The Republic is so violent

Chapter 61 The Man Who Destroyed the Empire

Chapter 61 The Man Who Destroyed the Empire (1)
(1) Forced revolution
Zhang Biao led the army to prominence, which was the third result of the order issued by Wu Zhaolin.

At first he stayed put, not because he was afraid of the Revolutionary Party. No matter how weak he was, he had led the army for many years and had very rich experience in running the army.There are two reasons for the delay in moving. One is that he hopes that the standard battalions can restrain their soldiers. As long as the standard battalions do not move, the rioters will not be able to make a name for themselves. , Sending a few detectives can bring the party members to justice.Second, Zhang Biao was worried about the safety of Governor Rui Chan, so he didn't dare to leave. It wasn't until Rui Chan led his family to dig a wall and leave.

Zhang Biao went out and led two teams of machine guns and supply battalions, and dozens of armed firefighters, occupying the city wall of Wangshanmen.

After all, he is a veteran who has guarded Wuchang for many years. Once Zhang Biao came out, it really wasn't his fault.You must know that Wuchang soldiers have formed a heart of taboo, fear and obedience towards him over the years. At this time, they suddenly saw him appearing, sitting on the city wall, with a huge white flag behind him, and wrote:
This command was not strict in leading the troops, which caused Er and others to rebel.You all have wealth, and your parents and wives are waiting for you. You should reflect on yourself as soon as possible, return to the team and return to the camp, and never look into the past. The system is unpredictable!

The words are like the mouth of a bowl, the ink is still wet, and it unfolds with the wind, which is shocking!
The place where Zhang Biao appeared was also a bit weird, which surprised the party members.At that time, the vanguard of the party members had already attacked the Wangshan Gate, crossed the gate of a soy sauce garden, and was only more than a hundred meters away from the Dongyuan Gate of the Supervision Office. As long as they charged again, they could enter the Supervision Office.The party members are gearing up for themselves, and they have completed their achievements in the battle. If they don't watch out for Zhang Biao suddenly appearing from behind, he cut off the party members' offensive at once.

At that time, when the rebels saw Zhang Biao, they were stunned. Suddenly, someone yelled, turned around and left. In an instant, the crowd ebbed like a tide, and the entire offensive formation collapsed completely with a bang.

Even Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide, who had broken Changtupo, may not have the prestige of Zhang Biao today.

When Zhang Biao appeared, the rebel army collapsed in shock, which is normal after careful investigation.You must know that the current rebel army was forced to revolt under the muzzle of guns, and its composition is very complicated. Although the young students are obsessed with revolution, their minds are not yet mature. When a child meets an adult, he will instinctively shrink back.However, the experienced members of the rebel army participated in the uprising originally unwillingly, but only saw that the rebel army had hope of winning, so they came to grab a spoonful of soup. At this time, they suddenly saw Zhang Biao in uniform, not angry but threatened , feeling a sudden sense of fear in their hearts, they threw away their guns and armor and turned around and fled, which was really reasonable for them.

The rebel army fled completely, but Wu Zhenglin was miserable.

Wu Zhenglin was just a small former platoon leader, so why was he the only one who got screwed?

Think about the second order issued by Wu Zhaolin, what is the first order?
[-]. Xiong Bingkun led the whole rear team to attack the Supervisory Office through Jinshui Gate and Baoanmen Main Street. Wu Zhenglin led the front team to assist Xiong Bingkun to advance along the Baoanmen city wall to Wangshanmen, but a shed of troops was needed to communicate between the two lines .

Do you see clearly?The defense area of ​​the former team leader Wu Zhenglin happened to coincide with the location where Zhang Biao came out, and they were both at the Wangshan Gate.

Everyone else could run, but Wu Zhenglin had nowhere to run - he was blocked by Zhang Biao.

Look at Zhang Biao's good deeds, what do you think he is doing to block Wu Zhenglin?Even if you don't let people run away, isn't that forcing them to continue the revolution?

Wu Zhenglin had no choice but to bite the bullet and carry the revolution through to the end.

(2) Most Malevolent Invention


As soon as Zhang Biaofu appeared, the armed fire brigade under his command charged forward with bright axes.They were all strong and fierce young men, who only half-fed a meal and needed two drawers of meat buns, and they were even more unambiguous in fights. With just a small charge, they broke through the defense line of Wu Zhenglin's department.

Run for your life... The little soldiers under Wu Zhenglin turned around and wanted to run away. This turn around was amazing, only to hear the sound of gunfire behind them, and several soldiers fell to the ground.

Who shot in the back?

It's the supervisor team!

What happened to the Supervising Team?
Speaking of this supervising team, it is enough to give a military lesson to those careless war lunatics.If we pay attention to the history of military warfare, we will find that in any small-scale exchange of fire, the two sides only exchanged symbolic shots a few times. If one side insists on not retreating, the other side will make concessions.

For example, Jin Zhaolong, a member of the party, greeted Nanhu Pao Bao, and encountered two interceptions along the way, but the other party only stopped symbolically, and then retreated, and there was no large group of people chasing after the incident. Why?

This is because only those who are on the battlefield know that war is the most cruel game in the world, and it is all right in the era of cold weapons. Only this firearm is the most vicious invention in the world. , The light ones are disabled, the severe ones are killed, and this kind of damage is irreparable and irreversible.Whatever the value of the war you fought in, once you were shot you lost its value.

The outcome of wars in the age of firearms is doomed to have nothing to do with the dead.Since the death rate on the battlefield is so high, the survival instinct of human beings makes soldiers seek self-protection before the battle-the safest way to protect themselves in this world is to turn around and run first when the war breaks out. Being able to escape faster than bullets is the aspiration of the soldiers on the battlefield—if this statement is completely unreasonable, then there will be no freaks like the Supervising Team.

The Supervising Team The Supervising Team, as the name suggests, is also a powerful fighting force, but this force does not go to the battlefield, but behind the participating troops, using the sharpest muskets to aim at the backs of their brothers. If you suddenly turn around and want to escape during the firefight, OK, then I will give you a shot immediately.

In other words, the Supervising Team is an armed force that is responsible for killing the timid soldiers in its own team.Since this army is specifically picking on its own comrades-in-arms to attack, the weapons it uses must be the sharpest, lest when it fails to supervise the battle, it will be wiped out by its own troops participating in the battle.

At this time, behind the buttocks of the former platoon leader Wu Zhenglin, there was such a supervising force, and the name of the supervising team was Que Longzhi.When Que Longzhi saw that Wu Zhenglin's team was broken by Zhang Biao's armed firefighters, the soldiers turned around and wanted to flee, so they immediately shot and killed the fleeing soldiers, in order to intimidate the rest of the soldiers to come forward and fight for their lives.

If he fled backward, he would definitely be killed by the supervising team. If he rushed forward, he might even try to survive.This is the cruelty of modern warfare.The meaning of this cruelty is that since you are on the battlefield, you are probably already regarded as a dead person. Anyway, if you dare not die under the gun of the enemy, it is inevitable that the brothers of the supervising team will use you to practice.

Soldiers from Wu Zhenglin's department had nowhere to go and were forced to turn around and fight with armed firefighters.The fire brigade found that these guys were really desperate, and hurriedly retreated. After studying Wu Zhenglin's style of play, they found that the strength of the opponent's soldiers to revolutionize to the end came from a supervisory team in the rear.

So the firefighters discussed for a while, changed their tactics, and organized another round of charge. They still broke through the defense line of Wu Zhenglin's department easily. He shot, and Que Long's hands and feet exploded on the spot, and his body was covered in blood. He was already seriously injured, and he couldn't kill his brother who escaped.

Seeing that there was a way to escape, all the soldiers shouted in unison and walked in all directions.

Wu Zhenglin's troops were defeated, and the next target was the two heavy cannons that the rebels set up on Baoanmen City.

Zhang Biao ordered: Take those two cannons with me.

The armed firefighters and the heavy machine gun team uttered a shout and rushed towards the security gate city.

(3) I will die for you

The two cannons on Baoanmen City were led by the cannon mark Chen Guozhen, and the task was to aim the cannons at the Superintendent's Office and blast them fiercely into the Yamen.However, due to the fact that the two cannons were placed in the wrong place, there was obviously a problem with the accuracy of the cannons when they were fired. Walls collapsed and houses collapsed, mud bricks and tiles flew wildly.

To the common people, getting a few shots was nothing more than a trivial matter. Wu Zhaolin ordered the street to be burned. At this time, the three-way fire was spreading towards the direction of the Superintendent's Office.

Although the two cannons did not hit the supervisory office, they were still a strong threat. Because of this, Zhang Biao ordered the cannons to be seized first.

According to the second order issued by Wu Zhaolin, in front of the two cannons, the platoon leader Cao Feilong led a platoon to guard them.But at the beginning of the war, Lao Cao was obviously weak. I didn't hear that he had any heroic actions. The two cannons were easily captured by Zhang Biao's men.

Besides, this Cao Feilong, he hid with Wu Zhaolin in the trench under the Chu watchtower, and only speculated on the revolution after he was discovered by the party members.Such a background destined him to lack a reason to fight to the death with the old leader Zhang Biao. The most likely reason is that he had already fled.

The heavy artillery was seized, the front line collapsed, and the rebel army quickly turned into a downturn, obviously unable to hold on.

At this time, Wu Zhenglin, the former team leader, became anxious. He yelled and called on everyone to cheer up and organize a counterattack immediately.Not wanting to, everyone persuaded: "Old Wu, stop making trouble, it's been a whole night, isn't it enough?"Didn't you read the notice from Dutong? It clearly stated that as long as we return to the camp now, we will forget the past and go back with us.

Wu Zhenglin was in a hurry: If we advance, we will live, if we retreat, we will die. How much blood we have shed before we finally reached this point.

There is no way to survive, everyone shook their heads: If you don’t believe me, Lao Wu, you can’t see that the Dutong is leading the most powerful machine gun team. We have so few people, it’s not enough for others to shoot around. According to me, hurry up! forget it.

Can't count!Wu Zhenglin was in a hurry, pulled out the knife and put it across his neck: If you don't obey me and immediately organize a counterattack, I will die for you.

real or fake?Everyone shook their heads: Old Wu, stop joking.

of course it's true!Wu Zhenglin was furious, he was about to commit suicide when he exerted all his strength, but luckily he was hugged by two of his subordinates: Wait a minute, platoon leader Wu, don't seek short-sightedness.

What a fart!Wu Zhenglin burst into tears: the revolution is on the brink of failure, we living people, what face do we have to face those dead brothers under the nine springs?

All the people present shook their heads repeatedly: Look at this old Wu, can you speak slowly if you have something to say, why are you rubbing your neck?In short, Lao Wu, even if you wiped your neck, there is absolutely no way to counterattack. The firepower on Zhang Tongzhi's side is too strong, and we are simply vulnerable.

Wu Zhenglin finally gave up his mind completely: If you say so, can we just get caught and wait for death?
At this time, Xiong Bingkun came over and said: We still have a chance.

Last chance.

(4) Who says leadership is poor
This last chance is to capture the Supervisory Office.

The purpose of Zhang Biao's seizure of the cannon was to prevent the rebels from attacking the supervisory office.Failure to win the Supervision Office means that the administrative organs in Hubei are still in operation, and the standard battalions in the city are still on the sidelines.As long as there is a slight repetition of the war, the old order will be restored - at that time, the party members will be arrested and confiscated in order to become bandits, and this will mean the complete failure of the revolutionary party - unless the rebels take down the supervisory office, Completely destroy the administrative organs in Hubei, then the revolutionary party will have life.

Xiong Bingkun said: So we have to organize a death squad and fight hard until we win the supervisory office.

Immediately organize 40 Death Party members, including Wu Zhenglin, Ma Mingxi, Peng Jilin, Xu Shaoru, Chen Zhenwu, Rao Chuntang, Lin Zhenbang, Chen Liankui, Hu Xiaoqian, Xu Shaobin, Yang Zhengquan, Zhang Defa, and Sun Songxuan. In the supervisory office, set fire immediately.

Xiong Bingkun is the queen.In addition, Du Wuku, Yang Xuanqing, Xia Yiqing and others were sent to guard the security gate city, in fact to attract Zhang Biao's attention, so that they could not find that there was a death squad sneaking forward on the ground.

When Xiong Bingkun's death squad clung to the base of the city wall and tiptoed towards the direction of the supervisory office, the military ability to control Zhang Biao was finally fully and completely exposed to everyone:

Zhang Biao's ability is indeed a little weaker.

Zhang Biao's mistake was that he shouldn't have seized the two cannons.

Analysis of the battle situation at that time: the two sides were fighting for the supervisory office, Xiong Bingkun was in charge of attacking, and Zhang Biao was in charge of defending. Although the guns and guns were deafening on the battlefield, it was actually a propaganda war, a psychological war.Both sides are trying to win over those in the middle who will help whoever wins.If Xiong Bingkun invaded the supervisory office, creating an illusion that the rebels were victorious, the most powerful onlookers would stand by Xiong Bingkun's side.And if Zhang Biao defends the supervisory office, it will have a strong influence on the defenders, and the middle forces will quickly stand over and participate in the suppression of the revolutionary party.

Therefore, the two cannons on Baoanmen City are of great value to the revolutionary party. As long as the two cannons are still roaring, no matter where the shells land, they will have a deterrent effect.

But these two guns are of no value to Zhang Biao.

Could it be that Zhang Biao could follow the example of the Revolutionary Party and fire in all directions?
Zhang Biao cannot fire randomly, he is the defender of the established order.Not only can he not fire the guns, but he also has to separate armed forces to protect the two guns and protect the country's property from loss.

In this way, after Zhang Biao seized the cannons, he wasted his own strength. In fact, Zhang Biao's most correct approach was to blow up the cannons immediately after capturing the two cannons, and then concentrate his superior forces to fight against the two cannons. The party members near the supervisory office carried out a thorough extermination, which was easy to do in terms of his strength at the time.

But Zhang Biao made a fool of himself. Instead of blowing up the cannons after taking them, he surrounded the two cannons and excitedly fought against the rebels who came to seize the cannons.

But Zhang Biao may have his reasons for doing so.

When the Death Squad was close to the wall and approaching Dongyuan Gate, the Qing soldiers defending Dongyuan Gate began to retreat and retreated to Xiyuan Gate.

The Death Squad was so excited and inexplicably excited that they each carried kerosene barrels and rushed straight into the gate of the Supervisory Office.

Just as they were about to set the fire on fire, there was a sudden burst of machine gunfire in the lobby of the supervisory office. Under the heavy rain of bullets, several death squads fell down and died on the spot.

The enemy soldiers who were originally retreating to the Xiyuan Gate suddenly circled back to the gate at this time, firing random guns, and firmly sealed off the Death Squad in the courtyard.

Who said that Zhang Biao's military ability is poor?

(5) Unless there is a miracle
When the enemy soldiers circled back to the gate from the Xiyuan gate and blocked the death squads rushing in, they accidentally let Xiong Bingkun out.

If Xiyuanmen's ambush general Xiong Bingkun was also completely included in it, then the war of the party's supervisory office would be completely over.Once the revolutionary party elites were exhausted by the machine guns ambushing in the lobby of the supervisory office, Zhang Biao won a complete victory.

But Xiong Bingkun had been guarding against Zhang Biao's move for a long time. He organized this death squad, and he himself actually played the role of supervising the team, letting the death squad rush forward. The purpose of leading someone to follow behind is to follow the other party's back when someone is copying the death squad's back.

When Xiong Bingkun found out that the enemy soldiers at Xiyuanmen had circled back, he ordered his soldiers to disperse and fight on their own, and just hit the enemy soldiers from behind.

He was sure to wipe out all the enemy soldiers from the outer encirclement, but he didn't dare to have any hope for the death squads in the courtyard of the Superintendent's Office.

Under the frantic strafing of the enemy's machine guns, it is expected that this death squad will be able to play a role, unless there is a miracle.

However, a miracle still happened. In the courtyard of the Superintendent's Office, a fire suddenly rose into the sky.

The fire stunned everyone.

In the face of machine gun fire, how did the death squads calmly set fire?
It was Ji Hongjun, a party member of the engineering battalion, who achieved this miracle.As early as when the Death Squad assembled, Ji Hongjun didn't bring a gun, but carried two iron barrels filled with kerosene, and rushed forward with his head bowed.Rushing into the courtyard of the supervisory office, the machine guns fired suddenly, and the death squads immediately fell down on the ground to avoid the bullets.But Ji Hongjun did not dodge or dodge, but quickly opened the oil barrel and lit it on fire immediately.When the flames rose into the air, he himself was killed by machine gun fire.

When the supervisory office caught fire, Zhang Biao was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, Zhang Biao looked at the soaring flames of the supervisory office, and then at the two cannons he was clinging to, and must have scolded himself fiercely in his heart: What do you think I am guarding these two rotten cannons?I should keep an eye on the front door and backyard of the Supervision Office. If the rebels come one, I will kill one, if they come two, I will kill a pair. As long as they persist for a very short time, the rebels will collapse and scatter to look for food because they are hungry. eat.At that time, I entered the Supervisory Office and issued an order ordering people to arrest the rebels everywhere.But now... now it's our people who are so hungry that their eyes turn blue. I have no choice but to take everyone to find a place to eat.

An exasperated Zhang Biao led the supply battalion and the fire brigade to set off along the city wall.The fire at the supervisory office caused the most powerful army to lose its target. When they reached Wenchang Gate, Zhang Biao led the crowd to board a boat to cross the river and went to Liujiamiao Railway Station for dinner.

Wuchang City has finally been completely controlled by the Revolutionary Party.

Xiong Bingkun was full of energy and led the crowd into the supervisor's office. At this time, the gatehouse was set on fire by the party members. The guards had no fighting spirit. Most of them ran around, and a few surrendered with guns.

So far the overall situation is settled.

(6) Just a migrant worker
In the city of Wuchang, partisans formed gangs, soldiers ran around, and gunshots were everywhere.The first goal of the Revolutionary Party has been successfully achieved - to destroy the existing order and rules of this ancient city.

The loss of order has brought about extreme panic in people's psychology.

(End of this chapter)

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