Chapter 45
(1) Shadow of Heroes reproduces the Yellow Crane Tower
This is the most mysterious period of history at the beginning of the Republic of China.

Zhonghuashan, a joint progress meeting.

It was the common people of Changsha who first discovered this mysterious combination of rivers and lakes, and the literati and inkmen mixed among the common people.But no one knows that it is this mysterious Jianghu society that will completely change China.


Rice rush.

The flames soared into the sky!

The rice scrambling in Changsha should have been caused by Cen Chunxuan. At that time, people in Changsha were in a state of confusion and panic, so they rushed to buy rice and grain stockpiles. As a result, there was a shortage of rice and grain in the market, and people became even more panicked.However, Cen Chunxuan was the governor of Hunan. After investigating the rice supply situation in Hunan, he knew that the food was rich enough, so he let the people toss.

This toss, toss accident.

Obviously there is plenty of rice, but some people starve to death. The world is dark, and there are foreign devils who come to buy rice...

The hungry people in Changsha were furious, and flocked to the Fufu Office, seeking an explanation from the idiot Lao Cen.Cen Chunxuan was so annoyed that he hid in the government office and took a peek, which greatly shocked Lao Cen.

Cen Chunxuan found that among the rioters, there was a tall and burly man, grinning happily, sawing the flag post of the Fufu Department.

At that time, Lao Cen was so angry, he said that you, a tall and burly man, had no strength to go to the pier to carry sacks, so why did you come to my fu office to saw flag posts at this juncture, and bully me, old Cen, to be honest?I, Old Cen, should be bullied by you?
Cen Chunxuan ordered.

Bang—boom!At the sound of the gunshot, the flag post of the Fushu Office fell in response, but the big man had long since disappeared from the crowd.

Where did that big man go?
The guards searched for a long time with their guns, and suddenly found that the big man was busy in front of the second flag post. The guards were shocked, and hurriedly fired, and there was another bang, the flag post fell down, and the big man disappeared without a trace. .

The flag post was sawed down, and the rioters became more and more agitated. In the midst of the chaos, a figure suddenly appeared, holding two Western monster boxes, and jumped into the air. Nuo Da's body was as light as nothing, and he jumped onto the roof .The hungry people were stunned, and it took a long time before someone suddenly yelled: "This guy is the big man who just sawed off the flag post."Just see that big man grinning, cupping his fists and saluting to everyone, he is clearly a figure in the world.

The hungry people cheered like a wave, and the guards of Fushu took the opportunity to aim at the big man and shoot wildly.

The bullet hit the tiles and did not hurt the big man. He unscrewed the lid of the suitcase, sprinkled the kerosene in the suitcase on the roof, set it on fire, and then stood up and disappeared.

Hungry people took advantage of the situation and rushed into the Fufu Office, robbing everything they saw, and beating people to death when caught...

At this time, the big man who is used to flying over eaves and walls has already performed his lightness kung fu. When he arrived at Changsha Middle School, he saw that the school was very good. The eaves of the school building were three feet high, so he jumped on it and set a fire. Then he ran forward and ran to the customs. The customs office found that the customs office was not short, so they set it on fire again.

Countless Changsha people chased after the big man, but how could they catch up?The only thing left is the shoes that came off from running all over the street, and the old rotten who was trampled half to death by the bare feet of the crowd. The old rotten was sobbing, while writing quickly on the faces of others-it was too late to find paper, I can only find a face nearby to make a draft—is there really a swordsman in the world?

Whether he was a swordsman or not, no one knew, but at this time the man with amazing skills had already rushed into the Normal Middle School.

School is in session.

As soon as the big man came in, he just threw bricks and tiles, making all the teachers and students howl like ghosts and wolves, and they ran away desperately.I heard the big man roaring with a strong northern accent: "Go, go, go, go away, don't delay the business...

The business is arson.

After driving out all the teachers and students of the normal school, the big man set fire to the campus again. Amidst the sound of the fire, only the sound of loud laughter was heard, accompanied by an almost illusory figure, flying away in an instant...

Hungry, there is news that a big man with amazing skills is setting fire in Yiyang...

Yiyang is more than [-] miles away from Changsha, and the big man can come and go at such a speed that he can come and go without hindrance, it's astonishing.

(2) North Dao Haoqiang

When the fire broke out in Changsha, there was a son of a high-ranking official who was sitting on the natural terrace, sipping fragrant tea alone.All of a sudden, I heard voices yelling: Well, let's go to that lump to have a look.

The official's son was quite courageous, he was not afraid when he saw these four people, he greeted them: "Several elder brothers actually have this kind of elegance, how about coming over to drink tea together on this natural platform?"
The four big men were a little surprised, and suddenly they snarled, "How dare you greet us for tea?"Aren't you afraid of losing your life?

The official's son was taken aback: I kindly invited you to drink tea, why did I lose my life?
Four big men stepped forward, walked around the officials' children, and suddenly pointed to the fire in the distance: "Have you seen the fire in Changsha City?"

Official's son: I see.

The four big men laughed loudly: I want you to know that this fire is the masterpiece of our brothers.

The officials' children were really taken aback this time: How many of you have been wronged?Why set fire to it?

The four great men looked up to the sky and smiled: You don’t know anything, you little brat, to tell you the truth, our brothers were invited by your brothers on the two lakes road, and they all said that the two lakes are treasures in the world, but come here to have a look, It’s really better to be famous than to meet. In the area of ​​these two lakes, the hungry people are screaming, but the corrupt officials don’t care about it. My brothers see injustice, so I want to kill a few corrupt officials to punish and punish them, but your brothers on the two lakes are too timid. Knowing that being a petty thief and robbing here and there is really embarrassing for our Green Forest Road.So our brothers have a small test of skill today, so what, just to let you scumbags in Hunan know how powerful our lumps are... Well, do you understand what we said?
The official's son was dumbfounded and shook his head again and again: I don't quite understand...

The four big men are a little anxious: that's it, that's it, if you like it, you can go with my brothers, go with us for food and drink, tell you, this world is about to be chaotic, you Come with us early to take advantage of the day...

While talking, the four big men took out a strange thing made of white cloth, unfolded it, and it was covered with bloody fingerprints. They listened to their persuasion: Well, if you want to go with us, just press a fingerprint on it. ...

The official's children took a closer look, and saw the bloody handprints one by one shocking, bright red and glaring, exuding a strong bloody smell, so frightened that the three souls of the official's children were all scattered, and the seven souls disappeared: Brothers...forgive me Me, I have an 80-year-old nursing mother at home...

Seeing that the official's children were timid, the four great men put away the bloody fingerprints, laughed loudly, and walked away.

Looking at the backs of the four people going away, it took a long time for the official's children to call out:

Could it be that the elder brother will come out of the rivers and lakes again?
But it's not quite right, these green forest people are clearly from the lump in the north...

(3) Return of the old leader
The official kid guessed right, the Gelaohui, which had disappeared for a long time, had indeed returned.

The rice rush in Changsha this time is a masterpiece of the Gelaohui.

As for the men with northern accents, they were the Boxer Regiment armed forces that the Gelaohui dedicated themselves to finding in the north to boost their momentum.

Just as we know, the rice rush in Changsha this time was indeed not a spontaneous action by hungry people caused by the shortage of food in Hunan.You must know that although the rice grain in Hunan may not be sufficient, it has not reached the point where hundreds of thousands of people cannot eat. That's why Cen Chunxuan has no fear, thinking that as long as there is enough food, the people will not make trouble.

Cen Chunxuan was right in thinking, the common people would not make trouble—but the Gelaohui must make trouble!
You know, this old brother's association has already forged a deep blood feud with the Qing court.

The first old leader Wang Sijue, Wang Xiufang, was killed because he assisted Tang Cai. The poor Wang Sijue was able to jump more than a foot high on the ground. down.

Ma Fuyi, the second old leader, failed to conspire with the Huaxing Society to revolt;

Therefore, the rice rush in Changsha was led by the Gelaohui, united with the brothers of the Jianghu Hongtianbao faction, and recruited the remnants of the Northern Boxer Regiment "Green Army" to launch a revenge action.

The big northern men who set fires everywhere in Changsha city and appeared on the natural platform were Boxers invited by the Gelaohui from the north.If it wasn't for them, it wouldn't be enough to disturb the entire Changsha city.

The person who invited the Boxers to organize and launch this revenge operation is named Zuo Yaoguo.

This Zuo Yaoguo is from Japan, and his name in Japan is Gangtou Qiao.

And this Japanese, Gangtouqiao, is the pseudonym of Jiao Yu, one of the leaders of the Gelaohui who fled to Japan after Gong Chuntai's Liulongshan Hongjianghui failed in the uprising.

But the name Jiao Yu is rarely used by everyone, and everyone usually calls him Jiao Dafeng.

Party member Jiao Dafeng!
The fourth old leader of the Ge Laohui!
The old leader is back.

It's time for the Qing court to run out.

(4) Kicking off Sun Wen to start a revolution

However, after the failure of the Liulongshan Hongjiang Society uprising, Jiao Dafeng, one of the leading brothers in the group, fled to Japan and took the pseudonym Gangtouqiao. He found Huang Xing and joined Sun Wen's Tongmenghui. The previous three old leaders took revenge.

However, he did not expect that Sun Wen was not enthusiastic about the revolution in the Yangtze River Basin. The main reason was that Sun Wen knew that he could not control the green forests of the two lakes.Therefore, Sun Wen has an iron principle that the funds of the Tongmenghui can only be used for the uprisings in Guangdong and Guangxi. Sun Wen does not support the revolutionary activities in the interior too much.

Seeing that the 10,000+ elder brothers in the two lakes and old associations were full of energy and eager to start a fight, but Sun Wen took his time in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan, which had no revolutionary foundation, and then tossed and passed. Jiao Dafeng finally became angry, so he decided to kick him out Sun Wen made a revolution, stopped working with the League, and set up a new Jianghu combination by himself, let's do it first.

In August 1907, Jiao Dafeng, the old leader of the Lianghu Gelaohui, and Zhang Baixiang, the leader of the Sichuan Xiaoyi Association, initiated in Tokyo. They gathered the green forest leaders who had fled to Japan and established the Gongjinhui. This gang is the most lacking in the history of the Republican Revolution. It's because most of the brothers in the meeting are big bosses, impatient to write and take notes, and only think about killing him with a knife and a gun...

Because the cultural level of the brothers in the association is not too high, and they can't make any famous names, they can move and copy the purpose and regulations of the Tongmenghui. ", the brothers all have some reservations.

Why equalization of land rights?Why do you want to run to equalize the land that others have worked so hard to plant?
The gangsters wanted to save face, so they were embarrassed to ask Sun Wen directly. Fortunately, there was a more powerful member of the alliance, Yan Xishan, who later became Yan Laoxi in Shanxi, and he ran to argue with Sun Wen.

Yan Xishan: The prime minister has heard of raw land and cultivated land, right?

Sun Wen: Rehmannia and rehmannia... That's right, there are these two medicines in traditional Chinese medicine...

Yan Xishan: Not the Prime Minister, I am not talking about traditional Chinese medicine, I am talking about the land, the land that has not been cultivated is called raw land, and the crops are not easy to grow. After a few years of cultivation, the farm will slowly become mature land.In addition, there are mountains and wastelands. There are many rocks in the mountains, and the soil in the wasteland is not good. It takes decades for a farmer to manage the mountains and wastelands. Talents are willing to work, and many lazy people are not willing to work at all. Premier, please tell me, why do those lazy people want to equalize the land rights of other hardworking people?
Sun Wen: Yan Xiaoxi, you only know one thing, but you don’t know the other thing. You have to know that the price of land is not static. For example, if you have a piece of land in your home, it was only worth 1000 yuan at the beginning, but later the price of the land increased to 1 yuan. , the 1 yuan cannot belong to you, everyone has to share it together...

Yan Xishan: Regardless of what Prime Minister Sun said, I bought a piece of mountain land because there were too many stones in it, and it was only worth 1000 yuan. After my whole family worked hard and spent several years moving all the stones out of the field, the land price rose to 1 yuan. 1 yuan, this [-] yuan belongs to those lazy people who squat on the ground of my house and watch me sweat at home?

Sun Wen: You Yan Xiaoxi, what brains do you have? Can you raise the land price to 1 yuan just by squatting in the ground to pick up stones?That means the revolution has succeeded, so your land is worth money.

Yan Xishan: I still don't understand, what does the success of the revolution have to do with my family's land?
Sun Wen: Of course it has something to do with it. If the revolution fails, the land in your home is only your own, so of course it is not worth much. After the revolution succeeds, the land rights will be equalized, and your home will belong to everyone, so it will become valuable. You Understand?

Yan Xishan: ...I don't understand anymore...


The stubborn Yan Xishan argued with Sun Wen for half an hour, until Sun Wen foamed at the mouth, but failed to convince him.

Even Yan Laoxi couldn't figure it out, and the gangsters couldn't figure out why lazy people should be allowed to equalize the land rights of hardworking people.

That's why Jiao Dafeng founded the Gongjinhui, and copied the purpose of the Tongmenghui, except for the equalization of land rights, which was deliberately changed to the equalization of human rights.

How is human rights a law of equals?

Fortunately, Yan Xishan was not qualified to join the Gongjinhui, otherwise he would have to fight the old leader Jiao Dafeng.

They didn't even figure out the law of equalization of land rights, and when there was a commotion about human rights here, the equalization followed. This is pure nonsense.Everyone should try not to mention such strange questions, lest the boss get angry.

If you don't ask questions, what are you doing?

Let's make progress together!

What is co-progression?
The manifesto of the Gongjinhui said that the meaning of Gongjin is that everyone comes together...

come together.

(5) Red Flower Pavilion worships the dragon head
When: August 1907.

Location: Seiputei, Akagi Town, Ushi District, Tokyo, Japan.


Chairman Zhang Baixiang: From Sichuan, the leader of the Lianghu Xiaoyi Association.

Juzheng, Minister of the Interior: a native of Hubei, a scholar studying abroad.

Minister of Finance Liu Gong: A native of Hubei, the richest man in Xiangyang, the son of a family.

Foreign Minister Deng Wenhui: from Jiangxi, the leader of a secret society.

Minister of Secretary Peng Sumin: Jiangxi native, scholar student.

Party Affairs Minister Pan Dingxin: A native of Hubei, the leader of the Gelaohui.

Minister of Military and Political Affairs Sun Wu: a native of Hubei, a descendant of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

Jiao Dafeng, Minister of Communications: A native of Hunan, the old leader of the Gelaohui.

Minister of Overseas Chinese Affairs Chen Zhaomin: Overseas Chinese in Nanyang.

Brothers from all walks of life come together to join the meeting, and the first to open the Shanshui Hall.

The mountain is Zhonghua Mountain:
The god Huazhou created China,
Drilling wells and plowing fields are everywhere.

Splendid mountains and rivers forever industry,
Children and grandchildren stay together.

The water is Xinghan water:
A source of water flows thousands of miles long,

The Han family revived the central government.

Since Pai Yan divided the north and the south,
The momentum is unstoppable.

The hall is Guangfu Hall:
The ten thousand houses in the hall have a new atmosphere,
Jingzong cares for the elderly.

Restoring the new and keeping the old is the same,
We must take our grievances seriously.

The incense is the incense of serving the country:
The incense burns unabated,
The ancestors have been in the same vein since thousands of years.

The smelly smell of mutton, long-lived and majestic soil,
To be bought is a famous fragrance from Kyushu.

When the brothers come in, they become a family. The call to arms is interpreted simultaneously, and they serve the country and return to the family:
Alas!My compatriots suffer from the fall of the motherland, and have groaned under the alien dictatorship for 300 years.It is shameful and sad to be humiliated by the four hundred descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the gods and gods to the mere millions of Tartars.Who has ever laughed for the sake of ancient and modern times?Anyone with blood and blood should rise up and use snow to venge for generations. This is the reason and purpose of the establishment of the Gongjin Association today.

Those who participated in the meeting unite all factions on the road of revolution, with the goal of overthrowing the Manchu Qing regime and restoring old things.My compatriots are willing and submissive, and if they are willing to recognize the thief as their father, then that is enough.If not, you should touch your chest and ask yourself, if you still have blood, then those who killed my ancestors will be burned with anger in front of your eyes, and you should go straight forward with your sword in order to seek revenge.If there is a time when Duke Huan of Qi revives the hatred of a hundred generations, the old hatred will disappear, and Wu Zixu will whip the king's corpse, and the hero will exhale.My compatriots think so!Today's matter, no matter men, women, old or young, scholars, farmers, businessmen, people who sell their skills in the rivers and lakes, and soldiers in the military, all should carry their crossbows forward to destroy this imperial food.There is a saying in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's call for Manchurianism: "Forbearance orders the upper country to dress up and fall to the barbarians, and lead the heroes of the Central Plains to return our rivers and mountains."How strong he is, although his achievements have not been accomplished, he is also outstanding.Those who participated in the meeting with me should bear their ambitions and use them to fulfill their unfinished achievements.Then you can go up to the ancestors, and the descendants of the descendants, with the teeth on the round-headed square-toed couple, the empress of the emperor, the actual experience of the words, the brother's robes, there is such an agreement.

Then first Zhang Baixiang led all the brothers to change their hair—to wash their hair; to wash their faces—towels and raspberries; to change their clothes—to change into white long clothes; to wrap their heads with red cloth; and to change into clean shoes.

Officially entered the Hongmen, some brothers asked:

Brothers in front of the door come to the same clan,
When entering Hongmen, the surname is Hong,
There is benevolence and righteousness under the knife,

Unfaithful and unrighteous, killed by the sword.

The brother who entered the Hongmen replied:

As soon as he entered Hongmen, he became a sworn brother,

The oath of loyalty that day,
The mouth of Cheung Sha Wan is close to the sky,
See peace through the oolong.

Then the guide brothers led the new brothers into the Loyalty Hall, crossed the Qiankun circle, drank the water from the three rivers, arrived at Muyang City, and finally came to the Red Flower Pavilion. At the gate of the Red Flower Pavilion, there was a couplet hanging:
A stick of incense in the Red Flower Pavilion,

The five dragons were born and made an oath,
Gaoxi opened the contract book,

Recruited brother Wan Guyang.

Under the red flower pavilion, sitting upright is the leading elder brother, and the deacon in the meeting stood aside, announcing the opening of the altar.

Question: What's the matter?

Answer: Come and worship the Heaven and Earth Association.

Q: What is the meeting?

Answer: Anti-Qing and Fuming.

Question: What is the proof?

Answer: As evidenced in the poem:

Fight against the sky to cover the old days,
The Qing people occupied our Gyeonggi by force,
Return to the world and respect the master,
During the Mingyue Zhongxing Uprising.

If the new brother's answer is correct, the leading brother will be overjoyed and treat you as his own brother.If the answer is slightly wrong, then you will be miserable, and you will inevitably be cut and killed, and you will be tortured to death.

Brother with a good memory, if you can recite such a long list smoothly, then the leading brother will take you to cut seven—chicken head; burn incense—burn yellow paper; scatter lotus—throw bowls; - drink blood wine; drink blood - pray to the handle.

Such a lot of tossing, non-strong and strong people, it is difficult to support to the end.After all, making a revolution is a physical effort, and the physical fitness is not good, so it is naturally not considered by the Gongjinhui.

(6) The League of Legends

(End of this chapter)

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