The Republic is so violent

Chapter 73 The Revolutionary Feast

Chapter 73 The Revolutionary Feast (4)
After getting off the bus, I heard that Wu Luzhen, an alumnus of the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy, had just been promoted to the commander of the sixth town, and was throwing a big banquet, inviting the students to eat, so Li Liejun rushed over, drinking in a big bowl, eating a big piece of meat, and eating a big piece , as the so-called Zhuang Huai Yixing wants to fly, wants to go to the blue sky to embrace the bright moon-only eat wine and meat, and all people never talk about business.

The next day, Li Liejun visited his classmates and alumni one by one, and everyone quietly asked about the revolution in the South.Li Liejun replied: Wuhan is majestic, but its strength is insufficient, and its strength is weak. I am afraid it will be precarious.Unless we raise troops to respond in time, then Wuhan can be safe.So an old classmate asked him in a low voice: If that’s the case, let me tell you the truth. Our Jiangxi Jiujiang has become independent, and a revolutionary government has been established, but the older officials... this, this... well, there are too many monks, and there are too few seniors. All the officials at one point have been snatched up, and the remaining small don't think they are too small, do you?

Li Liejun said seriously: "A petty official is also an official... No, what I mean is that I, Li Liejun, only know about having a country but not having a family. Why pick thin?

The classmate was overjoyed, and immediately patted him on the shoulder, saying: OK, the current situation is that there is no one to command the heavy artillery team. You studied artillery in Japan. From now on, you will be the commander of the heavy artillery.

So Commander Li bought a train ticket and went to Tianjin, and then took a small steamer to Shanghai. At this time, Wu Luzhen, Li Liejun’s alumnus, had already gone to Shijiazhuang to take up a job, and then met Yan Xishan in Niangziguan, and then proclaimed himself the commander of the Yan-Jin coalition army, and then Was assassinated.

While Li Liejun was sailing on the sea, he suddenly saw a strange ship, surrounded by white cloth, what kind of goods were loaded in the ship, most of them were weapons.So Commander Li abandoned his boat and landed, called the Jinjipo Fortress in Jiangxi, and said: "This is Commander Li of the Heavy Artillery Team. Do you see a boat on the sea?"It's the one surrounded by white cloth... what do you say?You said you don't know what Commander Li is?How can this be?Listen to me explaining to you, Commander Li is... let alone your mother's explanation, the boat has already sailed past the fortress.

This commander must be too weak.

So Commander Li returned to Jiujiang dejectedly, and found that Jiujiang had declared its independence. Now the governor of Jiujiang is Ma Yubao——and later, Ma Chaojun of the Overseas Chinese Death Squad was teamed up by Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui, and he was beaten to drift to Jiujiang. This is Ma Yubao. At that time, Ma Yubao wanted Ma Chaojun to be his guard. It is obvious that Ma Yubao's IQ is not ordinary. Li Liejun became the governor, and Ma Yubao resigned himself.

Li Liejun already knew that even the commander was not good enough, let alone a mere governor?So he wisely refused, and refused to grant the resignation, so a wonderful story about letting an official pass has been spread in the world since then.

Good stories are good stories, but this good story only confirms the high intelligence of Ma Yubao.

Ma Yubao was originally a small standard officer, equivalent to the head of the regiment, a regiment-level cadre.After the Wuchang Uprising, the subordinates responded and pushed Ma Yubao to be the governor.In other words, on Ma Yubao's side, it was the army that made the revolution first, and then elected him as the governor.Moreover, with the support of his subordinates, Ma Yubao would also give up the post of governor. Under such circumstances, no one could find any reason to embarrass him.

Looking at Wu Luzhen again, Wu Luzhen made a revolution on his own when the troops were still unwilling to "reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty", and declared himself the governor of the Yan-Jin coalition army-the result was backlashed by his subordinates and lost his life.

In short, compared with Wu Luzhen, this Ma Yubao is a master.

Meeting such a master, Li Liejun had no choice but to declare himself as Ma Yubao's chief of staff, moved into the government office of Zhou Yu, the governor of the Three Kingdoms period, and started clocking in at work from nine to five.

A few days after he went to work, in the Metropolitan Governor's Office, the bloody and violent Commander Li even hacked a living person with a knife.

(12) Don't mess with the Revolutionary Party
However, since Li Liejun became the chief of staff of Ma Yubao, the governor of Jiujiang, he clocked in on time every day, rain or shine.On this day, Li Liejun entered his office, and suddenly saw someone standing in front of his desk, flipping through the documents on the desk.

Li Liejun was furious in his heart, he walked over and saw that the man was a staff member of the Governor's Mansion, his surname was Ma, and his first name was Ma Xianting - the Governor Ma Yubao was also surnamed Ma, I don't know if this person and the Governor are from the same family.

At that time, Li Liejun's face sank: Who allowed you to look through Lao Tzu's documents?

Ma Xianting said with a sneer: ...What is Chief of Staff Li so nervous about? Let's see what's the matter.

Li Liejun roared: "It doesn't matter, I'll let you speak, when is it your turn to speak?"

Ma Xianting's face was ugly: ... Staff Li, can you keep your mouth clean?
OK, why not.Li Liejun spoke softly, raised his arms, and slapped Ma Xianting's face with his big mouth, making Ma Xianting's face red, swollen and blue on the spot.

Ma Xianting was stunned: Staff Officer Li, why did you beat someone up?
Li Liejun: I beat you bastard, honestly, are you a fucking spy of the Qing court?Come here to spy on the military?

Ma Xianting shouted: You are the spy. If I were a spy, would I still need to read your documents in broad daylight and in full view of everyone?I have long been... ouch!

Ma Xianting hadn't finished speaking when Li Liejun picked up a knife, and saw the sharp blade cut a graceful arc, and with a plop, Ma Xianting had been hacked half to death, wilting to the ground.

...Yu slapped his cheek angrily, but he roared loudly, and then he drew the big knife worn by the gendarmerie beside him and chopped it off, because Yu Zeng used two-handed swords and possessed the strength of his wrists. ...

Excerpted from Li Liejun: "I Was During the Revolution of [-]"

After beheading the hapless Ma Xianting, Li Liejun immediately ordered the military police on one side to search him.As a result, letters between Ma Xianting and Jiangxi governor Feng Rukui were found.Most of the sentences in the letter had the meaning of opposing the revolution, so Li Liejun concluded: Ma Xianting is a spy sent by the governor Feng Rukui.

But in fact, Jiangxi Governor Ma Rukuang, like Shanxi Governor Lu and Yunnan-Guizhou Governor Li Jingxi, are all honest, kind and loyal officials-but they are making trouble, not to say that the late Qing Dynasty was completely corrupt, no official is not corrupt, and no official is not spoiled?Why did the revolutionaries meet all good officials?
This is because officials are neither good nor bad, and people are neither good nor evil.All people, no matter whether you are an official or a commoner, there is no difference in the expression of human nature. Everyone hopes to gain a little bit more benefits, and also hopes to gain a good reputation.At the same time, everyone is an economic man. By calculating the cost of doing things, he decides what kind of person he will become.

If it is in an era when power is unified and civil forces are brutally suppressed.At this time, officials only need to be responsible to their superiors, not to the people. The cost of harming the people is extremely low, but the benefits they get are huge. At this time, the powerful and powerful will reveal the evil in human nature. one side.

On the contrary, in the late Qing Dynasty, the emperor's principles were lost, partisans were everywhere, and the court desperately wanted to restore the situation, and it was more willing to severely punish corrupt officials in order to please the people.At this time, if the officials dare to embezzle again, it is obviously a lack of heart. Not only will the court not let you go, but the revolutionary party will also choose you as a key target for assassination to win the moral resources of the revolution.So at this time, the cost of being a corrupt official will be extremely high, and it will not be worthwhile.

In short, power is the breeding ground for corrupt officials.The more powerful the head of power is, the more flattering the emperor is, the more it is the era when the cost of being a corrupt official is low, and the more it is the time when the common people have nowhere to go.On the contrary, the more popular people are everywhere and the era of civil rights-many people dare not be greedy at this time.

But this is not to say that all officials in the late Qing Dynasty were honest and good officials, and corrupt officials were indispensable at any time.It's just that most of the officials in the place where the revolution broke out first were gentle and kind-hearted, and they were peaceful. If the officials were bad officials, it would be difficult for the Revolutionary Party to form a force. It was only because of the kindness of the officials that the Revolutionary Party gathered in these places. , finally detonated the revolution.

Regarding the character of Jiangxi Governor Feng Rugui, we don't count. Li Liejun, as the person involved, only counts when he says:

…Successively rallied comrades from the second and third battalions and outstanding students from various schools in the provincial capital, and hundreds of people joined the League. In addition, they gave spiritual education and distance training, and they were full of vitality.Feng Rukui received the reward of Shang Dequan, so he was extremely jealous. After Yu left his job, he became more and more careful...

Look, Li Liejun managed to develop hundreds of Tongmenghui under Feng Rukuang's nose. What a huge number!Let so many rebellious parties operate in their own territory, if it is not because of Feng Rukui's poor ability, then it is a matter of character.

Which is the answer?

We will know soon—after the letters between Ma Xianting and governor Feng Rukui were found, Li Liejun immediately called the governor Ma Yubao to ask for instructions.

Guess how the Governor-General of Malaysia responded?

Ma Yubao replied:

Whatever the chief of staff wants, please do everything on your behalf.

Look at this answer, poor Governor Ma Yubao, he didn't dare to provoke the Revolutionary Party at all—or, he didn't dare to provoke Li Liejun at all.

So Li Liejun dragged out Ma Xianting, who had been hacked half to death, and handed him over to the Military Justice Department for judgment and execution.

(13) The revolution is robbing women
Ma Xianting rummaged through the documents, so he was accused of being a spy, and Liao Bolang, the commander of the gendarmerie, was personally responsible for the execution.

The shooting of a little Ma Xianting, but the commander of the gendarmerie actually executed it himself, which can be seen as a political attitude that can never be misunderstood—everyone is trying to show that they are moving closer to the revolutionary Li Liejun.

Xu Gongdu, the commander of the Jinjipo Fort, was the most active. After Ma Xianting was shot, he rushed into Ma's house, dragged out all the female family members of Ma Xianting's family, carefully checked their bodies, and picked out the two most beautiful ones. , I don't know if it was Ma Xianting's daughter or someone else, brought the two beautiful women back to his home, and happily enjoyed the fruits of the revolution.

After the adjutant learned about it, he quietly told Li Liejun the news: the revolution has happened, and the fort commander Xu Gongdu gave the most beautiful woman in Ma Xianting's family to the revolution.It's just that there are too few women in the Ma family, not enough for everyone to hide together. Do you want to... well, find a way to find more spies?
At that time, Li Liejun became anxious as soon as he heard it, and thought to himself, where is this?
After the adjutant heard this, he immediately ran to Xu Gongdu, the commander of the fort, and said: Chief of Staff Li said that what you did was wrong. It is a violation of military discipline and you will be shot.

Xu Gongdu became anxious when he heard it: nonsense, I am a revolution, isn’t revolution just about stealing women?What kind of revolution is a revolution that does not allow women to be robbed?If you don't allow women to be robbed, who would be willing to change this life!

The adjutant said: You can't tell me what you said, go to the execution ground and tell Chief of Staff Li.

Xu Gongdu pointed his finger at the adjutant's nose and said with a smile: "Well, you don't know anything. I told you that revolution means robbing women. If you don't believe me, do you have to wait for Chief of Staff Li to tell you in person?"

Are you really capable?The adjutant expressed doubts: Then you let Chief of Staff Li speak out and I will listen.

Xu Gongdu smiled: don't worry, just wait.

So Xu Gongdu immediately got into the telegraph room and sent a telegram to Li Yuanhong, the governor of the Hubei Revolutionary Army: Hello, Teacher Li. A helping hand... It turns out that Xu Gongdu was a student of Li Yuanhong when he was an instructor in Jiangbian School in Lianghu, and a student who was supervised by Li Dadu. No wonder he has such a deep understanding of revolution.

Fatty Li was short of major generals, and suddenly received a telegram from his former student Xu Gongdu. He was overjoyed and immediately sent a telegram to Li Liejun, requesting that Xu Gongdu be transferred to Wuchang to fight.

When Li Liejun received Li Yuanhong's telegram, he was immediately delighted: No wonder this Xu Gongdu dared to kill a woman.Well, in order to connect with Hubei, Xu Gongdu was allowed to be transferred to continue the revolution, but he was not shot for the time being.

So Xu Gongdu held a woman from Majiage in one hand, and said to the adjutant before boarding the ship: "See clearly?"Life is such a revolutionary law. I said it was true, but you still have to argue.

The adjutant looked at it and shook his head: I don't know anything else, but I dare say that if the order continues like this, there will definitely be big troubles in the future.

Xu Gongdu took the snatched woman and went to Wuchang, Hubei to continue the revolution. Here in Jiujiang, another man named Ge Ke'an was appointed as the commander of the fort.But as soon as Ge Ke'an took office, he saw that the sea was turbulent, and there were dozens of huge warships, including the Haichao, the Haichen, the Chutong, the Chuyou, the Chuqian, and the Chuyu. No., Jiangyuan No., Jiangheng No., Jiangli No., Jiangzhen No.In addition, there are two torpedo boats, Hu Peng and Hu E, rushing towards the Jinjipo Fort in Jiujiang with mighty power.

The fort commander Ge Ke'an was frightened out of his wits, and immediately ordered to fire.

But with so many warships coming, how can the little Jinjipo be the enemy's opponent?
(14) Intrigue and great cooperation
There are a lot of warships and torpedo boats coming out of the sea, and they are under the command of Huang Zhongying, the commander-in-chief of the Qing Empire Navy. Surrounded by so many warships, the small Jiujiang is really vulnerable.

But when the Jinjipo Fortress was about to put all their eggs in one basket and fight to the death, a strange thing happened. The powerful warships even raised flags and demanded reconciliation.This means that the powerful navy of the Qing Dynasty surrendered to the Jiujiang military government.

Is there a mistake?Such a powerful navy actually came to surrender?

It's true, there are many members of the alliance on the warships, who originally stirred up the passion of revolution, but the old soldiers who did not join the alliance pay more attention to the honor of soldiers, and they are absolutely unwilling to let them shoot at the common people.

If you refuse to fire, you can only surrender, otherwise what else can you do?
But if it really surrendered, it would be too shameful.So Huang Zhongying, the commander-in-chief of the navy, came up with a brilliant idea. The commander-in-chief came to a small place like Jiujiang. The revolutionary army was weak and his own was strong, so there was no need to surrender, but cooperation between the two sides.

Cooperation and cooperation, common revolution, salty and reform.

So the Navy of the Qing Dynasty and the Jinjipo Fort of Jiujiang launched a grand friendship meeting. Huang Zhongying, commander-in-chief of the Qing Dynasty Navy, and Li Liejun, chief of staff of the Jiujiang Revolutionary Government, attended the meeting and delivered important speeches.

Li Liejun said: Revolutionary comrades, on behalf of the people of Jiangxi, I welcome your arrival. As long as we join hands and beat Manqing hard, then Manqing will be the tail of a rabbit, and it will never grow.

It was the turn of the commander-in-chief of the navy, Huang Zhongying, to speak. Huang Zhongying said: Everyone, let's do it together, and beat Li Liejun to death.

Li Liejun: Cousin, something happened, why did you hit me.

Huang Zhongying was extremely angry: He also said, Li Liejun, you despicable villain, I came here to lead the navy, and I sincerely cooperated with you. Two garlic, is our navy's opponent?
Li Liejun: What's going on...Where's the Zongzheng Song and Dance Troupe?Why don't you come on stage to dance, let me ask what happened?

In fact, it was nothing serious, but the people from the Jinjipo Fort quietly removed the breech bolts of the cannons on the warship when the two parties were singing and dancing.Without the breech bolt, the artillery can no longer be fired, so Huang Zhongying was so furious that he grabbed Li Liejun and wouldn't let him go.

Li Liejun said to Ge Ke'an, the current commander of Jinjipo Fortress: What are you doing, return the breech bolt to others.

Ge Ke'an said with a smile: "Don't ask me for the breech bolt. I only have bombs here. Do you want to throw one over?"
Li Liejun: Don't, don't, don't... don't throw bombs... They are all revolutionary comrades, why throw bombs.

So the party broke up unhappy, Huang Zhongying angrily led the crowd back to the warship, looked at the artillery with its breech bolt removed, and was so angry that she wanted to cry without tears.After spending the night in incomparable shame and anger, on the second day, I heard the noise on the shore. It turned out that Li Liejun ordered his men to bring the breech bolt back.Although the breech bolt was lost and recovered, Huang Zhongying finally learned the revolutionary methods of the Jiujiang people, and since then he has been devoted to Li Liejun.

Ma Yubao, governor of the Jiujiang Revolutionary Government, announced: Li Liejun is hereby appointed as the commander-in-chief of the navy and army of the Republic of China.

So Li Liejun ordered a grand swearing-in ceremony to be held, and Wu Zhaoxuan, the secretary with the best writing skills, wrote a gorgeous article. Li Liejun dressed in military uniform and recited it aloud on the high platform.While reciting, someone from the audience suddenly reached out to greet him: Hey, Xiao Li... No, it's Lao Li... No, it's Commander Li, Commander Li, is Commander Li free?If you have time, do us a little favor.

Li Liejun took a closer look. The person who came was Hu Wantai, from Anhui, and also from the Revolutionary Party of the Tongmenghui.This person came and put forward a very fucking motion to Li Liejun, so that the people of Anhui will be poisoned.As for Li Liejun, he soared into the sky and jumped straight to the throne of the governor of Anhui.

(15) Crouching with a tiger is not a good beast
It is said that the people of Anhui have a long tradition of revolution. The earliest revolutionary party was Chen Duxiu, a student studying in Japan in Anqing. In 1903, he organized an anti-government rally with 300 people, which stunned the court.Later, Xu Xilin, a righteous man of the Restoration Society, was put in high esteem by the governor of Anhui, En Ming, and was regarded as a confidant. So Xu Xilin took this opportunity to assassinate En Ming. Afterwards, Xu Xilin was arrested. The interrogator asked him: Xu Xilin, En Ming treated him so kindly. You, you took advantage of his kindness and killed him in turn. Is your revolutionary party treating other people's kindness like this?
Xu Xilin replied: Enming treats me well, it is a personal friendship.It is axiomatic for me to kill Enming.

After Xu Xilin's death, Xiong Chengji, a revolutionary party, revives again, but encounters Zhu Jiabao, a master of calligraphy, and immediately fails.

After the news of the Wuchang Uprising came, Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai, members of the Anhui party, revolted again, with Hu Wantai as the commander-in-chief.However, the two brothers' lives were miserable, and the opponent Zhu Jiabao was really strong, so they failed in the uprising.

(End of this chapter)

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