The Republic is so violent

Chapter 71 The Revolutionary Feast

Chapter 71 The Revolutionary Feast (2)
Since Tan Yankai took office, the literati ruled Hunan, and the military law acted. Hunan was governed and became the most stable rear area in Wuchang.

(5) One crab is not as good as one crab

After the Hunan uprising, the second one to declare the success of the revolution was Shaanxi—the uprising in Shaanxi was bizarre. 28 party members rode horses into Chang'an, and suddenly rushed into the military uniform bureau. Hold it in your hand, load it with bullets, and shoot in all directions... First, the students in the military academy were beaten to the point of crying and had to run to lead the guns to join the revolution, and then the new army of the brigade was encouraged by the party members After rushing into Xi'an, holding an empty gun and shouting, rushing to the Military Uniform Bureau, after loading the bullets, the revolution in Shaanxi has been considered a success.

Qian Nengxun, the feudal governor who nursed the governor, fled to the adjutant's house and committed suicide with a six-round pistol, but he did not die.

At this time, the flag soldiers in Xi'an City still have more than 1 guns and 2000 cavalry. If they suddenly counterattack, I am afraid that the revolutionaries will not be able to deal with it.But the flag soldiers didn't know what was going on, and kept sending out detectives to inquire about the news. By the time they figured out that the revolutionaries were just bluffing, the revolutionaries had already developed to the point where they could be played for real. Wooden furniture blocked the gate in order to protect themselves, but they were set on fire by the party members. The flag soldiers were so burned that they had to surrender. .

Many people who participated in this uprising were well-known at the beginning, but became less and less famous later on.On the contrary, he was a student who carried a gun and set fire at that time. At that time, he was just serving tea and water behind the old revolutionary's buttocks, but later he became more and more famous. After he returned to his hometown in Sichuan, he had grown into a great One of the two famous warlords: Liu Wenhui.

But Liu Wenhui still had a long way to go if he really wanted to get out of the climate. At this time, Yan Xishan, a member of the Shanxi Revolutionary Party, was the one who made it clear.

Speaking of this brother Yan Xishan, there are only two words, life is bitter!He was born in a family of small workshop owners, and since he was a child, he walked the streets and alleys with a burden, peddling needles and thread to make ends meet.Fortunately, the imperial court held an examination and wanted to send the best students to Japan for further study. Yan Xishan studied hard with his books, and finally passed the qualification for foreign students at public expense. At the same time, he saw every need and took the precious time to join Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenghui.

But according to the transcripts of the old Tongmenghui people, Sun Yat-sen hated Yan Xishan, the small workshop owner, because he had so many questions that he often asked Sun Yat-sen tongue-tied, wanting to cry without tears.But Yan Xishan cannot be blamed for this matter. Although he has many strange problems, he is a man of doing things. After graduation, he got a sum of money from the Black Dragon Association of Japan and returned to his hometown to open up wasteland and reclaim land to rebuild his hometown.

Not long after, the imperial court summoned the overseas students who came back from Japan to Beijing for a re-examination. Yan Xishan was shocked when he arrived in Beijing. He saw that the re-examination students with him included Tang Jiyao from Yunnan, and Li Liejun from Jiangxi...all of them were revolutionaries, even presiding over this event. The candidates who took the first exam were all members of the revolutionary party, Cheng Jiatan.At this time, Cheng Jiatuo was working for Prince Su Shanqi, so he asked the Shanxi officials: Hey, your Shanxi revolutionary Yan Xishan is very capable, why are you unwilling to use such a talent?Wouldn't it be jealousy and jealousy?
Officials in Shanxi want to cry but have no tears: Please, your court can appoint revolutionaries by itself, but you still have to put revolutionaries on us.Unexpectedly, when the test results came out, Yan Xishan came out on top. Shanxi had no choice but to let him become the coach of the second bid, and the official position was probably a deputy regimental cadre.

Afterwards, Yan Xishan and other party members geared up and waited until the Wuchang Shouyi gunshots rang out. The governor of Shanxi Lu was thinking about how to deal with this matter.At that time, Governor Lu was wearing an official uniform, holding his youngest son with one hand, and said loudly to the party members: "The people in Shanxi have not lived a good life for a few days, but they met you gangsters and quarreled every day." Revolutionary revolution, change your mother's head.There is a feeling that you killed our father and son, but if you dare to hurt the people of Shanxi in the slightest, even if I am a ghost, I will not spare you!

While Governor Lu was scolding loudly, all the party members fired guns indiscriminately, beating the Lu family and his son on the spot.Everyone wanted to shoot at the corpse, but Yan Xishan sternly stopped them.

Yan Xishan said: Governor Lu is a well-known good official, but only such a kind and good official can be easily dismissed by us.If our revolution is only to destroy the lives of kind and honest people like Governor Lu, this life... if the revolution continues, I'm afraid it will be very fucked.

Governor Lu's family died, and Taiyuan fell into chaos.When the imperial court heard the news, they summoned Wu Luzhen, a revolutionary party, to take him as the governor of the sixth town and serve as the governor of Shanxi, so as to suppress the riots caused by the Tongmenghui.

Is there any mistake, how could the imperial court summon revolutionaries to suppress the Tongmenghui?

There is no mistake, that was the arrangement of the imperial court at that time.

(6) Mental battle of two heroes
Speaking of Wu Luzhen, all the old alliances and the old revolutionaries would tremble in their hearts suddenly, because his military ability was beyond the reach of ordinary people.When he was studying in Japan, he, Lan Tianwei and Yan Xishan were called the three outstanding non-commissioned officers, and the Chinese and Japanese students in the whole school could not compare with the three of them.

But he is also an outstanding person. After Yan Xishan returned to China, he was mixed with a deputy regiment-level cadre.But another hero, Lan Tianwei, was even worse. He went to the Northeast, and unfortunately met Zhang Zuolin who was born in the Jianghu.As soon as Wu Luzhenfu returned to China, he was awarded the position of command of the sixth town, which is similar to the meaning of the commander of the military region.

In terms of military comparison, Yan Xishan is only at the deputy regiment level, but Wu Luzhen is the commander of the military region, which is no longer comparable.Comparing the administrative ability, Yan Xishan's hands are full of hands and feet, all relying on the poverty alleviation funds borrowed from the Japanese to open up wasteland and reclaim land, but Wu Luzhen was awarded the position of governor of Shanxi—this official is equivalent to the governor of Shanxi Province. , that is to say, Yan Xishan will have to catch up with Wu Luzhen's level at that time for another 20 years before he can catch up a little bit.

Of course, in terms of the equivalent military system, a town is only equal to a current division, and Wu Luzhen is at best awarded the title of division commander—but this has already made Yan Xishan unreasonable.

In short, Wu Luzhen is very powerful.

The imperial court's reuse of Wu Luzhen was the meaning of General Tie Liang of the Ning and Han Dynasties.Probably because Tie Liang admired Wu Luzhen the most when he was studying in Japan, and they were classmates, so Tie Liang took a high look at Wu Luzhen.

When they heard that Wu Luzhen was coming to Shanxi, all the revolutionaries in Shanxi were frightened and cried.Yan Xishan said: If Wu Luzhen comes, we will die.Which brother has a sharper mouth? Send him to talk to Wu Luzhen. Everyone is a member of the League, and they are all taking advantage of this opportunity to grab land. I, Yan Xishan, have no skills, so I just want to grab Shanxi. You Wu Luzhen is so powerful, you should go Beijing grabs the dragon chair, so give us Shanxi, okay?
The Shanxi Revolutionary Party sent Qiu Liang, who was the most eloquent, to go to Shijiazhuang to find Wu Luzhen, and asked: Old Wu, now that Shanxi has been recovered and liberated, many official positions have been vacated, but none of us can do it. Don't dare to do it.

Wu Luzhen asked: Why are there so many vacant official positions and dare not take them?What are you afraid of?
Qiu Liang cried loudly: "Old Wu, if you don't speak, who of us would dare to take an official position? The lives of our Shanxi revolutionaries are all in your hands at this moment. If you let us live, we will live. You don't want to give birth." Let us live, we just... just... just fled to Japan to find Sun Yat-sen reasoning, we are all members of the Tongmenghui, you wouldn't bully us like this, would you?
Wu Luzhen laughed loudly: Xiaoqiu, it's good for you, but it's only a small place like Shanxi, so why are you so nervous?Have you always read Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou"?It mentioned a roc bird with huge wings and flying super high. It flew to the Antarctic to peck penguins in the morning, and flew to the North Pole to peck polar bears at night.One day the roc flew over Shijiazhuang and stopped to rest. It happened that there was a blind owl nearby, and it picked up a rotten dead mouse. Hearing the roc, the owl was dead. He hugged the rotten rat and shouted loudly: "Don't snatch it. This dead rat is mine. If you dare to snatch it, I'll show you to death."

After Wu Luzhen finished speaking, Qiu Liang laughed out loud and asked, "Old Wu, I didn't know you could tell jokes too. Hahaha, by the way, let's get down to business. You have been appointed governor of Shanxi The sixth town is in control, when will I take office?
Wu Luzhen: ...Xiao Qiu, you brain...Let me tell you this, the reason why I accepted the official appointment of the imperial court is for the revolution!Now that the revolution in Shanxi has been successful, there is no need for me to enter Niangziguan anymore.If I really become the governor of Shanxi Province, what face will I have when I see the comrades of the Tongmenghui again?With this heart and ambition, you can swear to the sun and the moon.

Qiu Liang: Really?
Wu Luzhen: fucking... believe it or not.

Knowing that Wu Luzhen will not serve in Shanxi, Yan Xishan and others were overjoyed, so they rushed to Niangziguan with all the revolutionaries in Shanxi to meet Wu Luzhen.Wu Luzhen took Yan Xishan's hand and said, "Yan Laoxi, you're here, and I'm telling you that I'm facing big trouble here."The thing is like this, although I am now appointed as the commander of the sixth town, but I am alone, and I have no friendship with the commanders of the various battalions in the army, and I have never known each other.I tested them with revolutionary ideas, but they became suspicious of me. If this continues, I will be in danger.

After hearing Wu Luzhen's words, Yan Xishan groaned bitterly.I said in my heart that I, Yan Xishan, was too real to be fooled by Wu Luzhen. Hearing what he said, if you want to control the Sixth Town, don't you have to go to Shanxi to take up the post first?Thinking like this in my heart, I cried: "Old Wu, you really know how to joke. You have managed to control you. How can such a small matter be difficult for you?"
Wu Luzhen smiled and said: It must be difficult, but it needs your help, Yan Laoxi.

Yan Xishan's eyes darkened: "Old Wu, what do you want?"

Wu Luzhen said: What I want you to do for me is very simple.You see, the reason why I can't control the army here is because I don't have a private guard, which is equivalent to entering the camp of tigers and wolves alone.Yan Laoxi, let’s take a look at the situation in Shanxi. Now that the revolution has succeeded in Shaanxi, and I, Wu Luzhen, are here in Shijiazhuang, Shanxi can be said to be quite safe. The new army was divided into two battalions under my command, so that I could use it to suppress the officers who opposed me in the sixth town.

Then Wu Luzhen turned around sharply and said: Zai Feng, Zai Tao, Zai Xun, etc. of the Qing court, saw the surging momentum of our revolution, and they were already panicked, which is very beneficial to the future of the revolution.However, Yuan Shikai has been appointed as the prime minister of the cabinet. He is an old traitor, and under the control of the new army throughout the country, most of them are his subordinates during the military training period at Xiaozhan. Yuan Shikai was appointed to Beijing to take office. The overall situation must change, at least with the future of the revolution. harmful.I am stationed here, choking the throats of the north and the south, and when Yuan enters Beijing and passes here, the camera will kill him, and then the great cause of revolution will be successful.If I lead the army northward to meet Zhang Shaozeng and the blue sky and Wei army, the capital will fall without attack.

Hearing this, Yan Xishan understood everything.

Wu Luzhen was Wu Luzhen after all. He had no intention of going to Shanxi, but he coerced Yan Xishan to hand over the new army in Shanxi.But given Yan Xishan's current situation, would he dare not agree?

Drive directly to the capital, conquer the world, command the heroes, and look down on all directions.

This is Wu Luzhen's ambition.

(7) Unprecedented suspense in history
Yan Xishan returned to Taiyuan and dispatched two battalions of new troops to Wu Luzhen.

But Wu Luzhen did a strange thing at this time—he publicly showed his anti-Qing banner and took up the post of "Governor of the Yan-Jin Allied Forces" in Shijiazhuang.

Wu Luzhen clearly knew that his subordinates were unreliable, and he didn't even have a trusted guard. Although he was appointed by the imperial court as the ruler of the sixth town, he was exposed to the pack of wolves. , Those who oppose the revolution, Wu Luzhen is so eager to reveal his secret identity, what does he mean?
But Wu Luzhen had no choice. Since he had sworn not to enter Niangziguan, the Shanxi governor assigned to him by the imperial court would also quit.This is tantamount to a showdown with the imperial court.Therefore, he can only serve as the governor of the Yan-Jin coalition army, and is going to drive the troops into the capital directly.If he succeeds, the political and economic structure of China will be completely rewritten in the future.

But this period of history could not be rewritten after all. Wu Luzhen's three armies hadn't left yet, his former guard captain Ma Huitian suddenly came to the Sixth Town Army, all of a sudden news was flying all over the sky, saying that this person was here to assassinate Wu Luzhen.Wu Luzhen couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. The assassination is still so publicized, is she afraid that people don't know about it?He called Ma Huitian and asked, "Little Ma, I heard that you came here to kill me. Is the news true?"

Ma Huitian replied: Yes, I came here to kill you.Before he finished speaking, he already held the gun in his hand and aimed at Wu Luzhen several times.

Wu Luzhen died immediately.

Once this person died, the siege of Beijing was broken. Not only did the Yan-Jin alliance come to naught, but Shijiazhuang returned to the imperial line, causing Yan Xishan in Shanxi to lose contact with the Central Plains—the most disturbing thing is that Yan Xishan also sent Two battalions of new troops were going to serve as Wu Luzhen's guards. The two battalions were on their way at a leisurely pace, but Wu Luzhen was already dead.

He had a chance to add the yellow robe - it was only a little bit short.

In this way, an unprecedented big unsolved case was forced to be pushed in front of everyone: Who ordered the murderer who killed Wu Luzhen?

The earliest documents, unanimously, believe that the murderer behind the scenes must be Wu Luzhen's upper bunk brother when he was studying in Japan-General Ninghan Tieliang.Tie Liang and Wu Luzhen are classmates, and they appreciate Wu Luzhen's talent the most. If it wasn't for Tie Liang's admiration, Wu Luzhen would not be awarded the high position of the sixth township.Kuang Sixth Town guarding Shijiazhuang is no different from the Weixu troops guarding the capital city. With Wu Luzhen in this position, it can be seen how much Tie Liang trusts Wu Luzhen.

However, Wu Luzhen betrayed his old classmate after all, and his betrayal made the Manchu court face the most serious danger of extinction.As soon as Wu Luzhen died, the danger in Beijing was immediately lifted, and the situation was reversed. This change became the biggest evidence that Tie Liang condemned people to assassinate Wu Luzhen.

But with the passage of time, people discovered that Tie Liang did not actually take advantage of Wu Luzhen's death-looking at the entire Republic of China, the only person who took advantage of it was Yuan Datou and Yuan Shikai.

According to the research and judgment norms in reasoning - when a murder occurs, the only beneficiary must be the murderer.

Wu Luzhen died, and Yuan Shikai benefited-this proves that Yuan Datou is the murderer, even if Yuan Shikai doesn't admit it, it doesn't work.

Therefore, regarding the death of Wu Luzhen, it was believed that General Tie Liang of the Ning and Han Dynasties did it in the early days, and the consensus in the later period was that Yuan Shikai did it—especially when Yuan Shikai restored the monarchy later, then it was him who did it, not him. Also him.He even dared to be the emperor, how could there be a reason not to assassinate Wu Luzhen?
However, it is really possible that Yuan Shikai did not do this.At least, among all the suspects, Yuan Shikai was the least suspected.

Where did this remark come from?
There are two reasons:
First, Yuan Shikai has never had a criminal record of assassination, he has never done such a thing before, and he has not done similar things after that (also similar to the murder of Song Jiaoren, also without any evidence, and the assassin was the Kuomintang, but the crime was pinned on Yuan Shikai’s head out of thin air).If we want to attribute a crime to a person who has never committed such a wrongful case, then we need more sufficient evidence, not just inference, let alone emotion.

Second, an individual assassination is not as good as a group fight, what is needed is a warrior of blood.For example, in ancient times, Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin. There were very few righteous people like Jing Ke, because such people's will and beliefs violated the most basic human nature of greed for life and fear of death.The League is inspired by the supreme spiritual strength, but it still faces the problem of a shortage of assassins. The jade-faced scholar Wang Zhaoming was forced to assassinate. We know how many people are willing to throw bombs at the risk of being caught. hard to find.Whether it is in the Ninghan General Tieliang or in the secular Yuan Shikai, it is difficult to find the support of this spiritual power.

On the contrary, there is another person who can find the spiritual power of this kind of assassin, and he has many assassination records and has rich experience in assassination.In addition, he has a stronger motive for assassination than Tieliang and Yuan Shikai.

Who is this person?

It is the League, the Revolutionary Party.

(8) There is no one behind the murderer
It is not groundless to say that the Revolutionary Party of the Tongmenghui was more suspicious of Wu Luzhen's assassination, but there is evidence to speak of - at least this evidence is no less persuasive than the suspicion and accusation against Yuan Shikai and Tie Liang.

The League, the Revolutionary Party, is actually talking about Yan Laoxi and Yan Xishan.

Just talking about Yan Laoxi's personal psychology, he, Wu Luzhen and Lan Tianwei were not separated from each other when they were in Japan, and they were both honored as the three outstanding non-commissioned officers. But after returning to China, Yan Laoxi and Wu Luzhen's social status and life achievements are very different. It is absolutely impossible to say that Yan Xishan has no feeling about this matter.

In addition, Wu Luzhen suppressed Yan Xishan everywhere, and was appointed by the court as the governor of Shanxi and the commander of the sixth town. He already occupied Shanxi in name, which made Yan Xishan feel the despair of failure in life.And when Wu Luzhen showed disdain for Shanxi, it was tantamount to stabbing Yan Laoxi in the heart—Yan Laoxi's greatest wish in his life was to occupy Shanxi. Formed a decisive suppression on Yan Xishan.

Wu Luzhen ordered Yan Xishan to dispatch the Shanxi new army to serve as his own guard. At this time, Yan Xishan's heart was probably bleeding, crying, and sobbing.There is really no way to compare people.

(End of this chapter)

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