people, and the ship is dead. I will get on the lifeboat first, and go to the shore to rest."

Guan took Wu Zhirong away, leaving Li Yuanhong alone on the boat.At this time, the Japanese warship rushed over, and the firepower on the Guangjia was obviously out of support.So Li Yuanhong discussed with his subordinates and said: Brothers, it's time for us to serve the country. We can't fight at this time. Don't even think about surrendering. Come on, everyone, let's scuttle the ship, no matter what. The Guangjia cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Japanese.So everyone braved the Japanese artillery fire to scuttle the ship, and then the soldiers threw themselves into the sea one after another.

Before jumping into the sea, Li Yuanhong put on a big poss, saying: "It is so called that some scholars die by jumping into the sea."Then he plunged headlong into the icy water.

To sacrifice one's life to serve one's country, and for a person of lofty ideals to cross the sea, is a very heroic thing, but at this time, a big wave came, and Li Yuanhong, who had fainted from choking, was sent all the way to the shore.After waking up, it was just in time for the imperial court to investigate the responsibility for the defeat. The Beiyang Navy either died in battle or was captured. Only brother Li Yuanhong came back inexplicably.

The court sentenced Li Yuanhong to serve half a year in prison.

Half a year later, Li Yuanhong came out of the prison disheveled and unkempt, clutching his shriveled belly and thinking: I'm so hungry, where can I get food?I heard that Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes and lakes, is famous for his talents, and he is called Zhang Xiangshuai by people in the Jianghu.How about I try my luck with Zhang Zhidong?

When we arrived at the place, it happened that Zhang Zhidong had just bought a military ship from Japan, the ship's name was Chutai.Zhang Zhidong swaggered, boarded the ship with his staff and inspected it for himself.After everyone boarded the boat, the warship sailed into the lake. As it was going, there was a sudden thunderstorm in the sky, and the warship swayed. Standing on the platform, steering the boat with one hand, steering the boat like a galloping horse, I saw the warship cut a white line in the turbulent sea, and actually sailed out of the dangerous area.Overjoyed, Zhang Zhidong took a closer look at the man at the helm. It turned out to be Li Yuanhong, the defeated general of the Sino-Japanese War.

At that time, Zhang Zhidong saw that it was Li Yuanhong, and thought to himself: Xiao Li is a good kid, quite capable, should I find something fun for this kid to do?

With this thought, Li Yuanhong officially landed in history. From then on, he was destined to cultivate the fruits of the Revolution of [-], and inexplicably bear the blame for usurping the fruits of the revolution.

No one can change this outcome.

Because history goes on.

(7) The second copper nail
Li Yuanhong's defection created a big problem for Zhang Zhidong.

If Li Yuanhong didn't have any skills, then this matter would be too easy. Just find someone to serve tea and pour water, and fool Li Yuanhong into a bite of food. At that time, Li Yuanhong will definitely be grateful to Dade, and the matter will be resolved.

If Li Yuanhong had only a little skill, things would not be difficult. Zhang Zhidong had been training the self-supporting army, and he could fool Li Yuanhong with an official position.

However, Li Yuanhong, although he has a gentle and kind personality, works hard like an ox and is slaughtered by others, but his military literacy is not generally high. Li Yuanhong is a top student who graduated from Beiyang Academy, and he has actual combat experience in the Sino-Japanese War. Dong Duo made more tests and observations, and he was convinced that Li Yuanhong was a rare general.As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find, but since you have got such a general, you have to give him an army to fiddle with, right?

But the problem is that Zhang Zhidong has another confidant, Zhang Biao.Zhang Biao's ability may be a little bit inferior, but he is politically reliable and loyal to the court——Zhang Biao married the maid of Governor Ruitang as his wife, and the soldiers of the new army gave him a nickname: Mrs. .This is all my son-in-law, but it is impossible for Zhang Biao to have second thoughts about the court—this is beyond Li Yuanhong's ability.

One is a rare general, and the other has a strong political quality. Here Zhang Zhidong has fleshy palms and backs. How can he handle this matter?
While worrying, Tie Liang came.

Tieliang, General Ninghan, is the most outstanding son of Aixinjueluo royal family.This man is intelligent and eager to learn. He has studied in Japan and is familiar with the situation of the great powers. He supports the reform to strengthen the country—Tie Liang supports the reform to strengthen the country.Because of such a clear understanding, the shrewd and capable Tieliang has become the hope of the Aixinjueluo royal family.

In order to strengthen the country, Tie Liang kept running around all day long, inspecting the new armies in various provinces of the country, and found that the self-reliant army trained by Zhang Zhidong in Hubei had the highest performance in all provinces.Tie Liang was overjoyed, and immediately lay down on his desk to write a memorial, asking the court to commend Zhang Zhidong.

While it was being written, Zhang Zhidong opened the door and came in: Tie Zi, how about practicing calligraphy?

Lian... Tie Liang blushed and covered the memorial with his hand.His brush calligraphy is considered excellent among the royal family, but it cannot be compared with Zhang Zhidong, a great Confucian of the generation. He was worried that Zhang Zhidong would laugh at his ugly calligraphy, so he instinctively covered it with his hands.

But Zhang Zhidong's mind was not on the words: Tiezi, guess why our new army in Hubei can achieve the best results in the whole country?

Because... Tie Liang was about to say: It's not because of your loyalty to the country, Mr. Zhang.But I thought again, Zhang Zhidong must have a purpose in asking this question at this time, so he asked: "I also want to ask you about this, Lao Zhang, what can you do, tell me quickly."If it is effective, we will promote it nationwide.

Zhang Zhidong put on a serious face: In the 19th century, what was the most expensive thing?talent!

I heard Zhang Zhidong say emotionally: Tiezi, to strengthen the country, you need to train soldiers.To train soldiers, you need military talents, but where can you find military talents?It can only be cultivated by using local materials. I have an idea to establish a special army school in Hubei and implement a military education system. Who wants to join the army and serve the country? OK, you must advance to the school to be a soldier. Integral linear algebra, you can only find the root sign, but you have to be able to find derivatives and look up logarithmic tables.In short, when you graduate, you must complete an academic thesis and pass the defense before you can join the army.

calculus?Academic paper?Tie Liang was dumbfounded when he heard that: just to be a soldier, he had to write a dissertation. Papers will always ask for the root number, such a modern army must be invincible in the world!

Of course, Zhang Zhidong stroked his beard proudly: So, in order to establish a military education system and to strengthen our Qing army, I mean we must quickly expand the new army of the Eighth Town in Wuchang, um, let’s establish a new army. Let's let Zhang Biao be in charge of the No. 21 township on 20, let Li Yuanhong be the leader of No. [-]. What do you think?

Wait... Tie Liang felt dizzy: Didn't you just talk about the military school system, calculus derivation, and writing a paper?Now why is there another No.20 Mixed Association... Also, who is the fat boy Li Yuanhong?Why let him be the coordinator?
Zhang Zhidong said seriously: Li Yuanhong is a rare military talent, a general, only a general like him will know the importance of military education system.Therefore, if he is not invited to be the coordinator, the military school system cannot be established.

Is there such a thing?Tie Liang was completely confused.

have!Zhang Zhidong said affirmatively: Tiezi, don't blink your eyes, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the Holy Majesty, hurry up and write the memorial.

I wrote... Tie Liang lowered his head and began to write the memorial. The No. 20 Mixed Association, the eighth town of the new army led by Li Yuanhong, officially announced the establishment.

The first shot of the Revolution of [-] will be fired by this student army.

(8) Mrs. Yipin Ding Jiangshan
If Li Yuanhong is the key to the upcoming [-] Revolution, then Wu Zhaolin is the key to the [-] Revolution.

If it is said that Li Yuanhong successfully transformed a military chaos into a revolution with his military ability and finally succeeded, then Wu Zhaolin used his military ability to successfully transform a riot into a military chaos, thus relaying with Li Yuanhong Cooperate, eventually contributed to the victory of the Revolution of [-].

Having said so much, who is this Wu Zhaolin?
Wu Zhaolin, he is a fruitful result of Zhang Zhidong's military school system, one of nearly 2 students in the three towns of Wuhan, a disciple of Li Yuanhong himself, and he once worshiped the Japanese instructor Zhu Fang Dazuo as his teacher, and devoted himself to cultivating Study staff science.Although he was only a middle-level officer in the No. 20-[-] Mixed Association of the Eighth Town of the New Army—it was just an officer of the left team of the engineering battalion.But his military talents are well known in Eighth Town, and even Mr. Huang Yanpei praised him as "always a little bit of faith".

High-quality soldiers, high-quality mid-level officers, and talented military generals were finally assembled by Zhang Zhidong.And this means: once there is an incident in Wuchang, there will be a mature and practical military system that will play its effective role in the first time.

And these will constitute the basic guarantee for the success of the upcoming [-] Revolution.

But only military power is not enough. The Revolution of [-] meant a large-scale political revolution. A politician was necessary to transform a military operation into a social revolution with his superb political skills.Therefore, Zhang Zhidong and his brother must also prepare the most intelligent politicians for the future era.

It is said that there is a small grocery store in Wujin, Jiangsu Province. In the grocery store, there is a young guy. This guy has quick eyes, hard feet, and is sincere and loyal, so he is trusted by the owner of the grocery store.One day, a customer came to the store to buy things, and accidentally lost a bag of silver, which was picked up by a young man. Instead of swallowing his parcel, the boy was afraid that the owner would commit suicide if he could not find the money. When he was waiting on the road, the customer was moved and praised the boy repeatedly, and told the grocery store owner about it.

When the owner of the grocery store found out about this, he called the boy over and said, "My child, you are kind-hearted and extremely smart. It's a pity to be a boy who runs errands."How about this, I will pay for you, and you go to Beijing to catch up with the exam, I thought, with your kindness and intelligence, if you are lucky, you might get the champion.

The little guy smiled and said: Boss, I can't read a few words, and I can't write poems. If you ask me to write stereotyped essays, it would be better to kill me.Boss, if you are really willing to help me, you can just donate an official for me. After all, isn’t it just to become an official if you win the first prize in the imperial examination?

(End of this chapter)

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