The Republic is so violent

Chapter 49 The Gravedigger Zhang Zhidong

Chapter 49 The Gravedigger Zhang Zhidong (1)
(1) The Chinese have magical powers
At the end of the late Qing Dynasty, a peerless hero, surnamed Huang and named Feihong, came out of Foshan, Guangdong.Once the legs are kicked up in a row, it is like a windmill spinning at high speed, even if there are ten or eight strong men, they cannot get close.He once performed martial arts for the villagers. Put a brick on the ground, put a piece of steaming tofu on top of the brick, and lightly put another brick on top of the tofu. , The tofu sandwiched in the middle is not abnormal at all, but the brick under the tofu has become a powder that is finer than tofu.Such skill is astonishing.

Because of the name of the martial artist Huang Feihong, it spread like wildfire.One day, he was practicing exercises in the courtyard of his home when a man suddenly came outside the door. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a mustache and a stick in his hand. His hair was combed so cleanly that even flies could not stand on his feet.This person came outside Huang Feihong's house and said loudly: "Huang Feihong, are you guilty?"

Huang Feihong looked up, but saw that Zhu Torong, a fellow from his hometown, had been abducted and sold piglets by human traffickers in his early years, and sold them to Nanyang.He also has a son who sells pork at a stall on the main street, known as Pork Rong. He is very enthusiastic and wants to learn martial arts from Huang Feihong as his teacher.Just because Huang Feihong hadn't made up his mind to open a gymnasium to teach apprentices, so he didn't allow it. At this time, seeing Zhu Tou Rong shouting and asking, he stopped his efforts and asked: "Zhu Tou, I practice at home in a good manner. I haven't recruited anyone or provoked anyone. Why do you accuse me of Xingshi?
After hearing Huang Feihong's words, Zhu Toorong was furious and shouted: Huang Feihong, don't you know?Nowadays, the barbarians of the western barbarians are bullying the weakness of our previous country, not to mention selling me to Nanyang as a piggy, and even ganging up to come to China, blatantly bullying the weak and robbing men and women.

Huang Feirong smiled and said: Pig, you were sold to Nanyang because of your lack of understanding. The trafficker greeted you with a piece of sugar cake, and you ran onto the boat by yourself... What does this have to do with me?

Why is it none of your business?Zhu Tourong shouted: Huang, you have learned martial arts in vain, but you allow foreigners to bully my officials and people, and insult my country's gentleness, are you ashamed?
Huang Feihong said: "Which foreign devil bullied my government and the people?"You call him to see if I don't beat him up.

Zhu Torong laughed loudly: Huang Feihong, you are just a talent in your family, a bachelor on the kang.That foreigner commits crimes and bullies others, how could he come to a place like Foshan?They are in the concession, in Shanghai.Huang Feihong, if you have the guts, pack up your belongings and go to Shanghai with me to teach foreigners a lesson.

When it comes to going to Shanghai, Huang Feihong is really guilty, because he stays behind closed doors every day, only knows to hide at home and practice kung fu, and has little knowledge of the outside world. In his heart, he is also extremely envious of Zhu Tourong, who travels all over the world, and has long wanted to go to Shanghai. .Now after hearing what Zhu Tourong said, I was really moved.

So, half a month later, Huang Feihong and Zhu Tou Rongyi arrived in Shanghai with a small burden on his back.

(2) The decisive battle in Shanghai
At this time, Shanghai has become the paradise of the Far East, a paradise for adventurers, and it is extremely prosperous.The woman's thighs under the gorgeous cheongsam are fragrant and attractive, the drivers pulling the foreign carts are running non-stop, and the buildings with eastern and western styles are lined up one after another, Huang Feihong is shocked to see.Suddenly Zhu Torong pushed him: Feihong, look, there is a foreigner over there...

Huang Feihong looked forward, and sure enough a foreigner came in front of him, with blond hair and blue eyes, a suit and top hat, yellow fine hair on his face, as thick as steel needles, a huge cigar in his mouth, and a big wolfhound in his hand.I heard Zhu Tourong say to Huang Feihong: Feihong, beat him up.

Huang Feihong said in surprise: Why did you beat him?
Zhu Tourong said: Is there even a need to ask?He robs men and dominates women.

Huang Feirong shook his head: But now he is not robbing boys, nor dominating girls...

Zhu Torong was furious: Huang Feihong, are you still Chinese?Traitor!Are you afraid of becoming like this when you see your foreign ancestors?Do you want to go up and call him your ancestors... Cursing in your mouth, he pushed Huang Feihong hard in front of the foreigners.

Huang Feihong had no choice but to show up to the foreigner and invite the foreigner to join him.The foreigner looked at him in astonishment: What are you doing?It turned out to be a strong northeast accent.

It turned out that this foreigner was from Russia, named Potilyuv. He had stayed in Northeast China for a long time, and learned a smooth Northeast accent, but he stuttered in his native language.Huang Feihong didn't know, and thought that foreigners all spoke in this way, so he made a move to the other party: "Foshan Huang Feihong, Your Excellency, please come in."The foreigner looked at him in surprise: Why do I want to recruit? do I know why?Huang Feihong felt bored, and looked down at the wolf dog led by the foreigner trying to pounce on him, but was kicked by him with a Foshan Wuying kick: Hey, the vicious dog is watching!There was a bang, and the big wolfhound was kicked flying for a long time, and when it fell, it just hit the foreigner's head, and the foreigner screamed: "Little boy, why are you jumping so high..." Turning the dog's head to look, I saw That wolf dog was bleeding from its seven orifices, it was already a dead dog.

At that moment, the foreigner let out a miserable howl: Give back my little boy's life, I didn't provoke you or provoke you, why did you kick my little boy to death?Could it be that you Chinese are so tyrannical and domineering.Is it unreasonable?

Am I unreasonable?Huang Feihong couldn't help laughing: Foreign devils, it's obvious that you are robbing men and women...

The foreigner stepped forward and grabbed Huang Feihong: You said I robbed men and women, okay, tell me, which man did I rob?Which girl did you bully?
You snatch... Huang Feihong knew that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned his head to look for Zhu Torong, but saw that Zhu Torong had turned around and ran towards an alley, shouting as he ran: "Feihong, run, the police are here..."

Patrol?Huang Feihong turned his head and saw a few Indian police officers with huge monster headbands running towards him, and they ran and blew their sirens.Huang Feihong panicked all of a sudden, he broke free from the foreigner's grip, turned around and ran wildly.

After turning around and running wildly, Huang Feihong never stopped again, and ran back to Foshan in one breath, before sitting down panting: Zhu Toorong, who lacks virtue, you cheated me to death...

Panting, Huang Feihong reflected on what Meng Lang had done this time, and said: To make friends with martial arts, you can only make friends with others. In the future, I might as well... I might as well... He returned home, got into the house and started messing around. Days passed, and he came out of the house again, holding a cup of light yellow juice in his hand, and said: "It's better to meet friends with tea. Today, Huang Feihong developed a new type of biological drink called herbal tea. This tea clears away heat. To remove heat, relieve summer heat and remove silt, fellow neighbors, as long as you pay, you can buy a bowl and try it...

Herbal tea was first created by Huang Feihong, and has officially entered the life of Chinese people.

With the product, the next step is to create a brand.What brand should I use?Huang Feihong thought for two nights, and finally came up with a good name: By the way, let's call it Baozhilin.

However, when Baozhilin's herbal tea was first launched, the sales were not good.Everyone knows that Huang Feihong is a martial artist, is he a martial artist? He sells Dali pills, dog skin plasters and so on, and some people believe it, but this herbal tea...does this stuff work?Everyone is skeptical, and no one wants to buy and drink.

Seeing this situation, Huang Feihong became anxious and thought: the product cannot be sold, it is because the brand's popularity and reputation are not high, if only a national leader can find an inscription, the product will surely sell well.The Chinese people don't believe in anything, they just believe in fat leaders.

But which leader to look for?

I went to the Minister of Military Aircraft, Gang Yi.

Huang Feihong made up his mind.

(3) Herbal tea brand stores
It is said that the Minister of Military Aircraft is resolute, although he is a Manchu nobleman, he has the most research on Chinese national studies.He burns incense and prays in front of the Buddha statue every day, begging God to send Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and other gods to descend to earth, set up a nine-toothed nail target, drive all foreigners overseas, and restore our majesty as a kingdom of heaven.

He had just kowtowed in front of the Buddha statue that day, and his relatives had already come over, followed by Huang Feihong who was full of smiles: My lord, a brother from a migrant worker came to Beijing to visit the leader, and brought some local products from his hometown. I want to ask the prince to write a plaque for him.

Title plaque?Resolute looked at Huang Feihong in amazement: Are you really here to inscribe the plaque?Not a petition?
Huang Feihong smiled and said: Don't worry, my lord, what am I doing when I have nothing to do?That's the thing, I invented an invention called herbal tea, but no one bought it, so I want to borrow the name of the prince...

Gang Yi sighed: "Huang Feihong, are you quite intelligent? You actually know how to borrow my king's name."As he spoke, he walked to the desk and held a pen in his hand: What word do you want me to inscribe?
Huang Feihong replied: write the word Bao Zhilin.

Fortitude: Why do you want to ask these three words?
Huang Feihong: Because my herbal tea specialty store is called that.

Fortitude: So that’s the case, let’s do the writing... With the pen in hand, the pen and ink danced wildly, and wrote three words in a moment, and then called Huang Feihong: Come and see, how are these words written?
Huang Feihong came over to take a look, and immediately closed his eyes: My lord, you spelled the wrong word, my specialty store is called Baozhilin, my lord, you wrote it as Baozhilin...

Baby Lin?Gang Yi looked at the paper in surprise, and was immediately happy: Baobaolin is also pretty good, why not call him Baobaolin instead of Baozhilin.

Huang Feihong said embarrassingly: "My lord, Baobaolin is good, but...but... My lord, what do you think of us doing this? Go to the Hanlin Academy and find a Hanlin, and ask him to inscribe your name."Anyway, when I went out, I said that it was you, the prince, who asked the question.

Fortitude sank his face: Huang Feihong, what do you mean?Could it be that the Hanlin of the Imperial Academy could write better than this king?
Huang Feihong smiled and said: "Of course not, but my lord, the characters that ordinary people don't understand, my lord's handwriting is too good, I'm afraid the common people won't appreciate it, the spring and white snow, as usual among Xialiba people, they are high-ranking and widowed."It's better to find a Hanlin and write two ghost paintings, but the common people will admit it.

Fortitude thought for a while, and said: "Then it's up to you, go find a Hanlin quickly."

Not long after, a young Hanlin was called: Hello, my lord, have you eaten yet?

Gangyi squinted at the Hanlin: What is your last name, can you write?

Na Hanlin said with a smile: "My surname is Zhang, but I have practiced calligraphy for 20 years."

Really practiced?Gang Yi expressed doubts, and pointed to the book case with his hand: "I have never practiced before. I will know it once I try it. Write a few words in the past and let me have a look."

Zhang Hanlin walked to the desk and picked up a pen: "My lord, what should we write?"

Resolutely said: Baby Lin.

Zhang Hanlin: Baby Lin? ...What is Baby Forest?

Gang Yi: Look, did I say it earlier, these three words have no sentimentality, Huang Feihong, you are really uneducated, how did you come up with such a name for the specialty store?Why don't I just change it for you, how about changing it to Baozhilin?

Huang Feihong wanted to cry but had no tears: Thank you, my lord, for giving me the name.

So Zhang Hanlin swiped his pen, wrote the three big characters of Baozhilin, signed the name of Gangyi, and handed it to Huang Feihong. Huang Feihong was very happy, and took the inscription back to Foshan to sell herbal tea.The fortitude here is also full of enthusiasm, so I asked Zhang Hanlin: Xiao Zhang, you are a scholar, and writing two strokes is not a skill, you know the important affairs of the country, right?Now the little barbarians are bullying me in Shangbang every day, do you have any good ways to get rid of them?
Zhang Hanlin said: "My lord, you are asking the right person. Xiao Ke thinks about this every day.

real?Resolute and unbelievable: Don't lie to me, if you really think about it, write me a note to see.

(4) Famous Minister Zhang Zhidong
A few days later, Gang Yi copied two of Zhang Hanlin's papers and went to the morning court.Seeing the Empress Dowager Cixi, the more determined they came out: Qi Zou the Empress Dowager, the minister has a book to play.

The Empress Dowager Cixi looked at him in surprise: Fortitude, who doesn't know that you are notoriously short-hearted, and you will also have a book?Don't be short-sighted, right?Let me tell you, if you dare to do this in the court, I will not spare you!

Resolute and impatient: Empress Dowager, my ministers are all thinking about national affairs, how can there be a reason why parents are short-sighted?If you don't believe me, look at the queen mother... After all, submit your memorial.

The Empress Dowager Cixi opened the memorial, looked at it twice, suddenly her face changed color, and she yelled: Fortitude, you are so courageous!
Gang Yi was stunned, and fell to his knees with a plop: The Queen Mother, spare your life, spare your life...

Seeing Cixi raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes: Fortitude, tell me the truth, who wrote this memorial?

This... It's not my business... The fortitude cried like tears: I didn't notice it for a while and was deceived by others. I told the Queen Mother that this statement was written by Zhang Hanlin of the Imperial Academy.

Cixi's voice was even colder: Fortitude, are you guilty?
I know... I don't know... I don't know... The fortitude has been frightened and confused, and I don't know how to answer it.

But I heard Cixi sigh and say: "Fortitude, don't blame me for scolding you. Our Qing Dynasty has a large population, but we are bullied by Western barbarians. Why?"It is because there are many people who eat in my Qing Dynasty, but few capable people.That's why I often tell you to pay more attention to find talents. Now that you have found such talents as Zhang Hanlin, you don't want to introduce them to the court quickly and reuse them. Instead, you suppress him and steal his records.Fortitude, fortitude, are you worthy of the ancestors of the Aixinjueluo family by doing this?

It turned out that this was the case, Gang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and reported: The queen mother is auspicious, although I did something wrong, but Zhang Hanlin? Good strategy, copy a few more.

Cixi said: Come on, it's not enough for you to copy once?What's the name of Zhang Hanlin?
Gang Yi tilted his head and thought for a while: It seems to be called Zhang Zhidong.

Passing the decree, Cixi said: "Let the Ministry of Officials see where there are vacancies for local officials, and let this hole go to practice and practice. In the future, our Qing Dynasty will probably have to rely on him to work for everyone."

Cixi was really right. The famous official Zhang Zhidong was born so far and was sent to Shanxi by the officials to be the governor. He was a famous Confucian official in the late Qing Dynasty. The most important person in the late Qing Dynasty.

But there are pros and cons, and words have two sides. Zhang Zhidong was born out of nowhere, and he only came to strengthen the country, but he couldn't help it that the interests of the Aixinjueluo Emperor were in conflict with the interests of the country.It turned out that Zhang Zhidong's painstaking efforts were nothing more than four large copper nails nailed down on the coffin of the Manchu Dynasty.

In this sense, the Confucian minister Zhang Zhidong himself is no less than the last gravedigger of the Qing Empire.

(5) Coffins of the Empire
The argument that Zhang Zhidong was the gravedigger of the empire is bound to be controversial.Putting aside the controversy first, it doesn't matter who the gravedigger of the Qing Empire is, but there is one thing: since someone has worked tirelessly to dig the tomb for the empire, then it is certain that the empire has already been put in the coffin at this time.

So what is the coffin of the Qing Empire?

Speaking of the coffin of the empire, the first thing to mention is the Qing Dynasty's natural and impeccable military system, which is sophisticated and well-coordinated.

When it comes to the military system of the Qing Dynasty, the first thing that comes to mind is the children of the Eight Banners who are idle and holding a birdcage, but the declining Eight Banners are not all of the military system of the Qing Dynasty.We must know that the Aixinjueluo royal family is among the most talented people, and there are many people with great wisdom, such as Prince Gong, Rong Lu, Tie Liang... The above-mentioned people travel between overseas and oceans, thinking about imitating the advanced Western countries. The military system was based on the strengthening of the Qing Dynasty, and the description of the Eight Banners as the entire military system of the Qing Dynasty is nothing but a humiliation to the royal elite, not history itself.

In fact, in the late Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty realized the decline of the Eight Banners military system earlier than anyone else, so the imperial court set up two military departments at once, one was the Ministry of War and the other was the Military Advisory Office.And there are plans and steps to set up new troops in 36 towns across the country.

To build a new army, what is the most important thing?
It's an officer!
A raging soldier, a raging nest.It is common sense that without high-quality officers, there can never be a high-quality army.But the world is vast and the world is boundless. Where can I find high-quality officers?

It can only be cultivated by oneself.

Talents do not fall from the sky, nor do they come out from the ground, they can only be educated step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

Therefore, in the late Qing Dynasty, in order to create a new army, army primary schools were first established in various provinces to recruit graduates of higher primary schools, who had to study for three years to graduate. In terms of courses, mathematics must be able to analyze quadratic equations, and physics must know Newton's three laws. Chemistry needs to know the periodic table of elements.In addition, the students have to do exercises twice a day, and run [-] kilometers naked for camping and training.

The students admitted to the Army Primary School are not just solving equations and running around shirtless. The imperial court has a purpose. Students are the future of the empire. Every student's basic necessities are covered by the imperial court. The pocket money of 370 yuan has to be taken.It's just that when you take the money, the school officer will ask you seriously: Whose money are you taking?You must answer loudly: take the emperor's money.The school officer asked again: Whose food are you eating?You have to answer loudly: eat the emperor's meal.If you insist on not answering like this, then the money will not be spent on you, and you will not have to eat.

After graduating from primary school, you can enter the army middle school.

There were only four army middle schools in the late Qing Dynasty, the first in Qinghe, Zhili, the second in Xi'an, the third in Wuchang, and the fourth in Nanjing.The schooling system of the Army Middle School is only two years, but the curriculum includes all the current university courses. Students must learn advanced algebra, analytic geometry, advanced physics and chemistry.Looking at this course, we know that the middle school students in the late Qing Dynasty were roughly at the same level as today's college students.Therefore, the graduates of the army middle school will be sent to the army of each province as soon as they graduate. Learn calculus, and then send back to the army after learning calculus, or become a leader first, but at most 6 months, you can be a platoon leader.

With a bachelor's degree, he was no more than a small platoon leader in the late Qing Dynasty.It can be seen that the Qing Empire's requirements for the quality of talents are far from ordinary high.

This military officer training system in the Qing Dynasty was the result of overall Westernization, which was copied from Germany and Japan.The officers trained in this way have high literacy, deep scientific foundation, and sufficient military training. If there is a chance, such a tiger-wolf division may not be able to rule the world.

(End of this chapter)

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