The Republic is so violent

Chapter 68 Fighting Great Wuchang

Chapter 68 Fighting Great Wuchang (4)
But Huang Xing was still very surprised when he saw the collapse of the army, so he led the general headquarters and the supervising team to hold big swords in their hands to prevent the soldiers from retreating, and shouted loudly: "Go back, go back and continue fighting, and those who retreat will be cut... The soldiers ignore it and continue." Run as usual.Huang Xing's face darkened, and with an order, click, click, click, click... cut off the heads of several soldiers one after another.

The soldiers finally stopped retreating.

Stopping the frenzy of soldiers fleeing back, Huang Xing breathed a sigh of relief: You see, if you move forward, you will live, if you retreat, you will die. There is no revolutionary soldier... What are you going to do?No... I saw all the retreating soldiers raising their guns and aiming at the supervising team. The crackling guns rang out, and the supervising team was shot all over the ground.

This time Huang Xing finally gained experience - the weapons of the supervisory team must be sharper than the frontline troops, otherwise there is no way to supervise this battle.This is the law of human nature, and it has nothing to do with whether your army is revolutionized or not.

The battle line collapsed and everyone trampled on each other. Everyone competed for the pontoon bridge, but there was a loud bang. The pontoon bridge was twisted by everyone's gravity. Hundreds of people fell into the Han River and floated their corpses in the Yangtze River.An angry Huang Xing looked back at Feng Guozhang's position—Feng Jun didn't chase him out at all, he just slept in his own camp, and the revolutionary army was just trampling on each other, just shooting each other in panic, It wiped out half of itself.

This battle was fought so well that it made people feel angry.

Because Huang Xing was obese, he had great difficulty walking. He could only be supported by a student, slipped and fell step by step. After suffering countless hardships, he returned to Hanyang after dark.

A meeting, a meeting, a combat meeting immediately.The first topic at the meeting, this time is actually the five-way army. Does anyone know where the five-way army is?
Which Fifth Route Army?

Huang Xing's general headquarters is the middle road, the left wing is Gan Xingdian, the Hunan Army Association Commander, the right wing is the Hunan Army Association Commander Wang Longzhong, the first army on the left is Cheng Bingrong's department, and the second army on the right is Yang Xuanqing's department... These five routes Army, except for Huang Xing who knew where he was, the other four armies didn't know where they went.

Send someone to find it.

The news that came back surprised Huang Xing.

The place where he was located turned out to be the frontline position.

(14) Enter the bridal chamber without going to the battlefield
Knowing the whereabouts of the Fourth Army, Huang Xing had a strong desire to cry.

Among the four armies, the first one was the Cheng Bingrong Department of the Third Infantry Association, and he was ordered to cross the river from Qingshan to attack Liujiamiao.But before the battle, Cheng Bingrong accidentally got drunk and got a little high. At that time, he made a lot of noise and insisted that the troops set off in the opposite direction from Qingshan.The troops obeyed, and started to walk in a daze until midnight. Cheng Bingrong finally sobered up and asked everyone: Hey, where are you going... When he found that he was going the wrong way, Cheng Bingrong hurriedly called to turn around and follow the same route. return.Unexpectedly, in the dead of night and restlessness, the soldiers went the wrong way again, and when Huang Xing returned in a big defeat, when he sent people to look for this army, the army was still lost, so they did not attack on time.

After the incident, Cheng Bingrong was ashamed to see others, claiming that he committed suicide by throwing himself into the water, took off his clothes and soaked himself in the river.All the generals and officials interceded for him, saying that he was mentally ill and finally escaped military sanctions.

The second of the four-way army was Yang Xuanqing, the sixth standard infantry commander. He received an order to lead his troops to set off from the northeast coast of Hanyang on a small steamer and land forcibly at the Dragon King Temple in Hankou.But the timing of the order was wrong. When he was asked to leave, it happened to be a good day for Yang Biaotong’s newlyweds. Revolution, there is nothing wrong with such a choice, you can revolution every day, but marriage, you can't get married every day, right?So Yang Xuanqing and his wife were happily married, and all the soldiers under his command came to make trouble in the bridal chamber.Bad habit, don't let the bridegroom and the bride enter the bridal chamber, let them perform all kinds of low-level and vulgar programs, deliberately make the groom look at the beautiful bride right in front of him. You touch it, it's a crime...Yang Xuanqing's performances have been performed to the point of mechanical numbness. At this time, several hands dragged him aside: the Ministry of Military Law ordered Yang Xuanqing to be ordered by the sixth standard to delay the military plane and be executed immediately... Yang Xuanqing laughed: stop making trouble, it's time for me to enter the bridal chamber... right now!The gunshots sounded, Yang Xuanqing's body fell down, and the bride found that she was already a widow.

The third group of troops is the left wing assisting Huang Xing, the Gan Xingdian Department of the Second Association of the Hunan Army.This army fired the first shot after crossing the river, and when Feng Guozhang's men refused to fight back, they were tenacious and brave.However, the hateful Feng Guozhang's department finally fought back, so Gan Xingdian's department collapsed immediately.Led by Gan Xingdian on a white horse, they broke through the obstruction of Huang Xingdu's team and ran all the way to his hometown of Hunan.

The fourth group of troops is the right wing that assists Huang Xing, and the Hunan Army's First Association controls the middle of Wang Long.Among the several troops, Wang Longzhong is the most mature. There are more veterans who have participated in battles.This time Gan Xingdian's department collapsed, but Wang Long's central department did not, but retreated back to Hanyang in an orderly manner.

Then the central part of Wang Long continued to retreat, retreating to Wuchang, and the whole army went to Lianghu Academy to study.

Reading is a good thing, if you don't read, you don't know how to be polite, and you can break through thousands of volumes... But reading at this time, isn't it a bit... So Huang Xing asked Li Shucheng, the chief of the general staff, to go to Lianghu Academy to find Wang Longzhong.

When Li Shucheng arrived at Lianghu Academy, he found Wang Longzhong in the reading room: Old Wang, why are you reading here...Let's take the troops back to Hankou immediately, Feng Guozhang's Beiyang Army has already arrived.

Wang Longzhong raised a finger: Shhh, the two lakes are quiet for reading, please don't make loud noises.

Li Shucheng covered his mouth: "Old Wang, our revolutionary army must advance and never retreat, there is death and no life... Stop studying, let's go back to Hanyang to fight, fight to the death on the battlefield, shroud in horse leather."

Wang Longzhong turned the pages of the book: Li Shucheng, look at this paragraph. It says: Life has limits, and battles have no limits. Life has limits, and battles have no limits. It's almost over!

Li Shucheng: Almost... I understand what you mean, why don't I go to Li Yuanhong to ask for instructions, and I will give you a reward of 50 yuan. As long as you drive the troops back to Hanyang, you can get it immediately This money.

But hearing a plop, Wang Longzhong knelt down for Li Shucheng, and Li Shucheng was stunned: "Old Wang, what are you doing? We are all revolutionary comrades, and you are the leader of the army... Why did you kneel down to me?"
I heard Wang Longzhong whisper: Li Shucheng, I will give you the 50 yuan, please don't let me go to the front line again, okay?
Li Shucheng was stunned: Brother Wang, what do you mean by this...?
Wang Longzhong knelt on the ground, took two steps on his knees, and hugged Li Shucheng's leg: "Old Li, I can't understand what I said so clearly. If you don't agree, then I will add another 50, and I will give you 100 million. You Go and find another heartless person to go to the front line for you, okay?Anyway, I'm never going there again.

Li Shucheng's legs were hugged by a big man, and he was inexplicably awkward: "Old Wang, why are you like this...?"

Wang Longzhong smiled: You guess.

Li Shucheng: I guess it is... don't guess.

No need to guess, Li Shucheng also knew the answer.So when he came back, he told Huang Xing that Wang Longzhong knelt down to him and begged him not to go to the battlefield.

Huang Xing sighed.

(15) Need blood to pay tuition

The defeat in Hankou made Li Shucheng realize a profound truth in life:

The end of the paper is so shallow that I know that this matter must be carried out.

Knowledge in books is completely different from reality.

The reason why the books are out of touch with reality is because the books do not mention the problems of human nature. In fact, everything is a problem of human nature.In the safe war room, you can make decisions and ask the troops to arrive at the designated place at the designated time, but in reality, a living person with independent will will never listen to your mercy.You ordered him to go to the front line to take bullets, but he wanted to go into the bridal chamber and let the bullets fly, what can you do?
What's more, many people in the newly established revolutionary army in Wuchang joined the revolution on impulse. When the cooking class started, none of them was absent, and they ate more than anyone else.When it came time for you to let him go to the front line, everyone immediately went home to wash and go to bed.

In short, this battle is really not that easy. Because of the continuous defeat, Huang Xing has gained a bad reputation as a general who is often defeated.

In fact, it is totally unreasonable to blame Huang Xing for such a defeat.To sum up the reasons for the defeat of the Wuchang Revolutionary Army, there are no more than five reasons:

[-]. There are too many recruits and too few veterans. There are many who can't shoot and few who can.

[-]. There are too few officers with military experience. Veteran officers are unwilling to work for everyone. Those who are willing to work have only experience in books and no actual combat experience. Too much blood is needed to pay for tuition.

[-]. The soldiers were frightened and suffered from severe phobia, which was extremely contagious. As long as they found the enemy fighting back, they would immediately collapse across the board.

[-]. Those who are willing to die on the front line are mostly ignorant soldiers who don't know what war is.The recruits who die the most on the battlefield are the recruits who go to the front for the first time. If he survives the first time he goes to the front, then even if you kill him the second time, he will never go to the front again.

[-]. The artillery of the Revolutionary Army was commanded by Cheng Qian, a student studying in Japan.But Cheng Qian found that there was no way to point it out, because the revolutionary army only had mountain cannons, while Beiyang Feng Guozhang had advanced control cannons. Just talking about artillery battles would suffer a big loss.

Among the above five reasons, the most important is the fourth one, that is to say, experienced veterans will hide and not go to the battlefield... But this one seems too subjective and underestimates people's initiative.Just when everyone in the general headquarters was thinking about this, Liu Yutang, the veteran general of the Hunan Army Patrol Battalion, led more than 1000 Xiangjiang children, and came to help the battle.

There are different religions, former generals of the Qing Dynasty participated in the revolution, and Wuchang students sacrificed blood to the country.It is said that after the arrival of the old general Liu Yutang, he took the initiative to invite Ying. Huang Xing finally caught a capable person, and immediately ordered Liu Yutang's troops to go to the front line of the garden to resist the Beiyang army that came down from the Fairy Mountain.After Liu Yutang arrived, he led his troops to charge the Beiyang Army. The vicious Beiyang Army used machine guns to toot the old general. The first time he charged, he failed, so Liu Yutang organized a second charge. As he was rushing, unfortunately, he was suddenly shot by Beiyang's machine gun, and the old general died on the spot.

Liu Yutang was the last supporting force in the revolutionary army. After his death, Huang Xing's headquarters was under heavy siege, with Feng Guozhang's Beiyang Army in all directions.In desperation, Huang Xing first mobilized the rear supply battalion as the guard of the headquarters, and recruited more than 100 students to form a death squad to guard the headquarters. If Feng Guozhang dared to take a step forward, everyone Just die and show him.

(16) Go to Nanjing to fight guerrillas

The battle was fought so badly that even the headquarters was heavily surrounded by the enemy.

Didn't it mean that there are revolutionary parties in every province in the country to aid Hubei?For example, the overseas Chinese death squad led by Ma Chaojun from Guangdong, where are they at this time?
Ma Chaojun first took part in Liujiamiao's battle against Zhang Biao, but Zhang Biao was defeated.When Feng Guozhang's troops came, Huang Xing sent a message to the Liu family temple and called overseas Chinese death squads to guard the Hanyang Arsenal.

The Hanyang Arsenal was founded by Zhang Zhizhang. This place has important political significance for Feng Guozhang. If he wins the Hanyang Arsenal, he can report his merits to the court.As far as Wuchang is concerned, once the arsenal is lost, it means that Wuchang has been encircled and lost the opportunity to fight.

That's why Huang Xing placed the strong army of the Overseas Chinese Death Squad in such a position.

Ma Chaojun was ordered in danger, and placed the death squads in Boyatai and Meizishan. Soon Feng Guozhang's Beiyang Army arrived, and the two sides fought fiercely for four days. Surrounded on all sides, it seems that if they don't disperse, few members of this Huaqiao Death Squad will be able to return home.

At this time, Huang Xing came.

Huang Xing said: Hello, comrades, you have worked hard.

Ma Chaojun asked: Commander-in-Chief, can we retreat?If you don't leave, it will be too late.

Huang Xing shook his head: The revolution advances but never retreats. Is there any reason to retreat?Comrades, the bloody battle in the three towns of Wuhan lasted for five days, and the revolutionary army is facing many defeats. The Hanyang Arsenal is an important stronghold, so it must not be lost.The success or failure of this righteous act depends on this battle. I hope that comrades in Guangdong will stick to it for one more day, only one day!A day later, reinforcements from Hunan and Jiangxi will arrive.

At the end, Huang Xing burst into tears.

Ma Chaojun was moved, and said: "Please don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, but one day, our death squad promises to advance and never retreat. We will fight until tomorrow and wait for the big help to arrive."

Huang Xing then left the Hanyang Arsenal, crossed the river with straw sandals hanging on the pot, and went to Wuchang to attend an emergency meeting chaired by Li Yuanhong.

It is said that Li Yuanhong, a fat man, is calm and calm, Hanyang has been lost, and Wuchang has been exposed to Feng Guozhang's muzzle, but he didn't reveal a word, but took the time to say: Let's have a meeting today, it's nothing serious, just want to see everyone , If you have any good suggestions for the revolutionary government, whether military or political, you can say it.

So the participants spoke enthusiastically, some offering advice on how to defeat Feng Guozhang, and some offering advice on how to set up a new government agency. During the heated discussion, Huang Xing came and took his seat.Then he said: Brother, I have an idea, let me tell you, I plan to give up Hanyang.Why should I give up Hanyang?There are two reasons. One is that the armies cannot maintain consensus, and the differences of opinion are too great, so it is difficult to reach a tacit cooperation during the attack.The second is that the enemy's situation is relatively fierce. Whether it is fighting or defending, our side is obviously lacking in confidence.Therefore, I have burned the grain platform and destroyed the gun factory, so as not to be used by the enemy.

After hearing Huang Xing's words, everyone knew that the frontline had lost, and they were stunned.

I only heard Huang Xing say again: Since everyone agrees to give up Hanyang, brother, I have another good suggestion, which is to give up Wuchang.If Dudu Li agrees with my brother's suggestion, then the elders in Wuchang will be saved from the fire, which can be said to be a great merit.Oh, Li Dudu obviously has no different views, so good, the motion to abandon Wuchang is passed.The next question is, after you give up Wuchang, where will you go? You can go to Nanjing with me. The revolutionary party in Nanjing is taking action. We can help them take Nanjing in one fell swoop. What do you think of my suggestion?

After hearing Huang Xing's words, everyone put their hands on their guns.If the person who said these irresponsible words was not the revolutionary leader Huang Xing, he would have been shot and killed by random gunfire.

Due to the suddenness of the incident and the impact of Huang Xing's words, everyone was stunned on the spot, at a loss for what to do.After a long time, Fan Tengxiaoteng, a naval student studying in Japan, jumped up: Huang Xing, you big irresponsible mouth, the people you brought, plus the revolutionary army in Wuchang, can't defend together. If you live in a small Hanyang, how can you attack Nanjing?And according to what you said, there are already revolutionaries fighting in Nanjing, and it is hard to say whether the Hubei army will be able to keep itself after traveling thousands of miles.The Wuchang First Uprising is known to all the world and attracts the attention of the whole country. If we easily abandon it, it means that all our efforts will be in vain.Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you can advance together and retreat together, stick to Wuchang, and have the revolutionary belief of living and dying with the city, waiting for the heroes of the world to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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