The Republic is so violent

Chapter 60 Sharpening the Knife 1 Wipe the Dragon Slaying Skill

Chapter 60
The soldier replied: We have many people, but they are few, so we really can't beat them...

We have more people, but we can't beat them with fewer people?After questioning, Chu Ying finally came to her senses: she couldn't beat her, she really couldn't beat her.Although there are many people on my side, each person only has a few bullets, and although there are few people on the other side, the bullets are endless... Is the revolutionary party of emotion carrying an armory on the night road?
What should I do if I can't beat it?Die for your country?

Don't talk nonsense, since you can't fight, go back to sleep. The order above is to tell them to intercept the villains, but what they didn't say is an army armed to the teeth. They have so many bullets that they can't afford to provoke them. , Hurry up and go back. When you have a business tomorrow, you will say... that you have already defeated the bandits, and then you will withdraw your troops and go back to rest.

So Chuying ignored Jin Zhaolong and led her team back to the camp to sleep.On Jin Zhaolong's side, he continued to move forward vigorously.

Walking to the South Lake Military Parade Pavilion, I encountered a cavalry patrol.Of course, this cavalry team was also sent by Zhang Biao. He was worried that there was only one group of people, and he would not be able to stop the party members, so Zhang Biao arranged another one.

Both sides shouted: Stop making trouble, why are you making trouble in the middle of the night, go back to camp and sleep quickly... Then there was a fierce exchange of fire.Jin Zhaolong took advantage of the abundance of bullets and kept shooting desperately. The cavalry brothers had no bullets, so they could only retreat in embarrassment.

Arrived at the back door of the eighth artillery team.

Jin Zhaolong fired and ordered the artillery team brothers to open the door quickly and start the revolution.The party members of the Pao Pou took the opportunity to make a fuss, and the officers had nothing to do, and like other parties, they climbed over the wall and went into the toilet to hide. Because the Pao Poo was controlled by the Revolutionary Party, they welcomed Jin Zhaolong inside, and after the victory reunion, Discuss a plan of action.

Jin Zhaolong conveyed Xiong Bingkun's opinion that the Paobiao brothers should quickly drag the cannon to the Chu Watchtower, go up the mountain, and aim the cannon at Wuchang City condescendingly, and the event will be settled.

But Brother Paobiao shook his head again and again. The cannon was made of cooked steel and pig iron. It is too difficult to do.

Jin Zhaolong was in a hurry and repeated Xiong Bingkun's words: ... the comrades in the city look forward to the artillery team entering the city, like looking forward to the clouds in a severe drought...

The meaning of this sentence is that if the Paobiao brothers can't drag the cannon up the mountain and overlook Wuchang City, I'm afraid that all the brothers will be finished.

is it so serious?

It's more serious than that!The Yijun brothers Mi Ji Chu Wangtai put all their eggs in one basket, abandoned their family and business, had no logistics, no back-up.In other words, the brothers who rebelled lacked enough stamina. If the situation cannot be completely controlled tonight, the rebel army will collapse without a fight when the water is cut off tomorrow morning.

So Brother Paobiao must find a way, and drag the cannon into the city no matter what.

After discussion, the Paobiao brothers decided to get three small light cannons first, and Jin Zhaolong and others would escort them into the city. Anyway, everyone just wanted to hear the cannon fire, so it was not difficult to handle.

(10) Problem Solving When It’s Dark
On the Chu Watchtower, the sound of cannons sounded, and the situation changed drastically in an instant.

Xiong Bingkun described the situation at that time, saying: Even the complete independence of Wuchang was also facilitated by the sound of rumbling guns...

The sound of the artillery pushed the Wuchang army into an intersection where they had no choice. If there was no one to respond to any standard battalion, it must be the key target of the artillery attack. In the middle of the night, who would like to be bombarded?

People from the No. 20 Nine Bids 30rd Battalion came, and No. 20 Bids 20nd Battalion and [-]rd Battalion all came. The battalion arrived one after another.Wu Zhaolin was overjoyed, and first ordered the artillery, engineering, and supply battalions belonging to the No. [-] Mixed Association to occupy the Snake Mountain position and form a corner with Chuwangtai.He ordered the men of Nanhu Paobiao to return quickly and drag all the artillery over.The cannon is really useful.

The next task is to capture the supervisor's office first, and then kill the flag soldiers.

Wu Zhaolin said: If the enemy is not defeated tonight, we will be captured by dawn.

The meaning of Wu Zhaolin's words is very clear: Don't look at the current revolutionary situation, but in fact everyone is afraid that you will hit him with a cannon, so they come to join in the fun. By dawn, the revolutionary team will quickly split up. I am afraid that [-]% of the rebels on the battlefield will turn against the water and capture less than [-]% of the revolutionaries.

So we must solve the problem before dawn.

How to solve it?

Wu Zhaolin issued an order for the second time:

[-]. Xiong Bingkun led the whole rear team to attack the Supervisory Office through Jinshui Gate and Baoanmen Main Street. Wu Zhenglin led the front team to assist Xiong Bingkun to advance along the Baoanmen city wall to Wangshanmen, but a shed of troops was needed to communicate between the two lines .

29. Huang Chunan led the whole left team, and after attacking the supervisory office in Xiaodusi Lane, Wangfukou, Yao Jinyong led the right team of the [-]th Battalion, followed by Huang Chunan's reserve team.

[-]. Chen Guozhen deployed two cannons across the mountain, arranged them on the Baoanmen city, and fired at the supervisory office.

[-]. Cao Feilong led the soldiers from the right team to cover the Baoanmen artillery team.

[-]. Fangxing used more than [-] surveying and mapping students as the general reserve team, and consolidated the defense of the Chu Watchtower and the Ordnance Institute.

Commander-in-Chief Wu Zhaolin sent it to the Ordnance Station at 2 o'clock in the morning on the [-]th (lunar calendar).

Comparing the two orders issued by Wu Zhaolin, in the latter one, the number of organizational units involved in the operation has obviously expanded. From the "squad" in the first order to the current team, the number of the reserve team alone has exceeded The total number of people when the first order was issued, on Wu Zhaolin's side, was a bit rich and powerful.

This order brought three direct consequences:
The first consequence is that the governor, Rui Chan, couldn't stand Wu Zhaolin's violent attacks one after another. When he got angry, he said: "Everyone, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come over here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, all of you." Shooting guns, making noise, it's too annoying, let's not bother with them, just clean up the gold and silver at home, and our family will go on vacation on the Chuyu warship.

At this time, the cannon fire on the Chu Watchtower was bombarding the supervisory office without thinking. Outside the supervisory office, there were party members who were killing and screaming, attacking from different directions. The most terrible thing was that there were three fires burning down the street. Blazing flames swept towards the supervisory office.The governor Ruizhang was calm and composed, and ordered the guards to cut open the back wall, and took his family and trusted friend Tie Zhong with him, and Guo Qing'a fled.

The second consequence of Wu Zhaolin's order was that the No. 30 standard soldiers were all killed.

(11) Ghosts of the Ancient City

No.30 standard banner soldiers suffered catastrophe and were killed in the Revolution of [-]. There was really no way out.

At the beginning of the party's uprising, they slaughtered the family members of the banner soldiers, old and young, who lived near Chuwangtai, and slaughtered them clean.For some murderers, they have already killed their parents, wives and children, and the next step is of course to kill the grass and roots, leaving no one behind.

Regarding the massacre of the flag soldiers by the revolutionaries, Wan Yecai, a soldier of the No. 30 No. [-] Town of the New Army’s No. [-] Town, the rear team of the Second Battalion, gave a brief account:

... At that time, the revolutionaries did not have a policy of giving preferential treatment to prisoners, and the policy of surrendering their guns and not killing them.As long as the banner soldiers were caught, they were either killed on the spot or sent to the military government to be shot. Few survived.After some bannermen were captured, they did not speak until their death, and the more silent they were, the more they proved to be bannermen.Some learned from the Hubei cavity to deal with the interrogation, trying to pass the customs in a foolish way. The revolutionaries came up with an ingenious method. Anyone who entered and exited the city gate had to read 660 before entering and exiting. The Hubei pronunciation of 660 is Lu Bai Lu Si Lu, and it is not easy for people who are not born and raised in Wuhan to learn exactly the same.In this way, the banner soldiers cannot get out of the city.It wasn't until three days after the Shouyi's success that the military government issued an order that the hunting and killing stopped...

The narration of the old man Wan Yecai reveals to us a clear message: the hunting and killing of the party members in the city is not limited to the banner people, but the indiscriminate killing by the unknown.

It turned out that most of the [-] flag soldiers were transferred from the three northeastern provinces, and the party members were identified only by the northeast accent, which would inevitably kill many people from the northeast and even other regions in vain.In fact, except for the local people in Wuhan who can proficiently pronounce the accent of "Lu Bai Lu Si Lu", it is impossible for people from other regions to pronounce it, so they have to be killed.

The old man Wan Yecai explained:
...Maybe some people use a modern perspective to blame the revolutionaries of the year for killing people indiscriminately.This is mainly due to the fact that the Han soldiers and the general public had suffered from the cruel oppression and discrimination of the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty for a long time, and had accumulated too much hatred.At the time of the first righteousness, things were done hastily, and there was no perfect organizational leadership.The banner soldiers who were killed were nothing more than funerary objects and scapegoats for the feudal rulers.For this, the revolutionaries have no historical responsibility...

Here, the old man Wan Yecai said that the Revolutionary Party "did not have a perfect organizational leadership" when it started the uprising, which is a good idea. In fact, the command system of the rebel army was destroyed by the Qing court, Sun Wu was injured and hospitalized, and Jiang Yiwu fled. If Xiong Bingkun hadn't caught Wu Zhaolin as the commander-in-chief of the uprising, the outcome of the uprising would be extremely unpredictable.

At that time, Wu Zhaolin ordered Chu Wangtai and the artillery marks on Snake Mountain to aim the cannons at the [-] standard soldiers and bombard them fiercely. Only the standard soldiers fled in all directions, crying and howling like ghosts and wolves. Hide among the reeds in the lake.But the insurgents came after them with guns, searched along the long lake, or shot at the dense reeds, and the people hiding inside were forced to crawl out. If the accent is wrong, shoot and kill immediately.

Some students did not dare to shoot and kill, so they escorted the captured flag soldiers to Chu Wangtai. Therefore, the constant gunshots on Chu Wangtai at that time were the sounds of shooting these captives.

During the tragic killing, a person suddenly came to Chuwangtai, but it was Li Yuanhong's orderly No. 20. He called Liu Guoxiang. He said to Wu Zhaolin: Commander Li ordered to arrive at Chuwangtai at 5 o'clock in the morning.After saying this, Liu Guoxiang turned his head and left.This situation aroused Xiong Bingkun's suspicion, so he immediately arrested Liu Guoxiang and interrogated him in detail.

Xiong Bingkun asked Liu Guoxiang: Li Yuanhong is coming, is he coming to surrender to our revolutionary army, or is he going to lead troops to fight against us?

Liu Guoxiang shook his head: Li Yuantong asked me to convey this order, I don't know about other things.

Xiong Bingkun said: Then you go back right away, and come back and tell us after you have asked clearly.

Liu Guoxiang was gone, but Wu Zhaolin's military power was also restricted.Now he can only command the Eighth Battalion of the Engineering Battalion, which is Xiong Bingkun's own troops, but the rest of the troops are all acting on their own and fighting on their own-in fact, they are all hiding aside to watch the battle. No matter who wins, they will end up with who Walk.

Just at this juncture, Zhang Biao, the leader of the capital, led an army to kill in a diagonal stab.

Zhang Biao, he finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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