The Republic is so violent

Chapter 59 Sharpening the Knife 1 Wipe the Dragon Slaying Skill

Chapter 59
The students were anxious: How could it be impossible? They have already fired at us, and of course they will also shoot at us.

Instructor: Don't be in a hurry, and don't quarrel like this.

How could the students not be in a hurry, and shouted in unison: Instructor, give us the bullets, why do they shoot at us, but we can only be beaten?
The instructor said: "Bullets...we are a school, so we don't have many bullets."You should always know that when you were shooting targets before, you had no bullets, so you were asked to make bang bang sounds with your mouth, pretending to have bullets.

At this time, the students shouted in unison: "Fire bullets, fire bullets, fire bullets...

Instructor: There are really no bullets to fire...

Student boy: Send bullets!Shoot!bullets...

Instructor: No bullets...

Students: Send bullets, send bullets, even if there are no bullets...

Instructor: Look at you kids, how do you shoot without bullets?
Students: Send bullets, send bullets, we will fight whoever gives us bullets!
At this time, Li Baobing, a revolutionary in the school, stood up: everyone, be quiet, be quiet, if you can trust me, Li Baobing, I guarantee that everyone of you will have bullets.As long as your teams send representatives out with me, contact the revolutionary parties outside, and agree to work with them, they will definitely send us bullets, and they will stop firing at us.

In an instant, the students all became excited and shouted in unison: Whoever shoots us bullets, we will do it with whoever, instructor, instructor, where did the instructor go?
It turned out that the instructor, seeing the situation out of control, slipped away quietly in the dark.The undisciplined students were so excited that they elected Li Baobing as the team leader on the playground, and sent a representative out to contact the Revolutionary Party.Tell the Revolutionary Party that the students of the Army No. [-] Middle School are willing to work with the Revolutionary Party, and don't bombard us.

(7) Bloody carnage

A gunshot on the Chu Watch Tower brought revolution and riots to Hubei.The party members who were originally guarded by the chiefs of the standard battalions all took this opportunity to rush out, Xingye rushed to Chu Wangtai to meet Xiong Bingkun.

In the dark night, clusters, clusters, and teams were all revolutionaries rushing towards Chuwangtai in the dark.

More than 30 brothers of the No.100 target came first, and then, Cai Jimin, the most popular member of the revolutionary party, came with more than 100 people. , attributed to the presence of Cai Jimin himself, but in fact, brother Cai, the revolutionary, was shot randomly by Wu Zhaolin, who was the least willing to revolutionize.

More than 100 students from the School of Surveying and Mapping also came.

The number of rebels soared by hundreds and hundreds.

Wu Zhaolin let out a long breath of relief.He knows that from now on, the uprising will be considered to have entered the formal stage, and this means:

Brutal killing and bloodshed.

In Wuchang City, all schools sent representatives to collect bullets from the Chu Watch Tower. Xu Qiming from the Army No. [-] Middle School was also among these representatives. According to his description of what he saw along the way:
... I was only eighteen or nineteen years old this year, and I had longed for the revolution for a long time, so I didn't feel afraid at all, but I couldn't help being shocked when I saw the uprising soldiers in the Eighth Town murder the bannermen, the old, the weak, women and children.I saw with my own eyes an old man was dragged out of the house and a soldier stabbed him.Many banner people lived next to the Chu Watchtower, there were many dead bodies, and the gutters were full of blood.We used to say: It is not good to kill children.Those soldiers said: That is the bannerman.We say: the revolution cannot kill people casually.They only replied: Ten days in Yangzhou, three massacres in Jiading.It can be seen that this kind of slogan based on ethnic hatred has penetrated into the hearts of ordinary Han people. Once there is an incident, they will retaliate with anger...

Bannermen, old and young, were slaughtered, and this was due to the backward military system of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.Although the Qing Dynasty, under the insistence of Rong Lu Tieliang and others, spared no expense to build a new army.But because they were afraid of the new army's uprising, they transferred the bannermen to guard the new army, but these bannermen still followed the old system, and even the layout of the barracks was based on families. With families and dependents, all the old and young live in the barracks, and even children are born in the barracks.

Banner soldiers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty were the benefit class who enjoyed special state allowances. When a man became a banner soldier, he not only received his own rations, but what he received was called male rations, and his wife also received a share, called female rations. Participation... These special interest classes are nothing more than ordinary people at the lower level, but when the revolutionary trend broke out, the banner soldiers were the first to bear the brunt and became the first sacrifices.

The flag soldiers had guns and cannons in their hands, but their women and children were unarmed, especially those old and weak women and children, who became the key targets of the revolution.

The old and young women and children were all killed, and the next to be killed were the banner soldiers who fled in all directions.

To kill all the bannermen, you must first capture the supervisory office, which is the base camp of No.30 bannermen.Just as Wu Zhaolin was lining up his troops, bad news came from the mountain:

The right-hand army Kuang Minggong and Cai Jimin failed to attack the supervisory office, and they have retreated to the Jinshui gate and are on standby.

Hearing this news, Wu Zhaolin was furious, and immediately ordered: Kuang Gongming lost his opportunity before the battle, and he should be executed according to the law.

Take his head to see.

After all, Wu Zhaolin is a sensible person. Both Kuang Gongming and Cai Jimin were defeated. He only ordered the killing of the officer Kuang Gongming, but he did not dare to kill the party member Cai Jimin. After all, the Revolutionary Party is really not easy to mess with.

(8) Dark Night Black Gun Confused Battle
In fact, Wu Zhaolin not only did not dare to kill Cai Jimin during the night battle of the Wuchang Uprising, but even Kuang Gongming was finally "exempted by his colleagues", which means that the soldiers of the three armies pleaded for Kuang Gongming together, so Wu Zhaolin also fell down the slope. Donkey, right to send Kuang Gongming's head around his neck.In the end, Wu Zhaolin didn't have any blood feud with Lao Kuang, and he had to be killed, but the soldiers were like fire, the law was like a mountain, and the war had progressed to this point, and everyone could no longer control themselves.

There is also a reason for Kuang Gongming and Cai Jimin's failure to attack the Supervision Office, and they underestimated the strict prevention of the Supervision Office.At that time, Kuang Gongming and Cai Jimin led the crowd to attack the backyard of the Superintendent's Office. For its own safety, the Superintendent's Office had already mobilized its troops and ambushed in Dusi Lane.Unknown to Kuang Gongming and Cai Jimin, they still followed the original deployment, first sent a few soldiers to scout ahead, followed by a large group of people, and accidentally turned around Dusi Lane, only to encounter fierce machine gun fire from the front.

At that time, the machine gun was a more terrifying weapon than the artillery. When the machine gun fired, the bullets were as dense as rain, and it was not as inflexible as the artillery.Coupled with Ye Hei's inability to see things, and the sudden burst of machine guns in front, Kuang Gongming and Cai Jiming couldn't move forward at all.

If you can't go forward, then go back.

But in things like battle, once you can't move forward, you often can't even retreat.Kuang Gongming and Cai Jimin only retreated, their minds were confused, and they missed their guard. When the two small troops could barely retreat to Shigu Lane, there was a sudden sound of gunfire in the alley, and bullets flew across the alley. The two small troops were cut off on the spot. I don't know how many people died on the spot, and I don't know how many people escaped safely. I haven't even figured out who the enemy was in Shigu Lane.

In short, dark night and black guns are fighting in a muddleheaded battle.

Seeing the defeat of the two armies, Wu Zhaolin calmly issued a frightening order:

Fire attack!

Burn the street!

With this order, in an instant, from Wangfukou to Dusi Lane, from Shuilu Street to Dalong Lane to Xiaocaichang, from Baoanmen Main Street to Wangshanmen Main Street to Dongyuanmen, all three roads were on fire at the same time.The blazing flames enveloped the poor governor's office in black smoke.

Three raging fires swept towards the Superintendent's Office. At that time, Governor Rui Chan was stunned, thinking that the revolutionaries are too fierce. If you can't beat them, you should surrender quickly. If you surrender, you will have dinner tomorrow morning. What kind of fire did you set off in the middle of the night, and let people stop?
Just don't let you stop!
At this time, the rebel army came to help again. Wu Zhaolin geared up and vowed to take down the supervisory office.

(9) Anyway, just listen to the sound
In Xiong Bingkun's mind, there was a serious artillery plot.

Because according to the first combat plan released by the Gongjin Association and the Literature Society, the Nanhu Artillery Team launched the attack first, and then fired from all sides, blooming from all sides, and urged the standard battalions to respond.Unexpectedly, the Nanhu Artillery Team was always silent, forcing Xiong Bingkun and his old man to go into battle shirtless, and rushed out of the barracks with spittoons and toilets, and rushed to Chuwangtai first.However, the South Lake Artillery Team never fired the cannon, which made Xiong Bingkun very sad.

So the first thing Xiong Bingkun did was to order the party member Jin Zhaolong to take people out of the city to meet the Nanhu Artillery Team.

It is said that Jin Zhaolong led people to the city gate, and found that the city gate was tightly closed. A huge iron lock that was one foot long and weighed three catties sealed the city gate firmly.Looking around, there were no soldiers guarding the city, and they all fled away early because they didn't want to be involved in this unnamed war.

So Jin Zhaolong clasped the big lock with both hands, pushed it to his arms, and heard a crash, the big iron lock, which was solid and solid, was broken into several pieces by Jin Zhaolong. This strange thing even shocked Jin Zhaolong himself.

The gate of the city was opened, and Jin Zhaolong led the crowd out of the city.But he doesn't want to control Zhang Biao. Although his military ability is poor, he has been a leader for many years, and he knows the whole plan of the party members' uprising. , informed No. 30 Second Standard Commander Sun Guoan, and ordered him to send people to intercept on the road in advance.

After Sun Guoan received the call, he stood at attention, reported to the chief, and promised to complete the task.After hanging up the phone, I thought about it, in the middle of the night, the brothers have already fallen asleep, who should I send?Whoever is sent has an opinion.If there is, send team officer Chu Ying to go.

Did Chuying have no objections?
He can't have an opinion, because he is a bannerman, and the revolutionary party is anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, and it is the bannermen who want to kill.So Pai Chuying is the most suitable for this matter.

So in the middle of the night, Chu Ying had no choice but to rub her sleepy eyes and lead the two teams of brothers to set up on the main road, but he was also angry.You said it was in the middle of the night, not sleeping on the kang, but came to this barren mountain to block the revolutionaries.Why do other people lie in the comfortable bed and sleep soundly, let me suffer this crime?Oh, just because I'm a Bannerman?What's wrong with me being a bannerman?I am not the only banner man in Wuchang city, so why should I come?
Besides, the revolutionary party has a lot of spirit, and they want to revolutionize without sleeping in the middle of the night. The feeling is that life in the army is too comfortable... Just as I was thinking, Jin Zhaolong's team appeared in front, and the two sides shouted: Hey, what are you doing?What are you doing?Regardless of what I do, tell me what you do first?If you don't say what you do, I won't say what I do... After a short call, the two sides exchanged fire.After fighting for a while, the soldier reported: Report to the team officer, we can't beat him.

Why can't you beat it?Chu Ying was angry and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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