The Republic is so violent

Chapter 56: One Person's Uprising

Chapter 56 A Man's Uprising (2)
This is because the Engineering Battalion, as the name suggests, is an operator responsible for infrastructure projects.The engineering battalion where Xiong Bingkun is located is divided into four teams, front, rear, left, and right. They change teams every day. Everyone takes turns to dig pits—that is, to dig trenches. Last night it was the right team’s turn to dig trenches in the ordnance camp overnight. Tired to death.But today it was the right team's turn to be in charge of the sentry arrangement in the camp, but the right team was almost exhausted and couldn't stand the guard anymore. As a result, this easy job fell on Xiong Bingkun.

What excites Xiong Bingkun most about this errand is that he can go out of the camp justifiably and walk around.In this way, he can directly communicate with the club members of each team.

When he was excited, Lu Gongchao, who also belonged to the second shed of the engineering camp, came and told Xiong Bingkun an even more exciting news.

Lu Gongchao said: Old Xiong, do you want to get some bullets?If you want, you can find me, I have it at home.

Really?Xiong Bingkun couldn't believe it: How could there be bullets hidden in your house?
Lu Gongchao said with a smile: "It's a long story, wait for me to slowly arrange the Longmen formation for you."The situation is like this, you know our Lu family, right?There are two brothers in our family, my elder brother and I, I am in the Eighth Town Engineering Battalion, my elder brother follows Wu Yuankai and is Wu Yuankai's guard... Don't ask me who Wu Yuankai is, I don't know yet.Anyway, at that time my brother followed Wu Yuankai, went to Beitongzhou with Kaiziying, and then returned to Hubei, then Kaiziying was disbanded... Now you understand?Already disbanded, so you don't know.You continue to listen to me, after the disbandment, my brother had a lot of bullets, no one paid attention to them, so my brother took them home, handed them to my sister-in-law, and stored them in a wooden box in the attic.I remember my brother said to my sister-in-law at the time: Keep these bullets well, maybe they will be of great use in the future.Now my brother went to Sichuan...

Lu Gongchao hadn't finished speaking here when two party members came, one named Yu Yuwen and the other named Zhang Shengkai. Both of them were the platoon leader's cronies. Got bullets?Our platoon leader has it, do you want us to steal it for you?

Xiong Bingkun was overjoyed, and immediately commanded Ruoding: You three, Lu Gongchao asked for leave to go home to get the bullets, Yu Yuwen and Zhang Shengkai, you two go to the platoon leader to steal, be careful not to be caught.Also, Yu Yuwen, see if you can steal two in-and-out waist cards, if you can steal the best, it doesn't matter if you can't.

The three of them went back separately, not long after they came back, they each brought two boxes of ammunition, and Yu Yuwen also stole two waist cards.

With the badge for entry and exit and the bullets, Xiong Bingkun was so energetic that he distributed the bullets first. He took Li Zegan out of the camp with the badge, and first went to the third battalion of the No.15 Association No.30. Go to the party member Zhang Tingfu.When we arrived at the place, we found out that Zhang Tingfu had been arrested not long ago, and the remaining party members were at a loss. Xiong Bingkun told them to revolt tonight, and everyone said: "As long as your side mobilizes, our side promises to respond. question.

Then Xiong Bingkun came to the second row of the No. 20 Nine Bids Second Battalion, looking for party member Cai Jimin.

Entering the barracks, I saw a quilt trembling slightly, and the quilt was lifted, revealing Cai Jimin's tear-stained face.

(7) Brothers are counting on you

Seeing that Cai Jimin was crying, Xiong Bingkun said: "Lao Cai, a man is not afraid of death, why do you cry like a child?"
Cai Jimin said: Old bear, do you think I can stop crying?Liu Fuji, Peng Chufan, and Yang Hongsheng are all my good brothers who exchanged our hearts and lives, but once they were decapitated by the Qing court, we were helpless and saw their heads hanging on the city wall.It was expected that all the brothers would work together to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but look now, Sun Wu was bombed beyond recognition, and Jiang Yiwu fled without a trace.Old bear, those of us who are alive, I am sorry for the brothers who died...

Xiong Bingkun said: If we want to repay the dead brother, we have to start an attack today, Lao Cai, tell me the action plan, and I will do it.

Cai Jimin said blankly: "Plan?What are the plans now?It was originally planned to let the artillery team attack first, but there was no sound from there.In the current situation, Deng Yulin had to go over and take a look. As long as the guns fired, everything would go according to the original plan.

Xiong Bingkun said: "Old Cai, I have made up my mind. At 3 o'clock this afternoon, our engineering battalion will launch an attack. Will you come then?"
Cai Jimin said: "Old Bear, look at what you said. If it is your engineering camp that is in trouble, I will definitely lead people to respond."Let me tell you the truth, old bear, now our command center has been destroyed, the dragons have no leader, and the brothers are all counting on you.

So the two agreed that at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Xiong Bingkun led the engineering battalion to attack first. After three gunshots, Cai Jimin led his battalion and rushed out of the west camp gate. , and robbed the armory.

After the discussion was settled, Xiong Bingkun rushed back excitedly. After returning, it happened to be 3 o'clock in the afternoon. There were party members in each standard battalion waiting for him. As soon as they met, they asked: "Old Xiong, you said that the incident would start at 3 o'clock, but now it is already 3 o'clock." It's time, the people in our standard camp are not prepared at all, do you think the time should be changed?
Xiong Bingkun sighed: I just finished discussing with Lao Cai. I haven't announced it yet, but everyone knows it. It's obvious that there are traitors making trouble inside.Since none of you are prepared, let’s change it to 7 o’clock in the evening. When the battalions gather at the playground, just listen to my three gunshots, and your battalions will respond immediately. Kill first and fight against us. Then everyone blew their horns and gathered, and went to the armory of Chuwangtai together.

Send someone to notify Cai Jimin that the uprising time has been changed.Also, send someone to notify Chuwangtai's brothers who are defending the armory, and they must respond when the time comes.

After the arrangement, Xiong Bingkun only felt exhausted. The uprising was really exhausting physical work, and it was not easy to do.As he was walking forward with a gun on his back, two people came in front of him, one on the left and one on the right, stopping him.

Fang Dingguo is the leader.

Captain Luo Ziqing.

They asked coldly: "Xiong Bingkun, you plan to rebel with three gunshots when you gather at the playground at 7 o'clock in the evening, don't you?"

Xiong Bingkun was stunned.

(8) Why bother to kill us
In the astonishment of Xiong Bingkun, Fang Dingguo, the platoon leader, and Luo Ziqing, the team officer, said again: "Old Xiong, you arrange for your men to kill us officers first. Isn't that unreasonable?"Although we are your chiefs, we have never acted like a domineering, beaten or scolded you. When you started a revolution, we turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye. It was all for the sake of our brothers. I have never made things difficult for you, why do you have to kill us?
Xiong Bingkun heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the two people's complaints.It turned out that the two men were worried about being killed indiscriminately by soldiers, so they asked him to reason.

It's good to be reasonable. At this time, Xiong Bingkun is most willing to reason with the officers.

So Xiong Bingkun explained: Two officers, you misunderstood.It is true that we are making a revolution, but it is definitely not to embarrass you. The purpose of our revolution is to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and to restore the great Ming Dynasty of the Han people.So our revolution is just to kill the banner people, only the banner people are our enemies, you two officers are also our brothers and sisters, how can we have the heart to hurt you?
The platoon leader Fang Dingguo and the team officer Luo Ziqing listened, showing a relieved expression, and begged again: "Old Xiong, that's what you said, but if there is a real fight, and the gun doesn't have eyes, who will tell us these reasons...

Xiong Bingkun said: "The two officers are right. According to me, you should join us. If you really don't like it, you can hide in a place where no one is around."

Fang Dingguo and Luo Ziqing exchanged glances, and said helplessly: I think we'd better find a place where no one is around and hide before we talk.

That's up to the two officers.Xiong Bingkun smiled all over his face and watched the officer leave.

The officer left, and the soldiers came.Those who came were ordinary soldiers who did not join the revolutionary party, and everyone asked: "Old Xiong, if you revolutionaries are going to make trouble, you won't kill us together, right?"We are always honest people, we never provoke anyone.

Seeing that the news of the incident has already stirred up the city, everyone knows that the battalion commander not only dared not pursue it, but instead came to intercede with him.Xiong Bingkun's confidence was greatly increased, and he immediately ordered these soldiers: "Our uprising today is to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and to restore the Han family. You are all Han Chinese. As long as you follow my command, you will have no problems."

All the soldiers obediently expressed their obedience.Xiong Bingkun became more emotional, so he took Zhang Shengkai and Cheng Fenglin, two party members, to inspect the sheds in the camp. When they reached the third shed in the first row, they suddenly heard shouts and yells mixed together. Xiong Bingkun knew that there had been a change , hastily took the gun in his hand, reloaded while walking, and suddenly saw Tao Qisheng, the leader of the second row, running towards him, Xiong Bingkun didn't hesitate, and the bang was a shot.

Tao Qisheng's figure faltered for a moment, and suddenly he went downstairs and disappeared.

(9) Blood Sacrifice Revolution
Tao Qisheng had already been shot in the lower abdomen, clutching the muzzle of the gun, he ran to his house in one breath, closed the door, and died.Although he was killed for preventing the Revolutionary Party from revolting, his younger brother Tao Qifa was a member of the Revolutionary Party and participated in a series of battles since then.

Tao Qisheng, Xiong Bingkun, Zhang Shengkai, and Cheng Fenglin were shot away with one shot, and they rushed up the stairs and came to the hallway. Suddenly, two gunshots rang out, Zhang Shengkai and Cheng Fenglin were both shot and fell to the ground.Among them, Cheng Fenglin was the most seriously injured and died three days later.

Xiong Bingkun rushed upstairs, only to find that party members Jin Zhaolong, Cheng Dingguo, Lin Zhenbang, Rao Chuntang, Chen Liankui, etc. were trapped upstairs by dense bullets, unable to advance or retreat.At the top of the stairs, Ruan Rongfa, the acting battalion commander, Huang Kunrong, the captain of the right team, and Zhang Fangtao, the director in charge of cooking, each held guns and sealed off the stairs tightly, preventing all party members from going downstairs.

It turned out that it was Tao Qisheng, the leader of the second platoon. During the routine patrol, he found that Jin Zhaolong and the others looked abnormal, their movements were secretive, and there were bullets in their guns.

Just this one sentence caused the death of the hapless old Tao, and the long-suffering party member Jin Zhaolong couldn't help but aim at Tao Qisheng and shoot.

Jin Zhaolong's shot against Tao Qisheng was Shouyi's first shot.

The first shot is of great significance, but when it comes to Tao Qisheng, he is really an immature and stupid person.The news that the engineering battalion was about to start an incident was already known to everyone. The platoon leader Fang Dingguo and team officer Luo Ziqing went to find Xiong Bingkun specifically for this matter, but he, Tao Qisheng, knew nothing about it.Moreover, after he was shot, he acted like a child, and the first thing he thought of was to run home—this person was mentally weak, and he was reduced to a blood sacrifice in the era of the Great Revolution. Looking back, it is really sentimental.

There is no way, in the iron-blooded revolutionary era, the ones to be weeded out are foolish people with fragile minds like Tao Qisheng.

Tao Qisheng was shot and fled, but the gunshots attracted the acting battalion commander Ruan Rongfa, the battalion officer Huang Kunrong, and the chief of staff Zhang Wentao. The three blocked the stairs with guns and launched a political offensive against the party members upstairs, shouting loudly:

(End of this chapter)

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