Chapter 48
Pu Dianjun said: "Old Zhao, you are not going to detain us, are you?"

Zhao Erfeng still said the same thing: What do you think?

Just as he was talking, suddenly a soldier ran in in a panic, and whispered a few words in Zhao Erfeng's ear.

Zhao Erfeng's expression changed drastically.

He hurried out the door and walked to the gate of the governor's office. After a closer look, he couldn't help but be amazed.

I saw an endless stream of people in front of the gate of the yamen. Thousands of people held Guangxu tablets in their hands and knelt down in an organized row in front of the gate. Looking at the distance, more people were led by unidentified people. Continuing to gather at the gate of the Yamen.

In the blink of an eye, the governor's yamen was already full of dark crowds.

Zhao Erfeng took a deep breath.

He's hit!

He had just brought the members of the Baolu Society into the Governor's Yamen and mixed in with the revolutionaries of the Baolu Society, so he eagerly seized this opportunity and took action.

(15) Behind-the-scenes manipulation by shoddy poets

In order to control the railway and continue to make money, the Constitutionalists in Sichuan openly flirted with the Revolutionaries and forced the Qing government to make concessions, otherwise they would not hesitate to kill them.

But why did the imperial court go all the way to the dark and refused to back down a step, forcing Zhao Erfeng to seek life and death, wanting to cry without tears?

The root of this matter is still in Yuan Shikai's body.

In other words, the chaos in Sichuan was planned by Yuan Shikai alone.

However, how did Yuan Shikai, who hid every day in Huan Shang Village of Zhangde and pretended to be a poet, successfully plan this business operation?
In fact, although Yuan Shikai was deposed, his prestige is still there, especially in the Beiyang Army, he is the undisputed commander in chief.Although he lived in seclusion in Zhangde Huan Shang Village, he set up a radio station at the head of the village. Every day, the radio station blares from morning to night. Whenever there is a fight in the Beiyang Army, he wears red shoes and secretly sleeps with others. beautiful wives, or fighting for power and profit, and dissatisfied with each other, they all come to Yuan Shikai to sue.

Zhang Xunguan was promoted to the admiral of the south of the Yangtze River. Before taking office, he reported to Yuan Shikai and listened to Yuan Shikai's guidance.

Teacher Duan, Duan Zhigui, went to the Northeast to take up another post. Before leaving, he asked the old leader for instructions and reported.

Lu Jianzhang was unlucky. If everyone else was promoted, he would have nothing to do with him, so he sent a telegram to Yuan Shikai crying, and Yuan Shikai sent a telegram to coax his children: What is the most expensive thing in the [-]th century?Talent, don't worry, you will definitely "grow again" in the future.

The two ex-partners, Wu Fengling and Chen Guangyuan, started fighting, and Yuan Shikai sent a telegram: We must help each other and make up for the difficulties, and don't fight in groups... So Wu Fengling and Chen Guangyuan stopped immediately.

Lei Zhenchun, the leader of the Association, fought with the Dragon General Wang Shizhen, and Yuan Shikai hurriedly telegraphed Lei Zhenchun: "The old garden of yellow flowers has passed the Double Ninth Festival, the wild autumn scenery, Xiao Xian is bright... Yunshan Mist covers a lot of ramblings, Lei Zhenchun and Wang Shizhen forgot about fighting...

In short, Yuan Shikai is obsessed with officials, and he thinks about it every day to make use of his spare heat.

If you want to make use of your residual heat, you have to form good karma and let everyone call on you to come out. Only in this way can you have a chance of success.

Here, everyone, is talking about Sheng Xuanhuai.

Take down Sheng Xuanhuai!

This is the common wish and the common aspiration of the Yuan faction.

To win Sheng Xuanhuai, one must first figure out what Lao Sheng is thinking about in his mind!

People have the same heart, the same reason, people are fans of officials, birds eat and die——Yuan Shikai thinks about being an official every day, and Sheng Xuanhuai can never think about anything else!
Sheng Xuanhuai made his debut relatively early, with a lot of money but poor official luck, and after a long, long time, he was worthy of becoming a "servant".

In the first half of 1910, Xu Shichang, Yuan Shikai's close buddy, was awarded the co-organizer's bachelor degree and joined the Military Aircraft Department. He voluntarily asked to resign from the position of Minister of Postal Communications Department. At that time, Sheng Xuanhuai's heart was lifted. As for him, he would not change even for a president...

However, the wicked court appointed Tang Shaoyi, another giant under Yuan Shikai's banner, as Minister of Post and Communications.

Hearing the news, Sheng Xuanhuai cried at that time. He said: I just want to do something practical for the country and the nation. Why is it so difficult...

At this time, a strange thing happened suddenly—Tang Shaoyi procrastinated and refused to take up the post.

Hey, what does this old Tang mean?Could it be that he doesn't like being an official?
Tang Shaoyi really didn't like being an official, so he offered to resign!
At this point, everyone could see what Tang Shaoyi meant—he just wanted to leave the postal department to Sheng Xuanhuai!The newspaper published a commentator's article on this point, pointing out:

This is to allow "Sheng Shilang to have the hope of being a minister of the Ministry of Posts".

Understand?Sheng Xuanhuai's post minister was appointed by Yuan Shikai, a shoddy poet.

Sheng Xuanhuai understood that this Yuan Shikai was so powerful that it was frightening. Instead of provoking him, he had to obediently listen to his words... So Sheng Xuanhuai immediately suggested that the regent Zaifeng take back the right of way. This is considered reciprocal.

So on Zhao Erfeng's side, no matter how hard he begged, the imperial court just pretended to be deaf and dumb, just to make you Sichuan into chaos, to make a mess...

Poor Zhao Erfeng, he was unfortunately caught in the battle between the upper and lower power groups. Even if he has great abilities, he will definitely be crushed into a powder state by this powerful force, and never return to his original shape...

Bullying Zhao Erfeng was not because Lao Zhao was ugly, but because Sheng Xuanhuai wanted to help a friend.

This person is Duan Fang.

Duan Fang is a minister who governs the world. Among the living people in the Qing Dynasty, apart from Yuan Shikai who is the most capable, he can be ranked second.

But a minister who governs the world, there will always be troublesome things for you to govern. The world is peaceful, so what is the use of you as a minister who governs the world?

So, if Zhao Erfeng is not unlucky, Duanfang will not have a chance to come out.

This is the tragedy of Zhao Erfeng.

But this is also a tragedy for Duan Fang - this is beyond everyone's expectations.

(16) wily
Duan Fang, an important person involved in the secret filming case of the Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City, re-entered the ranks of civil servants, and served as Minister Supervising Sichuan, Guangdong and Han Railways with the title of Minister.

Duan Fang came out again, marking the reconciliation of the two major power groups, Yuan Shikai and Sheng Xuanhuai.

At the same time, this also marks that the last stumbling block in front of Yuan Shikai was removed, and there is no longer any suspense about Yuan's coming out of the mountain.

So Yuan Shikai happily wrote a letter:
Master Tao's fourth brother:

Yesterday, food, silk and other items were sent to Huici from Jingshe, and the whole family shared them with each other, feeling the same deep joy.

The road administration plan has been discussed and ready, and it is hoped that the festival will start within the month.

He Lingyan sent a letter to Zhongqin, saying that he could not escape for a while.After coming to Ye yesterday, I was really embarrassed when I asked about the situation face-to-face.The original letter is attached.Although this order is very solid in its work, but its talent is a little underdeveloped, I understand that it has already been learned.

Now if you need someone to drive you, there is Zhou Xuehui, an alternate Daoist from Hubei, who is Yu Lao’s beloved son. He came to Ye with Yu Lao last year, counted and talked with him. He is very talented and well-organized. All industries are similar, and the situation in Hubei is not isolated. It seems that you can pay attention to it.You might as well ask the merchant to arrest it, and pray for it to be planted.

It has recently been heard that there is quite a trend among the people of Hunan. It seems that it is advisable to first be stationed in Hanyang during the big festivals.I think Gao Ming has already prepared it well, so I only ask you to suspend this.

double safety.

Little brother Kai knocked on it.

The tenth day of May.

Yuan Shikai's letter made countless people applaud and applaud. This guy's scheming and deep wisdom are hard to guard against.

Yuan Shikai instructed Duanfang to "be stationed in Hanyang first, then invest in committee members for investigation, and operate step by step", because Wuhan is the starting point of the Guangdong-Han and Sichuan-Han railways, the thoroughfare of nine provinces, and the place where the governor of Huguang is stationed. It is of course the best place to establish a railway supervisory office.

According to Yuan Shikai's idea, as long as Duanfang has settled his butt in Hanyang, he will send capable employees to various places to find out the situation. If he understands the situation at one step, he will take a step forward. Such a steady and steady fight, every step of the way, the common people have little to worry about.

If Duan Fang really followed Yuan Shikai's instructions, the future evolution of the situation would be completely different.

However, Duanfang did not listen to Yuan Shikai's opinion after all. A gunshot in front of the governor's gate in Chengdu brought Duanfang a desperate trip in Sichuan and Shu.

(17) Soldiers walk in sedan chairs

boom!Bang bang bang!
Zhao Erfeng finally shot.

It was Tian Huikui from the Camp Affairs Office who gave the order.

Long before the gunshot, the Governor's Yamen was already full of flames, and the flames rose into the sky.I don't know who set the fire, but the purpose is very clear, that is, I am afraid that there will be no major incidents. The power game above puts Zhao Erfeng in a mortal situation, putting Zhao Erfeng in a desperate situation, and finally failed to win the support of Sichuan people. Now Chuanmin is against Zhao Erfeng His attitude was even more hostile.

They approached step by step, their faces ashen, full of resentment and hatred.

They rushed into the gate of the Superintendent's Office!
Rushed to the eaves of the lobby!

They rushed into the lobby, with distorted and excited faces, rushing towards Zhao Erfeng.

What would happen if Zhao Erfeng was caught by them?
They will completely disassemble Zhao Erfeng, and you will never find even the fur.

Zhao Erfeng felt sad.

He really didn't understand what the common people were thinking. Even if Sun Wen came to this railway, it would be a way of giving up the right of way in exchange for foreign venture capital. Could it be that Zhao Erfeng was forced to death, and this inevitable result would be changed? ?

To die is to die, otherwise, it is not enough to survive from death.

A round of gunshots rang out, 32 corpses were thrown in front of the Governor's Yamen, and thousands of people fled to their own homes like crazy--now I just remembered that my home is safe, what did I do so early?Don't you insist that I, Zhao Erfeng, die?Aren't you gonna tear me to pieces in the lobby?Why are you so afraid of being like this when it's your turn?

The governor's guard rushed out of the Yamen and chased him down the long street.

The battalion office pulled out the cannon, leveled the muzzle, and aimed at the people running wildly all over the street, ready to bombard them.

Yu Zongtong, the prefect of Chengdu, was shocked when he saw this, and rushed forward crying, blocking the muzzle with his body, and those who had to tear Zhao Erfeng into pieces were spared.

What the hell, what the hell!

You clearly know that Zhao Erfeng is a famous ruthless Zhao Tuhu, but you have nothing to do but want to tear him apart, why bother!
Except for the corpses lying horizontally and vertically, the streets of Chengdu were empty at this time.

Zhao Erfeng ordered that the city gate be closed.He had to dig out the revolutionary party in the city before the imperial court punished him, so that he could turn passive into active.

But the revolutionaries were smarter than Zhao Erfeng expected. Long Jianming and Cao Du of the Tongmenghui escaped from the blocked Baoluhui, risked their lives and fled down the city to the agricultural experiment field outside the city.Then they planted a big book on the plank:

——Zhao Erfeng captured Puluo first, and then suppressed Sichuan. Comrades from all over the country rushed to save themselves.

The 21 characters are shocking.

These wooden boards were thrown into the Jinjiang River in the dead of night, when the water rose in autumn, the wooden boards took advantage of the trend, but within a day, the news had spread throughout Southwest Sichuan.

This is the legendary Sichuan Water Telegraph.

——Look at this newsletter, Zhao Erfeng first arrested Puluo, and then suppressed Sichuan—what did Zhao Erfeng do to suppress Sichuan?Are you free?
But the common people don't care so much about you.The next day, tens of thousands of people flocked to Chengdu and besieged Chengdu. They cut off the telephone poles outside the city and cut off the connection between Sichuan and the outside world. Zhao Erfeng was trapped on the isolated island of Chengdu.Fifty li outside the city, full of his enemies.

The imperial court ordered that Zhao Erfeng be removed from the post of nursing governor of Sichuan, appointed Duanfang as the governor of nursing Sichuan, and ordered Duanfang to bring the new army No. 30 standard and No. 30 standard from Hubei into Sichuan.

Duan Fang was terrified, he did not dare to leave Hanyang, Yuan Shikai's warning did not forget him at all.

So Duan Fang suggested that another sensible person should go to Sichuan.

The imperial court ordered old Cen Cen Chunxuan to serve as governor of Sichuan.

When Lao Cen received the appointment, he was overjoyed. He asked for a huge sum of military salary, and then disappeared.

Seeing that Lao Cen was disobedient, the imperial court bullied the honest man Duan Fang again, and forced Duan Fang to go to Sichuan.

Duan Fang had no choice but to go out.

During this trip, Duanfang traveled from Hanyang to Yichang, from Yichang he led an army along the Yangtze River to Chongqing, and then from Chongqing to Chengdu by dry road.

Along the way, Duanfang adhered to the rule of loving soldiers like sons. Whenever a soldier fell ill, he would send his own brother to deliver medicine to condolences. During the time of mourning, some people led pigs and sheep to condolences to the army. Duan Fang urgently ordered people to bring over the food sent by the people. they eat.

The soldiers were also born to their parents, and they were also born with meat. It was such a tiring job to walk from Chongqing all the way to Sichuan. Several soldiers lay down tired. I will not leave even if I die, woo woo...I want to go home...

Duan Fang rushed to see this situation and immediately ordered:

Hire common people's sedan chairs along the way, spend money to hire bearers, let these soldiers who are weaker than women sit on sedan chairs, and carry them away!
Do not abandon, do not give up!

Not one less!
But Yuan Shikai, who was pretending to be fishing by the stream at the mouth of Zhangde Huan Shangcun, heard the news that Duanfang was carrying soldiers in sedan chairs, and immediately shouted:
Duanfang is over!

Fall backwards.

(18) Gangsters of the Rivers and Lakes Meeting
The autumn wind blows and the horse is fat,

The blade catches the blood and flies.

Shu cuckoo cries blood, ghosts cry and gods worry,
On the head of the Yellow Crane Tower, the revolutionary flag was suddenly erected.

the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,
What a lot of events in July and August!

Do I sing?

I almost cry!

This poem was written by Yu Youren, a veteran of the revolutionary party, when he boarded the Wusong River Estuary:
Alas!The tide of the Shu River meets the tide of the Han River, and the waves are overwhelming!When I climbed to Wusongkou yesterday and looked down at the Yangtze River, there was blood everywhere.In the past three days, the sky and the earth have changed color!Alas!

The old man Yu Youren was made to cry and sing, 噫噫噫 screaming non-stop, because Duanfang entered Sichuan and took away part of the army, which was equivalent to lifting the lid off the boiling cauldron of Wuchang.

A few days before the Hubei Army entered Sichuan, party members gathered in secret in Wuchang City. Some advocated immediate action, while others believed that they should not act hastily. Finally, they decided to strengthen contact. Once an incident occurred in Wuchang, the troops entering Sichuan would immediately return to Hubei to respond. The code for the telegram was :
Mother’s death—the uprising is successful;

The mother is critically ill—then the uprising is sure of success;
If the mother recovers from her illness, the uprising fails.

Before the army entered Sichuan, Deng Yulin, Liu Fuji, the leaders of the secret agency of the Revolutionary Party, and others went to the ship to see them off in person. They said goodbye to their friends in tears.

The uprising in Wuchang is at this moment!
This is something that everyone knows clearly.

For unknown reasons, all the shops in Wuchang closed their doors silently, only the moon cake shop was crowded with dark heads.

So many people came to buy mooncakes because it was said that the Revolutionary Party used the mooncakes to convey the order to revolt to the people of Wuchang. What is even more bizarre is that someone actually found this order in the broken mooncakes:
Kill Tartars on August [-]th!

The hottest merchant is Liu Wuji, because people say that this mooncake shop was jointly opened by Sun Wu, the leader of the Gongjin Association, and Jiang Yiwu, the leader of the Literature Society. Let's get up... Actually, this mooncake shop has nothing to do with the Revolutionary Party. The two brothers, Sun Wu and Jiang Yiwu, got into a fight at Sun Wu's house at No. 7, Watershed, Wuchang because of the matter of who was in charge during the uprising. They all tried to persuade them to fight, but they didn't know that Liu Wuji Mooncake Shop used their brand...

There was turmoil in the city, and when Duan Fang went up the river, he found that both sides of the Yangtze River were full of people from the rivers and lakes, and more than [-] gangsters armed with iron weapons galloped along the Yangtze River on horseback.From Changsha in Hunan Province to Wuchang in Hubei Province, both flood and drought roads along the way have been secretly taken over by the Gelaohui. The mobile whistle of the green forest heroes has been placed in the urban areas of Changsha and Liuyang. The fast speed will send the message out quickly.

The old leader of the Gelaohui is secretly speaking.

The old leader, Jiao Dafeng!
He was not afraid that his brothers would ask for debts, so he came back again.

This is the largest meeting in the history of the Lianghu Gelaohui. The elders of the inner eight halls are the leader, the deputy leader, the main hall, the main hall, the companion hall, the alliance hall, the auditorium, the duty hall, the punishment hall, and the outer eight halls. , Sage, Master, Hongqi, Guangkou, Xunfeng, Daman, and Moman must all be present.As for the mountain halls of the Gelaohui, Jinlong Mountain, Tenglong Mountain, Taihua Mountain, Jinhua Mountain, Chujin Mountain, Jinfeng Mountain, Tiantai Mountain... and other mountain villages, there is no shortage of mountain masters.

Moreover, this meeting was also the longest in the history of the Gelaohui—it lasted for three days and three nights!
For three days and three nights, the old leader Jiao Dafeng, the leading brothers of each branch hall, the hall masters of each hall, the mountain masters of each mountain hall... a total of more than seventy famous people in the world have never said a word.

All the people sat quietly, neither sleeping nor resting, nor eating nor moving.Not even going to the toilet.

They were waiting nervously, waiting for the shocking shot on the eve of dawn!
it's time!

October 1911, 10 at 10 p.m.

When the gunshots started, the sky and the earth changed color, and the mountains and rivers responded. 28 people from the sixteen halls and [-] mountains inside and outside the Gelaohui entered Changsha at night.

(End of this chapter)

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