The Republic is so violent

Chapter 79 The First Own Dragon Battle

Chapter 79 The First Own Dragon Battle (2)
All of a sudden, there was chaos in the prison, and the jailer howled like crazy in fright. Fearing that the prisoner would be burned to death, all the criminals rushed out, grabbing sticks in their hands, and beat the jailer who released them half to death, and then let out a roar. : Go, kill!Break out.

Su Liangbin and Cui Ying met outside the prison gate, shouting: Xu Shaozhen is rebellious, revolutionized, murdered, eat whatever is delicious, sleep whatever is beautiful, sleep for nothing...all the prisoners shouted and charged When entering a shop along the street, he beat the fat boss to death, and put money into his pocket desperately when he saw money.In the city of Nanjing, everything from the houses in Rucang Lane, to the pawn shop in Huapailou, to the shops in Beimen Bridge were all looted.

It is said that the people in the city of Nanjing were originally extremely intelligent and wise, and their news was not closed at all. They had known the news of the Wuchang Uprising for a long time, and expected that this day would come sooner or later, so every household prepared a white cloth privately and wrote a big letter "Chinese character.At this time, when I heard the commotion from all sides, I hastily hung the white cloth in front of the door, and while fighting with the robbing prisoners, I also shouted: revolution, murder, someone robbed my house, Don't grab it...

At this time, the nearby yamen servants rushed to hear the sound, and they beat Su Liangbin with blood all over his face, and Cui Ying was seriously injured. Most of the escaped prisoners were arrested and the law and order in the city returned to normal soon.

When Zhang Xun and his Jiang Fang Army arrived, Su Liangbin and Cui Ying had already been dragged away and had their heads chopped off, and the common people quietly took back the white cloth with the big man on it. A harmonious scene.

Zhang Xun looked at it and said with relief: The people of Nanjing are emotionally stable.A very small number of people with ulterior motives, such as Xu Shaozhen, disregard the wishes of the broad masses of the people and want to destroy the hard-won stability and unity.

(4) The Holy One taught me how to shoot
For no reason, two monsters, Su Liangbin and Cui Ying, appeared to disrupt the situation, making Xu Shaozhen from Ninth Town speechless.

Xu Shaozhen cried, and he said: My loyalty to the Holy Majesty can only be shown by God, do you want to cut my heart out for you to see, or not?

The revolutionaries in the Ninth Town took the opportunity to come over and said flickeringly: "Xu Tongzhi, you see we are so loyal to the imperial court, but why does Zhang Renjun treat us like this?"This is really a rebellion against the government forcing us to serve as soldiers. We soldiers have no choice but to rebel.

Xu Shaozhen cried: Come on, who am I, Xu Shaozhen, how could I rebel?Thinking of me, Xu Shaozhen, I have been farming and studying since I was a child, and I have read the books of sages and sages. The sage didn't think I was shallow, so he awarded me the post of alternate Taoist priest in Jiangsu, and sent me to the antiaircraft artillery department of the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy at public expense to learn how to shoot cannons.Your Majesty's kindness to me is as great as a mountain, how can I rebel?

The party members foolishly said: But Xu Tongzhi, if you don't rebel now, when Zhang Renjun sends someone to arrest you, it will be too late even if you want to.We don't even have bullets, so even if we want to protect you, we can't do it.

Xu Shaozhen said: Talking nonsense, as long as I don't rebel, why should Zhang Renjun arrest me?Why!Come, bring pen and ink, I want to write a letter to Zhang Renjun to express my feelings.

The pen and ink were brought, and Xu Shaozhen wrote a letter, bitterly writing songs and songs, crying blood and tears, explaining for himself.Then he handed the letter to Zheng Weicheng, the ordnance officer, and said: "Old Zheng, my wealth and life are all in your hands. No matter what, you have to hand over the letter to Zhang Renjun yourself. Listen clearly." No?
Zheng Wei established Zheng: Xu Tongzhi is at ease, he is trustworthy, and guarantees to complete the task.

So Zheng Weicheng set off with the letter in his arms, and when he arrived in Nanjing, he ran into Fan Zengxiang by coincidence.Lao Fan asked him: Xiao Zheng, isn't your Ninth Town stationed at Moling Pass?How will you be here?

Zheng Weicheng said: I came to the city this time to send a letter to Mr. Zhang Renjun on behalf of Xu Tongzhi, expressing my heart...

Fan Zengxiang asked: Xiao Zheng, do you have parents?Do you have a wife and children?
Zheng Weicheng: ...Yes, why do you ask this question?

Fan Zengxiang said: "Xiao Zheng, if your parents, your mother and children were dragged to the execution ground and cut to pieces by the executioner, do you feel distressed?"

Zheng Weicheng: Of course I feel distressed... But why, it's so good, why should we kill our whole family?
Fan Zengxiang stared, and roared, "Since your heart hurts, why are you still here?"Why don't you hurry up and leave here with your parents, wife and children?

Zheng Weicheng was stunned: ...Could it be that the imperial court really wants to control Xu...

Fan Zengxiang: I can only say so much about the rewards of eating the emperor and being loyal to the emperor.

Zheng Weicheng was terrified and did not dare to delay a little. He immediately fled to Zhenjiang with his family and devoted himself to the revolution in Zhenjiang.The letter of confession entrusted to him by Xu Shaozhen was not delivered in the end.

As soon as Zheng Weicheng went, it was like a mud cow falling into the sea, which made Xu Shaozhen startled: What's going on?What the hell is going on here?Is Zhang Renjun really going to attack me?Why, my loyalty to the Holy One can only be shown by God, do you want to cut my heart out for you to see, do you want to!According to the order, all the generals came to the big tent to hold an important military meeting.

All the generals came, and Xu Shaozhen started crying: "Everyone, everyone, you all know me, Xu Shaozhen. I am so loyal to the Holy One, God can show it. Do you want to cut my heart out for you to see?" Do you want it?The evil Zhang Renjun, but he doesn't get in, and he doesn't touch the water. He made up his mind to embarrass our Ninth Town. Do you think we recruited him or provoked him? Why did he do it for no reason? How about bullying us, huh?Ladies and gentlemen, for the current plan, Zhang Renjun will know what is good or bad only if I really cut my heart out, so now, I issue an order: the three armies set off immediately, attack Yuhuatai by force, and take down Nanjing City. A piece of utter loyalty, only God can show it.

When Xu Shaozhen issued such an order, everyone was stunned.The revolutionaries were the first to react: Xu Tongzhi, this, this, this, this, this is not right?

Xu Shaozhen: What's wrong?Don't you believe that my sincerity to the Holy One can only be shown by God?
Revolutionary Party member: ...not talking about this, I mean our ninth town, the soldiers don't have a single bullet now, what are they going to use to attack Nanjing City?
Xu Shaozhen said: "You don't need to worry about the bullets. You must know that my sincerity to the Holy One can only be shown by God."So, I hid some ammunition myself, which should be enough...

cut!It turns out that this old man still has a backhand, which is really a sign of God.

(5) The legendary white flag

Xu Shaozhen took out the bullets in his collection and gave them to his brothers, and the barracks immediately exploded.

There are too few bullets to be used. Only the No. 30 four-marked infantry received less than three bullets each, and the rest of the soldiers did not receive a single bullet.At that time, everyone was a little apprehensive, so they begged: Xu Tongzhi, we all eat the emperor's military rations, and we are utterly loyal to the emperor, only God can show it, or let's stop attacking Nanjing, okay?
At this time Xu Shaozhen said a word: Brothers, don't worry, don't be afraid.Let me tell you the truth, I have secretly sent someone to contact the Zhang Xun Jiang Defense Army guarding Nanjing City, and they will welcome us into the city, and there will be no fighting.

Everyone was overjoyed and said: "Only God can show our sincerity to the Holy One. Go to Nanjing and liberate the whole of China."Therefore, with less than three bullets per person in the 34 bids as the forerunner, with great fanfare, the No. 30 three bids, the workers' battalion carried the shovels for digging pits, and the horse artillery team dragged cannons without shells, singing cheerful songs, and headed towards Yuhuatai Kill in mighty force.The 34 standard with bullets on the way fell behind for some reason, and the [-]st Battalion of the Artillery Brigade carried the small carbine with no bullets, and became the vanguard aggressively.

The artillery battalion without bullets dared to attack the striker because of the constant news along the way.Suddenly it was reported that Nanjing Jubao Gate had opened, and countless beautiful girls were holding flowers and fruit baskets, waiting for the arrival of the soldiers.Suddenly it was reported that Yuhuatai had erected a white flag and was about to disarm the Ninth Town.The stimulation of such good news made everyone strive to be the vanguard.

By the time they arrived at Yuhuatai at 4:[-] p.m., the infantry who ran on two feet had been left behind, and the cavalry rushed to the forefront.Seen from a distance, Yuhuatai is heavily guarded, full of murderous aura, but the legendary white flag is missing.

The cavalry was very angry: Is it a shame to surrender to our Ninth Town?As for hiding the white flag?Let them hang all the white flags!

Then he fired several shots into the sky.

As soon as the empty guns fired from here, there was a loud cry from Yuhuatai, countless guns were fired at once, and the bullets flew over like raindrops.Unexpectedly, the cavalry was beaten so panicked that they jumped off their horses, howling and crying, and crawled into the mud pit to hide.It's too outrageous, it's really outrageous, hiding the white flag and not hanging it, and hitting us with bullets. What about the No. 30 four flags with bullets?Come quickly.

At 4:50 p.m., the No.30 Four Standards with bullets finally arrived at a run, the cavalry retreated to the rear, and other empty gun troops without bullets arrived one after another, all stationed behind the Huashen Temple.

Then everyone held a meeting and quarreled to study what happened to Yuhuatai. Where is their white flag?Why not hang out?The door of Jubao in Nanjing is wide open, and the beautiful girl welcomes everyone with flowers. Is this true or false?
If you want to find out whether it is true or false, you can only make a conclusion by charging to Yuhuatai for a few rounds.

Come on, the No.30 four-marked brothers are moving forward. There are too few bullets. No one dares to stand up. They all lie on the ground and wriggle like snakes.I don't know where so many bullets came from Yuhuatai, and they poured over. The No.30 four-marked brothers fought back cautiously while crawling and attacking.

The attack time started at 7:12 pm and crawled until 5:1000 midnight. A total of 200 hours of crawling, [-] meters forward, and an average of [-] meters per hour.

At this time, the three bullets of brother 34biao had all been fired, and he couldn't move any further, so he lay down in the mud pit waiting for instructions.

At this time, Zhu Luxian, the former enemy commander, displayed the fearless revolutionary spirit of advancing and never retreating. He stood up, held a saber in his hand, pointed at Yuhuatai with his halberd, and shouted loudly: Brothers, the guards at Yuhuatai are out of bullets, go!

Go, the 34 standard brothers jumped up and rushed forward desperately, and then heard the sound of laughter coming from Yuhuatai: Did you make a mistake?I have some bullets here.Hearing the sound of gunshots, the bullets rained wildly, and the brothers in the 34 mark were beaten like shrimps on a hot pot, jumping around on the ground crackling.

Seeing this situation, Commander Zhu Lutong waved his sword again: Brothers, let's charge again, this time they are really out of bullets!

Wow!The brothers charged again, and the bullets fired by Yuhuatai became more concentrated. The poor revolutionary army was shot and killed all over the mountains and valleys, with corpses strewn all over the field.

Zhu Lvtong commanded the long sword for the third time: Brothers, another round, this time the enemy may really be out of bullets.

Wow, the brothers who hadn't died jumped up and fled back desperately.

Stop fighting, this battle really can't go on.

After many years, I participated in the gathering of the heroes of the uprising who attacked Yuhuatai. When I recalled this battle, I couldn't help feeling emotional and passionate, and said: Although we were beaten so badly by others in that battle, we were so fearless. The spirit of sacrifice has left a glorious page in the history of Chinese military warfare.But then again, bastards want the glory, we just want to win.It's just Xu Shaozhen's big mouth that lied to us that many beautiful girls are welcoming us at Jubao Gate in Nanjing. We are young, and our minds are full of beautiful girls. We believed it when we heard it, and it turned out to be a tragedy.

(6) Six armies gathered to attack Nanjing
It is said that Xu Shaozhen's military talents are outstanding, and the imperial court trusts and reuses him. In addition to stationing in Nanjing, the New Army of the Ninth Town also has No. 30 Five Standards stationed in Zhenjiang, and No. 30 Six Standards stationed in Jiangyin.After the defeat in the battle against Yuhuatai, his defeated troops rushed towards Zhenjiang in a mighty way.

Running at the forefront is Xu Shaozhen, the commander of the Ninth Town.

When Xu Shaozhen ran to Zhenjiang, he was shocked to find that he was still a step behind: the two commanders of No. 30 No. 30 and No. [-] No. [-] were still running wildly far ahead, and had fled into the Shanghai Concession.These two guys are also weird, as for escaping so far?

All the leaders have fled, and now the No. 30 No. 30 leader, Lin Shuzhi, has the highest official position in the two bids.Lao Lin has a good heart, and couldn't bear to see his brothers living in panic, so he brought the No.30 No. [-] standard stationed in Jiangyin to Zhenjiang, and joined No. [-] No. [-] standard. After Xu Shaozhen arrived in Zhenjiang, he came excitedly When I arrived at Lin Shuzhi's camp, I saw the guard post at the gate of the barracks, and waved kindly: "Hello, brothers, you have worked hard."

The sentinel stared and asked, "Who are you, what are you doing?"
Xu Shaozhen: ...I am Xu Shaozhen who is in charge.

Sentinel: I don't know, who would recognize a pickle who cheats his brothers and takes their lives as a joke.

Xu Shaozhen blushed: You... I have no choice but to have something happen, let me in quickly, I have something to do with Xiao Lin.

Sentinels: The forest guards have orders, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

No... Xu Shaozhen was dumbfounded.

Xu Shaozhen's troops were thus taken away by the angry Xiao Linzi.But this can't be blamed on Lin Shuzhi for taking his troops. Xu Shaozhen, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, speaks insanely, lies and farts, lacks enough integrity, lies about Zhang Xun's Jiangfang Army to respond inside, and even fools the troops with beautiful girls. It led to the Battle of Yuhuatai, where soldiers and generals were lost, and there were many casualties, which made the soldiers of the Ninth Town feel unspeakably chilled.

Depressed Xu Shaozhen stayed at the Wanquanlou Hotel, staring at the wall in a daze.Several of his cronies, Tao Bingnan, Chen Zhongfu, and Mao Chuntai were saddened to see him, so they ganged up to find Lin Shuzhi, and they tried to trick Lin Shuzhi into handing over the command by lying to him.

But Lin Shuzhi is not stupid, this time he finally has the military power in his hands, how can there be a reason to give up?So he was unmoved.

Just as Xu Shaozhen was sitting in the sad city, thinking of nothing, outside the city of Zhenjiang, smoke and dust suddenly rose, mighty and mighty, but he saw the army of the Sixth Route, carrying guns and dragging cannons, with high banners, mighty and majestic, full of murderous aura, and within an instant, he The little Zhenjiang was besieged like an iron barrel.

Who is coming?

There are different teachings: the six armies gathered to attack Nanjing, and Beiyang Zhang Xun made extraordinary achievements.Revolutionaries will go crazy when encountering beauties and little boys.The six-way army came to Zhenjiang, launching a peerless hero in modern Chinese history:

Jiang Zhiqing.

Which one is he?
(End of this chapter)

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