The Republic is so violent

Chapter 70 The Revolutionary Feast

Chapter 70 The Revolutionary Feast (1)
(1) Spectrum of Strange People in Xiangjiang
Most of the Xiangzhe Wuchang bloody battles involved the Hunan Army, Gan Xingdian who ran fast, and Wang Longzhong who hid in Lianghu Academy to study dead.There is also Liu Yutang, an old general of the Qing Dynasty who died at the foot of Fairy Mountain.

How could there be so many Hunan troops going to Hubei for revolution?
This is because when Li Yuanhong became the governor of the Hubei Revolutionary Army, he first persuaded everyone to stop fighting, but was boycotted by the party members angrily.So Li Yuanhong said: This matter, ah, this matter, I became your chief governor, this trouble will be big, the court will definitely not end with me.Unless, the whole country can produce a few more governors, and if there are more governors like me, it will be our turn to have nothing to do with the court.

How to make more governors appear in the country?

Yier, there are many military schools in Wuchang, and there are students from all provinces in the school. The most clever and revolutionary little guys are recruited. Each province finds four or five people, and asks the chairman of the Hubei Consultative Bureau to give The Advisory Bureau wrote a letter, telling them to hurry up and join the revolution with the Revolutionary Party.

So two students from Hubei, Lan Zong and Pang Zhiguang, ordered by the fat boy Li Yuanhong, took Jiang Yiwu's letter of introduction and went to Changsha to contact Jiao Dafeng, the old leader of the Gongjin Association and Gelaohui. Another member of the Tongmenghui, Hu Xiehuai, also came Hunan Liaison.So many people came running, and in an instant, the calm Daxiang River was stirred up, and several strange people appeared on the surface of the water.

The first one, surnamed Chen, named Zuoxin, styled Zhenmin.This person is very strange. At 12 o'clock, he became addicted to alcohol. He drank alcohol when he saw it, and got drunk when he smelled it.He is also talented, likes riding horses, dancing swords, practicing boxing, and martial arts. He is good at calligraphy, regular script, cursive seal script, and Li four styles, especially in small and large seal script.The orchid, plum, pine and bamboo painted are unique.The engraved seal knife is vigorous and powerful, simple and natural.

So talented, it can't be delayed, so Chen Zuoxin entered the imperial examination room when he was 14 years old, but he didn't want his literary star to be dim, and he lost his name three times in a row.Chen Zuoxin was furious, so he changed his job as a gunman to take the exam for others, but he didn't want to pass the exam and pass the exam.Passed the exam for others three times in a row.Chen Zuoxin was surprised, so he restored his name, took the exam for himself, and sure enough, he passed—but he didn’t want something strange to happen again. It was obvious that he took the exam for himself, but was reported that he was taken by someone else, and his admission qualification was cancelled. .This bizarre situation made Chen Zuoxin want to cry, so he thought: Why don't I just make a revolution, or what else can I do?

Revolutionaries are mostly people like this. Their overly tough personality forms a huge contrast with reality, which leads to difficulties in life everywhere.But they don't realize this, they don't understand the law, they don't realize that they are wrong, but they think that something is wrong with the world. When they are angry, they often have revolutionary ideas and want to twist the world Bar, transform it into a look that suits you.

The second person, surnamed Huang, first name Zhonghao, styled Zesheng, was born in Qianyang, Qiancheng.Huang Zhonghao was naughty when he was a child, and he didn't like reading. The teacher scolded him angrily: "This little bastard, if he has a future, I will cut out my eyeballs."Stimulated by this, Huang Zhonghao read angrily, and in a short time, he could see ten lines at a glance and master everything. In less than a few years, he had mastered Confucian classics, studied nature and reason, and became a great Confucian in Xiangjiang, and he was both civil and military.So he entered the official career as an official, first served as Jiangxi Youjiang Road, then served as the admiral of Sichuan, and then retired and returned to his hometown, living in seclusion in his hometown, enjoying the political treatment of retired veteran cadres.

When Lao Huang retired, the party members were raging in Hunan, and the local elders implored Huang Zhonghao to come out of the mountain to stabilize the order.Huang Zhonghao shook his head and said with a smile: "One life, don't care about two lifetimes, let the children make trouble."So the elders in Hunan cried and said: Who can the people rely on when Lao Huang is out?The governor Yu Chengge cried for it, so the governor knelt at Huang Zhonghao's feet and begged. Huang Zhonghao had no choice but to go out of the mountain and serve as the commander of the provincial patrol battalion to protect the place.

Huang Zhonghao, a retired veteran cadre, put on his war robe again, and a little guy from the revolutionary party came to persuade him: "Old Huang, get up and make a revolution. You are so old that you have lost all your teeth. If you don't make a revolution, you will have no chance."

Huang Zhonghao said with a smile: get out, how can I be a human?The cleaning staff also.Mountains can be moved, but my aspirations cannot be moved. I will die for the court and the elders of my hometown. Anyone who dares to mess with Hunan, let me see my sword!

Huang Zhonghao, a retired veteran cadre, became the spokesperson of the counter-revolutionary forces in Hunan.As a defender of local order, he formed a natural conflict with the revolution, which is the tragedy of all old guys.

The third person who was stirred up by the revolutionary wave was even more strange among strange people. Even Mao Zedong praised this person as a clever bureaucrat.So who is this person?
His name was Tan Yankai, and he was the leader of the Junxian School in Hunan. He had an important position in Chinese history. He was widowed in middle age, so Sun Yat-sen came to his door to propose to him—begging him to marry his sister-in-law Soong Meiling.But Tan Yankai said: I have an agreement with my wife that I will not be responsible for life and death.I will never marry another and hurt my late wife.However, although I won't marry your Meiling, I can recognize her as my younger sister.

From then on, Song Meiling called Tan Yankai Elder Brother.

Once, Ye Ting, a famous general of the Northern Expedition, got a good horse and was complacent. Soong Meiling came to ride it.Song Meiling was not angry, and said: I will go find my elder brother.So Song Meiling called elder brother Tan Yankai and asked to ride a strong horse.Tan Yankai walked up to the horse, scratched the horse's ear lightly, leaned over the horse's ear and said something, then backed away, saying, "It's all right."Seeing Soong Meiling running over, jumping up and riding on the horse's back, the horse was really docile, allowing Soong Meiling to ride on it and gallop freely... This bizarre scene made Ye Ting dumbfounded.

It is said that Tan Yankai understood the language of horses, but it is difficult to confirm this.But one thing, this person can even communicate with a strong horse, let alone a human being?Therefore, whether it is revolution or counter-revolution, he can deal with it, thus establishing this person's position as the master of Xiangjiang in the future.

(2) Revolution and counter-revolution

Party members from Wuchang came one after another, asking Hunan to respond immediately, so Hunan party members secretly gathered in Fushou Tea House, and agreed to join forces with Hongjiang Association to start the incident on the 22nd.Later, due to the tight precautions of retired veteran cadre Huang Zhonghao and the delay in the arrival of the Hongjiang Association, the time of the incident was postponed to the 23rd.

Unexpectedly, on the 21st, Wu Zuolin, a member of the Hunan Party, was worried that the Revolutionary Party would have fewer guns and less guns, and it would be difficult to make an incident. He thought, if I frighten the people in the Advisory Council, maybe we will succeed if they are afraid...

So Wu Zuolin ran to the Advisory Bureau and quarreled: A certain family belongs to the revolutionary party Wu Zuolin, and he is not afraid of death.Now I officially inform you that there are more than [-] brothers under a certain family. There is a box of matches, and if there is an incident in the future, first burn this big city of Changsha to the ground.Those who are aware of the matter, quickly raise your hands and surrender. If you are one step late, you will be destroyed at that time. Don't blame a certain family for not predicting.

After saying that, Wu Zuolin walked away.The Changsha Patrol Bureau woke up like a dream, knowing that the Revolutionary Party's uprising was just around the corner, and immediately stepped up its precautions.

Seeing that the news leaked out, the boss Jiao Dafeng wanted to cry but had no choice but to immediately gather disciples and announce that the time for the uprising would be brought forward to 21:4 pm on the [-]st.Then line up troops, draw up slogans, and write slogans. All the work is completed. Just wait for the commander-in-chief of the uprising, Chen Zuoxin, to give an order, and everyone will do it immediately.

It never occurred to me that Chen Zuoxin drank two more glasses because of the excitement of the incident. He would pour down when he got drunk. When the time came, he was already drunk and sleepy, unable to issue orders.

There was no choice but to reschedule the time of the incident, which was changed to the early morning of the 22nd.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Zuoxin sobered up and finally issued an uprising order, so the party members marched separately according to the route of Anbu before the uprising, and joined forces at East and West Futai to jointly attack Futai Yamen.Huang Zhonghao of the patrol battalion received the report, mounted his horse hastily, and went to meet the rebel army.But I never thought that Yang Yongsong, Huang Zhonghao's guard, had secretly become a member of the party. When the two armies met, Yang Yongsong shouted: This Huang Junmen, you will never get it.While shouting, he slashed with the knife unexpectedly, how did Huang Zhonghao know that the knife would come from behind?Under the oversight, he yelled ah, poor old arms and legs, he has fallen off the horse.

Huang Zhonghao, a retired veteran cadre, was captured alive. When the news spread, Jiao Dafeng, the headquarters of the uprising, hurriedly sent someone to demand a high salary to hire Huang Zonghao as the commander-in-chief.Tan Yankai over there also galloped towards this side on a galloping horse, fearing that Huang Zhonghao might make a mistake.The two groups of people rushed to Xiaowumen at the same time, but found that they were still a step late. The poor retired veteran Huang Zhonghao had already eaten a party member surnamed Hu and hacked him to death with a saber.

Tan Yankai said: The party members surnamed Hu killed Huang Zhonghao because they had a feud.Feeling sad, Tan Yankai wrote a pair of elegiac couplets to mourn the retired cadre Huang Zhonghao:

Seeing danger and ordering, it is the heart of the public, and the foreword is with compassion, and the sorrow is not equal to the ambition of life;

Wangnian handed over, regarded Yu Yudi as a confidant, and was sad and difficult to be the next dead.

Here Tan Yankai caressed the corpse and mourned, while party members over there had already swarmed into the governor's hall.Hunan governor Yu Chengge came out and asked, "What's the matter? There are so many people here?"

Everyone said: Governor, we have already made a revolution, do you want to come and play together?
Yu Chengge said: If you want something, you have to be punished if you have a life, and you can't wait until you have no life... While talking, the subordinates have already presented a white cloth, and Yu Chengge wrote on the white cloth with a swipe of his pen. He wrote a big Chinese character, and then said: Hang this piece of cloth on the flagpole in front of the Fufu Office, our Hunan, a revolution... After saying that, taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, he ran away with his family through the side door.

The governor ran away, just in time, so the revolutionaries held a meeting to discuss the leadership team.Chen Zuoxin said to Jiao Dafeng: Let's do it, you will be the governor, and I will be the deputy governor.Jiao Daxin said: We don't have a deputy governor, why don't you be the chief governor.The rest of the party shouted in unison: No, let Jiao Boss be the governor.After some quarrels, Jiao Dafeng became the chief governor, and Chen Zuoxin became the deputy governor.

Knowing that the old leader Jiao Dafeng was appointed as the governor, the congregation of the Gelaohui exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Jiao is the governor, today my Hong family is in trouble!"
All of a sudden, 6 elders flocked into Changsha, and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was full of voices, asking for more officials and titles.The party dress is even more annoying. They all have pompoms in high buns and a long belt on the chest. They think that the Han officials are majestic, and the members of the Advisory Council shook their heads and sighed when they saw it, so they decided to come out and take care of it.

(3) There are many barbaric girls
The entire Malay team of the Hunan Consultative Bureau imitated Western capitalism, replaced the sign at the entrance with the words Hunan Senate, and then passed a bill demanding to be in charge of the administrative and personnel power of the Governor's Mansion.All orders issued by the Governor's Mansion must first be submitted to the Senate, which then sends them to various ministries for execution.If the order of the Dudu Mansion is rejected by the Senate, the opinion of the Senate will be used as the benchmark.

In addition, the Senate believed that the appointment of the deputy governor was unreasonable and demanded to cancel it. Therefore, Chen Zuoxin was first asked to resign from the post of deputy governor.

Chen Zuoxin listened and said with a smile: Resignation is acceptable, but there are three conditions.

Members of the Senate said: What conditions?
Chen Zuoxin said: I, Chen Zuoxin, for the sake of the revolution, do not seek fame or profit.There are only three conditions, one is to give me three small villas, the second is to give me 1 taels of silver, and the third is to give me two gentle little sisters so that they will love me forever.As long as these three conditions are met, I will resign immediately.

Member of the Senate: ...There are two more gentle little sisters. There are a lot of savage girls, and I am afraid that the gentle little sisters will not be found.

You can't even find a gentle little sister, so what's the use of your senate?So the party member Tan Renfeng arrived and forcibly abolished the Senate, and all powers belonged to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.Tan Yankai resigned in protest.

Speaking of Changsha, Hunan, there were originally four standard units in its army, which means four small battalion commanders.One of the battalion commanders was Mei Xin, who graduated from the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy. He approached the governor Jiao Dafeng and asked him to be promoted to Xietong. Jiao Dafeng agreed and said: OK, Lao Mei, you are now Xietong.

Promoted now?Mei Xin was very surprised: Then those people who took care of me before can't take care of me anymore, right?I've been promoted.

Metropolitan Governor Jiao Dafeng said with a smile: "Your brother is so ignorant. The revolution is successful. Everyone is promoted. When you are promoted, your superiors are also promoted. The people who used to control you are still in charge of you now."

Mei Xin became anxious when she heard this: I rely on my old cousin, I didn't do anything like this, I, Mei Xin, came here to talk seriously to you, why don't you promote me, let me lead an independent association .

Jiao Dafeng asked: What is an independent shoe?
Mei Xin said: I have the final say, others can't control what I say.

Jiao Dafeng shook his head: Lao Mei, you are so funny, the reason why everyone is making a revolution is to control you.If you don't want others to manage it, unless you come to revolution yourself.Your request, wait until we have a meeting to study and study.

Mei Xin withdrew resentfully, saying: Marshal Jiao Fei, Chen Jiu is also crazy.

Three days later, the Governor's Mansion suddenly received a report: Many people who don't know the truth are running on the Hefeng Match Company outside the North Gate—even the matches are going to be run on. Do you think these people are talking nonsense?
In fact, in the late Qing Dynasty, the economic development of the empire copied Western capitalism, and the freedom was so frightening.This Hefeng Match Company, according to its current scale, is at most an unlicensed black workshop, but at that time it had the right to operate the business of the People's Bank of China, and could print and issue banknotes by itself.In the dark old society, even a match company can print money by itself, you can try printing one at home now.

In other words, those people who did not know the truth at that time were cashing out at the gate of the match company.The deputy governor Chen Zuoxin got the report, and immediately led 20 guards to suppress it. When he walked near Wenchang Pavilion, suddenly gunshots broke out. Chen Zuoxin didn't notice and was killed on the spot.

When the Wenchang Pavilion gunshots started, more than a hundred armed people rushed into the Governor's Mansion, first disarmed the guards, and then rushed into the office of the Governor Jiao Dafeng, and escorted Jiao Dafeng out.Jiao Dafeng asked: What are you going to do?The other party replied: I want to kill you.Jiao Dafeng said: If you want to kill them, kill them under the nineteen-star flag.So everyone went up with knives, hacked Jiao Dafeng to death, tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, soaked his blood, and wrote on the wall: Jiao Dafeng was impersonating the bandit leader Jiang Shoudan and should be executed.

The Jiang Shoudan mentioned here is a bigwig from the Hongjiang Society. This group of killers insisted that Jiao Dafeng was Jiang Shoudan, but they didn't even say that they were not the same age.However, Jiao Dafeng, a key figure who instigated the Chinese revolution, was killed so easily, which must have stimulated the veterans of the rural party in this land.

The idea of ​​armed revolution has been brewing and surging in this land since then.

(4) really scared

Killing the chief governor Jiao Dafeng and the deputy governor Chen Zuoxin in one day, the prestige of the standard commander Mei Xin reached its peak in an instant.So the soldiers in Changsha held a joint meeting of chiefs of staff and said: In terms of reputation, the governor of Hunan must be Mei Xin, so please don't resign as the governor of Hunan.

Mei Xin shook her head and said:

If this is the case, it is beneficial.No, no!I am cutting chaos in Hunan, and protecting Ninger. There are sages in the country, and I urgently promote them.

Hearing Mei Xin speak like this, one can tell that this person is not stupid at all.But if he refused to be the governor, wouldn't Hunan become a mess?When he was in a dilemma, an officer named Yu Yinyi said: "This governor must have enough prestige to be able to overwhelm the field. If Mei Xin refuses to come, we will not be able to."In my opinion, why don't we go and find out Tan Yankai who resigned, I think this person is okay, what do you think?

Everyone nodded again and again and said: That's right, this Tan Yankai is what everyone expects. Just because he can talk to horses, he should also be the governor.

So the soldiers found Tan Renfeng, a veteran of the Tongmenghui, and a large group of people set off in a mighty manner. The crowd accompanied them along the way, and the black crowd could not see the end.When they arrived at Tan Yankai's door, everyone shouted: Tan Yankai, get out!Tan Yankai was terrified and hid in the room without daring to say anything. The people outside the door shouted: "Listen up, people in the room, come out immediately with your hands raised high, otherwise the house will be set on fire!"
Tan Yankai's mother twisted her little feet and came out tremblingly to intercede for her son: My neighbors, my son is a little stupid, just a lack of heart, but he has never done anything bad after all, so please don't hurt him. Please.

The old lady's intercession was ineffective, and everyone rushed into the house, picked up Tan Yankai and dragged him away.

Tan Yankai was taken to the Governor's Mansion. There were more than a thousand soldiers present. Seeing Tan Yankai being dragged to a table, the soldiers raised their guns at the same time.Seeing this, Tan Yankai immediately raised his arms and shouted: 20 years later, he will be a good man again... The person under the table reminded him: He was wrong, you are now our chief governor, hurry up and speak to everyone.

When Tan Yankai heard this, he shook his head again and again: "Now you are Daozu, I am fish, I will do whatever you ask me to do, except for the governor, even if you kill me, I will not do it."

Tan Renfeng, the old alliance member, was furious when he heard the words, and with a whoosh, he drew out his knife, pointed at Tan Yankai's nose and cursed: Lose your mother, today's governor, you have to do what you do, and you have to do what you don't do, no matter how dare you blah blah blah , Believe it or not, I hacked you with a knife?
Tan Yankai cried, and said to Tan Renfeng: Old man, your eyebrows and beard are all white, why do you still bully me, a young boy, or you can do it well with the governor.

Tan Renfeng scolded: Put your mother's stinky fart, you don't want to be the governor if you want to be an old man?Isn't this the job I sent you because I couldn't do it?

Tan Yankai: If you can't do it, you can't bully me, can you?
Tan Renfeng: Nonsense, if you don’t bully, who do you bully?You find someone more capable for me, and let me bully and bully?If you can't find it, it's you.

In desperation, Tan Yankai had no choice but to stand on the table and announce his inauguration in tears.He said: Ladies and gentlemen, I am so scared right now that I am almost scared to death. Even if you prepare a separate fire pit for me, why do you want me to be the governor?I am a literati, and a literati is one who sings the wind and admires the moon, appreciates the haze, and then chats with pretty little girls, and the governor supervises this work... Hey, how about we do this, I promise you to do this governor, Then we rule Hunan with military law. If you disobey my order, I will chop off your heads. Are you willing to have your heads chopped off by me?
Everyone: ... happy ... meaning.

Tan Yankai sighed.

They handed over their heads to you to cut off, what else can you say?
(End of this chapter)

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