The Republic is so violent

Chapter 58 Sharpening the Knife 1 Wipe the Dragon Slaying Skill

Chapter 58
(1) Why don't you kill me

It is said that when Xiong Bingkun arrived at Chuwangtai, he ordered Wang Changlin, a member of the party, to take a few people to patrol Chuwangtai to Tongxiangmen, spy on the movements of the gendarmerie battalion, and prevent the gendarmerie from sneaking up.In the dark night, the wind and cold are uncertain, the party members on the Chu Watchtower are arguing endlessly, but the Chu Watchtower is dead silent, there are no lights, and it seems that there are thousands of troops hidden in the darkness, and they will suddenly rush out at any time and kill these few people. Ten lone rebels took it down.

When he was startled, Wang Changlin suddenly saw a black shadow slowly squirming in the trench below. At that time, Wang Changlin was so frightened that his soul flew out of his mind, and he asked in a shocked voice: Are you human?Or a ghost?

A faint voice came from below: A certain person.

How could Wang Changlin believe it, and immediately shook his head: Lie to me, you are definitely not human.

Answer below: I’m not lying to you, I’m really human.

Wang Changlin didn't believe it even more: nonsense, if you are really human, come out and let me see.

The following answer: do not come out.

Wang Changlin was delighted: Look, look, have you already said that you are not human? If you were human, you would have come out a long time ago... Hey, your voice is so familiar.

The voice below: As long as it sounds familiar, I am Wu Zhaolin, the captain of the left team.

At this point, Wang Changlin suddenly realized that the wriggling black shadow below was really not a ghost.But why did team officer Wu Zhaolin appear here?This is said with twists and turns.

Most of the officers in the new army are relatively old and stable, and they have a family, a lot of wives and children, and they will not take the risk of beheading to form a revolutionary party, or they are sincere and reasonable. With emotion, he persuaded the young subordinates not to participate in revolutionary activities, so the team officers have always been hated by the soldiers, and became the first key targets of the revolution to be eliminated in this uprising.

This time the gunshots rang out in the engineering battalion, and the officers and generals of each team, fearing that they would be killed by their subordinates who hated them, would climb over the wall to drill the machine, hide in the latrine, and escape as far as they can.But Wu Zhaolin, the platoon leader Cao Feilong, and Huang Chunan have always been on good terms with each other. This time they escaped for their lives, the elder brothers ran wildly and fled to the trench near the southwest city wall of Chuwangtai. They crawled in the pit fearfully, not daring to move .

But the three escaped in an awkward place, just within the sphere of influence of Chu Wangtai, and were discovered by patrol Wang Changlin.

At that moment Wang Changlin ordered: Officer Wu, come out.

Wu Zhaolin replied below: I can't come out.

Wang Changlin was surprised: why didn't you come out?

Wu Zhaolin replied: If I come out, you will kill me.

Wang Changlin was even more confused: Why should I kill you?
Wu Zhaolin: Why didn't you kill me?
Wang Changlin: Why don't you kill... Captain Wu, you don't need to worry. We revolutionaries rose up tonight, not to embarrass the officers, but to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and restore the Han family. Captain Wu, you and I am a Han compatriot, how can I have a reason to kill each other?Come out, come out and I'll make sure you're okay.

After listening to Wang Changlin's words, Wu Zhaolin discussed with the platoon leaders Cao Feilong and Huang Chunan beside him: You can help me analyze whether what this little Wang said is true or false?Will he trick us out and kill us?
Cao and Huang shook their heads again and again: I think this is impossible. Although Xiao Wang is a revolutionary party, he has always admired you, Old Wu, and although your official title is not high, your name is eighth. In the Zhenxin Army, everyone knows, everyone knows, and we have no enmity with the revolutionaries, they really have no reason to embarrass us.

Wu Zhaolin said: How about we go out and have a look?

Cao Feilong and Huang Chunan stood up and dragged Wu Zhaolin: Come out, come out, let's go to see Xiao Xiong... No, we are going to see President Xiong, and there is Boss Wang (the new army calls soldiers, and they all call them the boss) Protection, Gubao is safe and sound, right Mr. Wang?
Wang Changlin agreed bluntly: That's it, that's it.He took these people back to Chuwangtai.

(2) Everyone must obey me

The rebels on the Chu watchtower immediately cheered when they saw Wu Zhaolin.

Wu Zhaolin is not a revolutionary party, so why are you cheering?
There is a reason for this. Life in the army has always been centered on the commander, and soldiers act in dependence on the commander.This time, those who followed Xiong Bingkun to occupy the Chu Watchtower were all ordinary soldiers—as explained earlier, there were also revolutionaries among the officers, just because they were unwilling to listen to the yelling of a big soldier, Xiong Bingkun, and refused to come out. Abstained.Without the commander, the soldiers lost their backbone. In addition, Xiong Bingkun's military capabilities were obviously insufficient, and the orders he issued were unreliable, so people were distracted and everyone was in danger.At this time, he suddenly saw Wu Zhaolin, who was the most capable in the army, as if he saw light in the darkness, and couldn't help calling out.

Seeing Wu Zhaolin, Xiong Bingkun's "uncomfortable" dissipated. He hurried forward and asked: Captain Wu, are you willing to join our revolution?
Wu Zhaolin is an old man after all, he immediately shook his head and said: I don't care about this matter.

what do you mean?Xiong Bingkun questioned him.

Wu Zhaolin said: "Old Xiong, you are a soldier. I don't believe you can't see the danger of the situation tonight. Your side is a mess with no name. As long as the banner soldiers move out, you will all be finished."Although I have a way to help you deal with the flag soldiers, there is a prerequisite, you must listen to my command.But the three armed forces acted with the same orders and military orders like a mountain.What I mean is that it is not enough if you are willing to accept my command, each of you must obey me, so that everyone can have hope.

Xiong Bingkun scratched his head and said: That's all right, I recommend you to be the commander-in-chief of the uprising tonight, and now I will take you to patrol the various defense lines and ask the brothers for their opinions.

So Xiong Bingkun took Wu Zhaolin to patrol the various defense lines. Everywhere he went, Wu Zhaolin was overjoyed when he saw the joy of the party members. Willing or not?
The soldiers said in unison: Yes!
Wu Zhaolin shook his head: It's not enough just to be willing, you must obey my orders.

The soldier replied: obey the orders of Commander Wu.

Wu Zhaolin suddenly changed his face at this time: Military orders are like mountains, and those who violate the law will be executed, do you know?
The soldiers looked solemn and said in unison: No!
Wu Zhaolin breathed a sigh of relief: Now, I issue the order.

(3) Xiong Shitiao and Wu Shitiao
Wu Zhaolin also issued ten orders.

It's obvious that Wu Zhaolin deliberately wanted to show his skills in front of everyone. How dare you, Xiong Bingkun, come up with a Xiong Shitiao, and I, Wu Zhaolin, also have a Wu Shitiao. You can compare and see whether your Xiong Shitiao works, or my Wu Shitiao effective.

Wu's ten orders are as follows:
[-]. Wu Zhenglin, the platoon leader of the former team, led the first and second platoons of the front team to search for Baoanmen Main Street through the Jinshui Gate and attack the front of the Supervision Office.

[-]. Kuang Minggong, the platoon leader of the right team, led the first and second platoons of the right team to search for Wangfukou via Ziyang Bridge and attack the supervisor's office.

[-]. Ma Rong led a platoon of troops to attack the southeast end of the gendarmerie, and Huang Chunan led a platoon of troops to attack the southwest end of the gendarmerie. They made contact with each other and immediately wiped out the gendarmerie.

[-]. Zhou Zhankui led two platoons of troops to hold the position at the end of Chu Wangtai.

[-]. Two platoons led by Xu Shaobin, Zheng Tingjun, Wang Changlin, and Yang Jinlong, under the command of Xu Shaobin, first captured the Zhonghe Gate, and supported Jin Zhaolong to meet the artillery team.

[-]. Zhang Wei, Ren Zhengliang, Rao Chuntang and others led a small group of troops, commanded by Zhang Wei, and Zhonghetang covered the artillery team entering the city.

[-]. Chen Youhui led a group of troops to reconnaissance near Tongxiang Gate.Tang Rongbin led a group of troops to reconnaissance near the Zhonghe Gate.

[-]. The traffic near Chu Wangtai was completely destroyed by diverting routes for Luo Bingshun, Cheng Dingguo, Yang Yunkai, Liu Dingji, Sun Yuansheng, etc.

[-]. The rest is the general reserve team, led by the deputy commander-in-chief Xiong Bingkun (the old bear has been demoted and reduced to deputy commander-in-chief), and is on standby at the end of Chuwangtai.

[-]. Change the slogan tonight to "Xing Han".

Temporary commander-in-chief Wu Zhaolin sent it to the Chuwangtai Armory at 10:[-] p.m. on August [-] (lunar calendar).

There were divisions of religion, the revolutionary party soldiers were divided into ten groups, and gunshots broke out in Wuchang City.Comparing Wu Shitiao and Xiong Shitiao, you will find that Wu Zhaolin's military talent is really not a cover-up. Instead of Xiong Bingkun's conservative deployment of being passively beaten, he took the initiative to attack from all sides.Moreover, in Wu Shitiao, there are a large number of officers' names, which are not in Xiong Shitiao.

Didn't it mean that the soldiers who followed Xiong Bingkun to the Chu Watchtower were all soldiers, so where did these officers come from?
They all came out of the ditch together with Wu Zhaolin.

If it is said that Xiong Bingkun only has a little prestige among the soldiers, then Wu Zhaolin has a very high prestige among the officers.Even the soldiers knew that Wu Zhaolin's military talents were extraordinary, so how could the officers in the battalion not know?
In fact, many officers participated in tonight's operation intentionally, but they could not follow Xiong Bingkun's blind command, and they knew that they could not command Xiong Bingkun.Originally, everyone thought that the uprising tonight was pure nonsense and that there was absolutely no possibility of success.But as soon as Wu Zhaolin came out, the officers immediately changed their views.Since Wu Zhaolin is willing to come out, then tonight's business will most likely be successful, so run out quickly.Moreover, the officers have always remembered Wu Zhaolin and are willing to obey his orders.

With the participation of such a group of speculators with great military capabilities, the situation of the revolution was suddenly reversed, from weak to strong in an instant.The east is about to know, and there is already a faint hope for the success of the revolution.

With success in sight, it is perhaps understandable that everyone is speculating on the revolution.However, Wu Zhaolin was not a member of the revolutionaries, and he had no idea what the purpose of the revolution was. So why did he stand up at the critical moment and lead the revolution to success?

The reason is clear, just two words:
Itchy hands.

(4) Get rid of this bastard
Professionals have a fatal weakness. Once they encounter a time when they can give full play to their professional abilities, they will be unable to hold back, eager to try, with itchy palms and twitching index fingers.

Xiong Bingkun is a professional revolutionist, and he is very excited when he hears about the revolution.Wu Zhaolin is a professional military strategist, and his whole body trembles with excitement when he hears about the war.

When Xiong Bingkun was full of enthusiasm, running around, contacting all directions, and throwing himself into the passion of revolution, Wu Zhaolin was squatting at the small desk, holding military monographs and thinking hard.In the New Army of the Eighth Town, everyone knew that Wu Zhaolin had strong military ability, and everyone respected him.But how strong his military ability is and how strong it is is not only unclear to others, even Wu Zhaolin has no idea.

In fact, Wu Zhaolin possessed unique skills in vain, but he was not recognized in the new army of the Eighth Town—look at his humble official rank, he is just a small team officer.What he learned was the skill of slaying dragons, but he had nothing to do with himself, but he couldn't find a place to use it in the peaceful time.

In fact, what made Wu Zhaolin angry the most was controlling Zhang Biao.He and Zhang Biao just constituted the two extremes of the New Army of the Eighth Town—he was extremely capable but had a very small official position, while Zhang Biao was extremely capable but had the highest official position.Such a stark comparison, if Wu Zhaolin didn't have the slightest feeling in his heart, then unless he was a wooden man.

Wu Zhaolin may not have much feeling for revolution, but his feeling for controlling Zhang Biao must be very strong.This should be beyond doubt.

But this strong feeling is just an unspeakable humiliation.

He has always been a disappointment, it is obvious to all, and everyone knows his military talents. Except for his teacher Li Yuanhong, he does not think of being second to others, but his official position is so small that he can't even touch Zhang Biao's boots.

It's so unfair.

However, this Qing Empire is such a fucking look.The talented and capable were humiliated and suppressed, while the incompetent were on top of the blue sky. Not to mention that he was just a small team officer, even his teacher Li Yuanhong could only swallow his anger in front of Zhang Biao.

Get rid of that bastard Zhang Biao!
Dreaming back at midnight, Wu Zhaolin must have yelled like this again and again in his heart.

But the yelling can only be suppressed in the heart, the more suppressed this kind of anger, the stronger it is, and finally it is so strong that it is out of control.

It was so strong that he was not a member of the revolutionaries, but he claimed to come to speculate on the revolution and usurp the achievements of the revolution.

He wants Zhang Biao, who is in charge, to see who is the real military expert, I, Wu Zhaolin, or you, Zhang Biao.

Get rid of Zhang Biao!

Grandma, Zhang Biao must be killed.

Standing on the Chu Watchtower, looking down at the city of Wuchang.

Wu Zhaolin's heart sank instantly.

He discovered a terrible fact. In fact, he might not be able to kill Zhang Biao, but let Zhang Biao kill him instead.

Not only him, but all the revolutionaries who rose up tonight will be killed by Zhang Biao.

(5) Life is such a revolution

Standing on the Chu watchtower, what Wu Zhaolin saw was that there were only a few dozen party members brought by Xiong Bingkun, plus a group of officers who ran out after him, and they were making a fuss here. Under Chu Wangtai, in Wuchang City, the eighth town's new army's battalions and battalions were completely dark, silent, and there was no movement at all.

All the standard battalions were pretending to be asleep, waiting for dawn, and the mob on the Chu watchtower collapsed without a fight under the harassing hunger and cold.

Even if Wu Zhaolin's troops were divided into ten groups and attacked Wuchang City at night, as long as the standard battalions did not react, then his Wu Shitiao might not be more effective than Xiong Shitiao.

Wu Zhaolin knew he was in trouble.

In order to grab credit and convince the crowd, he even changed the slogan issued by Xiong Bingkun to "Xing Han" in a superfluous way, but only a few of them responded, what a bastard.

The number of people is too small, this man is really not happy.

Deputy Commander Xiong Bingkun!Wu Zhaolin shouted.

Xiong Bingkun straddled his gun and walked over with his head drooping.Looking back on this period of history later, he stated in his own words: In order to display the attacking spirit of the whole army, I am in the position of counselor and surveillance.

That is to say, when the matter has come to this point, his old Xiong really doesn't understand how to reform the law, so he can only leave it to Wu Zhaolin to reform.And his job from now on, Lao Xiong himself, is to be responsible for supervising Wu Zhaolin, to see how he can reform the law.

Just listen to Wu Zhaolin's order: Now you lead the entire reserve team, enter the skirmisher trenches, and open fire fiercely at the standard battalions in the city.

Xiong Bingkun was stunned for a while, and then he slapped his thigh, suddenly realizing.

Right, fate is such a revolution.

Since you are not revolutionizing, then revolutionize your lives.

This is the iron and blood law of revolution.There is no middle ground in the revolution. Either join us in the revolution, or let us revolutionize your revolution. If you don’t talk about it in the middle of the night, come out to make a revolution. How can you sleep? If you don’t come out to make a revolution, you will all be killed.

The gun rang, and dense bullets flew towards the barracks in the city. In the barracks, which was originally dead and silent, everything exploded in an instant, and ghosts and wolves howled amidst the flickering lights.

(6) Someone beat us outside
Although the uprising of the party members has already made a lot of noise, more people in the standard camps and schools in Wuchang are not aware of it and are ignorant of it.For example, in Wuchang Army No. [-] Middle School, it was still a peaceful scene. After dinner, the students, with their books between them, ran to the classroom to occupy seats for self-study. They had no idea that something earth-shattering happened at this night.

Opened the book, just entered the state of study, the instructor came suddenly and told all the students to go back to the dormitory immediately and go to bed early, at this time it was only 9:10 in the evening, the students made a lot of noise, and they went back to the dormitory with their books like little sheep .

After brushing their teeth and washing their feet, the light-off signal sounded. All the students hurriedly took off their clothes, climbed onto the cold bed, closed their eyes and forced themselves to fall asleep. Just as they were in a daze, suddenly there was a loud gunshot in the darkness. They didn't bother to put on their clothes, and they all jumped up from the bed with a wow.

I heard the instructor order from outside the door: "Lie down, all of you lie down, and sleep in your sleep... Before the words were finished, there was another round of gunshots. This time, the impact point of the bullets was obviously lower, and some bullets actually hit the doors and windows." superior.

The students were stunned: Instructor, instructor, someone shot us...

The instructor said gently: Don't worry about it, as long as you lie on the kang and don't move around or run around, the bullets won't hit you.

But the students were scared: Instructor, who is the person who shot outside? It's fine, why did he shoot us?

The instructor said: You don't care who the people outside are, anyway, you have to be careful, don't let them hit you.

Having said that, the gunshots started again, and the impact point of the bullets was even lower. Look at this posture, the people who fired outside obviously wanted to find some students to practice their marksmanship and try their luck.All the students were startled and frightened, they didn't dare to disobey the instructor's order to get up, and lay down on the kang screaming desperately.

The whole school howled miserably, like a frog in a pond being boiled.The instructor outside the door shouted to stop, but it didn't work.At this time, the temporary emergency horn sounded suddenly, and it was obvious that the school was frightened by the screams.

The students got up in the dark, stumbling and scrambling for clothes and trousers. The chaotic scene was lively and exciting. After the chaos, all the students followed the instructor's ass and fled to the shooting range.Then the instructor told everyone: You all squat down, stay where you are, and don't stand up, as long as you don't stand up, the bullets outside will not be able to hit you.

But why do people outside beat us?All the students were inexplicably sad and angry, and they had to figure out this problem no matter what they said. do I know why?The instructor was vague and refused to tell the students.

Fortunately, among these students, there were also many small revolutionaries, so they took this opportunity to convey the news to everyone: those who shot outside were the revolutionaries from the Eighth Town, and they had already started an incident tonight.The reason why they beat us was to urge us to fight with them. If we didn't go out, they probably wouldn't be polite to us.

The more the news spreads, the more realistic it becomes, and the more it spreads, the more it has its nose and eyes.Not long after, everyone knew that it was the South Lake Artillery Team that was shooting outside. If everyone didn't get up and respond, the artillery team would not be polite to fire. In fact, it was Xiong Bingkun, Old Xiong and others who were shooting outside. The South Lake Artillery Team was always Silent, but the artillery team is obviously more deterrent than Xiong Bingkun, there is no doubt about it.

Knowing that it was the artillery team that fired the guns outside, the students were terrified and screamed in unison: "Instructor, instructor, it doesn't work if we just squat here, as long as someone fires a shell, everyone will be finished." .

The instructor said: Shoot?This is unlikely, right?

(End of this chapter)

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