The Republic is so violent

Chapter 74 The Revolutionary Feast

Chapter 74 The Revolutionary Feast (5)
It is said that the capital of Anhui at that time was Anqing City, and the governor Zhu Jiabao was Yuan Shikai's close buddy.As the saying goes, lying with a tiger is not a good beast, and flying with a phoenix is ​​a handsome bird. Yuan Shikai was the number one outstanding man in China in the Republic of China, and Zhu Jiabao was able to call him a brother and brother. What a skill, forgive the unknown Wu Yang Gu, is Hu Wantai his opponent?
That night, the party members secretly set up a ladder outside Anqing City, climbed over the city wall, and as soon as their toes landed, they heard an earth-shattering cry from all around them. In the blazing flames, Zhu Jiabao's proud face appeared: Hahaha, The baby has been waiting for you for a long time, the little hairy child revolutionary party, dare to fight with my baby, isn't it out of control?

The party members were horrified, and immediately put oil on the soles of their feet, flying into the sky and flying in all directions. Zhu Jiabao drove the Qing soldiers with a smile on his face, and went all over the street to arrest the revolutionaries. It's terrible, it's terrible, our neighboring province, Governor Cheng Decheng of Jiangsu, has declared independence!

No way?Zhu Jiabao was stunned.

But what kind of character is this Cheng Dequan?How could he react so quickly, saying independence means independence?
Speaking of Cheng Dequan, all Chinese nowadays should stand up in awe and bow three times in front of this old man's name.But no one bowed to the old man. Instead, many party members pointed at his nose and scolded him, but scolding is wrong, so we should bow... But what did the old man do that deserves our bow?
Mr. Huang Yanpei, in his "Experiences of the Revolution of [-]", recorded:

...Cheng Dequan is a scholar in Yunyang County, Sichuan Province, and an alternate county magistrate in Heilongjiang Province.Gengzi in the 26th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty (1900), Imperial Russia aggressively invaded the Northeast, Cheng Dequan invited to go to the former enemy, General Shoushan ordered Cheng Dequan to negotiate with Russia, but it was invalid.Russia bombarded the city across the river, and Shoushan committed suicide.At that time, Cheng Dequan used his body as the muzzle of the cannon. The Russian people were so moved that they stopped firing the cannon.The people of Heilongjiang believed that Cheng Dequan's spirit of sacrifice alone saved the lives of the whole city, and asked the Qing court to appoint Cheng Dequan as a general.When the Empress Dowager Shiqing entertained foreign guests, the wife of the Russian Minister said that China has a good official Cheng Dequan.At that time, Heilongjiang was transformed into a province, and the Qing court made an exception and made Cheng Dequan the governor of Heilongjiang Province (according to "Gengzi Negotiation Records" written by Duolu).In March of the second year of Xuantong (1910), Cheng Dequan was transferred to be the governor of Jiangsu Province...

It turns out that this paragraph by Mr. Huang Yanpei was also copied from the transcript... But anyway, Cheng Dequan's personality and character can be glimpsed from this passage. life above all else.Judging from this characteristic, the old man brazenly raised the flag of independence, not because he had any good feelings for the revolutionary party, nor did he have any bad feelings for the Qing court, but he was just worried that the flames of the revolution would burn to Jiangsu and endanger the lives of ordinary people. That's why he didn't hesitate to pretend to be fakes, and started the revolution before the revolutionaries—this is already a revolution, so there is no need to shoot and kill people, right?
What needs to be added is that the revolutionaries of the old man Cheng Dequan saw it clearly, so not long after that, the party members regrouped in Jiangsu and forced the old man Cheng Dequan to "revolute a second time", forcing the old man to flee, exposing his " The true face of an incomplete revolution."So let's say now, should we bow three times to such an old man, or should we curse the old man's eight generations of ancestors?

Those who bowed bowed, and those who scolded their mothers scolded their mothers, but Zhu Jiabao from Anhui was played badly by Cheng Dequan.

Cheng Dequan was playing in Jiangsu, and Zhu Jiabao was playing in Anhui. Why did Cheng Dequan declare independence, but play Zhu Jiabao badly?
This is because, in Anqing, Anhui, according to Jiang Chenlie, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is Jiujiang, where Ma Yubao served as the governor, and Li Liejun was inspecting the navy, and there was a revolution.The downstream of Anqing is Zhejiang. At this time, Zhejiang also declared its independence, and then Cheng Dequan's Jiangsu became independent again, which only isolated Anhui, which had not yet become independent.

Zhu Jiabao was in a daze at the time, went back to the government office and sat down on his buttocks, saying: Damn, how can this be done?
At this time, all the councilors of the Anhui Consultative Bureau came: Governor Zhu, stop arresting the revolutionary party. The upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and our neighboring provinces are already independent. If we are not independent... then we will be completely independent. was isolated.

Zhu Jiabao: ...What do you mean?
Members of the Advisory Council: Lao Zhu, you are such a smart person, what do we mean, do you even need to ask?
Zhu Jiabao gritted his teeth and stared, held back for a long while, and finally choked out a sentence: I, Zhu Jiabao, eat the money of the Qing Dynasty, and the matter of death and Qing Dynasty, the city survives and the people live, and the city dies and the people die, so you have nothing to say!

Members of the Advisory Council: ...Then Lao Zhu, do you still want to arrest the revolutionaries all over the street?
Zhu Jiabao: ...Arresting the Revolutionary Party...This...Let's put it this way, let me just say a word. From today on, I, Zhu Jiabao, have nothing to do with the world. I only practice calligraphy at home. I will not arrest anyone, but no one else will think about it Come and catch me, who the hell dares to catch me, I want him to look good!

Members of the Advisory Council: ...Old Zhu, look at your violent temper...

(16) Make a tough decision
So the Anhui Advisory Bureau held a revolutionary meeting, officially declared Anhui independence, and changed the banner of revolution. There was only one thing that made everyone suffer:
In the province of Anhui, it was impossible to elect a governor.

Why can't it be recommended?Revolutionaries Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai, aren't they all characters?

The problem is that the revolutionary party has always been in a state of underground activities and has been suppressed by the court. The common people have no idea who they are.What's more, since the party member's rebellion was suppressed by Zhu Jiabao, Wu Yanggu fled to Wuchang, and wanted to ask Li Yuanhong to send troops to rescue him. Given the precarious situation in Wuchang, this must be hopeless.Hu Wantai, on the other hand, was superior and temporarily disappeared on the grounds of his mother's illness.Therefore, this revolutionary party, firstly, no one can push it, and secondly, the common people will not buy it.

Just when the councilors of the Advisory Council were sitting in distress because they could not elect the governor of Anhui, at this time a messenger came to Anqing and sent a letter home to Zhu Jiabao.

This family letter was written by Yuan Shikai who lived in seclusion in Zhangde, Henan.The letter pointed out:

...It is advisable to adapt to the current situation and wait for changes. You should not stick to the views of scholars and delay the overall situation...

After receiving this letter, Zhu Jiabao's heart thumped, and he said to himself: baby, baby, you are really smart all your life, and you are confused for a while, after all, you can't compare with Yuan Datou's calmness and stability.Take a look at Anqing now. There are revolutionaries all over the front, back, left, right, top, and bottom. Is it wise for me to argue with everyone?
Why don't I make a revolution too!
So Zhu Jiabao came to the Advisory Council and said to the frowning congressmen: Everyone, everyone, I have made a difficult decision after serious thinking and research.The current international situation is like this. In the southern provinces, those who can revolutionize have been revolutionized, and those who cannot revolution have been revolutionized by others.Such is the morale of the army, so is the morale of the people.All the provinces are independent, do I still dare to go my own way?Now, please the revolutionaries judge me, no matter what crime you judge me, I, Zhu Jiabao, will bear it.

Members of the Council of Representatives were shocked: Lao Zhu, are you serious?

Zhu Jiabao: It's absolutely true!

Member of the Advisory Council: OK, unanimous vote, Lao Zhu, you are now the governor of the revolutionary government of Anhui Province!

So Zhu Jiabao raised his fist and swore: I, Zhu Jiabao, hereby solemnly swear that from now on I will assume the post of the governor of the Anhui Revolutionary Government, and continue to arrest the revolutionaries to kill... No, no, continue to lead the revolutionaries, from one victory to the next. On to another victory.

Zhu Jiabao solemnly swore an oath to serve as the governor of the Anhui Revolutionary Government, which stunned the revolutionaries who had not been killed.Is there a mistake?This Zhu Jiabao was chasing our revolutionary party all over the street with a knife yesterday, but today he has become the leader of the revolutionary government... Why is our revolutionary party in Anhui Province so unlucky?
The Revolutionary Party was furious and asked to elect a party member to be a deputy governor, but was rejected by the Advisory Council.The Advisory Bureau said: In other provinces, there is only one governor, and there is no deputy governor, so let's not specialize.The Revolutionary Party refused to give up, so they forced Zhu Jiabao to hand over the governor's seal, otherwise they would meet with each other.

Zhu Jiabao was obedient, and immediately handed over the governor's seal, and went home to practice calligraphy.The revolutionaries happily rushed into the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, but before their buttocks touched the chairs, hundreds of gentry and villagers had already surrounded the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. home treasure.

The revolutionaries shed tears and handed over the governor's seal.Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai cried, saying: Without an army of revolutionaries, there would be no great seal of revolutionaries... But at this moment, where can we get a revolutionary army?

Suddenly, the eyes of both of them lit up:

Li Liejun!
Borrow a revolutionary army from Li Liejun of Jiujiang to settle Zhu Jiabao!

(17) Dare to make life difficult
The victory of the Anhui revolution was removed by Zhu Jiabao, and the revolutionaries were furious, so Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai rushed to Jiujiang to ask Li Liejun to borrow the army.

Mr. Li Liejun also mentioned this matter in his personal memoirs, but he only mentioned Hu Wantai, a member of the Anhui party, but never mentioned that Wu Yanggu was also here.

Why did Li Liejun avoid Wu Yanggu's name?

Because the army that Li Liejun lent to Wu Yanggu was led by regiment leader Huang Huanzhang with two battalions totaling 2000 people.

What kind of person is this Huang Huanzhang?
Judging what he is like depends on what he has done.

It is said that since Huang Huanzhang received Li Liejun's order, he led the army straight in and ran to Anqing Normal School (now Anqing No. 10000 Middle School). After sleeping, he sent a few soldiers to the Consultative Bureau with guns, took a receipt, and ordered the Consultative Bureau to immediately pay the Jiujiang People's Volunteer Army military expenses of [-] yuan.

The Advisory Bureau was stunned by this unexpected situation, pleading and bargaining, but to no avail. Huang Huanzhang's department turned the Advisory Bureau upside down, found a total of 2500 yuan, and took it all away.

The next day, the Jiujiang People's Volunteers had enough food and sleep, and immediately dispatched to the Governor's Mansion, to the Ordnance Office, to the Fan Office, to the Fan Treasury, to all the shops and residential buildings in the third and fourth archways—in a word, this army Launch an attack on all the buildings in Anqing City, first bombard them with long guns and heavy artillery, then smash into the wall, search for all valuable things, and set fire to large items that cannot be taken away.On that day, the city of Anqing was full of flames, the sound of killing shook the ground, and the voices of the people crying for their father and mother went straight to the sky.

There are different religions: the revolution spreads poison and burns Anqing, and the people leave and call for the governor.The people who escaped from the fire flocked to the Governor's Mansion, crying for Zhu Jiabao's protection and help.However, Zhu Jiabao didn't care about them anymore. The rebels rushed into the Governor's Mansion. Zhu Jiabao made a decisive decision and used a sharp ax to cut open the wall behind the Governor's Mansion. Several foreigners from the Catholic Church rushed towards them. Hello, you have a big fat belly. Followed Zhu Jiabao into the church.Rao Huang Huanzhang was so courageous that he didn't dare to touch a finger of a foreigner, so Zhu Jiabao was considered safe.

When he was about to flee, the wicked Zhu Jiabao left a sentence: This is the army that you revolutionaries recruited by yourself. Inviting bandits from other provinces to rob and kill your fathers and brothers, this is a good thing the revolutionaries did!

Think about it, the elders in Anhui will look at Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai who attracted Huang Huanzhang's army with gentle and loving eyes?
Wish I could eat them raw!

And the remorse in Wu Yanggu's heart at this time also wished he could eat himself.

Before that, he thought that the revolutionary army was definitely different from the non-revolutionary army, so he invited the revolutionary army from Jiujiang.But now, Huang Huanzhang taught him with the bloody reality: the army is the army, the army is a violent machine, and the desire to kill is condensed by the will of a group.This violent machine, this desire to kill, has its own inevitable law—this law is the collision and impact of human nature, which embodies the evil to dark expansion instinct of human nature.

Since violent machines and killing desires reflect the evil of human nature.Then, no matter what high-sounding name you give this evil, it cannot change the essence of evil.On the contrary, labeling a high-sounding name as evil in order to achieve the purpose of deceiving the world is the most evil among evils.

Wu Yanggu cried and said: It's all my fault for being too naive, I shouldn't have led wolves into the house.

He also said, "I'm going to meet Huang Huanzhang and ask him to return all the money and things he robbed from the common people, and then ask him to leave Anqing."

So Wu Yanggu went to look for Huang Huanzhang. When he arrived at the gate of the barracks, someone stopped him and said, "Old Wu, don't be stupid. When have you ever seen a wolf spit out the swallowed meat?"Don't go, Huang Huanzhang will kill you.

Wu Yanggu said with a smile: Impossible, do you know who I am?I am the Tongmenghui, I am the Revolutionary Party, Huang Huanzhang dares to touch me?Also, I have a very good personal relationship with Ma Yubao, the governor of Jiujiang. If Huang Huanzhang hurt me, how would he explain to the governor of Ma?
So Wu Yanggu entered Huang Huanzhang's barracks. As expected, Huang Huanzhang bowed his head, listened to Wu Yanggu's reprimand like his grandson, and promised to return all the looted property.Wu Yanggu was overjoyed, and came back to summon the elders of Anqing to discuss the procedure for receiving the property returned by Huang Huanzhang's army. He admitted his mistake and promised to return the property. Shall we, um, also chip in some money for him as military expenses?
The elders of Anqing promised that Huang Huanzhang's department could keep some of the looted property for military supplies.Wu Yanggu happily returned to Huang Huanzhang's barracks and told Huang Huanzhang the good news.Huang Huanzhang was overjoyed after hearing this, and said: Brother Wu has worked hard, but I have a better suggestion, that is, I keep all my belongings, wouldn't it be better?

Wu Yanggu was shocked: Huang Huanzhang, what do you mean?If you do this, how will you explain it to Governor Ma Yubao?
Huang Huanzhang laughed loudly: Ma Yubao is an egg, do I need to explain to him?
Wu Yanggu's expression changed drastically, knowing that his life was already in danger.But as soon as he entered Huang Huanzhang's barracks and did not return, the elders of Anqing knew that something had happened, so they discussed with each other: Although Huang Huanzhang was called by Wu Yanggu, and he is a revolutionary boy, he is after all our Anhui children. He asked Huang Huanzhang to kill him.So Anqing's father and elders searched the family property, collected money and took it to Huang Huanzhang's barracks, trying to redeem Wu Yanggu.

After Huang Huanzhang accepted the ransom, he smiled brightly and brought his pistol guards to the cell where Wu Yanggu was held.Seeing him coming in with a happy face, Wu Yanggu knew that his life was not long, so he sang a poem:
Come and go for no reason,
I just feel unbearable.

Desperately rewarding dead friends with their heads,
Dare to exhaust the living beings...

Before the poem was finished, Huang Huanzhang clapped his hands and sighed, saying: "Good poem, good poem!"

At the sound of gunfire, Wu Yanggu, a party member, was shot and killed by Huang Huanzhang's guards.

(18) A big game of chess

Wu Yanggu and Hu Wantai, members of the Anhui party, went to Jiujiang to ask for revolutionary reinforcements. Li Liejun sent Huang Huanzhang, the head of the regiment, to lead 2000 people there.So Li Liejun refused to mention Wu Yanggu's name in his memoirs.

However, Li Liejun mentioned Hu Wantai repeatedly. What is the reason here?

It is said that since Huang Huanzhang killed the party member Wu Yanggu, he has become more reckless. The behavior of his subordinates in Anqing City has changed from simple murder and robbery to rape, burning and killing, and the situation has become more and more serious.

Anhui party members sent distress letters flying around like snowflakes. Some people complained to Li Yuanhong in Wuchang, and some complained to Ma Yubao in Jiujiang.So Li Liejun said: The people of Anhui are suffering. Although I am from Jiangxi, how can I remain indifferent to the suffering of the people of Anhui?I want to raise my teacher to Anhui, liberate the people from the upside down, and save the people from the fire and water.

So the three armies swore an oath, and Li Liejun, commander-in-chief of the navy and army, led the Chinese army and led a battalion of infantry.Huang Zhongying, the commander-in-chief of the Navy and the commander of the first team, set off on the flagship of the Haichou.Tang Xiangming, the younger brother of Tang Hualong, chairman of the Hubei Consultative Council, was the commander of the second team and set off on the Hairong.The two fleets are mighty and mighty, rushing to Anqing.When they arrived at the place, the elders of Anqing held a grand welcome reception and promoted Li Liejun as the governor of Anhui, and Li Liejun readily accepted it.

Then Li Liejun called Huang Huanzhang over, and severely criticized: How can you do this, um, steal people's property, um, prostitute wives and daughters, um, how can you do this?Well, no more nonsense in the future.

Huang Huanzhang said: Yes, yes, I was wrong, and I promise not to do this in the future.

Li Liejun nodded in relief: If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it...I will lock you up for a few days first, and reflect on yourself.

Huang Huanzhang's massacre of Wu Yanggu, a party member, was handled properly.

But Anhui people are not blind. Li Liejun's treatment is obviously protecting Huang Huanzhang. How can he be convinced?So he continued to complain to Li Yuanhong in Wuchang, asking Li Yuanhong to take care of Li Liejun.Li Yuanhong kept sending reports to Li Liejun, and actually sent five telegrams in one day, telling Li Liejun that Wuchang was in danger, that Feng Guozhang had already occupied Hankou, and you, Li Liejun, had so many people, but you didn't say you were going to Wuchang to help fight the war, just go to Wuchang to help fight the war. Anhui is in constant trouble.Don't even think about it, once Feng Guozhang captures Wuchang, will you have another chance to mess around?
In a word, let Li Liejun not be the governor of Anhui, why bother!

Speaking of this, I have to interject a sentence. Let me talk about Li Yuanhong, the governor of the government of the Republic of China. There is an endless stream in history books. Some say that the revolutionary leader Huang Xing is determined to command in Hankou, and some say that the front-line students died on the front line. , Some people say that the death squads of the Communists are rushing to the front line to shed blood - almost no one has mentioned the big fat Li Yuanhong. When everyone is fighting Feng Guozhang's Beiyang Army, what is the big fat Li doing?

The answer is - Fatty Li is busy sending telegrams to all provinces across the country, that is, to persuade them to quickly raise their flags for independence, and to mediate the conflicts and disputes between the provinces.Here, five telegrams were sent to Li Liejun alone.That is to say, Fatty Li is playing a big game of chess, making the provinces independent and Man Qing to death, so that Wuchang can be kept safe.

At this time, Hu Wantai, an Anhui party member, invited Li Liejun out of the city to talk.

Li Liejun said in his own words:

(End of this chapter)

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