Chapter 46
After the founding of the Gongjinhui, the old leader Jiao Dafeng returned to China under an alias. He first recruited brothers from the old society in Changsha. From Changsha to Liuyang, he collected beggars and hungry people along the ten miles. When entering Changsha, they first destroyed the grain store, then gathered the Boxer "Qingjun" recruited from the north by the brothers from the rivers and lakes, and together with the idlers who were unwilling to be lonely, a total of ten thousand people rioted in Changsha, set fire to the governor's office, looted the rice store, Destroyed foreign firms and forced Governor Cen Chunxuan to flee.

Then Jiao Dafeng rushed to Wuchang, Hubei, and together with Sun Wu, the leader of the Gongjinhui in Hubei, carried out a big campaign.

The so-called lifting the battalion is to focus the development goals of the Gongjin Association on the new army in Hubei, move the army, win over the Qing army one by one, one battalion by one battalion, one standard by one standard, and use the ready-made organization of the army to realize goal of the revolution.

The most important reason why Jiao Dafeng left his hometown in Hunan and went to Wuchang, Hubei to carry out activities was that the atmosphere of democracy in Hubei was too strong. In the Hubei New Army, there was a "Hubei Army League" that was openly active.

The most bizarre thing is that the person in charge of this openly active alliance is still in prison.

The leader of the Tongmenghui who is in prison is named Li Yadong. He was sold to the government by the headhunting detective Guo Yaojie after the failure of Gong Chuntai, the third old leader of the Gelaohui.Li Yadong didn't bother with him. He just set up the Hubei Military League and published the magazine "Popular Vernacular News". He was busy with the affairs of the League every day in prison. There was a long queue, which made the warden dumbfounded, so he ordered Li Yadong to be banned from receiving guests.

It's fine if you don't allow visitors, but Li Yadong still doesn't want to care about it, but everyone just woke up at this time. This mass organization that has been in operation for five months has played the banner of the Tongmenghui. No matter how the government doesn't care What about?

Forget it, everyone thinks about it, for the sake of safety, let's change the name first, so as not to let people get caught.

It was renamed "Qunqia Society".

Things in this world are so weird. When everyone used to call it the Tongmenghui, the government didn't pay attention to it. Now it's called the Qunqia Society, but it has attracted the attention of the officials.

The cause of the incident was that everyone had heard about the rice rush in Changsha, Hunan, and there were rumors that central Hunan had been completely occupied by the revolutionary army. At that time, everyone believed it as soon as they heard it. They made a lot of noise and prepared to transport them to Hunan. At that time, Li Yuanhong called them over and asked them to read a telegram that had just arrived from the couch. The telegram said that the civil uprising in Changsha had subsided, so everyone gave up.

After finishing, everyone felt that Qunqia Academy was too eye-catching, so they decided to change the name again, this time to Zhenwu Academy.

There are more than 240 members in the Zhenwu Academy, and there are only five accountants who collect membership fees. The five accountants collect membership fees in the army every day, and they were discovered by Li Yuanhong, so everyone held an urgent meeting and changed the name again.

This time it was changed to a literary club, and the president was Jiang Yiwu.

At this time, Tan Renfeng, an old gentleman from the Tongmenghui, came, but the old gentleman didn't know that this literary club was carrying guns and dragging cannons, and its strength was terrifying. He just heard that the name was called the Literature Club, and he thought it was a literati group that recited poems and made fuss, so he didn't take it seriously. .

Tan Renfeng brought 1000 yuan—who said that Sun Wen did not support the revolution in the interior, didn’t he give 1000 yuan—200 yuan to Sun Wu of the Gongjinhui, 800 yuan to Juzheng of the Tongmenghui, and a point for the Literature Society No need to have.The Literature Club didn't see the money, so they didn't say a word, but Sun Wu, the boss of the Gongjin Association, was not happy, thinking that the League would bully the Gongjin Association.

However, after the Guangzhou Uprising, Sun Wenyuan went to the United States and disappeared, but in Shanghai, led by Song Jiaoren, with the help of Chen Qimei and Tan Renfeng, he organized another "Tongmenghui Central Headquarters Headquarters", this kind of behavior is out-and-out Split the Tongmenghui, because the Tokyo headquarters of the Tongmenghui is still there. Although Liu Kuiyi is the only one left in the headquarters, the headquarters is the headquarters.

The headquarters of the Tongmenghui in Tokyo existed in name only, and the Hong Kong Tongmenghui was completely paralyzed because of Sun Wen's disappearance. Only at this time, Song Jiaoren stepped up to make up for the vacancy in the organization. At least, the literary club in Hubei, together, Whether you join the meeting or not, you have a leader again.

Therefore, the Central Federation of the Tongmenghui issued a declaration, condemning the irresponsible actions of Hu Hanmin, Huang Xing and others. The statement said:
Inspired by the righteousness of the deceased, the colleagues stayed in Hong Kong for more than a month, hoping to discuss with the principals (Zhao Sheng, Huang Xing, Hu Hanmin) a remedy for the aftermath. ), one was disheartened due to defeat (Huang Xing was reprimanded), and the other was living in a secluded place and could not find a side (Hu Hanmin was scolded), so they scattered like birds and beasts, full of enthusiasm, and all was in vain. .

Although, party affairs are the public responsibility of party members.Reliant and irresponsible, why do you treat your dead friend underground?The comrades who returned to Shanghai were forced to be unable to be themselves, so there was an organization called the "Central Federation of the Tongmenghui".

The one who named the Central Federation of the Tongmenghui regards the Tokyo branch as the main body and recognizes the southern branch as an allied state, and separates it from the central region. In name, there is no conflict. also.Branches are set up in each province to recruit talents and share responsibilities, so there is no risk of losing sight of one or the other...

……Cultivating righteousness must be convened by the headquarters, proposed by each branch, not ambitious, lighter than launching a problem, and cultivating vitality and strength.

Because it is more difficult to find a temporary worker who washes dishes in the United States, everyone has to completely abandon Sun Wen now, and the most important thing is that the split new Tongmenghui has shifted the focus of its work to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

This time it is the right way. The 10,000+ people on the two lakes have waited too long.

It's true that the paths are right, but how did the brothers from the two lakes get in touch with Song Jiaoren?
At first, the Lianghu brothers searched everywhere for the Tongmenghui, but couldn’t find it. Finally, they discussed whether they had to go to Tokyo to find it. At this time, Juzheng suddenly remembered that there was still Hu Ying, a Tongmenghui, imprisoned in the prison. Hu Guohua, the elder, is Hu Ying's old father-in-law, maybe this is Hu Ying... so he went to visit the prison, and as expected, Hu Ying pointed out: You don't have to go to Japan, you just need to go to Yizhi Xiangfan Restaurant, Sima Road, Shanghai, to contact Song Jiaoren and Chen Qimei You can.

Sure enough, Juzheng rushed to Shanghai's Sima Road, gave a signal to the manager of a Xiangfan restaurant, and saw Chen Qimei coming, so Juzheng opened his mouth, asking for firearms, bullets, and explosives. Chen Qimei's answer was : Here, I will give you whatever you want, and give you as much as you want. When you go back, prepare immediately to kill the Tartars on August 1000th—it is because of Chen Qimei’s words that the aforementioned [-] yuan brought by Tan Renfeng yuan money.

In this way, everyone has found an organization, so Song Jiaoren embraced it and set up five general affairs officers in the headquarters, namely Song Jiaoren, Chen Qimei, Tan Renfeng, Yang Pusheng and Pan Zuyi.

Ju Zheng was sent to Hubei as the regional host, and Jiao Dafeng was sent to Hubei as the host, but the two old brothers stayed together all the time, so Jiao Dafeng said to Ju Zheng: Have you seen clearly, there are so many big bosses here, but money Still not a dime, can you get some money?

Ju Zheng said: Thanks to you, you are still the old leader of the Ge Laohui, so you still ask me about getting money?
Jiao Dafeng raised his head to the sky and sighed: God, we are big men in the world after all, but we have been poor to death since the old leader Wang Xiufang...

It seems that if you want to make money, you really can only hope that the gods will appear.

(7) The Strange Case of the Golden Buddha
The old leader Jiao Dafeng insisted on a word of money because of his brother's status as a debtor.

During the rice rush in Changsha, Lao Jiao instigated more than a thousand brothers from the Sanhui. Even if each brother was given a subsidy of ten yuan, it would cost 1 yuan.The Qing army recruited from the north asked for a higher price, not to mention anything else, if the bloody handprints that were set on fire were less than [-] yuan each, they would not be allowed to fight with you?
When the government office was set on fire, Cen Chunxuan brazenly ordered his subordinates to shoot, causing heavy casualties of 54 people. Most of the 54 people were refugees and beggars. There are various expenses for recuperation and pensions. When the accounts are added up, the financial expenses will definitely not be less than 15000 yuan.

Does the old leader Jiao Dafeng have the money?

In this way, we can understand that the old leader in charge of Hunan affairs spends every day in Hubei and is reluctant to leave. In fact, he has gone to Hubei to escape debts.

Poor old leader, it's too miserable to have so many debts and can't pay them back.

Find a way to get some money, the old leader Jiao Dafeng urged Juzheng desperately: think of a way, quickly think of a way, where can I get money?

Juzheng was so dazed by Jiao Dafeng that he had no choice but to think about it. This thought really came to his mind—in Guangji County, there is a Dacheng Temple, where a golden Buddha is enshrined , Golden Bodhisattva, Golden Bodhisattva, it's made of gold, it's valuable...

Get the Golden Buddha!

The old leader Jiao Dafeng made a decision immediately.

Stepping on the spot first, Jiao Dafeng and his brother Juzheng went to Guangji County as tourists. When they arrived at the Dacheng Temple to worship the Bodhisattva, they saw a golden Bodhisattva sitting on the throne with benevolent eyebrows and benevolent eyes.When the old dragon head Jiao Dafeng saw the Bodhisattva, tears came down immediately, and he hurriedly kowtowed: "Great Mercy, Avalokitesvara to save the suffering... Bodhisattva, you are still sitting so steadily at this hour, let our brothers take you to the revolution tomorrow...

After stepping back, he confirmed that the news was correct, so Jiao Dafeng urged Sun Wu to prepare tools quickly, and asking the Bodhisattva was a big deal, and he could not be neglected.

On the night of the operation, it was raining heavily. There is a saying in Taoism, "Steal the wind and not steal the rain, but the old leader Jiao Dafeng is obviously unprofessional and a layman, so he actually picked such a rainy day to work.

Led by Jiao Dafeng, the six figures arrived at the Dacheng Temple at midnight.

Climbing over the wall and entering, the sudden sound of rain covered up the noise they made, Miaozhu fell into a deep sleep like a pig, and all the brothers had already entered the temple to kowtow to the Bodhisattva.

Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, don't be angry,
Disciple, please go to the revolution,
The smelting of a golden body is all about money,
Buy a gun, buy a cannon, buy a weapon...


The Bodhisattva is invited to walk with the disciples... The Golden Bodhisattva was lifted off the seat, and it seemed that it was not too heavy, so Zhou Haiwen, the strongest brother, carried the Bodhisattva on his back.

Halfway through the journey, suddenly seeing lanterns and torches coming one after another, Jiao Dafeng was horrified: "Brothers are suffering, the matter is not confidential, and the news has leaked, I am afraid that the government sent soldiers to chase it...

What should I do?
Easy!Jiao Dafeng asked everyone to hide the Golden Bodhisattva in the wheat field by the side of the road and make a mark, then the brothers dispersed and hurried away pretending to be nocturnal passers-by.

It wasn't until the next day that I figured out that the soldiers I met last night were just patrolling officials from Qizhou, and they were just on routine patrols, which made the brothers a false alarm.

Jiao Dafeng breathed a sigh of relief, and led his brothers back in a hurry to retrieve the Golden Bodhisattva—but it was a monster, and when he went to the place where the Golden Bodhisattva was hiding, it was empty.

The Golden Bodhisattva has disappeared.

It's really strange, how could the Golden Bodhisattva disappear?

Could it be that someone passing by took it away-but this is too coincidental, right?Walking in the middle of the night, being knocked down by the Golden Bodhisattva, and this person must have a lot of strength to be able to move the Golden Bodhisattva away... The possibility is too small, too small.

Could it be that some brother saw the money and sneaked back by himself... If this is the case, that brother doesn't have to move the Golden Bodhisattva away, he just needs to hide the Golden Bodhisattva in another place, and all the brothers will find it It won't come... But all the brothers in the family are people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the revolution, but they are playing this kind of tricks on a golden Bodhisattva. This possibility is not big, not big.

The most likely possibility is that the Golden Bodhisattva went underground by itself.

(8) Is it a stimulant or a sweat drug?

The old leader Jiao Dafeng just lacks the experience of being a thief, and he doesn't think about the size of the golden Bodhisattva. It takes several people to move it down from the throne, but only one brother can carry it on his back—if it is really a Bodhisattva made of pure gold How can five or six people be able to move it and one person to carry it?

The Golden Bodhisattva was originally a clay sculpture, but it was painted with a layer of gold paint on the outside.

It rained suddenly that night, and the brothers threw the clay bodhisattva into the wind and rain, and hurried away. The poor bodhisattva was poured by the sudden rain. It originally came from the dust and returned to the dust...

This is the final solution to the case of the disappearance of the Golden Bodhisattva, as long as he is arrested and tortured in the temple, he will know the truth.

But at that time, Jiao Laolong didn't have the heart to solve the case, even if the case was solved, so what?What the old leader needs is money!

Where can I get money?
The poor old dragon head was about to die of worry.

Seeing how pitiful the old dragon head was, a revolutionary named Zou Yongcheng couldn't help feeling compassionate, so he offered a clever plan.

Zou Yongcheng said: I have an aunt who lives in Baguajing, Wuchang. She has a lot of gold and silver jewelry in her box. As long as I do a little trick to get my aunt's jewelry, the revolution funds will be settled.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, stealing did not avoid relatives, and the rabbit ate the grass by the side of the nest, so they picked Lao Zou's aunt as a prey.

But how to start?
The brothers pondered and pondered, and finally figured out a clever plan.

Get some perspiration medicine and pour it on the old lady, and it will definitely work.

Mongolian sweat medicine is easy to make, everyone is from the Jianghu, but the Jianghu people are from the rivers and lakes, it seems that none of the brothers have experience in picking flowers... I went to the military doctor of the new army's 31 standard, and asked the military doctor to dispense some Mongolian sweat medicine to the brothers.

After the Mongolian sweat medicine was prepared, Zou Yongcheng bought a bottle of good wine at his own expense, mixed the medicine into it, and took the bottle and went straight to his aunt's house. Sun Wu, Deng Yulin and other party members each carried an empty sack and followed Zou Yongcheng excitedly. When Zou Yongcheng entered the room, everyone hurriedly lay down under the window sill to listen.

Sun Wu and Deng Yulin waited for a long time, and saw Zou Yongcheng come out angrily: Which bastard made this sweat medicine?The more my aunt drank, the more energetic she was, she insisted on asking me to buy her two more bottles... How can I have so much money to buy wine?You have to pay me...

Sun Wu and Deng Yulin looked at each other, don't tell me that the military doctor misunderstood the prescription and mistook the stimulant for perspiration?
If one plan fails, another plan will be made.

It was decided that Zou Yongcheng would lure his aunt's son to play in Hankou, and everyone would pretend to be a kidnapper here, to see if the old lady could get the money.

This trick really worked.

The old lady really thought that her son was tied up with a meat ticket, so tremblingly, she took out 800 yuan.

The Revolutionary Party is rich!

It's just this money, if an uprising is initiated... it seems to be almost there.

(9) My nickname is Eunuch
Eight hundred yuan is obviously not enough for an uprising, so what should we do?

At this time, everyone heard a good news. Liu Gong, the Minister of Finance of the Gongjin Association, his family is a rich man in Xiangyang City, rich, very rich, and the Liu family gave Liu Gong 2 yuan at one time. .

The 2 yuan was given to his son by Liu Gong's father, Liu Zijing. Liu Zijing was so willing to pay because he listened to the teachings of Liu Gong's cousin Zhou Delin.

Zhou Delin said: If you want to honor your ancestors and make a fortune, you must first become a high-ranking official. Once you become a high-ranking official, it will be easy to get rich. I heard that Americans are like this.Now my cousin Liu Gong is a student studying in Japan. He is a talent. The family will give me some money and donate a Taoist platform to my cousin, so it will be easier to get money.

Liu Zijing was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately called his son Liu Gong over, and took out 2 taels of silver, and asked his son to use the money to go to the provincial capital to find a way to donate a Taoist platform, so as to honor his ancestors.

So Liu Gong took 2 taels of silver notes and returned to Wuchang to continue the revolution.The news that Mr. Liu got the money spread like wildfire, and all of a sudden the revolutionaries were so excited that they gathered around Mr. Liu, swaying around, chatting, waiting for Mr. Liu to realize it consciously. Get the money out.

But Mr. Liu is also an evil guy, but he still chatted with everyone and refused to take out the money for several days.Everyone was so anxious that their eyes were blue, so everyone gathered together to discuss: Since Eunuch Liu will not take out the money, we can't force him, can we?Let's get back to work then.

So the revolutionary Peng Chufan asked Liu Gong to copy a revolutionary document, but Liu Gong didn't know what to do, so he made a fuss about it.

When Peng Chufan got the revolutionary document written by Liu Gong, he immediately threatened to report it to the officials. Liu Gong was so shocked that he realized that he had fallen into Peng Chufan's trick.

In desperation, Mr. Liu had no choice but to hand over the bank notes, which was regarded as solving the funding problem of the Revolutionary Party.

(10) Someone is secretly manipulating
In order to get some money, the revolutionaries tried their best and made a fool of themselves, but there was really no other way.

On the imperial court's side, they were always facing money troubles.

Several banks in Hubei and Sichuan suddenly closed down one after another.

It is normal for Yinzhuang to close down, but the closure of these few banks is a bit abnormal-at least half of the Sichuan-Han Railway funds raised from the private sector have been stored in these banks, and the amount is as high as nearly [-] million yuan. With so much money in the bank, what reason does the bank have to go bankrupt?

The only reason is that the leaders in charge of the Sichuan-Han Railway are eager to get rich first. Once the bank closes down here, there will be a few more patriotic overseas Chinese in Nanyang over there.

The hard-earned money donated by the people disappeared like this. Tens of thousands of people cried and rushed to Beijing to petition and sue.The newspapers severely criticized the Qing government's administrative inaction, and shouted loudly-the government didn't say anything about it!
So the government had to come out and take care of it.


All the three years before Xuantong, the main road of setting up companies and stock-collecting companies in various provinces has been delayed for a long time.It should be taken back by the state immediately and built quickly.Except for branch roads, which are still allowed to be used by businessmen and people according to their ability, all previous approvals for main roads have been cancelled.As for the detailed method of how to take it back, the Branch and the Postal Communications Department carefully followed the decree, carefully planned, and quickly requested the decree to be handled.

As soon as the imperial court's plan was introduced, there was a burst of crying on the Sichuan-Han Railway, and a few gunshots from the governor's office. The Qing Dynasty died on this road.

As soon as the imperial court issued this imperial edict, the major shareholders of the Sichuan-Han Railway in Chengdu were furious!
(End of this chapter)

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