Chapter 47
What kind of tricks are you doing? Is it easy for everyone to get some money together?This is just the closure of three banks, and I didn’t see all the people in Sichuan hanged themselves. Originally, with two more votes, everyone could stop and leave, but your court cut off people’s wealth, isn’t this too vicious?
Call Wang Renwen, the governor of Sichuan, to nurse me!
Major shareholders ordered.

Governor Wang Renwen arrived, participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Sichuan Road Protection Association, and gave a memorial to the court:
On the 21st of this month, various groups in Chengdu gathered for a railway company meeting. More than [-] people attended the meeting to discuss the contract and the relationship between the country and the survival of the railway.The minister sent troops to patrol the police road to suppress them, and those who listened to the patrols also looked at each other and shed tears.

When the regent Zaifeng saw the memorial, his nose was almost pissed off. The railway was taken back from the state, and the major shareholders couldn't get any money. Of course he was going to cry, but why are you people crying?
A few days later, Wang Renwen made another memorial:

The decree ordered the cabinet to discuss and implement with other ministries, and immediately cancel the loan contract signed by the Ministry of Posts and Communications. Afterwards, regarding foreign debt matters, please order the Ministry of Finance to implement it according to the third paragraph of Article [-] of the court chapter.Regarding the handling and payment of Chuanlu Company, please order the Governor of Sichuan to order the company to convene a shareholders' meeting in accordance with the imperially stipulated shareholder company law, and submit a petition for review and implementation.

Zhi Sheng Xuanhuai slandered the law and flattered the outside world, harmed the country and the people, and especially begged to punish his crimes strictly, so as to respect the national code.

Seeing this memorial, Prince Regent Zaifeng was greatly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this humble Wang Renwen has such wisdom.He came up with a complete solution for the court, killed Sheng Xuanhuai, and let the common people calm down.

The nationalization of the railway has nothing to do with the common people. How much money do the common people have in their hands, do they still want to get a ticket for the railway construction?It's obviously not your business, but the common people insist on crying with the big shareholders who are making money. This can only show one thing:

Someone is secretly manipulating public opinion in Sichuan.

On the contrary, Wang Renwen's idea was more convenient. He took out Sheng Xuanhuai as a traitor and handed it over to the people for criticism, and then let the major shareholders continue to waste money from the people, and everything stopped.

But Sheng Xuanhuai did nothing wrong, why should he fight him?

Since he didn't want to grab Dou Sheng Xuanhuai, then Wang Renwen was out of luck.

Wang Renwen was dismissed from his post and ordered to wait for hearing—that is, to wait for processing.

Find someone who understands to deal with the troubles in Sichuan.

The new nursing governor of Sichuan - Zhao Erfeng.

(11) The Constitutional Party leads the Revolutionary Party

Zhao Erfeng!
The famous butcher Zhao!

How did such an innocent man get such an ugly nickname?
The nickname Zhao Butcher came from when he explored Tibet, when a group of thugs went against the wishes of the Tibetan people and made trouble openly, making a big fuss about Tibetan independence. Lao Zhao didn't even bother to beat them up, and slashed with a knife, and Tibet was settled.After this incident, he got the nickname Zhao Butcher, which means that this person dares to act boldly, and it is better not to mess with him as much as possible.

Although he dared to act boldly, Zhao Erfei was not a reckless man, but a sensible person. As soon as he took office, he first went to the Baolu Association to attend a meeting, and listened carefully to the voices of all sectors of society.

When the major shareholders saw Zhao Erfeng, they burst into tears as if they were seeing their relatives:
... The road is taken away by another country, and the people of Sichuan are determined not to follow it.The railway loan contract is not a mortgage in name, but it is actually handed over to others.Moreover, debts, road rights, and political power have been interfered with.Egypt is covered in dust, and crisis is imminent.It is said that the gathering of our generation today is actually the gathering of the people.Survive from death, but die first!

Hearing the crying of the major shareholders, Zhao Erfeng felt like a mirror in his heart.

The construction of the railway requires a huge amount of capital, which cannot be supported by private apportionment at all.Every province in the country is crazy about apportioning railway fees, but what about the money earned?The Sichuan-Han Railway made more than 1000 million yuan, and it disappeared before the wages started.

Soon after the founding of the Republic of China, Sun Wen served as the national railway supervisor and proposed to overhaul the railways across the country. In the railway regulations formulated by him, the first sentence was clear: borrow money to build roads, and give foreigners road rights for 40 years...

However, the Qing court could not do the matter of borrowing money to build roads that others could do.What others have done is to save the country, what the Qing government has done is to betray the country, and the trouble Zhao Erfeng has to deal with is just this trouble...

Thinking of this, Zhao Erfeng said loudly: I firmly support your patriotic actions of fighting for the right of way internally and resisting foreign aggression from abroad. In front of all of you, I can clearly express my position on Sheng Xuanhuai's betrayal of national interests and giving up the right of way to foreign countries. Regarding the matter of people, we must fight to the end and never compromise... Do you have a ready-made petition to impeach Sheng Xuanhuai?If there is any, bring it to me, and I will play the court for you.

Why did Zhao Erfeng speak upside down and insincerely?
This is because when Zhao Erfeng first met Pu Dianjun, a member of the Constitutional Party, and Luo Lun, the chairman and vice-chairman of the Baoluhui, he didn't pay attention to it. It was probably because the constitutional party had too much resentment against the Qing government, but no matter how much resentment the Constitutional Party After all, people are old, especially Pu Dianjun, who is incompatible with the young people of the Revolutionary Party. It stands to reason that with Pu Dianjun around, the troubles in Sichuan will not be too big.

However, Zhao Erfeng was surprised to see that there were a lot of revolutionaries crowded with Pu Dianjun on the seat, such as Zhu Zhihong, Long Jianming, Cao Du, Wang Tianjie and others. The little guy is a lively figure in the League, and at this moment he is actually sitting side by side with Pu Dianjun. I'm afraid that this matter in Sichuan will be difficult.

So when Zhao Erfeng saw this situation, he knew that his predecessor, Wang Renwen, was right. This matter is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, but that some party members want to take the opportunity to make troubles, big troubles... To avoid big troubles, only Catch the unlucky Sheng Xuanhuai and punish him as a traitor, so that everyone can find no reason to make trouble, and then say...

At that moment, Zhao Erfeng submitted the report of impeachment of Sheng Xuanhuai by Baolu Society to the imperial court, and sent a telegram to warn the imperial court:

At this time, if pure pressure is used, resistance will inevitably arise from this.

Let the imperial court slow down first, slow down.Zhao Erfeng thought to himself, if the revolutionaries sneaked into the Baoluhui, things might be very troublesome... Pu Dianjun should be reminded of this matter, and told not to let the revolutionaries take advantage of it...

(12) I was played badly by you
After delivering his speech, Zhao Erfeng invited Pu Dianjun to the governor's office, took him to the study and closed the door, and quietly let Pu Dianjun read the Sichuan Railway Handling Opinion just sent by the imperial court:
Pu Dianjun unfolded the internal reference, and he wrote on it:
Under the order of the railway state, those who resist are all young and happy people.It is not true that a fair gentleman is a gentleman.When you inquire about the Shu people, they all agree.Please take it seriously by the Chuan Chuan Department to curb the chaos and calm down the local area.

Zhao Erfeng showed Pu Dianjun the court secret documents. What Zhao Erfeng meant was that there were indeed revolutionaries in the road protection meeting. The situation in the matter of Sichuan road protection is quite complicated. Utilized by revolutionaries...

Pu Dianjun retreated without hesitation.

Back at Baoluhui, Pu Dianjun immediately held an enlarged shareholder meeting. Major shareholders and small shareholders were also required to attend the meeting. All the people in Sichuan, even those who happened to go out to eat soy sauce, were all invited to attend the meeting.

When the people arrived and it was completely dark, Pu Dianjun told everyone the secret court document he had just seen at Zhao Erfeng's place, only to hear a bang from the crowd, and a commotion broke out.

After the report was over, the venue was full of cries, shouts, cursing, chest-thumping, speeches, picketing and ordering, and the president's quiet voice, which caused a sensation in the venue.

From time to time, there were people crying loudly, causing several cases to be overthrown. There was also the sound of teacups breaking and cases being overthrown.As a result, there were those who called for a strike from the market, and those who called for a suspension of classes...

Under the excitement, the crowd set up tables one after another, took pens and ink, and began to write the leaflets, but within a short time, the leaflets were flying all over the city of Chengdu like snowflakes:

From tomorrow onwards, the whole Sichuan will go on strike and class strike, and all taxes and miscellaneous contributions will not be paid. Please ask for it to be taken back.

Sichuan's 7000 million people are the same as Bai.

This leaflet soon flew into Zhao Erfeng's government office. At that time, he was sipping tea leisurely, waiting for Pu Dianjun to report the good news to him. Shout out:
Lao Pu, your brother is playing with me!

Why did Zhao Erfeng think that Pu Dianjun was playing with him?

This is because Zhao Erfeng specially called Pu Dianjun to have a secret talk, just to draw Pu Dianjun into his side.Logically speaking, Pu Dianjun is the leader of Sichuan's constitutional faction, and is closely related to the interests of local officials. If Sichuan is in chaos and the Qing government blames it, Zhao Erfeng will not be able to do well, and Pu Dianjun will certainly not be happy.

But Zhao Erfeng never expected that this Pu Dianjun was actually afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so is he still a constitutionalist?Wouldn't such a method become a revolutionary party?

The revolutionary party is easy to deal with, but what about the constitutionalists who are more capable of making trouble than the revolutionary party?
Zhao Erfeng was dumbfounded.

(13) Why can't you get along with me?
There was a general strike in Chengdu, a general strike.

Zhao Erfeng posted a notice, trying to persuade:

Tell you merchants, don't listen to nonsense.

If there is a mistake, it will be pitiful.

Negotiate the way, must be civilized,
If you act rashly, you will harm your peace.

Worse words to persuade, the public listens,
Trade is as usual, and everyone makes a living.

Pu Dianjun took a look, Zhao Erfeng, is your handwriting very good?

Baoluhui held a rally of ten thousand people, more than ten thousand people were present, for unknown reason, more than ten thousand people howled loudly, crying so that Zhao Erfeng was terrified and restless.I thought to myself that this Sichuan native is crazy?Even if the railway is not nationalized, can you take advantage of it?As for crying like this...

The effect of this cry is far more effective than Zhao Erfeng's notice. Half of the businesses in Chengdu have closed their doors, and the other half are biting the bullet to do business. Bloodshed is inevitable.

Luo Lun and Deng Xiaoke, the leaders of the Baolu Society, came to see Zhao Erfeng, but Pu Dianjun hid himself.

Zhao Erfeng asked the two of them: Why do you want to strike the market?

The two replied: It's because the Postal Department...

Zhao Erfeng: The Ministry of Posts and Communications is not in Sichuan and is not in charge of Sichuan government affairs. You said it was because the Ministry of Posts and Communications was on strike, so you should go to Beijing to make trouble with the Ministry of Posts and Communications. What are you doing in Sichuan?

The two replied: The strike is demanded by public opinion...

Zhao Erfeng scolded: What public opinion are you talking about?I am now in charge of the work in Sichuan. Your strike is nothing more than embarrassing me. How can I, Zhao Erfeng, feel sorry for you Sichuanese?Are you so hard on me?
The two replied: We didn't have trouble with you, Old Zhao...

Zhao Erfeng said in a hurry: "Your ancestors are stern, and your son of a bitch chose to go on strike at Lao Tzu's appointment. Who do you think should solve this matter?"Why don't you let me wipe your ass for you?

The two replied: Old Zhao is in trouble, the public opinion is so, we have nothing to do, besides, it is just a strike, not a riot...

Zhao Erfeng became angry: Do you still dare to riot?Believe it or not, I will kill you son of a bitch!
The two asked: What does the handsome mean...

Zhao Erfeng: If you want to solve this matter properly, stop the school and market strikes as soon as possible. Don't think that I, Lao Zhao, are easy to bully.

Two people: ...

Zhao Erfeng: You go back to me and notify each of your major shareholders that I will attend your shareholders' meeting at 11:30 tonight.

Two people: There is still a meeting at 11:30?Too late, this is a clear violation of labor law...

Zhao Erfeng: Get out!
At 11:30 in the evening, Zhao Erfeng came to Baoluhui. He also invited an acquaintance here—the former Wang Renwen who had been dismissed but had not yet left Sichuan.

Wang Renwen delivered an impassioned speech, and more than 1000 people listened to his speech...After listening to it, everyone thought that Zhao Erfeng and Wang Renwen, the two leaders' speeches were very good and worthy of everyone's serious study...but the most important thing right now The only thing to do is to continue the city strike and school strike.

(14) Strange things happen one after another in Shuchuan

Zhao Erfeng cut his teeth and tried to reason with everyone, but everyone thought he was farting.

Except for groceries and restaurants, the whole city has entered a complete general strike. For some reason, the Baolu Society invited Emperor Guangxu, who was accused by the Boxers as the number one traitor in China, but now he has become one of them. The life-saving straw of the Baolu Society.

In the city of Chengdu, every household offered tablets of Emperor Guangxu, some of which were written on red paper, and some were secretly printed by the Baolu Society and distributed to the working people for free.The working people have worked so hard, donated so much money and still haven't seen a single railroad track, and I will give you a piece of red paper from Emperor Guangxu, so let's treat it as a dividend.

In the middle of the sign is written: The Divine Tablet of Emperor Guangxu Dezongjing.

The six small characters on the right: Shuzhenggong, public opinion.

There are also six small characters on the left: Chuan Road must be owned by the business.

Zhao Erfeng stared at the memorial tablet for a long time before realizing something: you are messing around again, these two sentences were actually copied from the edict of Emperor Guangxu...

Luo Lun from the Baolu Society explained: Yes, yes, this Sichuan Road must be managed by the merchants, but it is the will of the Holy One...

Zhao Erfeng gave him a blank look: Come on, the words in the middle of your tablet are written incorrectly. What is Emperor Guangxu Dezongjing?It should be Emperor De Zongjing of the Great Qing Dynasty.

Luo Lun said: "The commander-in-chief really knows the lesson, but if you write it as Emperor De Zongjing of the Qing Dynasty, the common people will not know who you are writing about. Only when you write Guangxu's year name, everyone will know...

Zhao Erfeng sneered: It seems that you really took great pains to make things difficult for me, Lao Zhao.

Pu Dianjun chuckled and said: Public opinion is hard to be violated, public opinion is difficult to be violated... We really have no choice...

Zhao Erfeng sneered, and the group continued to walk towards the Yamen of the Superintendent's Office, and saw pedestrians walking up and down the street, each with the god of Emperor Guangxu on their heads, walking up and down the street in a strange manner.Zhao Erfeng asked: Why do these people put gods on their heads?
Deng Xiaoke replied: Public opinion, public opinion, this is public opinion...

Zhao Erfeng lowered his face and stopped talking. Moving forward, he saw a pavilion with a mat in the middle of the intersection in front of the street, inside which enshrined the tablet of Emperor Guangxu. Officials and people passing by along the way, those who ride horses have to get off their horses, and those who sit in sedan chairs have to get off their horses. Getting off the sedan chair is a lot of trouble, so everyone had to try to take a long detour...

Zhao Erfeng pointed to the pedestrians who took a long way and asked: Is this also public opinion?
Pu Dianjun was sweating on the tip of his nose, and said with a sneer: This... probably counts, right?
Zhao Erfeng didn't speak anymore, and brought the leaders of Baoluhui into his governor's office.

Together into the yamen, there were nine leaders of the Baoluhui, namely Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun, Deng Xiaoke, Yan Kai, Zhang Lan, Hu Rong, Jiang Sancheng, Ye Bingcheng, and Wang Mingxin.In addition, there are three suspected key business personnel of the Baoluhui: Peng Fen, Meng Caicheng, and Yan Yishi.

Bringing these people into a big room, Zhao Erfeng pointed to a pile of telegrams on the table, and said: My old Zhao's attitude towards you Baoluhui and you Sichuan people are all here. You people are here to let you see clearly, take a look, and then speak after seeing clearly...

Everyone walked over and took a look at the draft telegram. It turned out that it was the telegram that Zhao Erfeng had sent to Beijing since he took office:
Telegram on the third day of the third day: It seems that this should be punished, but none of the people disturbed the riots, and it is difficult to find out what happened.

Electricity report on the fourth day of the lunar new year: Therefore, this strike against the market and classes, the hearts of the people are strong, saying that the country is sympathetic to the people, and the Chuan Road is temporarily returned to the commercial office, and please submit the loan to build the road. Resignation, otherwise all taxes and miscellaneous donations will not be paid in full. If the government does not change, the people will persist, the officials will maintain law and order, and the people will not riot.If you use coercive means, that is to say, treat it with the power of the whole province... Erfeng has already seen the hidden dangers at the beginning of the incident, so he thinks about it and calms down people's hearts... Only Wangfu Yangken (Cabinet Prime Minister Lao Qing) , Zhongtang (Cabinet Assistant Natong) Mi played for the substitute to save the crisis, and if he can be approved to submit to the Senate, he can turn the crisis into peace, but if he persists, the disaster will not be known.

News from the [-]th day of the lunar month: You Ken Zhongtang (Cabinet Assistant Natong) cares about the whole Sichuan, maintains the overall situation, wanders around the (advisory) Yuan (consultation) bureau to discuss, rescues the urgent, can arrange things calmly, and is grateful for prayers .Yesterday, Yingling received a letter to discuss the road affairs. It is planned to return the used money and the existing money to the company, and order Sichuan to build a road to the border of Sichuan, named Zhilu. Fugan Road is state-owned and Zhilu is privately run, and it does not contradict the purpose. If it is agreed with the company, Yijidian will reach the ministers and envoys of the leaders of various countries stationed in Beijing. unknowable.

Telegram on the [-]th day of the lunar month: In short, this matter is either peaceful or fierce. If the imperial court approves the business, the overall situation may not be greatly damaged. Can not guess.

After everyone read the telegram without saying a word, Zhao Erfeng roared: Did you see clearly?Did you all see clearly?Is there anything my old Zhao can do to you?You also know in your heart that the revolutionary Wang Tianjie took the opportunity to rebel a few days ago and destroyed the collection and inspection bureaus in Rong County and Peng County.

Everyone was silent, and after a while, Brother Pao's elder brother Luo Lun asked: "Old Zhao, what do you mean by letting us read these telegrams?"

Zhao Erfeng asked back: What do you think?
(End of this chapter)

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