The Republic is so violent

Chapter 55: One Person's Uprising

Chapter 55 A Man's Uprising (1)
(1) The eternal mystery in the depths of history

In the 35th year of the Republic of China—that is, No.30 five years after the success of the [-] Revolution, a grand tea party was held. The participants were all the heroes who participated in the [-] Revolution. Comrade Lu Zhongqiu, during the meeting, everyone recalled the glorious past and looked forward to the future...Suddenly, the two old heroes fought.

Those who fought were Xiong Bingkun and his close comrade-in-arms Lu Zhongqiu.In the 35 years since the Revolution of [-], both of them have grown from bloody youths to respectable old revolutionaries. Although they are old, they still have the same demeanor when fighting.

Everyone hurried forward to persuade the fight, pulled the two veteran cadres away, and asked why they fought. It turned out that the two were discussing who fired the first shot in the [-] Revolution.This first shot is really important. The person who fired the shot and the sound of the shot will be permanently recorded in the annals of history for future generations to remember.

The veteran Xiong Bingkun believed that the first shot of the Revolution of [-] was fired by his old man.

The veteran Lu Zhongqiu believed that he fired the first shot in the [-] Revolution.

The two have different views and disagreements, and they still can't convince each other, so they acted in a hurry.

So the veterans had a heated discussion on this topic, and the meeting agreed that the first shot of the [-] Revolution was fired neither by Xiong Bingkun nor Lu Zhongqiu, but by Jin Zhaolong, another soldier from the engineering battalion.

Regarding this resolution, Xiong Bingkun played the high character of the veteran cadres and said: He and Jin Zhaolong are in the engineering battalion together, life and death are shared, good and bad are connected, and he is the revolutionary party representative of the engineering battalion, so Jin Zhaolong fired the gun. Xiong Bingkun fired the gun, it made no difference.

Veteran cadre Lu Zhongqiu's reaction was to howl, to curse, and to express his opinion:

My ass, put it on someone else's face.I fired the first shot, I fired the gun, but someone took away the work...

Although people don't understand the local dialect of Wuhan, the meaning is still clear.

Then this matter is strange. Who fired the first shot in Shouyi? How can such an important matter be unclear?

It would be boring to talk about this topic.The main reason was that no one had a watch at that time, and only those above the platoon leader had a pocket watch. Without a watch, ordinary soldiers couldn't tell the exact time, and they couldn't figure out who fired the first shot at what time.

In addition, several battalions were mobilized at that time. Some fired guns in the engineer battalion, and some fired guns in the artillery battalion. There was the first shot from the engineer battalion, and some from the artillery battalion. One shot, if you want to clarify this matter, then you will be in big trouble.

But the old revolutionary Lu Zhongqiu scolded his mother for this, and this topic must be clearly explained.Why don't you explain clearly?
So the veterans continued to discuss, and the meeting unanimously passed: the matter of the first shot in Shouyi is too complicated, it is too complicated, let historians study and solve it.

Sickness, the veterans are all parties to the first righteousness, and the parties themselves can't explain things clearly, but they have to rely on people who are not present to figure it out for them.

But there is really no way around this matter. Since the old heroes have entrusted us with this job, let's take a look at what happened on the iron-blooded night of the Shouyi.

(2) It’s not that I eat more and occupy more
At around 1911 pm on October 10, 9, party members Deng Yulin and Yang Hongsheng hurried to the third shed of the front team of the Wuchang New Army Engineering Battalion, found Xiong Bingkun, a representative of the Revolutionary Party in the camp, and told him:
Something big happened, a bomb exploded in a secret agency in Hankou, Sun Wu was injured, and was sent to the hospital. Our flag symbols and rosters for the uprising have all been arrested and searched.So my brothers are now retreating and dying, advancing and dying, but they will rise up tonight and fight to the death.Tonight's operation is arranged to be launched first by the artillery battalion, and your engineering battalion is stationed in the ordnance battalion, so no matter how many difficulties you have tonight, once you hear the gunfire, you must seize the ordnance battalion so that you can provide it to everyone after the attack. The bullets needed for the battalion, do you hear me clearly?
Xiong Bingkun said: "I heard it clearly, but in the current situation, the Qing court has already known the news that we are going to riot tonight, and has already searched for our bullets in advance. If there are no bullets, how do we start?"

Deng Yulin said: Don't worry about this, we have hidden some bullets in the secret agency, and Yang Hongsheng will bring them to you later.

So Deng Yulin and Yang Hongsheng instructed Xiong Bingkun on the contact and action plan for tonight:
One: All rioters must have their epaulettes turned upside down, and a white bandage wrapped around their right arm. Those with white bandages are their own people, and those without white bandages are just beaten.

Two: When you act, you should be fully armed and don't carry luggage, so as not to be burdensome.

Three: The engineering battalion should occupy the ordnance battalion of Chuwangtai as soon as possible, and then send some troops out of the city to welcome the Nanhu Artillery Team into the city, and then occupy each position separately.

Four: Tonight's slogan: work together.

After the order, Deng Yulin and Yang Hongsheng left in a hurry. Xiong Bingkun hurriedly found the party members of the Communist Party, and ordered: You immediately run to the Chu Watch Tower and inform the comrades guarding the armory that we will occupy the Chu Watch Tower tonight. Get them ready to respond.

The party member had gone, but Yang Hongsheng had already returned. He quietly handed over two boxes of bombs to Xiong Bingkun, and said in a low voice: "I'll bring you the bombs later."

Xiong Bingkun said: Hurry up, the platoon leader is too close to me, be careful not to be spotted by him.

Yang Hongsheng said: "Okay, I'll leave right away, but you'd better find a way to replace the guard at the door, otherwise I'm afraid the bomb won't come in..."

After Yang Hongsheng left, Xiong Bingkun hurriedly arranged party member Yang Jinlong to stand guard at the gate to meet Yang Hongsheng.Then he disassembled the bullet box and distributed three pills to each of the representatives of the revolutionary party in each team. And he warned: Don’t think that I keep six pills because I eat more and occupy more. You should know that when there is an incident, I will fire three shots at the playground. After shooting these three bullets, I will be like you. There are only three bullets left...By the way, let me tell you something first, if the chief does not stop the uprising, never intentionally kill them. We are revolution.

While talking, Yang Hongsheng sent another bomb. He disguised the bomb as a wine bottle, came to the gate of the camp, and began to knock on the door.Just at this time, Huang Kunrong, the team officer of the right team, came to inspect the gate. The party member Yang Jinlong who was in charge of responding did not dare to say anything. He thought that Yang Hongsheng would knock on the door a few times. walked away.But Yang Hongsheng didn't think so much, he just kept knocking on the door.Yang Jinlong had no choice but to pretend to shout: Who is it?

Yang Hongsheng replied loudly: It's me.

Yang Jinlong was impatient, and asked again: "Who are you?"The camp is now under martial law, and no visitors are allowed.

After asking and answering like this, the team officer Huang Kunrong noticed the abnormality, and immediately shouted: "Catch that gangster outside!"

Yang Hongsheng was shocked when he heard the words, turned around and fled. Huang Kunrong opened the door and found that Yang Hongsheng had fled without a trace, so he didn't chase after him.

But Yang Hongsheng had just fled back home, he was still panting, and was already surrounded by military and police groups outside.

(3) Solve the chaotic party for the leader
When Yang Hongsheng had an accident, some party members rushed to the headquarters of the Literature Number at No. 85 Xiaochao Street, reporting that they saw a group of flag soldiers running towards the [-]th Association.

Yang Hongsheng lives in the first house on the left side of the Xiying Gate of the [-]th Association, which is a rented house.

Yang Hongsheng rented this room and opened a grocery store to cover his belongings.But he didn't notice the landlord. The landlord was also a soldier, and an orderly of an officer. He usually carried a urine pot and a teapot for the chief. He didn't have a strong professional ability, but his political awareness was not generally high.He rented the house to Yang Hongsheng at a high price, but he was thinking: what does this tenant do?I have to keep an eye on him for the leader, the leader's heart, if my orderly doesn't fuck, who will?
After keeping an eye on it, the landlord realized that something was wrong. Yang Hongsheng's whereabouts were surreptitious and erratic. People in the camp often came and closed the door for business, but murmured in private.

The landlord finally confirmed that this tenant surnamed Yang must be a rebellious party, and the rebellious party is only looking for troubles for leaders at all levels. How did this happen?I have to solve this chaotic party for the leader.So the landlord reported to the police, proving that Yang Hongsheng was an important member of the revolution, so a whole battalion of flag soldiers came to arrest him.

The arrival of this group of flag soldiers happened to coincide with Yang Hongsheng's delivery of the bomb. If there hadn't been a delivery of the bomb, Yang Hongsheng might not have been arrested, and he could have pretended to be ordinary people to fool him. pass.But when these two incidents happened together, Yang Hongsheng was flustered. He took it for granted that this group of flag soldiers were chased from the battalion, so he immediately took out bombs and threw them around.

Yang Hongsheng threw a bomb, and there was a bang, but the bomb did not explode, but Yang Hongsheng took advantage of the panic of the flag soldiers, rushed out of the encirclement, and ran forward.The flag soldiers lined up in a long line and chased after them without any hurry. Yang Hongsheng was impatient and threw another bomb.

With a bang, this time, the bomb finally exploded.

However, the explosive power of this bomb was extremely weak, and it only shocked the flag soldiers, but it did not blow up anyone.

The flag soldiers continued to chase, Yang Hongsheng put all his eggs in one basket and dropped the third bomb.

This is the last one.

Still no explosion.

Yang Hongsheng panicked and lost his temper. He suddenly saw a Fulong Temple in front of the engineering camp, and there was a vegetable garden in the temple. He rushed over and hid under the vegetables.He was chased by the banner soldiers, grabbed his legs and dragged him out, and sent him to the supervisory office.

It was 11 o'clock at night when Yang Hongsheng was arrested.According to the plan, in another three hours, the Nanhu Artillery Team will fire a shot, and everyone will respond at that time, and the event will be over.

The time when Yang Hongsheng made his head was in the early morning of the next day.

He didn't wait for the gunshot in the end.

(4) Let's not wear pants tonight

There was also a reason for the fact that the Nanhu Artillery Team did not fire.

The actual situation is that due to the leakage of the news of the uprising, the officers of each battalion knew that some partisans planned to rise up at night, so in the evening, all the battalions had declared martial law, and all the lights were turned off at 9:[-]. They all brought guards, armed with live ammunition, guarding the exits of each row, and patrolling the sheds, telling everyone to go to bed quickly.

In the engineering battalion, when the team officers saw that the soldiers were showing uneasiness, they tried their best to do political and ideological work to the soldiers.

The team officer said: Brothers, I am not talking about you, but you are too careless, so you will be used by others.What are you talking about about revolution? Why don't those who talk about revolution come to revolution, but let you do it instead when the business of beheading comes?Oh, you are taking the risk of beheading and bloodshed, and exterminating the whole family, to revolutionize others. Tell yourself, isn't it too thoughtless?

At this time, a soldier raised his hand to report: Report to the team officer, my pants are missing and have been stolen.

The team officer said softly: "I'll put away your trousers for you first. We won't be wearing trousers in the camp tonight."

Weighed to death, it turned out that in order to prevent the soldiers from rioting, the team officer took a drastic action, stole the trousers on the bed, and confiscated all the trousers of the soldiers.Without trousers, the soldiers would not be able to run out naked, and there would be no way to change their fate tonight.

A soldier asked: Team officer, you took our trousers away, what do you do when you get up at night to pee?
The team officer laughed and said: Can a living person be suffocated by urine?Just pee in your own bowl.

Urinating in the rice bowl... All the soldiers want to cry but have no tears. This team officer is wicked enough.

The team officer patrolled in the middle of the night and felt tired, so he wanted to find some experienced and reliable low-level officers to replace him.Ren Zhengang, the leader of the left team, is usually taciturn, calm and calm, and is most trusted by the team officers.So he ordered: "Old Ren, these are your pants, put them on by yourself, and come over with your gun to collect the bullets, and you will be in charge of patrol work in the second half of the night."

Ren Zhengang got up, put on his pants, put his gun on his back, and went to the team officer to collect the bullets.But I never thought that Xiong Bingkun, the representative of the Revolutionary Party, had told everyone a long time ago that if there was an incident tonight, the identification mark would be a white bandage wrapped around his right arm.

That's why Ren Zhengang wrapped a white bandage around his right arm in order to prevent being shot randomly by everyone.When he walked over, the sharp-eyed team officer spotted the white bandage on his right arm. At that time, the team officer yelled: "Left and right, let me take him down."The guards from both sides rushed up and captured Ren Zhengang.

The team officer ordered: put down his gun and see if there is any bullet in the gun.

The guards took down Ren Zhengang's gun, and upon inspection, they found that there were indeed two bullets in it.The team officer was furious: Ren Zhengang, why are you short-hearted?Where did this bullet come from?

Ren Zhengang muttered: I picked it the ground.

The team officer glanced at the soldiers who were listening attentively, knowing that this was the most dangerous time, and even the honest Ren Zhengang got involved. It was obvious that the engineering battalion was going to kill tonight. Fortunately, all their pants had been confiscated, otherwise If so... the team officer also knows that the matter of Ren Zhengang cannot be investigated in detail, at least not now, otherwise the soldiers will be angered, and they may be in trouble.So the team officer acted nonchalantly, and ordered lightly: Ren Zhengang hid the ammunition privately, violated military discipline, and locked him up for half a day. It's none of your business, so close your eyes and sleep.

(5) One Man's Uprising

The whole night, Xiong Bingkun didn't close his eyes either.

He has been thinking about the most difficult problem for him: when the Nanhu Artillery Brigade fired, their engineering battalion didn't even have pants, how to respond to the uprising?
However, until dawn, the gunshots from the artillery camp were not heard. Xiong Bingkun finally figured it out at this time: feelings are brothers in the artillery camp. Just like himself, the trousers were also stolen by the team officer. No wonder there was no movement this night. .

It was dawn, and after the most dangerous night, the captain let out a long sigh of relief, and sent the guards to send back the brothers' pants.Xiong Bingkun put on his trousers and went to the ground. First, he called Li Zeqian, a party member, and asked Li Zeqian to find an excuse to go out of the camp to have a look.Li Zeqian came back shortly after leaving and reported that the two organizations of the Gongjinhui and the Literature Society had been seized. The heads of Liu Fuji, Peng Chufan, and Yang Hongsheng were hanging on the tower. At this time, the gate was closed and the streets were empty.

Li Zeqian also brought back a bad news: From the No.15 Association to the Engineering Battalion, the streets along the way have been heavily besieged by the flag soldiers. It is clear that the flag soldiers have already learned the news that the Engineering Battalion is going to riot, so they will take such severe suppression. means.

The latter news made Xiong Bingkun extremely anxious.I know that with the passage of time, once the intense emotions of the engineering battalion have been exhausted, it will be more difficult to instigate the people to revolt at that time.On the contrary, the banner soldiers can take advantage of this time period to arrest the party members in the army one by one according to the list. If this continues, the consequences will be terrible.

After thinking about it, Xiong Bingkun decided to put all his eggs in one basket and take a risk.He ordered Li Zeqian to gather all the representatives of the revolutionary party from each team at his table during the meal, and he had something to say to everyone.

When it was time to eat, some representatives of the revolutionary party came, but some did not.

Those who came were all soldiers.

Those who refused to come were all officers.

Xiong Bingkun didn't want to talk nonsense about why the officers refused to come, but the general reason was that the officers didn't bother to follow Xiong Bingkun's command, and it was almost as good to let Xiong Bingkun go to them. Is there a reason for them to come to Xiong Bingkun to accept orders?
Whether this is the reason is hard to say, anyway, from now on, Xiong Bingkun has to shoulder the historical task of overthrowing the 3000-year imperial power by himself.

During the meal, Xiong Bingkun did not tell everyone that the Gongjinhui and the Literature Club had been seized. He lied to everyone sincerely: I just received an order from the headquarters, and the uprising changed from last night to tonight.So it's not surprising that you didn't hear the gunfire last night.Also, the headquarters ordered that the Nanhu Artillery Brigade take the lead in this incident, and our engineering battalion took the lead. Did you hear that clearly?
Everyone was puzzled: Old Xiong, why should our engineering battalion be the first to attack?
Xiong Bingkun smiled and said: I also asked the same question at the headquarters at the time. Our engineering battalion is not comparable to other artillery battalions. They have guns and cannons, and we only have shovels for digging holes. Why don’t we let the artillery team come first? come?The headquarters explained: Our engineering battalion is defending the armory. No matter which battalion starts the attack, it has to come to us first to collect the bullets. If our engineering battalion does not move, other battalions will not be able to move if they want to.So, the headquarters ordered our engineering battalion to start first.

Oh, so it is.Everyone suddenly realized: But Old Xiong, we don't have a single bullet, so how do we act tonight?
Xiong Bingkun said in surprise: Didn't you send three bullets to each of you yesterday?How can you say that there is not a single bullet?

The representatives of the various parties said: Last night, when the team officers patrolled, they were afraid that the bullets would be found and locked up, so they secretly threw away the bullets.

lost?Xiong Bingkun was furious: I don't care if you throw it away or not, anyway, the order from the headquarters has come down, so you can figure it out yourself.

(6) It's your turn to dig a hole tonight
After the party representatives dispersed, Xiong Bingkun's eyes were dark and dark, and he was terrified and uneasy.

He didn't expect that everyone would secretly throw away the bullets. He thought they had bullets in their hands, so he pretended to be the headquarters and ordered everyone to riot tonight.Now that the false order has been issued, I realize that everyone has no bullets, so how should this matter end?
I was in a dilemma when suddenly the messenger from the battalion ran over: Xiong Bingkun received the order, it is your turn to dig a hole today, did you hear me clearly?

Xiong Bingkun was overjoyed and said anxiously: I heard clearly.

Why is Xiong Bingkun overjoyed?
(End of this chapter)

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