The Republic is so violent

Chapter 69 Fighting Great Wuchang

Chapter 69 Fighting Great Wuchang (5)
After Fan Tengxiao finished speaking, everyone present stood up and applauded enthusiastically, while applauding and looking at Huang Xing coldly.The atmosphere at the scene was indescribably tense.

I saw Huang Xing slapping the table: "Okay, if we are united, I will entrust Wuhan to you. Brothers, I will lead a team to assist Nanjing."

He left as soon as he said he would, and actually left Ma Chaojun's overseas Chinese death squad at the Hanyang Arsenal.

He can't do this, can he?

He is already like this.

(17) The Death Squad was wiped out
But Ma Chaojun, the Overseas Chinese Death Squad, how could he have thought that Huang Xing would fool him?He was ready to stick to it for a day, waiting for reinforcements from Hunan and Shaanxi.But I didn't want to see the bloody battle for one day without reinforcements, the second day of the bloody battle, and still no reinforcements, and on the third day, most of the overseas Chinese death squads were killed in battle, and they ran out of ammunition and food.The two team leaders Yan Zhaocong and Ma Fulin, who knew the military best and were the best at fighting, were killed in battle, and even Ma Chaojun himself was seriously injured.

Where are the reinforcements?Ma Chaojun was indescribably confused.

When Feng Guozhang's Beiyang Army occupied Guishan, Ma Chaojun finally heard the exact news:

There were no reinforcements at all, and there could be no reinforcements.

Even Huang Xing himself left Wuchang, claiming to aid Nanjing, but actually went to Shanghai.

All of a sudden, the remaining death squad members were all angry. This Huang Xing and Huang Keqiang, you want us to stick to the arsenal, just say so. We overseas Chinese, who came to Wuchang without their wives and children, have long put life and death aside.We are willing to fight and die for the country, but being cheated to death by Huang Xing with your big mouth is too shameful.

Anger is anger, but at this time everyone is surrounded by enemy soldiers, and there is nowhere to go to Huang Xing to reason.So Ma Chaojun decided: break out!Huang Dazui asked us to hold on for one day, but we held on for three full days. Most of them were killed in battle, and they died without any complaints. Mouth reasoning!

So Ma Chaojun organized all the people, fought bloody step by step, went to the Guanyin Temple by the river, and won more than a dozen small boats. After everyone got on the boat, they crossed the Yangtze River. Squatting on the bank of the river, using the overseas Chinese death squads crossing the river as living targets.Pity the death squad brothers on the ship, who didn't even have a place to hide, and was ravaged by a soldier of Feng Guozhang's department.When the boat arrived in the middle of the river, it was out of the scope of shooting range. Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly heard a strange noise in the air—whoosh, throw away his old mother, Pujiezai!The Beiyang Army even practiced shelling with the brothers of the Death Squad.

boom!Every time a shell lands on the river, the water column will overturn several small boats. Sitting on the boat, Ma Chaojun watched his good brother who was born and died with him fall into the water, struggled in vain, and stretched out his hand to call for help. , the turbid river was churning, and the brothers who fell into the water soon lost the ability to struggle, drifted with the current, and were buried under the Yellow Crane Tower.

Tears flowed down my face.

This is revolution!
(18) Our Success Bird
In the Battle of Hanyang Arsenal, there were less than 20 members of Ma Chaojun's Overseas Chinese Death Squad.It was almost annihilated.

After crossing the river, we came to Hanyang Gate in Wuchang. Guess who is guarding the gate tower?

Zhang Zhenwu and Jiang Yiwu, the founders of the First Uprising.

These two people were the first to plan the revolution, and served as the deputy directors of the military affairs department and the financial management department respectively in the new government they set up. Although their official positions are not small, neither of them can replace the former He Xifan, Zhang Jingliang or Jiang Mingjing. No wonder Jiang Mingjing sighed while hiding in the mouse hole.

Jiang Yiwu and Zhang Zhenwu hurriedly brought Ma Chaojun's remnants into the city, and sent people to escort them to the Dudu's Mansion in Wuchang. Li Yuanhong rushed out to meet them, and thanked these foreigners who shed blood and sacrificed for Wuchang.Ma Chaojun insisted on reporting the whole battle process, and Li Yuanhong once again expressed his gratitude to everyone on behalf of the elders of Wuchang, and rewarded them all, and then arranged for them to rest for three days.

Three days later, when Ma Chaojun came out, he suddenly saw Li Yuanhong frowning, turning around like shrimp in boiling water, so Ma Chaojun asked, "General Governor, is there any urgent military situation?"

Li Yuanhong nodded: That's right, I just received news that the imperial court has dismissed Rui Chan.

Ma Chaojun: Who is Rui Chan... By the way, it was the governor of Hubei in the former Qing Dynasty. It is a good thing that he was dismissed. Why should the governor be so worried?
Li Yuanhong stomped his feet: "Rui Chan's dismissal means that the imperial court has lost patience with Wuchang and wants to deal with Wuchang completely."

Ma Chaojun asked: How to solve it completely?

Li Yuanhong said: "Send Admiral Sa Zhenbing to lead the warship to help. Currently Sa Zhenbing's warship is moored in the lower reaches of Hankou and is preparing to bombard Wuchang with huge artillery. The news has spread. At this time, people in the city are terrified. Thought the last time had come.

Ma Chaojun stood up: This is indeed bad news. I have been overseas for a long time, and I know the power of the giant cannons of warships. If Sa Zhenbing really fired the cannons, Wuchang will be destroyed.

Li Yuanhong smiled bitterly and said: There is no solution. When I was studying in Beiyang Academy, Sa Zhenbing was my teacher. With this teacher-student friendship, I plan to write a letter to Sa Zhenbing to show my righteousness and persuade him anyway... But I couldn't find anyone, so I dared to take the risk to deliver the letter.

Ma Chaojun thought to himself, please, Governor Li, don't be fooled, there are so many people in Wuchang City, and you still can't find a messenger?You just saw that I, Ma Chaojun, was honest, that even Huang Xing could fool me... I was not angry, but I couldn't help but say: Governor Li Dadu, don't panic, I, Ma Chaojun, will deliver this letter from you.It's nothing more than serving the country with one's death. Why should I, Ma Chaojun, be afraid?

Li Yuanhong was overjoyed, and then frowned again: "Brother Ma is upholding righteousness, and Li admires it, but... Brother Ma, how do you plan to board Sa Zhenbing's warship?"

Ma Chaojun said: This matter is easy, as long as you find a foreign merchant ship moored in Hankou, you can do it.

Li Yuanhong was overjoyed, and immediately ordered someone to prepare meals and beds for Ma Chaojun. After Ma Chaojun had eaten and slept enough, he set off with a letter at night, and first used a small boat to sneak across the Yangtze River. The fellow borrowed a small steamer from Jardine Matheson, and Li Yushan, an official from the China Merchants Bureau, accompanied Ma Chaojun and sailed towards the flagship Haiqi on which Sa Zhenbing was riding.

The British flag was flying on the small steamer, so the warship did not stop it. When it was close to the flagship, the soldiers on board asked the small steamer why it was coming.

The warship allowed Ma Chaojun to board the ship, and he was immediately surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. After a thorough body search, an adjutant ordered Ma Chaojun to hand over the letter.Ma Chaojun flatly refused, saying: I am carrying confidential documents, which must be presented to Sa Junmen.The adjutant went back to report, and came back later, escorting Ma Chaojun to see Sa Zhenbing.

Sa Zhenbing's appearance was very strange, with a beard all over his face, all curled up, and he was majestic just by looking at it. After admiring Sa Zhenbing's appearance, Ma Chaojun took out the letter and handed it in with both hands.When Sa Zhenbing received the letter, Ma Chaojun saw on the envelope that it said: Master Ding Wen... I don't understand what it means at all.

After Sa Zhenbing read the letter, he began to think seriously. This thought was actually a long test, and he thought for three hours.During this period, Ma Chaojun waited with bated breath, not daring to say a word.

Three hours passed, and Sa Zhenbing's brows suddenly opened, and he shouted loudly: Waiting for you with pen and ink!
The adjutant quickly presented the pen and ink, and Sa Zhenbing wrote like flying in front of Ma Chaojun, saying:
Song Qing's younger brother: Let me tell you, everyone will do their duty, and this is my reply.

Ma Chaojun got the letter, and the adjutant who picked him up on the ship sent him away. When he got off the warship, the adjutant waved and winked at him: Say hello to my brother for me.Ma Chaojun was startled: brother?Whose brother?The waves rose, and the figure of the adjutant had disappeared into the night.

Full of doubts, Ma Chaojun immediately returned by small steamer. When he arrived at the Dudu Mansion in Wuchang, he could not find Li Yuanhong. After inquiring, he found out that Li Yuanhong had moved his office to Hongshan Temple to avoid shelling.Ma Chaojun couldn't help sighing: Alas, taking other people's lives is life, but my old horse's life is worthless... After complaining, he rushed to Hongshan Temple and reported to Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong carefully studied Sa Zhenbing's reply, and concluded that although the words are puns, there is no malice, and your trip is worthwhile.

Ma Chaojun reported: Governor Li, when I boarded the warship, the gun cover on the ship had already been taken off, and I was ready to bombard Wuchang at any time, but when I left, the gun cover was put on again. Bing had been persuaded and gave up the idea of ​​bombarding Wuchang.

Then Ma Chaojun excitedly shouted at Li Yuanhong in Cantonese: Dudu, we are successful birds!
Li Yuanhong was at a loss: I can't understand... your bird language.

Although Li Yuanhong could not understand Ma Chaojun's Cantonese, the facts proved that Ma Chaojun's judgment was correct.On the next day, Sa Zhenbing's warship sailed to Yangluo downstream and moored, rejecting the imperial court's order to bombard Wuchang-this is the soldier of the old era, who did not value victory, but only honor.Don't pay attention to the result, only pay attention to the process.Although they firmly believe that the justice of society is derived from rules rather than results, this still does not help them to be eliminated by the flood of the Great Revolution.

But Ma Chaojun was still played by Fatty Li. In fact, Li Yuanhong found at least three people to deliver this letter for him: one was delivered by Zhu Xiaoxian, a member of the Navy, the other was delivered by the Swedish Kesi, and the third It was Ma Chaojun.Most irritatingly, all three letters were delivered, so there are at least three versions of who sent them—and none of them are correct.

(19) Dare to circumcise Mr. Sun

Even if Ma Chaojun wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out what the adjutant on the Sazhenbing warship meant when he parted with him.

To understand this question, the time has to be pulled back to Paris in 1905.

On that day, Sun Yat-sen went to Paris, France to find students studying in the Qing Dynasty and persuade them to rise up for revolution.At that time, there were four children, namely: Tang Xiangming, Xiang Guohua, Wang Fake, and Wang Xiangchu.These four children listened to the imperial court the most. If the imperial court told them to go east, they would never go west. If the imperial court told them to beat dogs, they would never chase chickens.Sun Yat-sen actually propagated the revolution to the four of them, that was really finding the right person.

So the four children discussed it, and two came forward to invite Sun Yat-sen to dinner, and the other two took the opportunity to sneak into Sun Yat-sen's room, cut open the foreskin of Sun Yat-sen's purse, stole the register of revolutionaries, and immediately flew to the Qing embassy in France , reported to Minister Sun Baoqi.

At that time, Sun Baoqi looked at the four children and thought to himself, who are these children? If you stole the roster of revolutionaries, how could the party members stop with you?Besides, you didn't get salary and bonuses from the imperial court, and you have nothing to gain from getting into trouble. I've heard of heartless people, but I've never seen such heartless people.Immediately scaring the four children a few words, he secretly sent back the roster of party members and made a favor with the Revolutionary Party.

But when things broke out, these four children couldn't get along among the foreign students. They all knew that they were lacking in heart to the peak, and they were ashamed to be with them.So Tang Xiangming, one of the four unlucky children, took a detour to England to study in the navy. He had just returned to China in 1909, and served successively as the captain of Jingqing and Nanchen—such a careless person has become a captain, so it can be seen that others are more careless than him.

A few days before the first uprising in Wuchang, Sa Zhenbing discovered Tang Xiangming's talent, so he transferred him to his side and asked him to be his adjutant and assistant.

But even so, there was no need for Tang Xiangming to say to Ma Chaojun: Ask my brother for me, please?

It was necessary, because Tang Xiangming had just received a letter from his eldest brother, persuading him: Anyway, as soon as possible, to make special contributions.

Who is his elder brother?

Not to mention you would never have guessed it, but Tang Xiangming's elder brother is Tang Hualong, the leader of Hubei Junxian School.

Tang Hualong, as the chairman of the Hubei Consultative Bureau, secretly colluded with the revolutionaries and promoted the establishment of the Hubei Revolutionary Military Government. He is currently serving as the civil affairs chief of the military government.This person was certain that the revolution would be a success this time, and he was determined to carry it through to the end, so he wrote to his younger brother Tang Xiangming, asking him to cooperate quickly.

Tang Xiangming received a letter from his brother, and recalled that he circumcised Sun Yat-sen and stole the roster of party members, knowing that this was his only chance to stand up.Immediately, he secretly moved on the ship and plotted an incident, but said that the life of the sailors was boring. In the early years, on the ships all over the world, the crew had a strange problem of rebellion. They would kill the captain and the passengers at every turn, because the life on the ship was not enough. entertainment, so people's hearts often become extremely irritable.This time, after Tang Xiangming yelled, the sailors on the warship immediately clamored, and immediately promoted Tang Xiangming as the temporary commander-in-chief of the Republic of China Revolutionary Army on Haiqi, and went to find Captain Sa Zhenbing together to make trouble.

Captain Sa Zhenbing was pacing on the deck with his hands behind his back, thinking whether it was right or wrong not to fire artillery in Wuchang.Suddenly hearing the voices of people, Tang Xiangming led all the sailors, coming in a menacing manner.At that time, Sa Zhenbing sighed and said: "The boat will go from now on, and Jianghai will send the rest of his life."He unloaded a small boat and drifted away downstream.

After that, Sa Zhenbing drifted directly to Shanghai.

But Tang Xiangming led the Haixin to rendezvous with the Qing Guo Navy's brigade, and they all went to Jiujiang together.Soon after, Tang Xiangming will return to Wuchang under the leadership of party member Li Liejun.

(20) The arrival of the turning point

Tang Xiangming made trouble on the warship, and Ma Chaojun, the captain of the Overseas Chinese Death Squad, had more magnificent scenes in his revolutionary career: He and the rest of the Overseas Chinese Death Squad still stayed in Wuchang, went out of Hanyang Gate to Hankou, first went to Huangpi, and then fought against Feng Guozhang.As a result, Ma Chaojun was forced by Feng Guozhang to retreat step by step, and retreated to Yangluo, where an even more terrifying thing happened——Duan Qirui's army also came.

One Feng Guozhang is enough to make the people of Wuchang drink a pot, and another Duan Qirui, is it still worth it?
What annoyed Ma Chaojun the most was that Feng Guozhang's army clearly regarded him as nothing. Although he repeatedly claimed that the Overseas Chinese Death Squad fought Feng Guozhang, in fact Feng Guozhang's troops passed him and rushed to the rear.After Feng Guozhang's army rushed over, Duan Qirui's army had a two-way encirclement, and Ma Chaojun was stunned.

At that time, Ma Chaojun was in a panic, snatched a boat and went straight down the river, and drifted to Jiujiang in one breath. He was caught by the water police in Jiujiang, and after disarming, he was taken to the Dudu Mansion.Ma Yubao, the governor of Jiujiang, said to Ma Chaojun: I have good news for you. Our Jiujiang has declared independence and revolution.You are iron-blooded soldiers who came down from Wuchang, and you can fight. It just so happens that I lack guards, so you can follow me in the future, and you can decide your own salary.

Ma Chaojun said: No, we are going to Shanghai.

He must go to Shanghai to find Huang Xing and settle Huang Xing's old account of sticking to the Hanyang Arsenal.But after Ma Chaojun went to Shanghai, the first person he met was not Huang Xing, but someone he could never have imagined no matter what:
Rui Chan!
This old man is the governor of Huguang. Seeing that there was no hope of regaining Wuchang, he was dismissed by the court, so he fled to the Shanghai Concession to seek refuge.Followed by his buttocks were hordes of assassins—the assassins were all recruited by high-paying families in the court, because the Aixinjueluo royal family believed that this guy was incompetent and dragged him down. Royal, so be sure to take his head off.For a period of time thereafter, he will live in a high-risk state until the Republic of China is established and the alarm is lifted.

In Wuchang, when Duan Qirui appeared, it marked the evolution of the current situation and entered an era of unprecedented complexity.

(End of this chapter)

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